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/lit/ - Literature

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3198254 No.3198254 [Reply] [Original]

What's some good children's literature?

>> No.3198295

Animorphs contains every theme under the sun.

Sure, there are some shitty ghost-written books in there, but god damn every kid should read Animorphs, especially in these days of constant warfare in the mideast.

>> No.3198299
File: 54 KB, 315x475, TheNeverendingStory1997Edition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Michael Ende's Momo without a doubt. Also the Never ending story.

>> No.3198308

Deltora Quest.

>> No.3198324
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With children/young adults as main characters.
To Kill A Mocking Bird
The Sound and the Fury
The Summer Book / Sculptors Daughter
Lord of the Flies
Dandelion Wine / Something Wicked This Way Comes / The Illustrated Man
The Famished Road
Nine Stories(Salinger)
All the Pretty Horses

Childrens literature
As your picture shows, Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass
Peter Pan
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Harry Potter( I personally feel it's only amazing when you're a child)
Anything by Kenji Miyazawa / Night of the Milky Way Railway
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Huck Finn too but I much rather Tom Sawyer
Tove Jansson's Moomin series
The Little Prince
the Hobbitt

>> No.3198332

The Phantom Tollbooth

it's the best

>> No.3198358

I second this recommendation.

>> No.3198363

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland is god tier.

>> No.3198365
File: 37 KB, 185x299, Wind_in_the_willows.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Wind in the Willows - Kenneth Grahame
Winnie the Pooh - Winnie the Pooh
The Jungle Book - Rudyard Kipling

>> No.3198366

A Song of Ice and Fire.

Oh, wait, you said good. Carry on.

>> No.3198369

That's kind of bad for children's literature then because it could be a lot better.

>> No.3198372
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>> No.3198373

Ooooo burnnnnnnn

>> No.3198378

Way over your fucking head faggot.

Reread it and do Jungian analysis of it.

You never had AIWS or any existential bizarre feelings during your consciousness growth as a child because you are stupid.

>> No.3198386


>existential bizarre feelings during your consciousness growth as a child

Holy fuck, I'm not him, but you just reminded me of something I haven't thought of in sixteen years

>> No.3198389

She did this, then did that, then went there and did that. Barley any descriptions, prose could be much better, doesn't have a very good flow.

It's for children though so my critique doesn't count, if people were to say it's for adults then it would.

>> No.3198391


>> No.3198393


>ice and fire


Your kids are going to be...ehhh...different.

>> No.3198396
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If you're 10 you may critique it.

>> No.3198404
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great list.

I always make it a point to recommend pic related and sequels in these threads, OP.

>> No.3198405
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>> No.3198410

Thanks and thanks for the recommendation, I really want to read that now.

>> No.3198464
File: 164 KB, 764x1137, animorphspicture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Words cannot express my satisfaction that this is the first comment.

Really, OP, Animorphs in its totality is one of the pinnacles of children's/YA literature. If you're looking for actual character development and resonant themes, it's the series to read. Expect a universe of gray morality; it doesn't use the black-and-white, coddle-the-characters approach of a series like Harry Potter. The tagline for the first book actually sums up the series very well: "Some people never change. Some do..."

While you shouldn't expect anything stylistically, the simple language is a refreshing reminder that great stories can be told using the simplest of language and narrative devices.

Find the .pdfs and download them. Definitely worth reading.


>> No.3198467

The entire redwall series.
Seriously thinking about buying the whole collection in hardback sometime in the future.

>> No.3198468


My nigga right here.

>> No.3198469


Other than that yeah I fucking loved them as a kid and read almost all of them

>> No.3198480

Agreed. She really pissed me off when she said at the end of the book "hurr durr they went out like they started: fighting". Fuck you, thats a bullshit answer. And the last few books leading up to it were so fucking good too. My first major disappointment as a child, I think.

>> No.3198483


Last book, upon reread, was great too. If you consider the entire arc of the series, some of the decisions made by Applegate in the last book seem pretty natural extensions of the characters' paths.

Big fat spoilers:

Applegate once said this about the ending: "I'd always known that Animorphs would end the way it did. I knew I wanted it to end with victory, but I also knew I didn't want a clean victory. I wanted more Lord of the Rings, less Star Wars in the ending. I always admired the way Tolkien gave his characters victory, but left them with a sadder, less exciting, less enchanting world in the end."

>> No.3198488


Keep in mind, I don't think the end would've necessarily been a suicide. Despite Jake's order, it was such a tense situation that anything could've changed at any moment. It was a huge cliffhanger, sure, but hardly the catastrophe people make it out to be. I like it much better today than I did when I read it as a kid.

>> No.3198490


I named my daughter after you-know-who.

>> No.3198494

Still bullshit, man. Whats the point? Why leave it that way?

>> No.3198502


As in life, nothing was wrapped up neatly and in a way all parties involved were happy with.

>> No.3198539


>> No.3198560

anything and everything by john bellairs.

>> No.3198564


>> No.3198954


>> No.3198957

I disagree.
I recently re read it for the first time in a long time and I found the ending to be mediocre.

>> No.3198962

A series of unfortunate events are nice books.
The little prince is also interesting.

>> No.3198964

I agree.
The animated film is also very strange, in a good way.

>> No.3198968

>Alice in Wonderland
>Reread it and do Jungian analysis of it.
>Alice in Wonderland
Oh, god, here come the fucking pseudo intellectuals.

>> No.3198971
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found this book on a Border's clearance table and my kid (he's grown now) loved it - subversive as hell

>> No.3198975

Third one is best.
Fifth and Seventh books are mediocre.

>> No.3198981

I remember watching an animated series based off the redwall books probably about 10 years a go.
It was long winded.

>> No.3199062
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Bertie Comes Through

DFW read it many times as a kid.

>> No.3199300

Heard about that show. Of course it's going to suck compared to the actual books.
Have you even read any of the books?

>> No.3199585

>Oh, god, here come the fucking pseudo intellectuals.

Ah... the argument of the plebeian and the ignorant.

>> No.3199586

>DFW read it many times as a kid.
So what? Jesus fucking christ.

>> No.3199589

No, I don't really read.

>> No.3199596
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Please, just don't be like this.

>> No.3199597
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>> No.3199606

Sure, if you want your children to grow up to be plebbeards

>> No.3199650

He was joking. Settle down.

>> No.3199655

I apologise,
I overreacted and I'm sorry.

>> No.3199678

Please, stop being stupid.

>> No.3199694

Super edgy, yall.