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/lit/ - Literature

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3174494 No.3174494[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Leftists of /lit/:

How do we take back our community from the misogynists, racists, and rightists that have infested our board?

>> No.3174502

moot already said that he thinks that this place is one of the worst boards, perhaps even worse than /v/ or /jp/

>> No.3174501

Ignore them.

>> No.3174506

Ignore and hide the misogynism threads.

Moot is full of shit. /lit/ is easily the best board on 4chan.

>> No.3174509

Ignore them. Most are trolls anyway.

>> No.3174512

>knowing about le literature
Choose only 1 option.

>> No.3174513


You would like me to ignore... almost every post on the board? That's your solution?

>> No.3174521

There is this place called reddit...

>> No.3174532


I already go to r/Literature. It's much better than /lit/, mostly because it has the sense to remain apolitical. Unfortunately, it's slow as molasses.

>> No.3174543

Fuck you OP, I'm a Leftist and you make me sick.

>> No.3174548


I don't care.

>> No.3174570

get yourself made janitor

>> No.3174576

By burning everything.
Works every time.

>> No.3174578

4chan's best quality has always been its freedom of speech. If there so happens to be someone, or many someones, whose opinion offends your delicate sensibilities, you have to argue with them, ignore them, or find a new site to post on. 4chan has always been a mixed bag, politically.

Stop being a stereotypical crybaby leftist and grow some balls.

>> No.3174579

Firing squads are the only way the left can inflict its totalitarian agenda on free people. Just look at modern history. The only way the left has been able to take power and hold onto power is thru bloodshed and terror. Too many people don't like being told what they can say or think.

>> No.3174580

>almost every post on the board?
yes okay you are blinded by hate.

>> No.3174581
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Report and ignore where you can, but you can't reform any part of this site or much of the internet at all aside from speaking the truth and hoping something sticks. Whether troll or sincere rightwing kook, its a societal thing, and the changes in our, and their though they don't know it, favor are happening now. Slowly but surely.

>> No.3174583


>4chan has always been a mixed bag, politically.

That's not really true. We didn't have serious, Nazi type racists until Stormfront found the news board.

>> No.3174587

Addendum: But, yeah, do report any posts or threads not related to literature. I'm sick and tired of the political derails on this board, I just want to talk about books ffs.

>> No.3174588


Let's have a look at the front page, hm?




>> No.3174589

Total bollocks. When did you discover 4chan? 2008 or something? The right wing has been here as long as the left wing, though granted it has gained momentum since /n/.

>> No.3174592

And that just so happens to coincide with a sharp rise in right wing sympathy in the real world, especially on the continent. You can't censor the world we live in, mate.

>> No.3174593


>A thread about books from your country, advocating multiculturalism and opening people up to the idea that people live in different areas

>"I feel that this group of languages is crippled, do you agree?"
>If you think languages apply to countries you're literally stupid

>"I've pursued X and found an interest in Y, can you help?"

Yeah, the last one's misogyny.

>> No.3174595

All dogmatists are bad news, whether they belong to the left or right.

>> No.3174596
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>> No.3174597



None of these are equivalents

>> No.3174599

You didn't read my post.

>> No.3174607


I really hope you are trolling, because only the last one is actually what you label it as, and it is also obviously a troll.

>> No.3174611

>Nationalism. Those two threads.

You're kidding right?

>> No.3174616

No one gives a fuck about your nonsense. You're just some stupid namefag shitposter.

>I already go to r/Literature.


Go back to reddit and stay there, you whiny cunt.

>> No.3174619



You must be trolling.

>> No.3174626

Why the fuck does it matter what joot says? If you've been here for longer than 2 days, it should be really apparent that he's a pretty big scumbag and that he's like most of /b/: he got older and grew physically but not mentally.

To address OP's question: stop making these fucking off topic threads and ignore the other ones that pop up. Post another fucking DFW thread for all I care, as long as it's related to literature and not some stupid meta-circlejerk garbage.

>> No.3174627

Roach thread. Get the fuck out

>> No.3174634

first of all the first thread you linked is not nationalistic and actually gets people some new insights to books outside of their home country.

>3 threads
>almost every post

>in all three threads they get called out on their limited view
>almost every post

Really the only problem is the misogyny.

>> No.3174637


You just keep up that ironic resignation, that will make things all better.

>> No.3174656

just woke

>> No.3174655

my dislike of feminism != misogynism
don't be hysterical
you twat

>> No.3174658

Excuse me, I'm not familiar with this board. What does 'roach' mean exactly?

>> No.3174660

ugh it was a thing some faggot tripfag spammed some time ago

basically means the most popular topics of discussions in /lit/

>> No.3174676

'roach' is patrician for 'pleb', which is pleb for 'roach'.

>> No.3174678

fuck, I am proud of that post, that's a good post.

>> No.3174682

We don't, because /lit/ isn't worth the effort.

>> No.3174683

It means you've just been insulted by the most autistic man on the internets.

>> No.3174732

I once took a class with a white anti-Apartheid activist who was jailed for his association with a communist revolutionary cell. Somehow the topic got onto political correctness. He told us it was one of the worst -- if not the worst -- trait of the contemporary left.

Back in the 70s, he trained at a communist-backed camp in northern Africa. His comrades were from all over the world: different races, genders, ethnicities, etc. Instead of enforcing strict rules against teasing and stereotyping, the communists encouraged it. Everyone was prodded to make fun of everyone else.

By the end of the training, everyone had gotten past their preconceived biases. They still teased each other, but like brothers.

My teacher said that this is what wimpy PC liberals don't understand: by thoughtlessly quashing people's natural inclination to discriminate, it just represses their biases; it forces them them bury their feelings, and invariably leads to factionalism and segregation -- only because it's easier for people to hang out and talk freely with "their own" than to hang with those who are different and deal with the stress of accidentally offending someone.

tl;dr -- identity politics + PC culture =/= leftism

>> No.3174750


can't agree with this enough..

identity politics did more to derail the left than anything the right could have ever imagined. it's fractured the left into an archipelago of victim-obsessed minority groups....

>> No.3174754

Demand nothing. Take everything.

>> No.3174765


I agree with these.

>> No.3174766

zizek also said this as well

>> No.3174767
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Is it possible to use this image without sarcasm? I'm going for it.

>> No.3174777


Glad somebody brought this up. PC bullshit needs to be called out more often.

>> No.3174784
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I'm a conservative but I'm not a misogynist or racist. Ever notice how liberals are always name-calling? Why do you guys do that? inb4 because it is true -- come on now, you don't have such petty minds, do you?
And I just want to say that I contribute to /lit/ in good ways i.e., making threads about actual literature, giving feedback to people who aren't trolling, only responding to shit-posts with sage, etc.

so don't hate

>> No.3174797


That's nice, but we're not talking about brotherly teasing. We're talking about abject hatred and arguments towards people or genders being lesser human beings.

>> No.3174804

wow, bringing religion into it, what a surprise

>> No.3174805
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>attend institution with ecclesiastical origins
>want speech proscriptions

>> No.3174810

I thought this thread was about left handed people. I would be all for killing off all those dirty right handed mongols.

>> No.3174815


did you even read his post? he's not arguing that different people hate each other, or the severity of their hate.

>> No.3174825


This is why I hate liberals. They don't look at a problem and ask, "How can I fix this?" They look at a problem and tell you how awful it is, and how awful you are for attempting a potentially painful solution.

Everyone on the left agrees that there is hatred between groups. The difference is that PC liberals actively split people into victimized minorities, then attempt to "empower" them by enforcing universal bans on speech and humor.

Another approach -- a more painful approach, but one that actively pushes people into seeing past the sting of name-calling -- is to level the playing field, stop catering to people who seek perverse privilege in competing for "the most downtrodden minority" award, and get them working together for a common good.

>> No.3174827
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Does anyone else have a problem with the rogue mod that appears to be residing here? Ever since moot called for more janitors I keep getting bans for really trivial shit (pic related is the latest). And i have noticed quite a few dead green links so I presume other people are receiving these bans too.

The one before this was for a post that wasn't directly related to the OP question, and the one before that was for ponies, even though I have never been to mpl or posted a pony. I seem to be getting about 2 bans a month, while other posts, far worse than anything I post seem to stay.

I fully expect to be banned for this post too:
3: macro image reply
5: pornography (lol)
8: Complaining about 4chan

>> No.3174834

Maybe because limp wristed, spineless, bleeding heart leftism has run its course and people are sick of you and your pet shitskins.

>> No.3174837

There is a new mod on /lit/ who is really harsh, vindictive, and lazy. If you can't reset your IP, you're in trouble until he gets bored in a few months and goes to administer an anime forum.

>> No.3174841

I got banned for saying I wiped my dick on library books.

>> No.3174845

I noticed someone is deleting all the interesting/successful threads ...

>> No.3174854

I don't know why you're complaining, considering how inherently right wing chan-culture is.

Maybe reddit or tumblr is a better community for you?

>> No.3174936

>inherently right wing

What the fuck?

>> No.3174945

We don't. It's called tolerance.

>> No.3174947
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>tolerating intolerance

Do you even tumblr

>> No.3174953

define intolerance.