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3194669 No.3194669 [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ think of this article?


Schopenhauer related because he fought against misandry too

>> No.3194673



Stopped reading

>> No.3194677

Okay yeah the URL is kinda dumb, I dunno why he chose it. but what about the article itself?

>> No.3194683


I don't know, I don't care what a Y2K bug enthusiast has to say

>> No.3194685


>> No.3194686


Were you not around back then?

>> No.3194688

I dunno what 2050 has to do with 2000.

>> No.3194689


It's the same bullshit - hype around a fictional future idea with no basis in reality

>> No.3194694

I always thought the author chose the name just cause it sounded cool, not because he was literally a singulairtyfag. in any case just give it a look, you're a man so it concerns you.

>> No.3194696


This guy can't into subversive cultural dialogue, he's making all kinds of claims out of thin air, and his justification is weak as balls. Yawn, typical MRA Ron Paul supporter bullshit, can't be arsed

>> No.3194707

subversive cultural dialogue? i gotta ask are you a femanon?

>> No.3194774
File: 56 KB, 225x220, 4240740+_92eb6f9b46fd5beeb9e0e87c05acdf2b[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stopped reading right there'd, nope, not gonna get such site any hits

>> No.3194783

dont be a pussy. Its a fantastic article.

>> No.3194791


No, why do you ask?

>> No.3194821

'subversive cultural dialogue' sounds like something a woman would say.

>> No.3194825


How so? You don't think a cultural conversation exists?

>> No.3194836

No, I'm just saying I hear about it more from women than men.

Back on topic, how many people actually read the article? Its big cause its good.

>> No.3195227


>> No.3195271

He chose it because he's a futurist, he believes in the singularity...

>> No.3195275

I read this article about a year ago. I thought it was amazing back then, now I forget what it was about.

>> No.3195305
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OP must be a huge fan of Ayn Rand.

>> No.3195315

How men are oppressed and disfranchised in Western societies and how our oppression and disfranchisement will end either peacefully or violently in 2020.

>> No.3195318
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>'subversive cultural dialogue' sounds like something a woman would say.

Fucking idiot.

>> No.3195419
File: 64 KB, 548x605, 1347571826984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Men have been the authoritative sex a long time in the west. But for many reasons (much because we see and agree to accept the qualities within the female) and through a long process with many struggles and martyrs, the female sex now has strong symbol power in the human psyche. That is proven by the fact that articles like this is shrubbed under the carpet because the collective force doesn't accept it. Only especially intellectually inclined people read it. The 'femdom' in certain parts of the society is a bit extreme and out of balance I think through what is called delayed response oscillations in a system. That is similar to what happens when we are not used to driving a car on ice and we turn the wheel too much and then we have to turn back again and probably turn too much again. So after we reach the climax of female power we will have a period where men will gain power again. I have no idea of the magnitude of the oscillation. In media men's bodies seems to get back on stage without too much irony. So maybe we've already started the process to balance out? I'm certain it will be balanced out. It will be awesome.

>> No.3195446

ah, monsieur, how i long for the day when everything is balanced out, everything equal on your scale.

>> No.3195468

:D Wanna snuggle?

>> No.3195541

>evolutionary psychology
>women in charge of reproductive decisions¶>any year
>Profit-motivated 80s icons as symbols of true masculinity
>single motherhood is unnatural
>women laugh at male genital mutilation
>'feminists' in scare quotes
>'feminists' would gladly send innocent men to concentration camps if they could

I ain't more'n a quarter in but it don't look s'good, boss.

>> No.3195597

if humanity are sane enough to eliminate the "ist" obsession on today's culture that war will be prevented and more social issues are put into discussion as opposed to make war to make more money for rich bitches. It is pretty prevalant on high-society sports and high-society laws.

>> No.3195618

>if humanity are sane enough to eliminate the "ist" obsession

But it's so much easier to manipulate societies this way.

>> No.3196160
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Virgin neckbeards... virgin neckbeards everywhere...

>> No.3196172

...and here's the sexual shaming. Because if you're not a whore you can go fuck yourself.

>> No.3196206
File: 1.74 MB, 177x150, 1337280859682.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>is critical of sexual shaming
>uses the term whore

>> No.3196248

I thought the masturbation joke was funnier, but whatever floats your boat.

>> No.3196254


>> No.3196258

ITT: female undergrads in a tizzy

>> No.3196269
File: 32 KB, 302x163, misandry dont real.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3196278
File: 122 KB, 642x524, jsIaL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3196358

All of these things apply to women more than men. Women love badboys and violence. If women rewarded non-violent men with sex there would be no war or violence.

>> No.3196368

shut the fuck up, you idiot, stop being so dumb and wrong

how do you people even fucking live on this planet with such fucking dumb thoughtless ideas on how the world works. "men are only violent because they want sex from women." lord oh lord oh me oh my, how the fuck can you think that. that's one of the most abjectly unrealistic things I've ever seen on 4chan.

>> No.3196380

>Societies that enforced monogamous marriage made sure all beta men had wives, thus unlocking productive output out of these men who in pre-modern times would have had no incentive to be productive. Women, in turn, received a provider, a protector, and higher social status than unmarried women, who often were trapped in poverty. When applied over an entire population of humans, this system was known as 'civilization'.

>> No.3196414


This is fucking stupid. Even in societies that permit it, polygyny doesn't account for more than a very small number of marriages. In practice, at the level of society, it is virtually indistinguishable from monogamy.

>> No.3196417

This is completely untrue, not just for polygynous societies but for nominally monogamous ones as well.

Do you have any idea how much wealth correlates to number of sexual partners?

>> No.3196427

I hear the 40-80 rule a lot. The problem is that in most pre-industrialized societies men were vastly more likely to die before reproduction than women. Tribal warfare, hunting deaths, etc. ensured that there would usually be more women than men reaching reproductive age and having kids. "60% of men" didn't get a chance to reduce not because they were crowded out by polygamists but because they simply didn't survive.

>> No.3196437

>Polygamy for Muslims, in practice and in law, differs greatly throughout the Islamic world, where polygamous marriages constitute only 1–3% of all marriages.

That's probably 80-90% of polygynous societies right there. It is true.

>> No.3196439


Also, sexual partners != marriage partners or mothers of children

>> No.3196441

Yes, humans evolved to become primarily monogamous mostly because of the length of our gestation periods and how long it takes to raise a human (very long compared to other animals). But what the author argues is that modern developments, in particular contraceptives and laws that amount to "female-centric social engineering" (creating our social landscape in a way that favors females; divorce alimony, prosecution of male on female violence at much higher rates than the converse) are causing women to take advantage of these systems at men's expense.

>> No.3196444

really? thats one of the MOST abjectly unrealistic things you've seen here? boy you are new..

>> No.3196445

>humans evolved to become primarily monogamous

What the fuck are you smoking?

>> No.3196449

>>humans evolved to become primarily monogamous

The author argues precisely the opposite (top alphaz get lotsa wymminz throughout our evolutionary history). If he's wrong about that, maybe he's wrong about "social engineering" too.

>> No.3196461

Natural Selection on Male Wealth in Humans, Daniel Nettle and Thomas V. Pollet
Kipsigis women's preferences for wealthy men: evidence for female choice in mammals?, Monique Borgerhoff Mulder
Wealth, Status, and Reproductive Success among the Mukogodo of Kenya, Lee Cronk
Those who can do: Wealth, status, and reproductive success on Ifaluk, Paul W. Turke and L.L. Betzig
Wealth, polygyny, and reproductive success, R. Dawkins

Read up, retards.

>> No.3196462

You know very little about polygamy, evidently. There's this place called "Africa" ...

>> No.3196489

>>Monique Borgerhoff Mulder
>>taking anything a woman writes seriously


>> No.3196495

>There's this place called "Africa" ...

The population of which is approximately half Muslim.

You know very little about Africa, evidently.

>> No.3196508

And of the other half, a very large number are traditionalists, who also allow for polygamy. Next time you join a conversation, tell people beforehand whether you know anything about the subject. That way you'll spare them the tedium of having to interact with you.

>> No.3196522

yes, because everyone lives in Africa, and 50% of 1 continent's population (even less, considering how many are Christian as well) represent most human societies presently and throughout history

>> No.3196528

You said that Muslims make up 80-90% of polygamy. That's false.

>> No.3196530

You don't understand the logic of the argument, my friend.

You see, the Africans, being black and bestial, are more primitive, more vital, more ALIVE than white people, even if they're also less civilized and stupider. They have better rhythm and dances than white folks, and bigger penises. Something about black people speaks to the primal origins of human beings. Therefore, by looking at their social arrangements, we can get a look at what is natural for human beings in their animalistic origins. Which is what black people still are.

(Obviously I don't agree with any of this, but I think this - or something like it - is the invisible, implicit, maybe not conscious but nevertheless present logic of the argument)

>> No.3196552

There are a billion muslims, not nearly as many non-Abrahamic africans.

>> No.3196592

>And of the other half, a very large number are traditionalists, who also allow for polygamy

Muslim population: 1.6 billion
Non-Muslim population of Africa: ~500 million

Let's generously assume that half of these are "traditionalists". That would make my figure in >>3196437, which I admittedly pulled out of my ass, completely correct.

>Next time you join a conversation, tell people beforehand whether you know anything about the subject. That way you'll spare them the tedium of having to interact with you.

Such a douchebag, and yet not even correct...

>> No.3196616

>assumes all Muslim marriages are polygamous

Oh boy.

>> No.3196633


>> No.3196636


Bro, try to follow the conversation. We're talking about polygamous societies. I pointed out that the actual rate of polygynous marriages in Islamic societies - nearly all of which are polygynous - was very low. I suggested that these societies represented the overwhelming majority of polygynous societies. It looks like I'm pretty much right. I don't know why all of this is getting you so upset.

>> No.3197006

Ollie is the dumbest tripfag on /lit/.

>> No.3197012

I can't tell the difference between any of them.