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3196674 No.3196674 [Reply] [Original]


Is plot more important, or style?

Is the journey more important, or the result?

Should books aspire to be read quickly, or slowly?

>> No.3196681

Form and content aren't separate.

Style and plot should go hand in hand and instruct one another.

The journey is the result.

Books don't aspire to anything. Readers do.

>> No.3196695

>Books don't aspire to anything. Readers do.
i mean should the book have multiple "levels"and hidden meaning? should you use many specific terms or jargon?

>> No.3196699

you mean as in should the book be Finnegan's Wake or Harry Potter

a balance would be best imo

>> No.3196700

>Form and content aren't separate.
/v/ would disagree

>> No.3196709


That's up to you. Every reader will take something different from every work, and find different things rewarding.


Good for them.

>> No.3196733
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/v/ wouldn't recognize good taste if it lubed up their collective asses and fucked them into submission

>> No.3196735


That's because video games are still in an adolescent state where they haven't become art yet.

>> No.3196740

some would disagree

>> No.3196743


Not him, but let's see you demonstrate otherwise. Please don't give the same pathetic examples that everyone making this claim does

>> No.3196745

I also have a question. Is a story that paints a picture of the rural society in which one lives and the travails of the average man in it, more interesting than an action/fictional novel with twists and turns?

>> No.3196751

I would say Deus Ex's story is pretty well thought out, uses the interactive character facet of games brilliantly.

>> No.3196756




That depends on what you find interesting.

>> No.3196759

well im not much of a /v/idya-phile but games where there is a really engrossing story where it is more engaging then the actual gameplay i would call art

i dont have any examples though...

>> No.3196762


Why is a 'pretty well thought-out' story and a brilliant execution of interactive gameplay interesting artistically?

>> No.3196767

>Why is a 'pretty well thought-out' story and a brilliant execution of engaging prose interesting artistically?

>> No.3196768

Because it is the expression of excellent creative skill which is the essence of art, and also invokes emotion in people when viewed or interacted with, another key definition of art. It is interesting artistically.

>> No.3196769


Would books that have a 'really engrossing story' automatically qualify as 'art'?

I thought Twilight was engrossing. Same with Harry Potter, Orson Scott Card's stuff, etc.

I wouldn't call any of that shlock 'art', per se, so what is our rubric and how do we define its limits?

>> No.3196772


It isn't on its own. Thanks for getting the point.


I don't agree with either of those definitions on their own

>> No.3196774

>I wouldn't call any of that shlock 'art'
i think your standards are too high

there exists a phenomenon known as "shitty art"

even if it is poorly made and aimed at the lowest common denominator i would still call it art if it is attempting to tell a story, make you think, entertain you, or whatever

>> No.3196777

>It isn't on its own. Thanks for getting the point.

i was trying to point out the hypocrisy in your post

why are you putting vidya at a higher standard then other media? and what does media need in addition to those aforementioned qualities to be considered art?

>> No.3196778

Those are the dictionary definitions of what art is.

>> No.3196779

What about a comic that has a really engrossing story but looks like it was drawn by a 3 year old?

>> No.3196781

imo i would still call that art, just poorly made art

>> No.3196790


Okay. That's your rubric, mine is different. Dirt is art to some. Video games are art to some. Shlock, the same, to others. The line is drawn somewhere.

>> No.3196792


>story where it is more engaging then the actual gameplay i would call art

So the main aspect of a game you wouldn't ever deem worthy of being call art? What?

I would say that games can be played with great artistry, like SC2 etc, but the game itself isn't art.

Take chess - I wouldn't call a normal chess board set up and ready to play art, but I would consider the skill with which the mechanics of the game can be mastered artful.

There's a great amount of artistic talent that goes into making a videogame, but as long as that takes a backseat to marketing and appeasing specific demographics for revenue it will always be entertainment first and foremost.

>> No.3196799


>Dirt is art to some.

amusing that this is your go-to example when defending videogames. thanks for the laugh /v/

>> No.3196803

>Take chess - I wouldn't call a normal chess board set up and ready to play art, but I would consider the skill with which the mechanics of the game can be mastered artful.
great example that, i guess i would agree then that the simple mechanics can be art

>> No.3196810


I'm not defending them. I'm comparing them to dirt.