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3182706 No.3182706 [Reply] [Original]

Alright guys I'm filled with fucking rage. I just finished Animal Farm and it pissed me off. For those of you who've read it, have you found books that have caused more rage than this?

>> No.3182708

while I would've said pic unrelated, it seems kind of relevant now.

>> No.3182710

Why are you mad?

>> No.3182718 [DELETED] 

Yeah OP, what's the matter?

>> No.3182713

I'm mad at Napolean, that fat fucking little shit liar and his minions.

>> No.3182721

I see this feel isn't so mutual.

>> No.3182726

So are you like, mad at the actual book or the character?

>> No.3182735

Sounds like he's mad at the characters, which is perfectly reasonable.

When I was in middle/high school, this was only one of a couple of books that I actually liked.

>> No.3182747
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stay prole op

>> No.3182752

Well, I guess the book wouldn't have provided the message that it did if it ended differently, but the whole time I was hoping that
Snowball would come back and/or the other animals weren't so susceptible to the lies and would revolt

>> No.3182758

>google prole
1984 is next on my list!

>> No.3182776

More well known, not as good in my (most likely poor) opinion.

>> No.3182778

Yes, mind you I prolly wouldn't read it again except to refresh, but I thought it was all-in-all a great book, especially that last line.

>> No.3182781


are you in high school?

>> No.3182784

No, I'm 19, though.

>> No.3182787

Animal Farm is middle school.

>> No.3182792
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>mfw I never read either during school

>> No.3182793

I remember being pissed as fuck when they were disposing of horse and the donkey, who was just as cynical as me, was horrified by the situation.
Napoleon pretty much fucked everyone which pissed me off even more since i assumed that people who don't give a shit would not be fucked that people who were deceived.

>> No.3182800

I never read 1984 in school. I was supposed to read some Huxley (guess which one), but switched high schools in my senior year so I missed it.

>> No.3182846

I didn't really care because the extent of the naivety...it's like they're too ignorant for me to care.

Plus I've always wondered if the lower class have ever be genuinely patriotic anyway, I would assume that they begrudgingly do their shit work and only continue working because it's a living.

>> No.3182855

I first read Animal Farm when I was eleven and it made me really sad. After I had finished reading it my dad told me about the story of the Communist Revolution in Russia and how Communism may sound like a nice idea, like Old Major's song, but it's flaws lay in the nature of men. I asked him what happened to Trotsky, who Snowball represented, and he told me that he was killed with an icepick in Mexico.

Now that I think about it, that's kind of fucked up that my dad told me this stuff at that age. Fuckin' sociologists.

>> No.3182861


That's not what Orwell's message was at all.

>> No.3182870

Maybe it was the way Boxer was so loyal and (if you recall tried to learn the letters which made me pity him) didn't understand how he was being manipulated.

>> No.3182872

Actually, the sudden call to patriotism is what pulled Russia through WWII, not communism. Your duty to Mother Russia really resonated with the common working man.

>> No.3182876
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>> No.3182885


Your dad is really stupid.

>> No.3182889

Where did I imply that it was? I just mentioned what my father told me.

>> No.3182901

He may well be.

>> No.3182897


That's called brainwashing.

>> No.3182898


actually orwell was a socialist himself. he fought against the fascists in spain

>> No.3182916

My father didn't say that was the moral of the story, he gave his view that Communism is flawed. Which I mentioned is strange to say to an eleven year old.

>> No.3182933

>Communism is flawed


>> No.3182947
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Ya rly.

>> No.3182951


Go ahead and give us all a solid critique of communism, bub.

>> No.3182957


But in Animal Farm its "flawed" in that one corrupt leader (and his underlings) steers society back towards capitalism. How exactly is that an argument FOR capitalism?

>> No.3182966

Holy shit, he said his dad told him that when he was 11, not that he believes him now or that he considers capitalism to be a better alternative.

Jesus Christ.

>> No.3182968

Communism is shit because we're all selfish I and I don't want to share my families prosperity with scum.

>> No.3182973

>Giving a lightweight political opinion to an 11-yo is weird

No, not really.

>> No.3182993

Come back when you've graduated HS.

>> No.3182999


Muh Egoist Communism.


>> No.3183000

It doesn't take an adult to know Communism doesn't work.

>> No.3183001


Explain how communism would ever work you stupid fuck.

>> No.3183006


Just read Animal Farm.

>> No.3183019

I think it does.

>> No.3183021


Not who you're replying to, but Anarchist Communism generally presents itself as a system in which productive assets are owned in common within independent communes. Exchange is based on gift economies instead of actual market forces.

It did quite well in the Free Territory until the Bolsheviks came in and mucked about with their whole military and propaganda campaign ordeal.

>> No.3183165


Totalitarianism =/= communism


Post-capitalism revolution


Why not give the bird to nature and stop pretending you're better than other human beings?

>> No.3183201

With communes, not large nations.

>> No.3183221

>what's a kibbutz