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3198543 No.3198543 [Reply] [Original]

God is not like a human being; it is not important for God to have visible evidence so that he can see if his cause has been victorious or not; he sees in secret just as well. Moreover, it is so far from being the case that you should help God to learn anew that it is rather he who will help you to learn anew, so that you are weaned from the worldly point of view that insists on visible evidence. (...) A decision in the external sphere is what Christianity does not want; (...) rather it wants to test the individual’s faith."

what is this guy on about?

>> No.3198545

LOL who said that TOM cRUISE? LOL

>> No.3198568

If you could prove God it would defeat the purpose

Keikdogs was whack yo.

>> No.3198598

He's saying that God is testing your faith by hiding himself behind rose bushes and never ever being seen, not once, by the human eye. If God made Himself seen, then there would be no reason to have faith. And, more than proving His existence so that humanity will believe in him, He in His divine glory will hide himself forever and send you to hell because you don't believe in Him. In other words, would anybody go to hell is God came down from heaven and showed himself? No, because everyone would believe in Him. Then what's love got to do with it? What's love but a second-hand emotion?

>> No.3198635

If Kierkegaard did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him.

>> No.3198657

Lol this might be offtopic, but >>3198598 reminded me of a story that happened to me a while ago, sry kinda r9k but bear with me

>Be 21
>Girlfriend’s 19
>Been dating for months now
>This guy named Joe comes out of fucking nowhere into my life
>He’s my new coworker at my company
>Find out he has no money, no place of residence.
>Moved here for the job and can no longer afford his hotel
>Decide to open up to him
>Keep him in my apartment for weeks
>Bro is pretty cool
>We play the vidya, drinks beers, watch football
>This continues for months
>Afterwards, find out girlfriend is pregnant
>By all tradition, I have to marry her now.
>One night, eating out at dinner with wife
>Joe stayed late at the office for some overtime
>I pop the question to my wife
>She admits she was raped by Joe and the baby isn’t mine
>She isn’t ready to make a commitment after being violated
>Go home in a fucking rage.
>Throw out all Joe’s shit
>Gonna fucking kill Joe when he gets home.
>Joe gets home about 1 a.m.
>As soon as he opens the door, I fucking punch him in his bastard face
>Eye swells up like a boll of cotton
>He swings at me
>Dodge and sweep his leg
>He falls down
>In a giant fucking rage now
>Go to my room, grab my handgun out of my drawer
>Go back to confront Joe
>Joe jumps in his car and fucking hightails it out of there
>I haven’t seen or heard from him since
>On the phone a month later with my brother
>He finally asks why I’ve been so depressed
>I tell him that if it hadn’t been for cotton-eye Joe
>I’d been married a long time ago
>Where did you come from, where did you go—
>Where did you come from, Cotton-Eye Joe?

>> No.3198676

What I really wanted to ask is where do I start with him? Either/Or ?

>> No.3198696


go on

>> No.3198698



>> No.3198706

hahaha fk...

>> No.3198715


you motherfucker

>> No.3198782

Oh, man, why?