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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 87 KB, 1024x768, A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3185772 No.3185772 [Reply] [Original]

My favorite directors are Godard, Tarkovsky, Bergman, Antonioni, Resnais, Melville, Fellini, Malle and Bresson.

Who are yours?

>> No.3185774

Woody Allen :)

>> No.3185777


am I missing something here?

>> No.3185778

it's just sad existences trying to feel patrician, nothing to see here

>> No.3185779

There have been some great cinema threads here.

>> No.3185780


>> No.3185789

/lit/ is probably the best board for discussing television and film
I've seen this image and this text before

anyway, the trinity for me is Hitchcock Kurosawa and Fellini

>> No.3185793

oh, hi mark

>> No.3185796


>being this new

>> No.3185798

This copypasta has been posted on /tv/ everyday for the past 2 years.

Don't ask why.

>> No.3185803

this list is pretty fucking entry level


>> No.3185805

>Not Bergman


>> No.3185806






>> No.3185823

Altman, Buneul and Melville

>> No.3185880

Tao Lin
Megan Boyle

>> No.3185891
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Griffith, Kon, Coen Bros. Kurosawa and Hideaki Anno

>> No.3185893

De Sica, Germi, Kurosawa, Malick, Herzog, Kaufman, Godard, Reggio

>Hurr I masturbate to Wavelength

>> No.3185908

I know this is a copypasta but I don't know why it gets people riled up, those are genuinely good directors.

It's the external baggage isn't it.
It's the sense of undeserved self-accomplishment when somebody thinks recognising them as a serious filmmakers makes better isn't it.
It's the wearing of clothes that don't match but fuck it I don't care i'm being ironic attitude isn't it.
I wish I was Godard.
I think Anna Karina is hot.
I would definitely fuck Anna Karina.

>> No.3185916


Also Kiarostami and Abdel-Salam

>> No.3185922

>I think Anna Karina is hot.
>I would definitely fuck Anna Karina.

Thing about hot actresses in old movies... they're all either gross looking or dead nowadays.

>> No.3185948

>Anna Karina
She's not that old.

>> No.3185957


>> No.3185959 [DELETED] 
File: 78 KB, 720x480, Publicity-USA-16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not wanting to fuck Greta Garbo.
You're the strange one here.
Pic related, it's Greta Garbo in a cage with a fucking lion.

>> No.3185964


She's 72 bro. Le Petit Soldat, Bande à part, etc. are like 50 years old.

>> No.3185965

Again, not that old.

72 is not corpse tier.
I would still do her.

>> No.3185972
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Come give me a kiss big boy

>> No.3185976
File: 61 KB, 420x440, holy shit in fucking notorious man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit this is like some sort of bizarro world /tv/ waifu thread

quick, someone post pictures of barbara bel geddes's feet

>> No.3186034

Grace Slick

I seriously do not want to know what she looks like now.

>> No.3186040

Fuck yeah Kubrick!

>> No.3186041
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>> No.3186064

Wim Wenders, Whit Stillman, James Ivory, James Cameron.

>> No.3186120

Wong Kar-Wai

>> No.3186133

Bergman, Kurosawa, Wilder, Murnau, Fellini.

>> No.3186134
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I agree.

>> No.3186145 [DELETED] 


I really like Wong Kar Wai but the that i've seen are all pretty similar. I have a hard time telling Chungking Express, Fallen Angels and Days of Being Wild (the three i've seen) apart in my memory. Chungking Express and Days of Being Wild were originally supposed to be part of the same film. Though this wouldn't stop me from saying he's a genuinely charming film-maker who makes romantic stories without the melodrama.

He reminds me of Murakami too. Themes of alienation, western/eastern culture blending together, unrealised love, mishaped youth and the focus on the small, almost insignificant moments, in crowded urban areas, reference to the metaphysical (space and time) seem prominent in both their work.

>> No.3186149
File: 274 KB, 1600x1067, Bil_Zelman_Werner_Herzog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Werner Herzog, Stanley Kubrick, David Lynch, Lars Von Trier, Darren Aronofsky, Andrei Tarkovsky, Quentin Tarantino, David Fincher, Francis Ford Coppola

And more recent for me Nicholas Winding Refn, P.T. Anderson, Harmony Korine

>> No.3186157


I really like Wong Kar Wai but films that i've seen are all pretty similar. I have a hard time telling Chungking Express, Fallen Angels and Days of Being Wild (the three i've seen) apart in my memory at times. Chungking Express and Days of Being Wild were originally supposed to be part of the same film IIRC. Though this wouldn't stop me from saying he's a good film-maker who makes charming stories about love (both romantic and kinship) without the melodrama.

He reminds me of Murakami too. Themes of alienation, western/eastern culture blending together, unrealised love, misshaped youth, the focus on the small almost insignificant moments in crowded urban areas and references to the metaphysical (space and time) seem prominent in both their work.

>> No.3186177

>liking a thief and style-over-substance

Tsk, tsk.

>> No.3186198


I'm quite a cynic of Tarantino but he does put a film together really, really well despite him being far too fond of pastiche. The main issue with his films is that there's no point to them. They don't actually stand for anything. They are as hollow as any formulaic major blockbuster movie they are supposedly the antithesis of. Post-JB at least.

Inb4 but they're supposed fun or something.

>> No.3186203

Not that guy, but I've always prefereed style-over-substance to substance with no style. They're both equally vapid but one's entertaining and visually enticing whilst the other is masturbation (and alas not your own.)

Style and substance together is ideal of course.

>> No.3186208



>> No.3186213
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Satyajit Ray, Peter Greenaway, Ross McElwee, Chris Marker, Víctor Erice, Mikio Naruse, Jacques Rivette, Allan King, Jean-Daniel Pollet, Kazuo Hara, Claire Denis, Wang Bing, John Cassavetes, Carl Theodor Dreyer, Jonas Mekas, Frederick Wiseman

>> No.3186216

This ones better. It has 18 of them:


>> No.3186222

ITT : People trying to sound cultivate

>> No.3186226


Are you both retarded or just extremely new? This thread opening is established as a good starting point for actual movie discussions because /tv/ fails at that and they just keep on posting copypasta that leads nowhere whereas on /lit/ this threads get busy.

>> No.3186228

Style-over-substance is only ideal if it's surrealistic/experimental or documentative [like Koyaanisqatsi, or any in that trilogy]. If the movie is story-driven, I consider it bad that the movie has to depend upon its visuals for its appeal rather than putting forth something compelling.

But, yes, style AND substance are what should be striven for.

>> No.3186233

I will give Tarantino credit for putting together films well; same with directing. However, he lifts so much from other movies I can't grade him higher because it's regurgitation and lazy.

>> No.3186237


Firstly, why do the trees have no shadows yet the people do? Secondly, which Spielberg movie is that from again?

>> No.3186238

Wes Anderson, Woody Allen, Mike Leigh

>Implying someone can make those inspiring characters with a name that does not start with w.

also tao lin

>> No.3186243


>> No.3186245

Tarantino, Chan-wook Park hurr durr

>> No.3186250


You don't remember correctly.

Fallen Angels is a spiritual sequel to Chungking Express.

Days of Being Wild, In the Mood for Love, and 2046 are all part of a loose trilogy of sorts.

>> No.3186251

Why have you been spamming this same thread, with the directors listed in the same order, with the same picture for years?

>> No.3186260


Did you just seriously imply I'm OP and that there's only one person who makes these threads? Wow, you really are retarded.

>> No.3186269
File: 28 KB, 460x276, tarkovskyREAL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT entry level everything.

>> No.3186271

Does anyone have a chart or website or some shit for director/movie recommendations?

>> No.3186279
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>> No.3186282
File: 148 KB, 620x800, spam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get the fuck out, you weirdo. Why would you continually post this same thread? It's creepy as shit. This is the wrong board for it anyway, but you probably post it on other boards too.

How many more threads do you routinely Ctrl+V here?

>> No.3186284

Is this enough to become a patrician?

Where do you recommend I find these?

>> No.3186288

i've posted this thread as well a couple times to /lit/

your advice is correct, not even i could tell you why i did it, it just felt right

>> No.3186289

>level 5
Apparently sleeping and giving/getting head are 2deep4u

>> No.3186295
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> Koyaanisqatsi style over substance

>> No.3186298
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>> No.3186299
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That's not a recommendation chart, that's just a depth chart.

Here's some entry level art house essentials though.

>> No.3186301
File: 762 KB, 1280x800, dek1-witness.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw no kieslowski

dat dekalog

>> No.3186303

Yeah, I said it. Any substance you derive from it is purely projected.

>> No.3186306


This nigger be my nigger

>> No.3186308

why is it most well known films for most directors but wild at heart for lynch?

>> No.3186315

I think it's assuming that you've already seen Eraserhead and Mulholland Drive and stuff.

>> No.3186362


Most of the best stuff is concentrated around "level three" and toward "four". Past that point, most of it is either pure wankery (Warhol) or stuff significant for being experimental, but not necessarily a good viewing experience or worth spending much time on unless you're studying film (Snow, Brakhage, etc.)

>> No.3186379


What do you think of Courant?

>> No.3186383

Is Bordwell's Film Art: An Introduction a good book on film critique? If not, can someone recommend me something?

>> No.3186386

>Refn and Malick on level 3
>implying they're not level 1-2
>Kubrick and Cronenberg nearing 3

This list; god, it needs some fixing.

>> No.3186395

Rowling, Rand, Collins, Meyer, Martin.

Oh wait, those aren't directors they're authors. I forgot what board I was on.

>> No.3186400


someone is mad that he has no knowledge of film

hide the thread if it makes you this uncomfortable

>> No.3186407


I dunno. Cinématon is an interesting idea, I guess, but I don't really know how to assess it beyond that. I'm just a casual movie watcher myself.

>> No.3186418

Stanley Kubrick
Paul Thomas Anderson
Max Ophuls
Powell & Pressburger

>> No.3186419


Refn might be 2, but Malick on level 1-2? Surely you aren't that out of touch with the average moviegoer.

>> No.3186431


>Powell & Pressburger

i like you

>> No.3186432

I hate Bordwell so much, even just his general film books. I dislike him and the other post-theorists so much.

>> No.3186434

>no knowledge of film
Or literature.

>> No.3186440

So, uh, who do I read then to learn about film?

>> No.3186442

woody allen, stanley kubrick, marcel carne are my three favorites.

i like pessimistic yet somehow life affirming movies with relatively interesting cinematography and realistic love stories.

antonioni and kurosawa are a couple other favorites. and i'll admit i like tarantino movies.

>> No.3186444


combining rand and martin was a little too obvious, should have left it at either sci fi or rand for a better troll

>> No.3186457
File: 273 KB, 1500x1100, 3x3_new.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer listing movies, not directors.

>> No.3186460

Kubrick, Cuaron, Lean, Herzog, Boyle, Tarantino, Fellini, Resnais, Aronofsky.

>> No.3186478


I bet you list songs instead of artists as well, huh, pleb?

>> No.3186487

No, I list albums.

>> No.3186492

James Incandenza

>> No.3186494

Every time, every fucking time this thread works

You guys need to lurk the fuck more and not get trolled by babby's first troll thread

>> No.3186505

have you considered that some are either counter-trolling or hopping on the troll-wagon to piss off people like you by pretending to take it seriously

>> No.3186513


Some of us like to see others' taste in things, unironically. This is an ancient copypasta and it always goes off reasonably well.

>> No.3186527

Kubrick, Jarmusch, Lynch

>> No.3186541

The sad thing is you can post this on /tv/ and nobody would know who those guys are

>> No.3186542

truer words have never been spoken.

>> No.3186543


>Every time, every fucking time this thread works

People chat casually in it and then it goes away. It doesn't "work", we just don't really give a fuck. This is only 4chan.

>> No.3186550
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'Blood Sister: One Tough Nun' is in my top 5 films.

>> No.3186556

I am so incredibly uneducated when it comes to films

Thank you for the recommendations

>> No.3186565

/tv/ isn't about film. It's about "waifus".

I wish it was different.

As for directors, I like Ford, Bergman, and Truffaut.

>> No.3186574


Waifus and Breaking Bad

Bergman, Allen, Kurosawa, Wes Anderson, The In the Mood for Love guy

>> No.3186588

holy shit I love everyone here. What would I do without you?

>> No.3186592
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I like Fritz Lang, Melville, and Kubrick a lot. Not sure is Laughton counts because he only made one film.

>> No.3186597

but it was a great film

>> No.3186606

watching movies alone makes me feel so lonely and i don't know why exactly ;_;

>> No.3186601


Shit yes it was.

>> No.3186616


Watching comedies do for me, albeit rarely.

Arthouse I prefer to watch alone though.

>> No.3186618
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I thought it was ok

>> No.3186620

I prefer watching them alone.

Otherwise I feel responsible for the other person's enjoyment of the movie (moreso when I'm the one who picked it_

>> No.3186637
File: 96 KB, 348x460, 1353526228605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


dat mise en scene


>> No.3186678

Why are Capra and Keaton so far down? In terms of older movies they're pretty accessible.

>> No.3186736

Because it's a bad list.

>> No.3186845

exactly. I always feel awkward while watching a movie with someone else, which seriously cuts down on my own personal enjoyment

>> No.3186896

I go to screenings alone, like the experience so much more

>> No.3187017

What a revolting way to think of art.

>> No.3187125
File: 76 KB, 641x544, IMG_0334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tied between stanley kubrick/and david lynch.

right now i'm into lynch cause rewatching twin peaks/he has magnificent hair

>> No.3187133
File: 20 KB, 500x213, candy-colored-clown-blue-velvet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what about blue velvet?

>> No.3187199

Does anyone know a legitimate site to watch any of these films on? I have found a select Pasolini films on YouTube and exhausted Netflix ages ago.

>> No.3187209

Implying Kubrick was well received by critics with his later stuff.

>> No.3187231

What a dick. Film 101 choices.

Satyajit Ray, Kar-Wai Wong, Ozu, Kieslowski, Lynch, Kaige, Ghatak, Malick, PTA, Eisenstein, Cocteau, Shokof, Guy Debord, Deren/Hammid and about half of Bergman.

People who are new to classic cinema are far too often overwhelmed by the medium's capacity for Formal beauty, but one mustn't forget Semiotics.

>> No.3187245

Wes Anderson
Woody Allen

>> No.3187253
File: 60 KB, 580x838, last-year-at-marienbad-movie-poster-1961-1020442668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last Year in Marienbad is one of my favorite films off time.

>> No.3187414


>> No.3187418

>What a dick. Film 101 choices.
>Proceeds to list more Film 101 choices

>> No.3187424

>about half of Bergman
Do you like the Seventh Seals and Virgin Springs, or the Personas and The Silence?

>> No.3187426



>> No.3187435
File: 10 KB, 175x263, Nietzsche187c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find your lack of amor fati disturbing.

>> No.3187953
File: 212 KB, 1200x877, atalantesimon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you even Renoir?
Do you even Kiarostami?
Do you even Vigo?

>> No.3188242

These 2

>> No.3188280

Edward Yang, Tsai Ming-Liang, Hou Hsiao-Hsien, Jafar Panahi, Abbas Kiarostami, Alexandr Sokurov, Apichatpong Weerasethakul, Pen-Ek Ratanaruang, Nuri Bilge Ceylan, Claire Denis

>> No.3188350

Fei Mu, Tian Zhuangzhuang, Li Shaohong, Peter Chan, Lu Yue, Jia Zhangke, Hou Hsiao-Hsien, Edward Yang, I-Chen Ko, Tsai Ming-liang, Yim Ho, Clarence Fok Yiu-leung, Wong Kar-wai, Stanley Kwan, Im Kwon-taek, Teinosuke Kinugasa, Yasujiro Ozu, Kenji Mizoguchi, Yasuzo Masumura, Nagisa Oshima, Shinsuke Ogawa, Juzo Itami, Takeshi Kitano, Seijun Suzuki, Pen-Ek Ratanaruang, Apichatpong Weerasethakul, Satyajit Ray, Ritwik Ghatak, Forugh Farrokhzad, Ebrahim Golestan, Parviz Kimiavi, Abbas Kiarostami, Mohsen Makhmalbaf, Samira Makhmalbaf, Reza Mirkarimi, Marziyeh Meshkini, Jafar Panahi, Yaky Yosha, Amos Gitai, Ziad Doueiri and Youssef Chahine.

These threads are mostly name-dropping. Yet another outlet for /mu/tards in their never-ending quest to appear cultured.

>> No.3188352

>Ritwik Ghatak
What does he do that Ray doesn't?

I bet you haven't even seen Unterwelt.

>> No.3188357
File: 274 KB, 1280x800, Clipboard01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What book was the woman reading?
Snapshot from Marienbad.

>> No.3188427

Goes the same for everything else. But you imagine it to come from it and not from yourself for no reason other than you interpret your experience as something given from the film, intentions of director, etc. There is nothing that comes from it or from you alone, for the context itself is what brings forth emotions and thought that make the experience.

Two arguments I never approoved in terms of analysing art. First is this substance vs style or sometimes substance vs form. There is no real distinction between the two. There are no examples of substance without form and no examples of form without substance. Whether you perceive substance but not form or the other way around is irrelevant, for the very definition of these two things are created subjectively. Therefore, for whatever you consider them to be, one can only state the terms that separate them in each film before claiming it to miss one of them (which is impossible, really)

The other thing that bothers is me is any argument on "getting" films, 2deep4u, etc. It is impossible not to get a film, for even confusion or apathy are something we "get" from them. Where it concenrs on ambiguous or confusing plots that you feel you miss, to ask about it is no more than to ask for overlapping what you got (confusion) with something the other's get (their interpretation and so on).

>> No.3188487

My favourites: Welles, Lang, Leone, Hitchcock, Herzog, Kubrick, Fellini, Bergman, Kurosawa, Lumet(I feel people always forget him...), Forman, Coppola, Chaplin etc. For the most recent ones, I'm in love anything the Coen bros. do. These are giants.

There are also directors who I think are completely underated due to certain contexts that their work are brought in. Mainly bad scripts or bad actors, low budget, etc. But their originality as directors is perceived in small moments and I believe they are giants of cinema just as those above: Peter Weir and Lasse Halstrom.

Woody Allen is also one of the directors I like the most, even though I don't like a lot of his films, while others I find to be great. His vision is always uplifting somehow.

I have soft spot for Tarantino. Can't hate the guy. I believe him to be a very intelligent man.

I hate Aronofsky, I hate Boyle. I don't like their work, I don't like what they say, I don't like how they say it, I don't like anything they do. I can't understand the praise. Fincher is good, but I wouldn't put him anywhere near the others I mentioned.

Other great guys I also like: Lynch, Altman, von Trier, Tarkovsky, Jarmusch...

PS: Dalton was best Bond. Anything Disney before Walt's death is beautiful. Marx Brothers are absolutely fantastic and you should watch them all.

>> No.3188492

>style/substance dichotomy

oh lord

>> No.3188514

it is german poem. with a look at the layout i'd say it is a (generic) book of poems

>> No.3188519


your now known as the guy w/ da most boring taste in film ever

>> No.3188526

there's little range in film taste. too young a medium for your choice in favorites to really reflect your "tastes" as literature can do..

either you go for the classical canon [europe, balkans, america, mexico, japan] or you go reactionary and sink yourself into [almost always contemporary] asian cinema.

>> No.3188552

Godard, Wes Anderson, Sofia Coppola, Melville, Noah Baumbach, Woody Allen, Wong Kar-Wai, Richard Linklater

>> No.3188555

>Noah Baumbach
>Richard Linklater
mah nigga

>> No.3188576

Greenberg is a special film. Baumbach should get more credit for making such a sincere film. I sometimes fear like I might end up similar to Greenberg. I just fucking hope that there will be a Florence Marr willing to put up with my shit.

>> No.3188587

His next movie Frances Ha is supposed to be amazing. It's co-written by Greta Gerwig and stars her too.

Also see my list

>> No.3188628


Well yeah so do I but that's the point of the OP. It's supposed to be a bit of a dig at people who feel they are saying a lot by merely listing directors they like when in truth they aren't saying much at all.

I thought people got that but this thread is showing otherwise.

>> No.3188662

I saw that list on /tv/ before. Recently watched Rosemary's Baby and found it to be quite chilling.

>> No.3188794

not the activities in and of themselves but finding worth in actually viewing these activities, yes.