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/lit/ - Literature

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3198449 No.3198449 [Reply] [Original]

What should I do with my life /lit/? I don't want to kill myself but there's nothing that really stirs me to live, anything I strive to do or feel strongly about pursuing. The prozac must be working.

I'm 24 and I live with my parents in suburbia and I don't have any friends or people that I talk to regularly. I let my relationships rot, don't return gestures, etc. I've had friends but never really any super-close friends or relationships. I haven't had sex in over 2 years. I haven't left my house in a week. Everytime I want to go somewhere, I have to jumpstart my car because it went unused for so long. I bathed yesterday.

I let my parents feed me, and pay for my rent. I let my mother clean the house and my room. I try to avoid letting her in because it bugs me. I love my parents, more or less, but the feeling of dependence disgusts and infuriates me at the same time. It's much easier to do nothing.

I'm a programmer/marketer and I've made a decent amount of money in the past. Enough to travel around Europe when I was younger. Now I'm relatively broke. I have 5k sitting in the bank and a little cash. I can take on freelance programming jobs to get income for.. what? There's nothing. Why am I motivated? What's there to do.. And so I rot.

>> No.3198452


Smoke weed, read and create

>> No.3198471 [DELETED] 

It's hard to be happy and accomplished when you go out of your way to avoid all the things that will help you to become happy and accomplished.

>> No.3198509


>> No.3198519

>haven't had sex in 2 years
>mommy pays for me to sit around all day doing nothing

Stop bitching about white people problems.

>> No.3198532


>not a virgin
>5k richer than i am
>same age as me

you are practically a normalfag in comparison who cares

>> No.3198538

I sincerely hope you die a painful death, and your last thought is "I wish I had killed myself".

>> No.3198548

If you think about it, if everyone that is depressed or down-and-out for any significant length of time killed themselves, the world would be a much better place. We'd get rid of all the social waste in the west, Africa would practically become a new Eden, Asia would only be slightly behind it ... Sounds good. Let's get on that.
I think I'll begin writing the manifesto: WYSKY; or, Why You Should Kill Yourself.

>> No.3198557

ah, so true, monsieur. black people are too busy singing and laughing for these problems. noble savages, monsieur. so happy, so gay, so unpretentious.

>> No.3198565


>so happy, so gay

so redundant

>> No.3198571
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>abbreviating manifesto titles

Kill yourself.

>> No.3198574

and so superfluous, monsieur.

>> No.3198579


It's called "tautology" now.

>> No.3198588

is it, monsieur? in my day, a tautology, back then, was a logical matter, and a redundancy, was a stylistic matter; the former was praised by nietzsche and the latter was adopted by cicero, in his so-called 'asiatic' period. ah, so much learning i have.

>> No.3198592

Why do you only think about yourself? Think about other people for once. Forget the past and move on with the present. Depressed people are so self-absorbed and spend all day thinking about how much their life sucks. Fucking do something with your life and stop whining about it. My life is complete shit yet I'm still relatively happy. Ignore negative thoughts and focus on the positives. A life of suffering is not worth living. Is this how you want to die? Miserable and lonely? Or are you going to at least try to do something? Figure it out, kiddo.

>> No.3198594

>Why do you only think about yourself? Think about other people for once.

Worst advice I've ever heard.

Selfishness is the greatest virtue a man can possess.

>> No.3198601

ah, this advice is unnecessary, monsieur. you need only write "kiddo", and we understand you perfectly.

>> No.3198621


>My life is complete shit yet I'm still relatively happy.
>A life of suffering is not worth living.
>Is this how you want to die? Miserable and lonely?

this whole thing reads like you trying to convince yourself of all this

>> No.3198622

Selfish people are the biggest parasites out there, whats so great about it?

This pretty much. You cant be complete retarded as a programmer and you have some cash, a place to live, some people caring about you, no really worries, etc etc etc You have so many possibilities. Find a hobby, a bitch or just try to think about somebody else like the other anon said.

>> No.3198636


What's not great about it? You get to fuck others over all day long and better yourself in the process without any lingering feelings of guilt or self-loathing.

Truly, selfish people are the superior human being.

>> No.3198639

I admit I was projecting.

>> No.3198643

what is so unselfish about guilt or self-loathing? they are the greatest pleasures of selfishness, monsieur, the very greatest.

>> No.3198661

Been there, done that. Feels empty. Although I cant say the opposite of being helpful and caring is any better. Overall, antisocial behavior is everything but not superior for a human, since we re social creatures, needing others, want it or not. Everyone being complete selfish would be the collapse of the society.

Why would a selfish person feel guilt?

>> No.3198666

ah, why, monsieur? why, indeed? what is guilt?

>> No.3198667


>Why would a selfish person feel guilt?

Selfish people aren't all sociopaths void of a moral compass. We've all been selfish in the past, and most of us feel guilt in hindsight over our behavior (or lack thereof).

>> No.3198673

Well, I ment totally selfish ones, not people who had their moments of selfishness, which is nothing special.

Somebody taking selfishness as a virtue is bond to end on the sociophatic path Id say.

>> No.3198677

ah, you meant, monsieur, you meant something else, didn't you? you were not, is it possible, --- you were not wrong? ah, banish the thought! the idea in your head of what this word means, this semantical idea, it rests on firm ground, doubtless, etymological and linguistical, and perhaps even years of moral repugnance, which in the case of a mere mortal would so cloud the issue?

>> No.3198680

I would almost like your writing style if it wasnt limited to questions only.

>> No.3198684

imagine it, monsieur! imagine what it feels like to disappoint you!

>> No.3198690

You're a lot like me.

What he's trying to say is that there is nothing to do. He's figured it out in his own way, and sees no point. Either he's trolling or just trying to find someone to spar with, someone who can match his intelligence, and possibly dig him out of his depression.

He has 5k in the bank. If he wanted to have sex he could fuck anyone he wanted to.

>> No.3198711

Speaking of intelligence while the guy cant figuire out what to do with his life?

>> No.3198723
File: 18 KB, 300x300, whoshotya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you interpret that a lack of intelligence is necessary for confusion on the part of purposeful existence?

>> No.3198732

there is nothing to do more or less justified than anything else, you have to continue finding new things, adventures that are worth having to sustain your self. otherwise you could live in some sort of abysmal emptiness like i'm doing now, which will probably last for a short (comparatively) period of time until you decide to find a new vigor or it dawns on you, or you can eat, sleep, drink, piss like some Cro-magnian.

>> No.3198737

There are a lot people who figuired out that existence is meaningless (I doubt any intelligent person can keep fooling themselves about it), now the difference is that some still kept going and at least try to have good time and help others while OP is angsting on an imageboard.
Sure he got enough intelligence for programming but cant deal with something as simple as first world life?

>> No.3198759

It's not simple, it's not at all simple. But you're right, he should at least try to find something he enjoys enough to have no purpose.

>> No.3198766

is this a /lit/ thing? Are you trying to look sophisticated? This board is weird. Who would WANT to speak only a single french word?

>> No.3198769

Unfortunately, señor, it appears to be one individual monsieuring.

>> No.3198771

I hate this board already, mein Herr
Auf Wiedersee ya.

>> No.3198781

Well, compared to some african or asian shithole, where he wouldnt have enough time to worry about this shit, I´d say its pretty fucking simple.

>> No.3198925

So sick of these posts on /lit/.

>> No.3199729

Who said first world life is simple? Just because I don't have to kill a boar and fight off a rapist every time I leave the house doesn't mean life isn't hard.

In fact, having a constant threat of death/AIDS/Africa hanging would make the search for meaning.. meaningless. The meaning is not getting killed by the tiger.

But there's no tigers here. And I have enough money to eat. And somewhere to sleep.

>> No.3199767

OP did you go to uni

>> No.3199771

they wouldn't have a constant threat of aids if they weren't so wildly promiscuous and dumb.
it would be delusional to ask a 60 IQ negro to search for "meaning".

>> No.3199783

I've gone to 3 different community colleges, spread across California over the last 5 years.

I have all the general eds done, more or less. I have no desire to go to a real university though and spend all the time/money to learn more about the classics/history. (The subjects I would major in)

>> No.3199785

I didn't particularly care for Stoner. When the titular character's wife became bitter and basically stole away the daughter I lost all of my sympathy for him; he was so non-confrontational that it ceased to be a relatable character trait and just made me annoyed. The book sets out to tell the story of an ordinary life, great, but even ordinary people have some positive or admirable characteristics. Stoner seemed to me like a book about a person who was unimpressive in absolutely every regard, like a cardboard person. Ordinary need not mean boring or talentless. I also wasn't particularly impressed by the prose.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that Stoner is a very appropriate image in my mind for OP, though it probably wouldn't be otherwise considering Stoner's "keep working and don't give up" characteristic.

>> No.3199797

well uh here's my views on life

first of all there is no universal meaning or w/e. second it's a huge burden being born, and i would have preferred to have not been. since i was born though, i desire to live, so i'm not gonna kill myself. in the time between now and dying i'm going to be a hedonistic asshole and focus my efforts on experiencing as much immediate, short-term, and long-term pleasure as possible. this is basically what MOST people really want (myself included) and i'm just going for it directly. then i'll die, and i won't care that i'll be dead once it happens, so it's not something to worry about.

life only really requires a meaning or purpose when it's suffering to keep going on w/ it, otherwise you'd just enjoy doing it. avoid suffering and die and all is well or kill yourself and all is well but only if you want to.

>> No.3199806

Aww, must be so hard for you not having a meaning while a niggers has to look for food and shitty water for half of the day and sleep with other stinking niggers, who would like to stick their giantic dicks in his butt.
Their problems sound like a joke compared to a first world guy not having a meaning because he lives with his parents.

Nothing stops you from moving out (extra points for a place, far, far away from home) and having the same problems on a mundane level without a risk. Or even moving to Africa and adding some action to your life.

>> No.3199810

depression is just as valid a form of suffering as anything else bruh

>> No.3199824

valid in the eyes of those who diagnose and those who are 'inflicted', but not valid to me or other men.

>> No.3199828

Meh, if its a real illnes maybe. OP seems just to suffer from the first world life and something like a selfmade depression. Kinda like a guy breaking his leg from boredom, feeling bad/sorry about it is hard. Sorry.

>> No.3199840

it's still valid if something is making him sad
comfort and safety =/ happiness

>> No.3199843

You sound like you're someone who can't apply themselves. Your parents shouldn't be enabling your dependence.

You, like many in peaking societies, are dependent on the success of others instead of yourself. Read Benjamin Franklins Autobiography or something that will elevate individualism within you.

You are posting for book recommendations, right?

>> No.3199855

Well, then kids bitching about getting black instead of white iphone got a valid reason not to be happy to. Now why should somebody else care about people having such self made problems?

>comfort and safety =/ happiness
He still has a perfect start and countless options to reach it, while some people are stuck with much fewer chances and probably wont live enough to experience much happiness in the first place.

>> No.3199856

Don't worry about it OP. I'm 35, unemployed and still living with Mother. I haven't left the house in a few years now. Mother's actually not far from dying, and when she does the whole house will be mine. So just hang in there buddy, good things come to those who wait.

>> No.3199862


You're the one who raised the question of "validity" in suffering. Because something being "valid" is an abstract social construct and not quantifiable, people are able to decide on a personal level whether it's valid or not. Other people obviously don't accept OP's situation as valid suffering. The fact that you do has no effect on that.

>> No.3199868


>> No.3199929

depression =/= spoiled kid complaining about trivial shit
you don't have to be a beggar or a starving african to suffer.
humans are bound to suffer, no matter who they are.

>> No.3199937

Yet his reasons for his depression arent any better than from a spoiled kid. Having so many ways open and doing nothing is quiet pathetic, and that from somebody who is lazy as fuck himself and experienced similar shit as the OP.

>> No.3199959

heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey, there's a reason we have multiple boards on 4chan


>> No.3200002

Don't masturbate for a while. When a case of big blue balls starts to be a bigger problem then whatever your current problem is, try to get laid. Still, no masturbation allowed. Also no hookers.
You'll find yourself having trouble getting bitches naked. Spend that 5k on some nice clothes, go to places where you can meet bitches. Come to understanding that those clothes didn't help. See that it is "energy" of a success that makes dem pussies wet. Start doing your shit, and do it good. No need to be best, just enough to think you are the best but you don't want to be a tryhard. Become narcissistic, get attention, bring them home, know they want you.
Not sure what then, because I'm stuck at this level. I kinda don't care for them, I only like myself. I think at this point they get cold towards me since they can't feel even the lightest spark coming of me. I can't fake it beyond this point...

>> No.3200098

>>Implies he has the answer
>>Answer boils down to "Don't masturbate"
>>Admits he's fucking stuck in life himself.

Pathetic man child. When is narcissism ever the answer for lasting meaning? To be truly great and have a satisfying life you have to have some care beyond yourself

>> No.3200132

Don't let self loathing cripple you and make your days a waste. Let it become a cause for revolution of self. You don't have to be dependent or miserable. Its a choice. Choose to be someone you can respect.

>> No.3200269


>Become narcissistic

I would expect answers this ignorant from dullards on other boards but not here.


>> No.3200271

>expecting something from 4chan

>> No.3200506
File: 6 KB, 200x300, 5E15K45J33Eb3n93I6ca508f1fb7c12da1159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks OP. You made me feel better about myself.

>> No.3200511

best advice out there
>Joe Rogan
yeah yeah but this video's great

>> No.3200623

Kill yourself

>> No.3200650

Try The Conspiracy Against The Human Race. It's a non-fiction railing in favour of pessimism, and exploring all the implications of nothingness, and really trying to show you the magnitude of things that are hopeless. In my opinion, hope is usually a dangerous quality, and, if it can be crushed by only a conversation or a reading, then it should be. I'm liking this book.

>> No.3200654

>if you are not living in the jungle and avoiding rapists daily, your life is not hard.
>depression isn't a real thing

Wow /lit/, thanks for reminding me why I don't come here unless I need a new book to read. I seriously hope you guys know that depression is caused by the physical absence of serotonin in your brain, right? You do know that telling OP to just be happy is completely unhelpful, right?

>> No.3200658

get behind me satanic trips

>> No.3200708

The rest of /lit/ is as psychologically burdened as yourself, and has no means of helping you. Sorry about that.

>> No.3200720

I'm in the same situation OP, except I'm going to kill myself.

>> No.3200729

I work for an internet, hard drives, figures, and most importantly: my waifu.

>> No.3200780

There's no Disney orgasm if that's what you're looking for. Santa Claus ain't real. Read some Hem, read some Miller, read some Hamsun, read some Celine, read some Dostoevsky, read some fucking Ecclesiates. Don't be a softy. Be a man. Look at the abyss and say, "fuck yeah."

>> No.3200803

>my waifu
Fuck you and your happiness.