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/lit/ - Literature

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3177047 No.3177047 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/.

Any good authors who talk about madness eloquently and accurately?

I'm feeling like Madness is finally knocking on my door, and it's so tempting to let him in...

>> No.3177080

You might enjoy the band Disturbed, OP

>> No.3177083

very much poe.
lovecraft. bits of abarat. mccarthy.

>> No.3177094


I understand your torment, OP. Sometimes I can feel it crawling in my skin; wounds that never seem to heal.

>> No.3177107

JD Salinger.
The Book of Job.
Robert Lewis Stevenson.
Mary Shelley.

>> No.3177113

The Crying of Lot 49
Catcher in the Rye

>> No.3177121

Good recommendations, everyone. OP might also enjoy the books The Stranger and Notes from the Underground.

>> No.3177158

This orange will not peel.

>> No.3177246
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>I'm feeling like Madness is finally knocking on my door, and it's so tempting to let him in...

Is it 2006 again? I thought the emo craze had died out for all these little teenage fuckers.

>> No.3177254

two books by Kathe Kozha:

Skin (describes a female welder/artist who gets involved with a bugfuck crazy dancer/piercing performance artist)

Bad Brains (brain injury. say no more)

>> No.3177278
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OP here. I don't indulge pretentions that I am the victim of unique suffering, nor that my troubles are particularly interesting or noteworthy to other people-- hence my keeping the details of my background concise and SECONDARY to what I I was really posting about, a comprehensive and intellectual view of "insanity" that will satisfy my curiosity and intrigue for the subject matter.

When I say Madness is finally knocking on my door, I am simply alluding to the fact that certain recent circumstances have broken down what exists in all of us- a natural sense of self, of reality, of the order of things.

Were sanity personified, he is no longer the man he used to be, and we are hardly on speaking terms. In fact, my relationship with him is becoming increasingly tedious and tiresome, and requires a level of effort i'm not sure I can sustain for much longer.

So, rather than grasp for something that seems intent on leaving me, I would rather let in the very exciting (albeit scary) and very free (unless I see madness from the wrong point of view and he will actually imprison me) stranger who I can sense is close, but will only really take over Sanity as the primary relationship in my life IF I LET HIM.

So, before I open the door, I want to know what this guy is really like, and if I can trust him. I'm not going to drink the koolaid without knowing what's in it.

>> No.3177291

OP again. I feel I should clarify- part of the reason Madness feels so near is due to an over-indulgence in, shall we say, illicit substances.

Be it Machismo, that feeling of youthful invincibility, or even a fleeting sense of Nihilism, what teenagers would now call "YOLO" something has led me to disregard the dangers of my habits and truly distort my stability and ability to function and perceive accurately in normal life.

That being noted, literature that combines elements of insanity with drug use would be particularly interesting for me. Thank you.

>> No.3177295

You sound like a gigantic faggot

>> No.3177302

Madness doesn't knock, it scratches at the door until you let it in.

>> No.3177303
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>> No.3177307

thank you.

>> No.3177312

I know of one:

>> No.3177319
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i love madness in books

check out pic related first of all. the best book out there for madness imo

then grab aurélia by gerard de nerval if you want more, it's amazing

>> No.3177326

I bet if a baby seen this He would get it..

>> No.3177519
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Not about insanity, but the story itself is on par with the rantings of a mad man.

>> No.3177559

The Stranger (Camus) is a really good choice. I like works like that deal with a loss of personal identity. Others in the vein might be some Vonnegut works like Slaughterhouse-Five or Mother Night.

>> No.3177566

I just started my playlist called madness before I saw this thread. Now Paul Simon: "Still crazy after all these years". Maybe Frank Kuppner is interesting. His books 'A God's breakfast' and 'Everything is strange' and maybe 'Arioflotga'.

>> No.3177571

After reading OP's comment I don't think these are on your path immediately.

>> No.3177574

Does sanity even exist?

>> No.3177603

Yeah ill second this.. The whole thing just becomes more and more deranged as it goes on..

But i suppose I'm a sucker for that whole two-people-writing-letters-to-each-other thing..

>> No.3179589

>implying all good literature is not somehow related to someone going a bit crazy.

OP, read all the books.

>> No.3179688

what is it, middle ages? the fuck