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/lit/ - Literature

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3188593 No.3188593 [Reply] [Original]

Recent purchases?

Recent purchases.

>> No.3188598
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>OP's purchases

>> No.3188631

Really OP? I hope for the love of god that this is school material, otherwise all hope is lost.

There is no indication of diversity in political thought.

>> No.3188647

wow. you enjoy those..um.
viewing, i might prompt you to finish everything you placed on your plate, including the vegetables.
--but it would feel too sadistic.
back2sci-fi, now.
there are so many nice books. go find one, op.

>> No.3188657
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>> No.3188659


These are just what were next on my list to purchase. I like to get books for free on my Kindle first and then purchase them in physical format later. I own a pretty broad spectrum of political and economic works, ranging from The Conquest of Bread all the way to The Road to Serfdom.

>> No.3188665

>mfw everyone on /lit/ reads fiction

This truly is the worlds worst board for discussing serious literature.

>> No.3188666
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>serious literature

>> No.3188668

hmmm "The pleasures of reading in an age of distraction", very interasting topic I say, and if I question you OP, the trolls of lit will assault me, so what is it about?, because if you kind of think about it, there are a lot of distractions, some of them not letting you read.

>> No.3188670

Foucault is maybe the only worthwhile thing on there

>> No.3188673


I've only read the forward so far. Apparently it disagrees with the idea that Americans aren't reading enough (he notes that reading is actually quite alive and well), but addresses the main issues as people not being confident that they are reading well or reading the correct books. It should be a good read.

>> No.3188680


What precisely do you find unsatisfactory about the two Proudhon books? I've read them both already and enjoyed them quite a bit. They provided nice insights into the historical foundations of market Anarchism. What's particularly wrong with Manufacturing Consent?

>> No.3188678


>> No.3188679
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>> No.3188685


*ahem*...foreword. Excuse me.

>> No.3188686

ah. figured, here, we were supposed to display to each other the grand products we've spent our parent's money on. now i understand these were veiled discussions of books, really, not products. sorry 665.

>> No.3188703

Panorama du film noir américain (1941-1953)
Kitchens: The Culture of Restaurant Work
The Stuff of Thought
Dream Psychology
Before European Hegemoy: The World System A. D. 1250-1350
The Studio Reader: On the space of artists
Non-places: introduction to an anthropology of supermodernity

i'm on a non-fiction bender

>> No.3188750


>I just graduated from college with a liberal arts degree that taught me absolutely nothing.

>> No.3188762

Ordered, haven't arrived yet:
Labyrinths - Borges
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas - Hunter S Thompson
Girl Meets Boy - Ali Smith

>> No.3188793

>implying those books aren't freshman as fuck

>> No.3188885

it is quite right, americans do not read much, most of them

>> No.3188900

are you trying to say you've met most Americans or what?

>> No.3188932


Interestingly enough, I'm a freshman double majoring in Math/Physics and minoring in Astronomy.

>> No.3188934

>majoring in ______


>> No.3188942


Hey, I'm just saying. Your assumption was wrong on literally all accounts. Don't feel too bad, sport.

>> No.3188959

I wasn't the guy you were responding to. It's just funny whenever college freshman talk about their majors

>> No.3188984

Halfway to a second hand kindle there. Congrats on being "look-at-me" tier.

>> No.3189124
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I bought a bunch of books I couldn't get on my kindle.

Medicide by jack kevorkian
Sun and steal by yukio mishima
redneck manifesto by jim goad.

>> No.3189132


Holy shit a RyRy gif on /lit/ am I on /tv/!?

>> No.3189141
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Got these last week for my birthday.

>> No.3189147
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these too

>> No.3189150

Doctor Zhivago by Pasternak
Crying of Lot 49 by Pynchon
Spring Snow by Mishima

First foray into both Pynchon and Mishima after a year of reading almost exclusively 19th century Russians and Joyce. Pretty excited to see what they're like

>> No.3189157

Someone is a drug head.

But seriously, food of the gods and doors were both very interesting.

>> No.3189165


Lol Just psychedelics. Yeah i finished it the otherday. Nice quick read. I was amazed how well he described the nature of the experience. Even though he was on mescalin, a lot of it applied to psychedelics in general.

>> No.3189176

damn you. the jealousy.

>> No.3189219

Shit, I meant I finished Doors. Havent started Food of the Gods yet.

>> No.3189220

robinson crusoe
the great gatsby
the prince

>> No.3189226

Fellow psychedelic enthusiast here, recently got Food of the Gods as well, very interesting indeed. Next on the purchase list is probably Pihkal and Tihkal.

>> No.3189245


Im definitely going to pick up Pihkal and Tihkal when i find them. Havent been able to at my local bookstores. I especially want to now because i think im going to go for a degree with something to do with organic chemistry and pharmacology so this is right up my alley.

>> No.3189287

Snap, going for a degree in pharmacy or organic chem myself.
Psycho tropic compounds are the icing on the cake, so many other substances to explore and synthesize.

>> No.3189298

Nice! They sound like it. Hows that going for you so far?

Ive been trying to find what i want to spend my life doing for a couple years and its been staring me right in the face. Out of all my interests, Drugs fascinate me most to want to devote my life to them. And of course i dont mean that in a druggy way but the interaction between the brain and substances amazes me. Id really like to give it a try.

>> No.3189326

Black Friday:
Mona Lisa Overdrive - William Gibson
Zero History - William Gibson
Red Country - Joe Abercrombie
The Road - Cormac McCarthy
Broken Angels: Richard K. Morgan
Deus Ex: Icarus Effect
don't judge me.

>> No.3189345

>don't judge me.

you do realize where you are?

>> No.3189368

Seriously, I wouldn't post if I didn't want people to shit on my (admittedly pleb) taste

>> No.3189435
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Haven't read any Goethe yet, can't wait to start this after exams.

>> No.3189447

>Discipline and Punish

Mah "N" word

>> No.3189451

>he thinks Marxist literature is serious.

>> No.3189458



Good one. It's like you think fiction is less interesting or evocative than the journalistic/photographic

>> No.3189506

So what exactly was the criticism of OP's books? All of those are on my to read list, all that any of the posts about OP are nothing but vague smirk reaction pictures and 'lol liberal arts'.

What is wrong with Proudhon and Chomsky?

>> No.3189510


Chomsky can't into higher philosophy, but he's worth reading and his commentary on media in the information age is pretty illuminating.

There's nothing at all wrong with reading any of these books.

>> No.3189519


The problem with Proudhon is his lack of rigor and generalizing maxims that put into practice lead to a large amount of injustice.

ie. Property is theft (true enough). Theft is only proper.

If theft is proper then it's okay to snatch candy out of a baby's mouth, right?

>> No.3189521


Obviously Chomsky != philosophy, but I didn't realize anyone thought he did.

What was everyone giving op such a hard time about then?

>> No.3189529


All ideas are foundationally philosophical, buddy

>> No.3189571

Recently purchased "Keep the Aspidistra flying" by George Orwell and "A Catcher in the Rye" by J.D. Salinger.

Planning on getting:

- "Endgame: the problem of civilization" (Parts 1 and 2) by Derrick Jensen.

- "Neuromancer" - William Gibson

- "American Psycho" - Brett Easton Ellis

- "A Clockwork Orange" - Anthony Burgess

>> No.3189574

Nice picture, OP.

Pity you screwed it up with Foucault.

>> No.3190162

>buying books
Sure is bourgeois scum in here.

>> No.3190183

The problem with Manufacturing Consent is it's not a history book, it's a study, and it doesn't apply as much today as it did in the 80's. Media filters are not as strong on the internet where site ownership and advertising do not carry as much weight. The phrase "mainstream media" has even made it into the common vocabulary.

>> No.3190188


>> No.3190184


Just watch gay porn which involves anal fisting and S&M and you'll get the gist of Foucault's philosophy.

>> No.3190202

Chronicle of a Death Foretold by Gabriel G. Marquez, The Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha by Miguel de Cervantes and The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck, all pretty generic books I already had, but that were brand new so I couldn't resist buying them

>> No.3190206

Fuck I thought I was on /g/ and wondered why people were reading books.

Sorry. Here's a bump.

>> No.3190209
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Proudhon and Chomsky.

You'll always have a friend in me, OP.

>> No.3190281


Sure is poorfag denial in here.

>> No.3190284
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I love the looks of Penguin Classics hardbacks.

>> No.3190312


Let's see it without the cover sleeve!

>> No.3190326
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Simple and elegant. Kind of plain though.

>> No.3190349


Meh, not digging the number -13-..and nothing on the front cover kind of sucks.

You should check out Everyman's Library's Hardcovers.

>> No.3190350
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>dat simplicity

I can dig it. I also like the Everyman's Library collection. They come with those little book mark strings attached in the spine. Pretty classy if you ask me.

>> No.3190362

You should check out the Pleiade series. They're expensive as fuck and exclusively in French, but holy shit they're beautiful

>> No.3190373
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Was looking for a good French Hardcover series.