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/lit/ - Literature

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3198234 No.3198234 [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ think about Michael Ende? I found him so inspiring. I have read almost all he wrote, and haven't been able to find something similar yet not very childish. Any recommendations?

>> No.3198982

Neverending Story is still one of the greatest books I have ever read. It's just so rich with images.

>> No.3199028
File: 22 KB, 334x475, die-unendliche-geschichte.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Michael Ende is an underrated genius. Most people will just pass him off as a children's book writer and never give him a second thought or try out The Mirror in the Mirror or the Prison of Freedom.

The Neverending Story is by far my favorite book ever. I've reread it in various stages of my life and every time I find a new symbolism, a new meaning, a new depth, and it makes me connect to it even more. It's that one book that has helped me become a better person.

Too bad the movie was such a piece of shit.

To be honest, I do not know of any other author who can write with such depth and make it accessible to all ages. Do check out all his tales. The Long Road to Santa Cruz is amazing, in case it's one of the few things you have missed out.

>> No.3199469

Yeah, I believe nowadays he's been underrated partially because of the shitty movie. Many thanks for the recommendation. I'll read The Long Road to Santa Cruz then.

>> No.3199540

I love the Neverending Story and the stories from The mirror in the mirror. I am learning Geman and I'll visit Germany in a few months, I have a list of the first books I'll be trying to read in that language and I'm definitively getting all the books I can get from him.

>> No.3199700

I'm gonna read some of his shit now.