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3170511 No.3170511[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/lit/, I need books that will aid me in my goal of ruling everyone of you in the future

halp pls

>> No.3170520

The Tao of Pooh

>> No.3170522

How to Win Friends and Influence People

>> No.3170518

I don't think you have the right attitude.

>> No.3170534

that's not what you're mom said

>> No.3170535


Seems as though you'll go far.

>> No.3170536


your on you're way, kid.

>> No.3170538

The Prince - Niccolo Machiavelli

>> No.3170549

>read Bible
>get elected President of the United States
>take it to the limit

It's pretty fucking simple, proletariat scum.

>> No.3170568

The 120 Days of Sodom

>> No.3170619

the fountainhead
shoplifting from american apparel

>> No.3170648

As far as I remember the Prince gives advice on how to run a small state in northern Italy or perhaps the Holy Roman Empire during times of feudal society. Not strictly practical in today's world.

>> No.3170699
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people are people

>> No.3170969

God Emperor of Dune.

>> No.3170981

Not really useful unless OP is prescient.

>> No.3171484

I would read sometihng about how to grow plants, then wait for a post war situation and start with a farm, give people food for work, expend the farm with each newling you find, start a new world, always talk about a better world and how you wont make the mistakes of the past, explain how a dictatorship is better than anything else in such a situation because you must be fast with decisions

and read something so you dont go crazy

>> No.3171502

Are Bernay's ideas still useful today? Perhaps you could read Propaganda, then become a PR consultant and basically manipulate people into doing what you want them to do
also do a psych major

>> No.3171517

Empires are done. Napoleon couldn't do it and everyone else's exiting "empires" fell apart. This is why greedy bastards content themselves with giant corporations, but its only a matter of time before the masses grow tired of this wage slavery and overthrow them as well. This is the age of the revolution and the liberty we claim will continue.

>> No.3171521
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>> No.3171561

sapere aude

We need a 2nd enlighment, our indirect politics, our meaningless voice, people who tell us what to think, mass control thanks to media, corupt people in high positions

One day, and I think its going to be the day the internet is beeing closed even the lazyest of the millenias will stand up and go on the streets

>> No.3171580

Find out what the Calinchine is.

>> No.3173943
