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File: 392 KB, 600x937, lolita-book-cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3196640 No.3196640 [Reply] [Original]

did this book changed your impression about young teen girls?,(I'm not talking about children, but young teens let's say 12/13 to 15).
Did you feel identified with Humbert Humbert thoughts?

>> No.3196644

Have you heard of Hidamari Sketch, OP?

>> No.3196647

No, what is it?

>> No.3196652
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I haven't had to open this directory in forever. Thanks, brahthodium.
The leading cause for penis engine malfunctions.

>> No.3196654
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>> No.3196658

Hello, fellow widefriend.
Can you believe all these people reading books?
Where are the little girls?

>> No.3196660

I'm about to read this book. Looks interesting to me.

>> No.3196664

Reminder that Lolita is not actually about how rad it is to have sex with young teen girls, and Humbert Humbert is not a hero or a character you should feel good about identifying with.

>> No.3196668

Okay, anon, whatever makes you feel morally superior.

>> No.3196671

Yes. I do, indeed, feel morally superior to pedophiles. Not gonna back down on that one.

>> No.3196673

The author had young girls as recurring themes in many of his books. So much so that Martin Amos wrote an article in the Guardian about it...

The book may not be about how awesome sex with young girls is, but the author certainly had a soft spot for it.

>> No.3196676


>> No.3196680

>Lolita is not actually about how rad it is to have sex with young teen girls.
>Humbert Humbert is not a hero or a character you should feel good about identifying with.

>> No.3196688

No, you feel morally superior thinking that a book about attraction to little girls isn't about attraction to little girls.
It has nothing to do with paedophiles.

>> No.3196697


you know what i mean

i feel morally superior because i don't read Lolita as a manifesto about how we should all feel great about wanting to bone young teenage girls (as OP apparently does), and also because i don't want to bone young teenage girls.

>> No.3196710

I know it, i'm not saying that, but i think in someway lolita could perfectly be a young teen instead of a little girl, and some young teens could be attractive as fuck. As far as i know it's normal to feel attracted to young teens with at least 13yo which are kinda developed, the sick thing about lolita is that lolita is a little girl about 8yo. 13yo are absolutely fine(paedophiles are attracted to undeveloped little girls below 12yo), but they're are somewhat morally prohibited.
Maybe i'm a sick fuck, i dunno, anyway i would never go into young teens but sometimes comes to my mind this book

>> No.3196712

>i feel morally superior because i don't read Lolita as a manifesto about how we should all feel great about wanting to bone young teenage girls
>how we should all feel great about wanting to bone young teenage girls
>how we should all feel great
Now you're presuming things.
I know what you're getting at, though,
but you're not achieving anything by saying these things.
Lolita has sexual undertones. That was definitely understood as I read the book and it is also the reason it is still discussed on /lit/ to this day.

>> No.3196730

She is twelve when Humbert meets here.

>> No.3196738

- it's about sex with young teen girls
- OP wants to talk about how it "changed your impression about young teen girls" (I would presume, and feel comfortable presuming, that the change is to make the thoughts more sexual" and how you identified with Humbert Humbert (I would presume in how he wants to fuck young teen girls)
- fuck OP, go to hell

>> No.3196741

Why would one man's fictional impression of a young teen change my view of young teens as a whole?

>> No.3196747
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>> No.3196754

Only homosexuals and hambeasts don't want to fuck teen girls

>> No.3196770
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i would never touch a 12/13yo girl, i've just said SOME girls, and read this S O M E girls, could be attractive, since who the fucks knows, they even develope tits. I'm not talking about little girls.

>> No.3196783

>not wanting to fuck teenage girls

>> No.3196794


I've been almost exclusively attracted to older women since pre-puberty

>> No.3196801

Mommy issues

>> No.3196805

I have been to Thailand and done outrageous things with outrageously fun little boys and girls. Only older than 13 though please, i'm not one of those icky kiddy fiddlers, I pay good money for clean sex with professionals. Call me immoral, but you haven't squirted your man juice down the tighest, most loving boy canal as he juices simultaneously and you hold one hand around his smooth chest and the other around his rock hard, pulsing cock.

In prague you could do it with the mot beautiful white teenage boys, but they all moved somewhere and now I can't find them.

>> No.3196815

Wait. wait. wait.
I doubt I would ever actually fuck anyone below the age of 15.

>> No.3196825


>thinks all sexual impetus isn't the result of some kind of 'issue'

>> No.3196828

You must sleep great knowing that you can draw that kind of line in the sand, mon ami, but if I tied you down to a chair, put one of these beautiful year olds boy/girls in front of you, have him/her stripp sensually while giving you a lapdance and nibbling on your ear, untying you would be like letting a horny horse out of the gates

>> No.3196840

>sexual desires
>there most be some issue in your biology

>> No.3196843
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>> No.3196848

I'm OP, not the one you're answering to, but sorry bro, i find your stories absolutely disgusting. Prostitution is the worst shit, and prostitution of teenagers is absolutely repulsive.

>> No.3196850


>thinks attraction isn't crafted and guided by all sorts of complex interactions with familial and cultural sexuality

>> No.3196851

Possibly true.
I don't really see why I would ever get in to that situation, though.
I feel if they were in a situation where they were seducing me like that, it probably wouldn't change much if I were to have sex with them, but I also feel it would ease me into a lifestyle where I will need to have sex with children.
I don't think thinking and reading and writing about paedosexuality is a bad thing. I think its honest. I've thought of fucking many things, but I won't necessarily act upon it.
I think I have developed a fetish of sorts for the general air of a 12 or so year old, but I've never watched any sort of child pornography nor have I had an urge to. Even if I really wanted to, I think I have a wall built up; not necessarily because I feel morally obliged, but more because of the psychological and social consequences of whatever actions might ensue.

>> No.3196854

Oh i'm not saying it's morally right or whatever, it just really satisfies my horrible, carnal desires.

Which we all have, so you're no better than I am.

>> No.3196856


What turns you on is not what turns others on.

Kill the ego, cowboy. It's unbecoming

>> No.3196869

ah when i was 13 i broke that wall down and camwhored for all these old men in return for "boys my age," my body was shivering like the end of a long pee by the time I was finished, with a sickening combination of self-disgust and taboo excitement.

And then you spend enough time on the other side of that wall to realize that most of the people who have broken through are no worse than those on the other side (I say most, because there are truly evil and sick people on the other side of that wall as well) and just have a sexual curiosity of a different kind.

about 90% of ephebophiles (people who are attracted to around 13+) are empathetic, shy, and just sexually different people. They love teens as you would anyone else. This is in my personal experience. 10% I have encountered have sickening desires for the torture, pain, and suffering of children, and wish sometimes to kill them before having sex. I too am revolted by this.

The truth is, if the desires of sex are not funded by deeper immoral desires to hurt/punish/inflict harm, I don't see how you can say they are wrong.

>> No.3196875

No, 'issue' suggests something departing from the norm
The norm is wanting to fuck attractive young women

>> No.3196879

Of course i'm not better, but i find your perversion pretty much repulsive since you're forcing teenagers to satisfy your sick desires. I was just saying that some 13yo girls look absolutely attractive because they're kinda developed and so it's normal being attracted, but i would never try to satisfy these desires if it implies harming other person, or harming myself with something that maybe i don't really want(i think both things are pretty much connected, if you harm other person you're harming yourself, and making profit of mentally undeveloped people is the same as harming them).

>> No.3196882


There is no 'norm', hence my post, you dunce. Sexuality is dynamic as all fuck

>> No.3196889

as a person who has ventured into this "sick" world, let me tell you something.

In the case of teenage (under 18 but not younger than 13) prostitution, a majority are free, healthy individuals who have normal home lives. Their prostitution is borne out of two things- being very poor, and foreigners willing to pay for sex.

It's a fucked up, horrible affair, but it is not, for the most part, as fucked up as the media will try to tel you it is.

>> No.3196901


>It's a fucked up, horrible affair
>Could be worse, so lets enable it

>> No.3196903

Ok if you don't know what a norm is we'll leave it I guess

>> No.3196904

I already know that the media exaggerates everything, but still if it's their will going into prostitution, they do it because they have no other economic option or didn't received a proper education. I hate prostitution, i feel pity for every prostitute, i wouldn't even imagine a teenager prostitute. People who go on prostitution are from the lowest kind of being

>> No.3196908

This guy has a point but at the same time he is just trying to win an argument.
It's not like he actually cares about the individual 13 year olds, but if it came to it, he would probably prefer for the kid to die in poverty than to suck some dick and live, which is, of course, the politically correct choice.

>> No.3196909

Prostitution is fine if it's an adult female willingly engaging in it.

>> No.3196910

It's vulgar,
but I am n't going to judge anyone.
I barely understand my daily routine.

>> No.3196920

I don't care what is fine, prostitution is the most dangerous, lowest, sick and cold ways of being, you're turning a person into an object basically, and furthermore erasing every sign of true sexual desire as a couple, it's just a leech trying to satisfy its desires while the prostitute waits for the money.

>> No.3196925

But what are you to say how people should interact with each other?

>> No.3196926

Protip: contributing to prostitution is not a solution to poverty

>> No.3196932



This. Seriously/

>> No.3196934

I'm just explaining my point of view. If you have an argument to refuse mine i would be glad to hear it.

>> No.3196935

but you do give them money to buy food,
which increases the individual child's chance of survival.
Enough with this "protip" stuff, please.

>> No.3196937


You're making it so the only way that kid can get money from you is by sucking your dick

>> No.3196938



>> No.3196939



>> No.3196940

You can give them money without forcing them to suck your dick. The thing about prostitution is that you don't really care about the other person, you are not helping them, you're using them.

>> No.3196941

It's not dangerous if it's legal and regulated. Everything else you said is just your opinion.

>> No.3196942

rather have a system where he doesn't have to suck dick to survive

don't fucking justify your use of underage prostitutes with "lol it helps them survive." if what you care about is their survival, give them your money freely, jackass. shit.

>> No.3196943

There was no argument, simply a question;
Who are you to say how people should interact with each other?

>> No.3196946

In the long run, potentially.

>> No.3196952


In the short and long run, without doubt.

>> No.3196972

>rather have a system where he doesn't have to suck dick to survive
But realistically that isn't going to happen. What you would "rather have" really does not matter.
>don't fucking justify your use of underage prostitutes with "lol it helps them survive."
I've never had sex with and underage prostitute.
>if what you care about is their survival, give them your money freely, jackass. shit.
I don't care about their survival and neither do you.
They live in a world that you don't understand and therefore I feel people like you and me shouldn't be so quick to judge.

>> No.3196993
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so what was Lolita about then? What was the "underlying" message?

>> No.3196994

I can feel now that you are just trying to win an argument here.
Let me clarify, I am not a paedosexual. I am actually a virgin who is sexually attracted to, generally, say 18- 21 year olds and I am 18.

What I am trying to say to you is that in a situation where one would be in thailand and they were there to have sex through prostitution with a 13 year old child, that would be, yes, by most cultures standards, morally incorrect.

But at the same time, you would only care about individual children and only when the situation would be put under your nose and possibly not even then. Child prostitution is going on right now and you really don't care and that is fine.

>> No.3196999

I think that what its "purpose", if anything, was to challenge the reader with a new situation.
Of course, the reason behind its popularity is its sexual theme.

>> No.3197008

It's an aesthetic message if anything for sure.

>> No.3197096

I LOVE how Nabokov pretends he isn't a pedo in the Foreword.

It's understandable though, pedophiles are hated more than anyone.

>> No.3197333
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Paolo Fabbri said that Lolita is a butterfly. Nabokov's hobby was to catch butterflies, and Lolita is a metaphor of that.
I haven't read the book, but I thought this was a interesting contribution.

>> No.3197378

I'm so jealous of Vlad. He had a fucking perfect life

>> No.3197480

No, Lolita is an elusive combination to cap off a chess brilliancy

>> No.3197569

I don't think Lolita was a teenager in the book. I know in all film adaptations she was postpubescent and developed and probably played by someone older, but I think, though I may be wrong, she was prepubescent in the book.

>> No.3197576

She was 12-13, it said in the book she was 12 or 13 (can't remember)

>> No.3197591

I know the age, I'm just not sure if she was pubescent.

>> No.3197605


Where in Thailand do you go exactly to find young whores? Is it legal? Do you get them from dangerous gangs?

>> No.3197615

Lo was 12 when Humbert the horrible met her.
Have any of you folks actually read the book?

>> No.3197624

Ask Gary Glitter.

>> No.3197688


Give me his number. I'd honestly like to know

>> No.3197692
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>> No.3197701


Too old, and they're all male

>> No.3197704

>no pompadours

>> No.3198230

she had a bit of pubic hair and slightly budding breasts so she was very early in puberty

>> No.3198534

She had some pubic hair and "blooming" breasts.

>> No.3198536

Which is it? Slightly budding or blooming? There is a world of floriological difference here.

>> No.3198542

unreliable narrator

>> No.3198709 [SPOILER] 
File: 407 KB, 640x360, 2r4oody[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>putting women on a pedestal

Woman go voluntarily into porn you know. They don't need your whiteknight shackles.

Pic related: http://uselessjunk.net/showthread.php?349695-Georgetown-Univ-Freshman-does-Porn-for-Facial-Abuse-Ful

>> No.3198713

So .... uh.... does he actually have sex with lolita?

>> No.3198718

yes. Unfortunately Lolita isn't even a virgin, so Humbert gets deprived of taking her maidenhead.

>> No.3198735

I just like words not molesting little girls.

>> No.3198745

Same, except I like molesting little girls.

>> No.3198747

let's face it, messieurs, lolita was asking for it.

>> No.3198750

ho wmany apges is this book?

>> No.3198755

Prolly around 300. It's not long enough though, I could let Nabby's prose masturbate me all day long.

>> No.3198762

would depend on font size

>> No.3198764

I think that, from a purely aesthetic point of view, girls of 14-17 are in the God-tier of attractiveness. Their faces haven't developed that 'used' look of older females, and their body is pristine as newly-bloomed flower petals.

When they open their mouths, it's different. They're still damn kids, they're immature, emotional, and inexperienced. Even if they seem overtly sexual, they're really not ready for those kinds of shenanigans. But god are they alluring. Like a perfect apple just out of reach.

>> No.3198774

Same. Once a girl has started puberty and those tiny little buds start to develop into perky breasts, she looks perfect, like a fully-formed, wrinkle-free woman. Girls peak aesthetically at puberty, then it's usually just downhill from there.

>> No.3198777

I'm no moralfag but my heart breaks a little when I see something like that happen. A young girl falling into that cesspit where she'll be used and discarded.
also, I want to be the one screwing her

>> No.3198786

I agree. I'm frequently physically attracted to 14-17 year old girls, but there's just too much of a gap in maturity. Also, the knowledge that I am potentially mentally scarring them would be enough to turn me off in the event that I did actually manage to pull one. Though, of course, the negative psychological implications of adult-adolescent intercourse only exist because of these modern, socially-manufactured stigmas.

>> No.3198791

>A young girl falling into that cesspit where she'll be used and discarded.
Oh come on, it's what they want. This girl has been pissed on, had 100 guys cum on her face at the same time, been double fisted, had multiple things inserted into her ass, yet she doesn't feel used and discarded:



>> No.3198798

All I think when I see something like that is, 'Ha ha, you'll regret this shit when you're 30 years old and want to "settle down."' Then I remember that some poor desperate sucker -- someone like me, in other words -- will probably actually be dumb enough to marry her, at some point.

>> No.3198814 [DELETED] 

One time this girl gave me her number(didn't have to ask), we texted for a bit and she wanted to meet. So we met at a Target (her choice, a place close enough to walk to from home) and I bought her a movie she wanted while she hung off my shoulder. She was really hands on. (I'm in my 20's but seem especially attractive to younger girls for some reason, just as well because i don't seem to have the same effect with girls my age).

Long story short, that same day, we were back at a car I borrowed and we kissed for a bit (she was a lousy kisser) and I asked for a bj. She somewhat hesitantly agreed and her inexperience was glaring. I wouldn't count it as a bj.

I felt really bad afterward, feeling like a creep (didn't help that the borrowed car was a van lol) and vowed never again.

I'm sort of glad it happened because now I know to stay away.

>> No.3198831

Yes, Sonia.

>> No.3198873

No, Sasha is an exception. Most girls don't know what they're getting into, and aren't smart/agressive enough to not be used. Plus 99.9% of the time girls who gravitate towards that have some trauma in their past, which makes it all the more sad

>> No.3198879

>The sections about their girlhood (which is most of the book) in Who Will Run The Frog Hospital?
>"Where Are You Going, Where Have You Gone?" by Joyce Carol Oates

They didn't alter my perception of teenage girls, just gave me a little more insight into their psyche.

>> No.3198883
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She has a weird backstory. Who the fuck writes about their experience on FacialAbuse for their college essay?

>> No.3198888

That just reminded me of a really funny line in The Narrative of a Revolutionary Soldier. He says something like "We then went on to Maidenhead -don't look at me reader, I did not name it."

>> No.3198890

And where can I read this essay?

>> No.3198907


>> No.3198939

I need sauce on this

It hasn't even been confirmed that it was her, has it?

>> No.3198949

Why not?

>> No.3198952

>Breaking the fourth wall
This book sounds edgy.

>> No.3199067

It was written in 1820, it's a memoir; he's allowed to address the reader without being edgy nor breaking the forth wall.

Though he does describe meeting an interracial couple while trying to procure some water. Revolutionary America was a crazy-ass place.

>> No.3199070

She did FA while she was a senior in high school. I think I might have heard of the whole college essay thing on some patch.com-like thing for Georgetown -though it could have just been vindictive rumor amongst the students.

>> No.3199075

>Breaking the fourth wall
That's one of the things I love about Lolita

"I cannot tell my learned reader (whose eyebrows, I suspect, have by now traveled all the way to the back of his bald head), I cannot tell him how the knowledge came to me; perhaps my ape-ear had unconsciously caught some slight change in the rhythm of her respiration—for now she was not really looking at my scribble, but waiting with curiosity an..."

>> No.3199085

its not really breaking the fourth wall because the novel's set up (confessional dairy of a middle aged man) allows addressing the reader without breaking it's facade

>> No.3199128

I did. I took Lolita to be the story of the sweet, innocent Humbert Humbert who is lead astray by a disgusting, predatory young girl called Dolores, who uses him for his money and leaves him to rot.

>> No.3199231

*A poor, naive European man, trapped and ruined by a gold-digging American girl.

>> No.3199249
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Lolita is required reading for my sixth graders. I won't rape just any nymphet, they need to be well read too.