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/lit/ - Literature

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3172010 No.3172010 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /lit/

German guy here. I have got a little question. I haven't been to consulting in that matter yet, but I plan on next week.

I have been thinking going back to university and aquire a literature related degree. The interesting thing is, that there is a bachelor that enables you to major in two subjects. Not too different from comperative literature.

The subjects I can choose from are (or I would at least be interested in relation to their literature):

English, German, Franch, Russian, Philosophy.

German: It is my native language and to develope my writing, but I think I could to that on my own. Maybe the discussion of classical german literature would be interesting though.

French: Interesting literature, somewhat interesting philosphy.

English: Basically cause it is the native language I am best in, lots of good literature. And I am also thinking about approaching the idea of working in translations.

Russian, cause I enjoy russian literature a lot. On the other hand I am not that much interested in the language (other than learning it to be able to read untranslated works) and the culture.

Philosophy: I have always been interested in philosphy but haven't really gotten into it. I have read some of Platon's (he is pronounced that way in German, so don't start anything) dialogues, a little bit of the presocratics and a few other later works by Kant and Decartes, but that is it. Still very interesting.

Right now I am tempting to either go with English and Philsophy, Russian and Philsophy or Russian and English, but tending to E&P. I was just interested what you guys are thinking about this. Or maybe someone who is studying anything realted to give me some information.

>> No.3172015

if you already know english, then go for french and philosophy

Knowing French, English and German is pretty much god-mode in the modern lit and philosophy camp. I couldn't think of a better combo unless you started adding dead languages.

>> No.3172042

What you say is reasonable. The problem is, while I think french literature and philsophy is interesting, I am not really tempted to learn french or study the language.

>> No.3172082

>Knowing French, English and German is pretty much god-mode in the modern lit and philosophy camp.

Firstly, your conflating of 'literature' and 'philosophy' is extremely grating and sophomoric.

Secondly, Russian >> French and German combined for literature.

I'd also learn Classical Chinese if I could, but it's not the most accessible of languages.

>> No.3172095

That is what I have been thinking too in regards of the russian language.
There is just the problem, that a degree or at least part of a degree in English sounds so much more practicle than having one in Russian. And like I said, when it comes to Russian, there is not much more of interest to me than the literature.

And there are also language courses you can take to learn languages even if you don't major in said languages.

>> No.3172097

>I'd also learn Classical Chinese
Don't do this, the vocab list is insurmountable and the prose style incomprehensible.

>> No.3172099

I will use this thread for my crap, maybe some German will answer my question.

I have read a poem from a German poet a few months ago. The poet looked at a rat or a squirrel and asked himself does he look down to the rat/squirrel or does the rat/squirrel look down to him. 3deep5youJust ignore me if you don't know the answer, I don't want to open a new thread for this

>> No.3172101

Learn ancient greek. You'll fall in love with how logical it is.

>> No.3172112

I was conflating both within 'modern', not with each other. I suppose it was unclear.

>Russian >> French and German


>> No.3172137



German and French literatures have a few masterpieces, but not much more than that. It's a very small and shallow pool.

Russian has _every_ imaginable genre, style or artistic movement under the sun, middle-, low-, highbrow, manchild fantasy, philosophical mindfuck, religious rantings, experimental avant-garde -- whatever you want, it's there.

(Also, some things get better translations into Russian than English, for some reason -- e.g., Classical Chinese novels.)

>> No.3172138

>And there are also language courses you can take to learn languages even if you don't major in said languages.

Majoring in a language to learn it is kinda dumb -- it's easy enough to learn a language for free. Everybody does it at one point in their life, it's not rocket science.

>> No.3172146
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>Russian has _every_ imaginable genre, style or artistic movement under the sun, middle-, low-, highbrow, manchild fantasy, philosophical mindfuck, religious rantings, experimental avant-garde -- whatever you want, it's there.
>implying french doesn't

>> No.3172150

You don't know anything about french literature.

>> No.3172170

> You don't know anything about french literature.

Yes I do.

I read English, Russian and French.

Russian is about on par with English as far as quantity and quality of literature goes. Both absolutely dwarf French.

French is a relatively small language that's in decline, unfortunately.

Aside from a few 19-th century classics don't expect anything new or interesting from the French.

>> No.3172178


Are you at a loss for words?

Here's a simple test: open up fnac.fr or something and look at the bestselling books list.

90% is translated-from-English manchild crap, 10% is limp-dicked incestuous 'academics' writing boring 'prose'.

Now compare with the bestsellers list from ozon.ru.

>> No.3174491

>Aside from a few 19-th century classics don't expect anything new or interesting from the French.

Voila! Un troll

>> No.3174774


>> No.3175652

Got a t-shirt with that image

>> No.3175979

and another bump

>> No.3176037

do you...wear it?