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3178702 No.3178702 [Reply] [Original]

English and Illustration Student
>Oh hey *that guy*
>Look at that guy he's going to fail hard.
>Studying hard dummy?
>One trick pony remarks.
>How sad...
> I do *insert science subject*, your studying is useless you useless, useless person.
> So do you like Harry Potter/ 50 shades...
>Correcting all my frivolous grammar mistakes.

What the fuck, I didn't deserve this shit.
Last time I checked people are allowed to pursue their interests.
You elitist know it all science faggots are the worst, seriously fuck right off.
When I say I want to get into comics and literature everyone always says the same thing; 'That's nice...'
I'm pretty mad over this inparticulary 'Why don't you be helpful to society' Hurmmmmm... maybe because I'm not helping you for all the shit you've given me before.
These dicks are making me sound more and more like an edgy faggot. FUCK.

Some times, I too want to watch the world burn.

>> No.3178715

I can't follow your greentext story, therefor your angst sounds unfounded and irrational.
Learn how to clearly express yourself better.

>> No.3178719

stop making threads about which college majors are good / bad


>> No.3178721

Why are engineering students and engineers so fucking smug? Because they do math? I don't understand.

>> No.3178750

It's because the 'useless' degrees that people think you can bullshit your way through generally attract a higher proportion of stupid people/drains on society who just go to college for the experience.

OP, I don't get why them asking 'do you like Harry Potter/ 50 shades' annoys you.

>> No.3178761

Engineering students can be pretty arrogant.

>> No.3178766

not math, it's the "practicality"

math students are just like english majors

>> No.3178772
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>being bullied by the nerds you used to bully in high school

>> No.3178775

>TFW theoretical Physics
Zero practical applications

>> No.3178789

>Friendly, intelligent person tier
Physics, Chemistry
>Gigantic douchebag tier
Engineering, Mathematics
>Richard Dawkins tier
>Lor of the Neckbeards tier
Computer Science

>> No.3178791

>being bullied by the nerds you were bullied alongside in high school

>> No.3178798
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I understand being a humanities major, but I don't understand studying the humanities in America. The methodology American universities teach is deliberately watered down from the 'hard sciences'; analytic philosophy pervades pretty much every aspect of our institutions that it's like you're subordinated to begin with and you're forced to acknowledge and accept this.

>> No.3178809

>tfw applying for physics degree because when I was 16 I hated the humanities and art and loved science so chose to only study the sciences and maths at college
>tfw all I want to do is study philosophy or classical civilisations

>> No.3178856

>tfw you are studying physics and I'm studying philosophy
>tfw you'll be rich and I'll be poor

>> No.3178874

I doubt it. I don't like it, it just comes naturally to me. I'll just end up becoming a teacher or something shitty like that.

>> No.3178901

Post-Modernist views that there's no such thing as objectivity are ideologically opposed to the fundamental principles of STEM majors.

It's not surprising the hostilities between the majors it's been getting worse.

>> No.3178906

>wants to get into comics
>can't even make a proper green text story

>> No.3178908

The Humanities isn't a synonym for Postmodernism

>> No.3178910

>tfw studying chemical engineering but jealous of english majors

i would switch courses but i am a shameless capitalist. when i have a bit more free time i'll endeavour to teach myself all the shit they teach you in university-level english classes.

>> No.3178914

You won't get much deep into it. On the other hand, you'll be richer than all english PhDs combined

>> No.3178917

> The methodology American universities teach is deliberately watered down from the 'hard sciences'
uh, what?

>analytic philosophy pervades pretty much every aspect of our institutions that it's like you're subordinated to begin with
uh, what?

If you attend a reputable american liberal arts college, you'll be getting an *outstanding*.
As per philosophy, some schools tend to be continental, some analytical.

>> No.3178918

Most of the time STEM majors aren't even aware of postmodern doctrine, so you can't blame it on that. It's simply the notion that anything relating to culture/arts is "useless" even if it affects them more than they could possibly imagine.

>> No.3178923

he wasn't implying it was...

>> No.3178924

I want to be a writer. I'm not going to be a successful writer. I want to write about the world in my rural village in Ireland with the poor sapping the middle class dry and the state being too scared to come down hard on them, and no one being allowed to speak out without being branded a hardcore rightist lunatic. I'm not going to get there.

>> No.3178961

In real life? Yes

On 4chan? They're quite aware of it, if only because of trolling and shitposting.

>> No.3179020

engineers convince themselves and each other that they make the world run

>> No.3179026

theyre fags lol

>> No.3179043

please don't

>> No.3179046

You deserve the shit you get. You produce nothing, not even entertainment. You're a parasite.

>> No.3179074

>You produce nothing
As opposed to what?

>> No.3179120
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>English Major, Education Cert.
>Have house, job, female house-pet that yells at me.
>Friends are science majors, we joke about it sometimes.
>Younger brother is Engineering Major.
>Cannot do his own laundry, cook, pay bills or anything that requires the big boy pants.
>He's still family, so I help him whenever he needs it. He's a good kid, still looks up to me.

I think OP is going through the growing pains of studying the humanities. Also, find better friends.

3/10, but I'll bite.

a)Who gives a fuck about 'producing' anything for a society who's main drive is always personal gain? Make yourself happy and successful.

b)Anyone upset that they have a practical major and others do not is usually suffering from shitty friends, gold-digging wives/girlfriends, social alienation and/or the bleak emptiness of a 9-5 job that you only wanted for the money, which didn't buy you happiness.

>> No.3179138

That's the essence of capitalism you utter dimwit.

>> No.3179150

ITT: We perpetuate the silly notion of the "Two Cultures."
Silly autists are going to be silly and try and shit on you.
Ignore them.
People who want to go into the more theoretical areas of science also get shit for not being practical.
Hell, I have a government professor that shits on kids for being culturally ignorant and not knowing (semi)current evidents that he deems important.
Don't let it get to you.

>> No.3179152

I am going back to university soon to get a degree in English and Philosophy.
My overall wish is to be able to work as a writer, but well that is hard, so I think I will most likely end up in teaching. Sounds still good to me.

>> No.3179161

>didn't study in America
>don't have this problem

This seems to be a purely American phenomenon for some reason. However, thanks to the internet it is spreading over to other countries a little. I don't know what it is about your system that seems to create this supposed division in choice of study.

>> No.3179165

Hey man, all I'm saying is you know where an English major is going to take you career wise? Starbucks. It's literally on the top ten list for worst majors to find jobs for. It's cool if you want to follow your dreams and stuff, but can't you just like take a bunch of English classes and then major in something that will actually get you somewhere in life. Just saying. Unless you want to teach English. Then totally stick to it dude.

(pre med master race student, by the way. We're arrogant because when the majority of us are out of school we will be making a shit ton of cash, and have a pretty damn steady job as opposed to an English major)

>inb4 OP gets incredibly butthurt at this post (it only means he knows it's true)

>> No.3179187

As opposed to modeling a tree in the latest blockbuster movie to videogame adaption,
or fixing a harmless bug in the latest version of software nobody actually uses, or teaching the next wave of math professors in the endless cycle of frivolity that is academia, or spending half a decade grappling with some of the most difficult problems known to man, only to pack it in and get a job as an accountant anyway.

>> No.3179196

I expected it, but it still Rousseau'd my Discourse on the Arts and Sciences.

>> No.3179201

pure math students are more of a mixed bag

>> No.3179223

Medicine is absolutely awful for effort:reward ratio

90 hours/week of classes, studying and internships and you're several hundred thousand in debt, you start making money in your 30s.

it's better then english but it sucks unless you want to be upper middle class in your 40s.

>> No.3179228

Ok I don't understand why everyone who wants to be a writer has to major in English. What you do is you major in something that will get you a steady and easy to get into job with decent pay, like nursing or whatever (just an example), even if you don't care about it. Then write ON THE SIDE. I'm studying to be a neurologist not only because I find it interesting, but because I'll be making enough money to do whatever the hell I want on the side, and the hours are flexible. I don't want to have to bother with money troubles when I'm older.

>> No.3179249

Well actually my end goal is to be a neurologist. I'm actually a pretty privileged kid, as I come from a well-off family. All my schooling is going to be paid for. I know it's going to be a shit ton of time studying, but when it's something you're really interested in it doesn't matter so much, you know? And to be honest, in most careers if you really want to earn a high salary, you're going to need at least a master's degree in what you're doing anyways. Not as intensive as the med school track, but still.

>> No.3179259

where do you see functional neuroimaging going and where do you want to do residency at

>> No.3179283

>It's literally on the top ten list for worst majors to find jobs for.

Click "full report"

>tfw english is barely tied for #11 in the breakdown of majors alongside music & liberal arts (9.2% unemployment for recent bachelor's)

Top ten:

1. Architecture 13.9%
2. Film Video and Graphic Arts 12.9%
3. Fine Arts 12.6%
4. Commercial Art and Graphic Design 11.8%
5. Information Systems 11.7%
6. Philosophy and Religious Studies 10.8%
7. Anthropology and Archaeology 10.5%
8. History 10.2%
9. Area Ethnic and Civilization Studies 10.1%
10. Economics 9.4%

All of these percentages decrease if you go on for a Master's. A graduate degree in English puts you up against a 3.9% unemployment rate, compared to an undergraduate degree for Computer Science which is 7.8% unemployment. Of course, a graduate degree in Computer Science gets you...

3.8% unemployment.

A whole .1% better chance of becoming employed right out of college compared to an English graduate degree-holder.

>implying a study done on recent college grads, published January 2012, has any relevance for students graduating in the future
>implying I care

>> No.3179348
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you sure that takes into account people working outside their fields?

>> No.3179441
File: 102 KB, 720x538, 1350709393417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw my film studies major roommate recently implied that I wouldn't be able to get a job as an english major
>mfw when i didnt know about this study
>mfw when i am about to show him

>> No.3179450
File: 36 KB, 147x168, 1340397537768.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i reread this and see that I wrote my face when when twice

>> No.3179453
File: 60 KB, 400x600, 1325461960352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw when