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File: 16 KB, 223x320, Blankets_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3193421 No.3193421 [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ think of graphic novels?
pic related, it's what I am currently reading.
I very much enjoy this book, does anyone know of similar books that I might like?

>> No.3193432

Try Daniel Clowes or Chris Ware.

>> No.3193441

looks like some retarded escapist bullshit

sort of like scott pilgrim

how close am i

>> No.3193447

American Splendor

>> No.3193449

Not at all, it's a maudlin autobiographical coming-of-age story.

>> No.3193456

oh god not at all like scott pilgrim

do you even know what you're talking about

>> No.3193480

Not at all

>> No.3193491

Alan Moore's Saga of the Swamp Thing

Fucking seriously.

>> No.3193501

Marjane Satrapi or Margeurite Abouet.

>> No.3193502

this sounds interesting.
I'll check it out, thanks for the recommendation.

>> No.3193514


I don't know from graphic novels, but one of my favourite comics ever is Planetary.

I also love The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. Both comics can be re-read almost endlessly because of the sheer density of the references. Alan Moore is a pretty serious contender for best comic writer ever.

>> No.3193522
File: 40 KB, 1024x768, watchmen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I even have to say it? This book was fucking mind blowing

>> No.3193531

Yes it was. That book was what got me into graphic novels.

>> No.3193555

only faggots call comics "graphic novels"

>> No.3193569

Obvious troll is obvious

>> No.3193573

Some serious narrative styles going on there.

My favs:
The Sandman
Like a Velvet Glove Cast in Iron
The Number 73304-23-4153-6-96-8

>> No.3193579
File: 127 KB, 604x921, V for Vendetta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite by so far. I didn't really get moved by the ending though, I usually hate endings anyway.

I'd seen the movie many times, so I know what was coming but I still cried manly tears at a certain point of the book.

As an example of other graphic novels, I wasn't really moved by Watchmen and find Vendetta is where he Moore shines. I really enjoyed it and want to find more like Vendetta.

>> No.3193582

not a troll

see 4 example what neil gaiman says:
>I was invited and I went along and I got talking to a guy who turned out to be the literary editor of the Sunday Telegraph. He asked what I did. When I answered that I write comic books, he looked at me as if I had confessed to shoplifting or something. So we're standing there having a drink and he's looking uncomfortable, but before I can walk away he asked what kind of comic books I write. When I answered they were the Sandman series, he looks at me, says, "Hang on, I know you, you're Neil Gaiman. My dear fellow, you don't write comics, you write graphic novels."
>So as far as I can tell, it's just a difference between being a hooker and a lady of the evening. Basically. The nice thing about calling them graphic novels is that people who can't quite cope with comic books can cope with them under the term "graphic novels." And in the case of something like the Sandman series, it's more or less a marketing term. You've got an epic sort of story with Sandman. All ten volumes I tend to think of as a graphic novel. It's 2,000 pages long. It's one huge, great, wonderful, gigantic story.

>> No.3193595

i think the difference is in how theyre published
like a graphic novel isnt serialized, it's published whole
theyre both comic books though

>> No.3193614


stuff like watchmen and v for vendetta sandman and smartest kid on earth were serialized

only recent indie stuff isn't serialized

most pre-war novels were serialized too btw, from crime and punishment to ulysses, etc

>> No.3193620

The difference is 'graphic novel' lulls you into thinking you're not reading kiddie books

>> No.3193651

I kind of figured Comic, implied it was comical. So serious works aren't comedy, thus Graphic Novels. I think I'm completely wrong, that's just what I assumed.

>> No.3193663

Is Batman a comic?

>> No.3193671

I can't really say, I've only read Batman: Arkham Asylum by Grant Morrison and that was definitely not comical.

I see the point you're making. In the beginning were comics always comical and then serious works used the same format too and were also called comics, or does the word comic have a different meaning?

>> No.3193672

It's just a marketing gimic. Alan Moore talks about it in some interviews, it was just a way to market comics to a particular niche.

>> No.3193673


Just want you to know "maudlin" is a terribly underused adjective and I appreciate you using it.

>> No.3193740
File: 126 KB, 960x600, kanye on the computer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I like comics. The stuff posted itt (Moore, Thompson) is overrated, entry-level. It's the highschool tier of /lit/, the Huxley and the Palaniuk. And just because they're overpriced and stuck in B&N and doesn't mean they're some prestigious graphic literature.

Don't listen to /co/'s tastes, it's almost as bad as /tv/'s.
Most people gravitate towards D+Q because they publish more accessible stuff (like many popular webcomics..) but you'll find a lot more actually worthwhile, interesting and less commercial/safe crap on Picturebox or Fantagraphics (who also release collections of old, genuinely great classics like Krazy Kat, to compare against D+Q's taste).

Some guys I'd recommend looking into Charles Burns, Chris Wares, Jim Woodring, Brian Chippendale, Yuichi Yokoyama.

Maybe start with getting Asterios Polyp, Black Hole and Big Questions and expand from there.

>> No.3193752

>And just because they're overpriced and stuck in B&N and doesn't mean they're some prestigious graphic literature.

To expand on this, I didn't see the discussion itt, "graphic novel" is a marketing term. They're comics. If you're going to try to go into the history of it, well the book OP posted is the first "graphic novel", so shouldn't every graphic novel have to be 600 pages and tackle emotional but (relevant) subject matter?

>> No.3193770

>well the book OP posted is the first "graphic novel"
But Blankets wasn't the first graphic novel. That would most likely be Eisner's A Contract With God

>> No.3193792

>forgetting or not knowing based Eisner

Graphic novel = a novel written through sequential art instead of just words. Cape comics and comic strips aren't graphic novels, but they're all graphic literature, which is sequential art. GN may originally be a marketing term but it can have its place.

>> No.3193832

I quite liked The Coffin

>> No.3193833
File: 53 KB, 480x560, 1830434-4-MULTIVIEW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eisner coined the term but Thompson placed them in B&N.

>a novel written through sequential art instead of just words
>Cape comics and comic strips aren't graphic novels
Why not? Why wouldn't the narrative sculptures of early persian, egyptian, christian, etc. art not be "graphic novels"? You'll have to define novel.

>> No.3194027

From Hell is a fucking masterpiece

I thought Blankets was barely readable, but then again I'm kind of dead inside so this feely emotional shit doesn't really resonate with me

>> No.3194036

Disregard Blankets, read Habibi.

>> No.3194044

I hated this.

>> No.3194049

Damn man but cool, it's awesome that we all like and hate different things. Mind giving a mini review on it? why you hated it?

I really didn't like the violence in it, I'm just not into the overly demented stuff.

>> No.3194064

Sure man. I found the artwork really bad, the dialogue boring and the pages smelled bad.
2 stars

>> No.3194120

The smelly pages part can't be the fault of Moore or the artist haha

>> No.3194136

holy shit just read every single page by chris ware you can get your greasy hands on. every fucking panel he spent hour after miserable hour measuring and adjusting and throwing away and starting again. i think my right hand just sweats now when i use the computer due to some pavlovian response that's been burned in from too much internet masturbating. my mouse feels gross no matter how many times i clean it

>> No.3194174

Its actually really good.
Dont mind these pseudi-intellectuals
They're the bane of /lit/

>> No.3194188

If it wasn't for the so-called 'pseudo-intellectuals' /lit/ would have long ago devolved into an amalgam of /co/, /tg/ and /b/

>> No.3194193

Do you mean the Guts-Casca-Griffith Berserk? If so, have you read the authors other works? I still can't imagine the author of Berserk making Idolm@ster doujinshi.

>> No.3194505

i liked sandman & side stories, hatter m, hark, a vagrant! the abominable, lackadaisy, harlequin valentine, stray toasters, the art in kingdom come, dave mckean's work (violent cases, etc), ashley wood's world war robot, gunmm, flight, dear creature, shoulder-a-coffin kuro, etc.
haven't read maus, yet. sounds like something lit would like.

>> No.3194714

Yes and no. Are they good?

>Black Hole
I read good things about this one.

Nice. This is the kind of reviews that make me read shit. Definitely going to check out Chris Ware.

>> No.3194735

I wanted to like Blankets but I always find these stories about teenage love and not much else so fucking... insignificant.

>> No.3194923

Would you reccomend any of chris ware's non-comic works?

>> No.3194948
File: 244 KB, 226x280, 1295224430_l.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Moore & Thompson
>entry level
>Brian Chippendale, Jim Woodring,Yuichi Yokoyama

I can tell you're from /mu/.
I can also tell you to go away, idiotic hipsters can post on lit only after midnight (GMT).
You don't know anything, really, please leave.

>> No.3194959

Instead now it's the bastard, retarded child of /mu/ and /sci/.
I'd say it's worse this way.

>> No.3194968


>he recommends things
>you shitpost

Pretty sure you're the one who should leave.

>> No.3194979

Better to be silent than to give bad advice.

>> No.3194981


>recommending Asterios Polyp is bad advice

Just stop. Seriously. You're an embarrassment.

>> No.3194989

I underlined with the green text the stupid parts of that post.
Let me check again if I even implied Polyp or Mazzucchelli were bad...
Nope, I didn't.

>> No.3195013

yo blankets was total shit compared to jimmy corrigan
serious, fuck blankets

>> No.3195079

Read Black hole,I forget who wrote or illustrated it but it was a decent 8/10 graphic novel, anyone here read it?

>> No.3195152

I'm reading Scott Snyder's Swamp Thing and I've been hungry for more Swamp Thing. Thanks anon.