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/lit/ - Literature

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3187393 No.3187393[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

finally spent dat birthday money

>inb4 first time reading gatsby

>> No.3187396

the old man and the sea is awful. very tedious.

>> No.3187395

c'mon OP, you could have at least picked one book that hasn't been mentioned a billion times on here

>> No.3187399

What did you get for your birthday, 6 bucks. I think those are all public domain, lol

>> No.3187398


>> No.3187402

I dont have the brain power to make my own decisions


>> No.3187407

living in the slums of melbourne city bro

>> No.3187440

I'll bite, for poor OP. Though I only purchased two books.

Childhood's End - Arthur C. Clarke
So far this one's a really good read despite its age, I feel the sic-fi holds up pretty well even today. Definitely liking this one.

Radical Evolution - Joel Garreau
Seemed like an interesting read about evolution and such.

There you go.

>> No.3187442


really? ah man, then do yourself a favor and keep some self respect by reading those as fast as you can and giving it to someone else in your hood

>> No.3187482

yeehh muun too maniii uoords in that onee i prefooor harrii pottar morreee fuuuun

>> No.3187484

I can get The Lost Kings by Bruno Hare for eight dollars pretty soon, should I pick it up?

>> No.3187491

what age op?
have you read catcher in the rye?

>> No.3187498

>buying public domain books
>not LEGALLY downloading them for free
What are you doing?

>> No.3187499

nope, should I?

>> No.3187505

For some reason I knew you were from Melboure - all dat penguin. Hate those damn orange covers.

Picked up a couple from a Collins near me today.

>> No.3187506

what are those orange penguins called? the name of the series i mean..

>> No.3187518

ahh, good old Collins. which store?

I can never find anything decent at my Collins. I picked these books up at QBD and Dymocks

>> No.3187520

another melbro here, those orange covers kill me, they look so bland and awful. i try to go for the traditional penguin classics

>> No.3187523

When the power gets knocked out for weeks, you'll see the light

>> No.3187526
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They don't have a series name - like 'Classic Penguin' or anything I don't think.

They are the cheapest of the cheap from Penguin though. Here in Aus they usually sell for under $10.

>> No.3187529

the white/greyish penguin is 'modern classics,' but the oranges don't really have names

>> No.3187534

when the power gets knocked out for weeks i'd be reading books that aren't public domain.

>> No.3187544

I also could not find Homage to Catalonia again today. Where can I get it? irl or online?

>> No.3187550

bookdepository, free shipping worldwide

>> No.3187564

I hate it when the copies with the decent covers are double the price. I really like covers

also thanks for the site, in case you had not realized I'm real beginner literature, so I don't know many good book sources, sites, etc.

>> No.3187571

i know that feel, if you're gonna buy a book you wanna get something you like the look of

no worries, the free shipping really helps being in Australia

>> No.3187573
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Print is dead.

Pic very related.

But seriously, just pick up some Hunter S. Thompson and you're good to go bro.

>> No.3187577


Back...and to the left.

Back...and to the left.

It was the Comedian.

>> No.3187585

I saw kingdom of fear today and I'm going back to the bookstore on Saturday, shall I pick that up as well?

>> No.3187586


Eh, I say start with Hells Angels.

That's what I did and you get a good feel for his work/voice.

>> No.3187589

If I can find it I will. If not, I'll pick up kingdom of fear anyway.

Thanks /lit/bros, I've got a good idea of what I'm going to pick up next.

>> No.3187601


>> No.3187629


>> No.3187644

cool beans

>> No.3187670

Canberrabro here and I love them. Something about the colours and the plainness of the design that just works. Clean and stylish I think. I don't buy works of fiction in this series if I can find them in a more elaborate hardcover version, only certain non-fiction works, for some reason.
The black penguin classics and the white modern classics look 'classier' but the orange ones look cute.

>> No.3187683

Yeah, it's not like the guy won the Nobel Prize for Literature or anything. What have you done besides broken your record for number of times in a row you can masturbate in your parents' basement?

>> No.3187697


Seriously get a kindle bro, infinite texts. Also try googling the word "library". Nice selection but you should have gotten Homage to Catalonia instead. I ahve no fucking clue why you got Keep the Apsidistra Flying. Looking forward to when you buy infinite jest

>> No.3187712

Yeah, Aspidistra is good obscure Orwell, but Clergyman's is the real shit.

Enjoy the sex scene.

>> No.3187716

OMATS is one of my all time favourites! Very poignant and simple, I feel it is the ultimate Hemingway novel.

>> No.3187720
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did I do well /lit/ :3
which should I read first

>> No.3187740
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>> No.3187752

Remember Heart of Darkness is not the only Conrad novel. Please further explore his works. I recommend Under Western Eyes, Nostromo and The Nigger of the Narcissus. Even if you are not in love with Heart of Darkness, give these a whirl.

As for Hemingway, The Old Man and the Sea is a fine choice but I feel his best novel is The Sun Always Rises. Also, check out his short story collections. Men Without Women is very good.

>> No.3187754

Read Catch-22 and 1984, put the others in the garbage.

>> No.3187757

I've only ever read Hemingway's short stories, which I loved (mostly for how bare they are in detail or something lolol). How does he differ stylistically in his novels?

>> No.3187761

put "notes from underground" in the garbage?
Wow! you must soo not be 15 yo

>> No.3187773


That wasn't one of the books in the picture.

>> No.3187784

HA sorry i thought you meant this:


>> No.3187808

That's a much better group of books.

>> No.3187809

I thought you guys loved DFW.

>> No.3187812

Some people think it's cool to hate him.

>> No.3187815

Alright, might as well use this thread to ask a question.

I have a few books I picked up from a visit home that I haven't read. Mostly fare from high school days that I never actually read.

Which of the following should I read first?

The Red Badge of Courage


Lord of the Flies


Heart of Darkness

I also have Ulysses, but I feel very unprepared for such a work.

>> No.3187820

Forgot I also have some short stories by Ambrose Bierce.

>> No.3187821


It's not cool, it's necessary since people keep bringing him up. He's just not worth reading.

>> No.3187822

Derrida's "Writing and Difference"

>> No.3187826

He is widely known for his 1996 novel Infinite Jest.[13][14] In 2005, Time magazine included the novel in its list of the 100 best English-language novels from 1923 to the present.[15]
Los Angeles Times book editor David Ulin called Wallace "one of the most influential and innovative writers of the last 20 years".[13] Wallace's unfinished novel, The Pale King, was published in 2011, and in 2012 was a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize.

He sounds like he's worth reading to me.

>> No.3187844


Well, Hamlet is definitely the best of the works you need catching up on. If you want the best first, read this.

The Red Badge of Courage is quite good, really an American classic. Surprised you made it through school without reading it. Really behind on this one.

Lord of the Flies, it's not really that great but it's short. Golding was just not that amazing unless you love to hate humanity.

Foundation is a rather boring work of science fiction. You may enjoy it though, I know many people do. It's not a must read by any standards like these others. Put it on the back burner.

Heart of Darkness. It seems to be Conrad's most popular work, mostly thanks to high-school reading curriculum. It's also very good, though I prefer some of his other works.

Ulysses... don't read this one right now.

>> No.3187847


He is, but not because of anything in your post.

>> No.3187849


If you looked at that Time magazine list you would realize being on that list is meaningless.

>> No.3187863

so much win

>> No.3187868

op back

I doubt I'll pick up Infinite Jest or any Foster Wallace works for a long time

I love me dem sex scenes YERP

I'm halfway through For Whom The Bell Tolls, normally my attention span isn't large enough for a book that size, but it has some kind of charm that keeps me reading.

I've never read Conrad before, I picked Heart of Darkness because of the interesting Congo setting, if I like the novel I will definitely make room for more of his work.

>> No.3187866



Go back to /b/ circa 2007

>> No.3187869


>I doubt I'll pick up Infinite Jest or any Foster Wallace works for a long time

Why? He's easily one of the greatest American authors of the 90s

>> No.3187873

I was supposed to read The Red Badge of Courage back in high school.

The way the classes were structured, you could get away with not reading and just paying attention during the lectures. Look up spark notes for the test, and I had my own method for writing B - A grade essays on books I hadn't actually read.

I was lazy.

I'll try Hamlet then.....I wish it wasn't a pocket version though. Text is so damn small. I've tried reading other Shakespeare works, but found the plays acted out to be much more enjoyable. That's probably because they were his comedies.

>> No.3187878

ignore the word lethargic in that sentence

>> No.3187874

Seeing people talk about the complex plotline just kind of intimidated me. Would you recommend it to a novice reader? I'm probably just being a lethargic bitch

>> No.3187876
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>Why? He's easily one of the greatest American authors of the 90s

>> No.3187881

>Implying I don't get both classic and popular culture :D, but ok, if your mommy and daddy have forbidden you to talk to spontaneous people that no one tells them what to do then i won't bother you

>> No.3187879

Fuck, forgot I have 5 plays by Chekhov as well.

Put those behind Hamlet?

>> No.3187889

>to talk to spontaneous people that no one tells them what to do


>> No.3187891


If you disagree, it'd be nice if we could hear as to why.


It really is a pretty accessible book, not a very daunting read at all

>> No.3187892

Mite b trollin

>> No.3187893

may b

bay b

>> No.3187898


>If you disagree, it'd be nice if we could hear as to why.

Lol. People here tell you how a book sucks and how you're disgusting, but they never say how. Welcome to /lit/.

>> No.3187912

>welcome to 4chan

in lit they tell you the book sucks but not why
in fit they tell you you have a horrible body but wont show theirs

>> No.3187919


Amen, brother.

>> No.3187918

I like how on /b/ OP is always a faggot but this also means by this standard most of the population of /b/ are faggots.

>> No.3187923

/b/ is scum, it really brings down the integrity of the site

>> No.3187962

B is avant garde poetry and amongst the last places of originality left in this world

>> No.3187967

>Spending birthday dosh on books, something that can be attained for free, instead of spending it on hardware
I never laughed so hard and pitted someone at the same time in my entire life

>> No.3187968

99.9% reposting

>> No.3187972

Same guy with the OP is a faggot thing, and I agree with both of these points. They're not mutually exclusive. I hate /b/tard mentality, but I love to see what the hell's going on over there sometimes.

>> No.3187979


>> No.3187985

If bukowsky was alive he would track you down to beat the shit out of you and then piss on you when you're unconcious, and he was one of the best american writers ever

>> No.3187994

>What do you want for Christmas, anon?
>Oh, books are fine
>Are... Are you sure?
>Yes please. Books. Anything from the literature section, or classics would be fine.
>Oh... Okay Anon. [Terry, I am deeply concerned that our son may be depressed.]

I kind of actually look forward to socks. I didn't realise how expensive they were till I moved out. Some nice ones that fit well.

>> No.3187998
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>>What do you want for Christmas, anon?
>>Books would be nice.
>>Stop being weird and ask for something worth getting.

This actually happened.

>> No.3188000

It's the simple things.

>> No.3188001


I've experienced the same thing. Oddly enough, they have no problem getting me DVDs but books aren't a substantial enough present.

Although it could take me three days to finish a book and two hours to finish a DVD

>> No.3188018


Their reaction caught me off-guard. They were genuinely annoyed by it, like I was implying I was smarter than them or somehow bringing up the fact that they never read just by asking for a book.

I didn't ask in a way that was condescending either. It's pretty fucking disillusioning to see your own parents actually get mad that you'd even consider asking for something other than mindless entertainment...

>> No.3188020

I never understood this. No one has ever bought me a book, I always get socks, a scarf, some fancy shampoo, things like that. Why do they hate me ;_;

>> No.3188026


Books are not considered entertainment by non-readers. It's like asking for a screwdriver for Christmas.

>> No.3188028

Well Im an avid reader an i do not consider books to be entertainment, at least not in the same way as a videogame or an action movie.
They do entertain, but it's not the main thing they do, being interesting and provoking thought is much more important than it's "entertainment" value, we are not talking about puzzles here, i think the adequate word would be enjoyment rather than entertainment

>> No.3188029

I always get books, it's annoying. I even told my dad take it easy on the books this year. Last Christmas I got like 10 pop-sci books and a Half-Price gift card because my dad's mostly a genre reader and didn't know what to get me for fiction. Sure, it's great, but for fuck's sakes, I like and need other stuff too.
And if you're in any way poor or living the poor life, ask for damn socks. When you're broke, your soul's in your sole and your heart's in your belly.

>> No.3188040

suspiciously good taste for /lit/. also anyone who doesn't love hemingway gargles cock.

>> No.3188048

>not spending all money ever on pot

>> No.3188051


>hasn't grown out of pot

>> No.3188060
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manchild pls go

>> No.3188065

>buying books
>buying public domain books
>buying physical books
>buying cannabis
>buying toilet paper


>> No.3188074

>Doesn't grow his own pot
>I shiggy diggy

>> No.3188088

Books are the only thing I get for Christmas these days (as well as socks from my nan, naturally). I have to ask for specific books, though, or I'll end up with a tonne of Oprah-core crap that I'll be guilt tripped into reading.

>> No.3188089

Keep the aspidistra flying is awesome, even if orwell hated it

I'd tell you more but i too cannot form my own opinions