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/lit/ - Literature

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3170115 No.3170115 [Reply] [Original]

>reddits top 200 books

are they trolling or are they actually this retarded

>> No.3170126

1. Children's lit
2. Freshman lit
3. Sci-fi/fantasy
4. Sci-fi/fantasy
5. Sci-fi/fantasy
6. Freshman lit
7. Freshman lit
8. The Bible
9. Sci-fi/fantasy
10. Children's lit
11. Sci-fi/fantasy
12. No clue. Children's lit, I presume?
13. Freshman lit
14. Sci-fi/fantasy
15. Sci-fi/fantasy
16. Comic strip
17. Non-fic
18. Classic.
19. Non-fic?
20. Classic.

No, this sounds about right. To their credit, there's a lot less children's lit than I would have predicted.

>> No.3170135
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>no clue

>> No.3170137

>Tao Lin only 23
Something is not right!

>> No.3170138
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>> No.3170139

>8. The Bible by Various. (UP:810 | WS:1230 | Total:2040)
>21. **The Selfish Gene by Richard Dawkins. (UP:403 | WS:830 | Total:1233)


>> No.3170140
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>Finnegans Wake not even listed
>166. Ulysses
>8. The Bible

>> No.3170141

>100. Mein Kampf
>199. Hamlet

>> No.3170146

reddit everybody

>> No.3170158

the bible is written by various authors, dumbass. why? did you think god sat at a desk with a pen and paper? did you think thats what christians believe?

>> No.3170161

It's like they compiled their favorite books together and someone said, "so we have all these books that we all like, but they're all fantasy. So let's sprinkle in Infinite Jest and other well-known books so we all look better"
>Neuromancer below Snow Crash
The rage I feel.

>> No.3170168

173. The fact that he is on that list proves it's a bunch of idiots.

>> No.3170172
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>> No.3170182
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>69. Everybody Poops by Tarō Gomi
the jimmies rustle softly

>> No.3170184

anal ravaged atheist detected

go back to read nietzsche and listen to metal!

>> No.3170185


mad mangina detected

cry some more

>> No.3170187
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>Vonnegut in top 5

>> No.3170188

Fuck this thread, it's not a community of people who normally read like we do. The list is not validly representative of reddit, and what the fuck would you expect from a community of hundreds of thousands of people?

>> No.3170190

shut up tripfag

>> No.3170191


>Fuck this thread, it's not a community of people who normally read like we do.

That's why it's amusing, sperg.

>> No.3170196

hello again

>> No.3170202

>not forcing Anon on all boards
i shiggy da doo wap da dum da dum diggy doo

>> No.3170205

/b/ isn't anon
not anymore

>> No.3170207

>12. No clue. Children's lit, I presume?
It's that intellectual level. Feynman's all like "Yeah, I had like mad game negging those bitches I was knee deep in pussy, also like bongos are cool right? Man why is everyone so pleb I cannot stand it." Also guy cannot write good prose for shit.

>> No.3170209

And your finding it amusing is pretentious. Your mind could be better occupied with things other than figuring what you've read to be the length of your dick.

Or maybe I'm just irritable today, nevermind me.

>> No.3170210

am I a pleb if I like many of those books.

>> No.3170212

the word pretentious is pretentious

>> No.3170218

>figuring what
>dick length
Even I wasn't as bad a tripfag as you, buddy.

>> No.3170223
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The Bible.

>> No.3170224

You're right, it is, for the most part. But finding what you consider deficiencies in others to be amusing is, almost by definition, pretentious. I bring myself to do it, too, and I hate that I do, but I'd be damned not to combat it now.

>> No.3170225

I can't write. Sorry.

>> No.3170232

>No Plato
>No Vico
>No Hume
>No Kant
>No Schopenhauer
>2 Nietzsche
>both require very good knowledge of philosophy

>1 Pynchon
>1 DFW (name spelled incorrectly)
>1 Joyce

>> No.3170241


>And your finding it amusing is pretentious.
>I bring myself to do it, too

You're all over the place today man. Calm down.

>> No.3170243

most redditors are high school students I'd imagine.

Stop expecting so damn much

>> No.3170246

"I find myself doing it, too" would have fit better.

>> No.3170251

>most redditors are high school students I'd imagine.

>> No.3170253
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198. The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand
199. Hamlet by Shakespeare

>> No.3170264

And on top of that, it's not even Cat's Cradle. What the actual fuck is wrong with them.

>> No.3170266

It's not like 4chan's list would be different.

>> No.3170268

But /lit/'s certainly would be.

>> No.3170270

I liked Slaughterhouse 5 much better than cats cradle.

>> No.3170271

Yeah, of course.

>> No.3170276
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>11. Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert A. Heinlein.
>42. Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep by Phillip K. Dick.

>> No.3170284

wow at the risk of sounding trite this list does beg the question

do they even read????

>> No.3170288

This is from rec threads too, not like a vote or something. HGTTG is their most recommended book, and I'm not convinced that would be the case here (/lit/ or 4chan in general).

>> No.3170291

Does /lit/ not like The Hitchhiker's Guide?

Also, it's a list based on a large group who don't read nearly as often as you guys. Expecting more would be like expecting a popular got award show to be any good.

>> No.3170293

I don't think it would crack /lit/'s top 50.

I realize I may be giving the folks here more credit than is due

>> No.3170294

who linked /r/lit to here?

>> No.3170296

Vote*, not got

>> No.3170299

please lit I need to know

>> No.3170304

The radio plays are great. The books really aren't.

>> No.3170307

Just read what you enjoy dude, stop worrying about it.


>> No.3170311

I love them, but I am not well read compared to you guys. I realize the sudden anecdotes may not be very common or "good," but I find them quite enjoyable.

>> No.3170312
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>58. A Game of Thrones
>83. Moby Dick

>> No.3170315

Mein Kampf would probably be in the top ten on 4chan

>> No.3170320

>Anna Karenina absent

how embarrassing

>> No.3170332

let me explain why these lists are dumb and everyone who uses them as a means of assessing who likes what in a place is a retard of the highest order

by virtue of the fact that you have you read a book to vote on it, it makes sense that the shitty children's and entry-level books would be on the top, they are the most accessible, and the most widely read. they've the most votes in general, gentlemen.

i doubt a list here would be much better, anyway. I know, I know, 'we patrician here'. well, us, the posters, may be. lurkers? probably not. lurkers tend to do anonymous surveys and not post around the board so we'd end up with a list not dissimilar to reddit's.

>> No.3170347

>I realize the sudden anecdotes may not be very common or "good,"
Those are in the radio plays too, dumbass. They're just shitty cash-in books, like the film was a shitty cash-in film

>> No.3170351

And fuck off, /mu/. We don't judge people here for having bad taste in a medium they don't necessarily focus on.

They like what the like, so what?

>> No.3170356

/lit/ is almost as deluded about itself as /jp/ I see

>> No.3170363

We may riff on each other a lot, but we don't take posts from facebook or reddit of children not liking things we like and cry about them like your shitty board.

>> No.3170422

So this thread wherein you guys do that is just my false consciousness or something?

>> No.3170552

>much better

>> No.3170620
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>73. The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx

oh reddit

>> No.3170635

>but we don't take posts from facebook or reddit of children not liking things we like and cry about them
how new are you?

>> No.3170652

>58. Game of Thrones
>54. A Song of Ice and Fire
How does this make sense?

>> No.3170672

Well, a lot of us think we oughtn't, anyway, and that matters, a bit.

>> No.3170676


Do you really expect them to make sense? Maybe it's the novelization of the series. That would appeal to their tastes.

>> No.3170677
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>> No.3170693

1984's a good book, though.

I mean this isn't a shockingly bad list, as far as the internet goes.

>> No.3170708

a bunch of normalfag cubicle dwellers

>> No.3170728
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>A Hundred Years of Solitude

I guess it's a possible translation, but shit, I've never seen it translated that way. Makes me wonder if they even read it.

>> No.3170740

>Only actual scientific book on there
>/lit/ doesn't know what it is
my fucking sides

>> No.3170744

>/lit/ such butthurt edgy teenage athiests they refuse to call The Bible Literature

>> No.3170748
File: 9 KB, 391x644, FLIP THE POOL.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first book on the list/shelf
>Jane Eyre

>> No.3170749

Did you even read the post after that?

>> No.3170750

jesus christ this is the work of manchildren. sad, deranged manchildren who think the harry potter series is acceptable to read past 12 and wasn't just mary sue and the black-white morality tale

the worst part is, I know people like this

>> No.3170757

>Jane Eyre and Pride and Prejudice first
fucking academia

>> No.3170758

that harvard list is a bit silly too, specifically jane eyre as number one. the whole story was just some ridiculous woman fantasy, like twilight but written way back when so it can be called ~feminism~

I really liked that one story about the woman on the island who killed herself in the ocean, way better feminism book than jane eyre, and much better written

>> No.3170763

a ridiculous woman fantasy... which the author unsuccessfully tried to pass off as non-fiction

>> No.3170764

>a science book
>something fartier than the fartiest pop sci
>focuses on the man, not the science
>feel good anecdotes

Surely You're Joking, Mr. Plebeian!

>> No.3170771

>Hamsun not even on the list

>> No.3170775

What's wrong with Hamlet? It's a timeless classic.
>inb4 plagiarism, sexual innuendos, trite entertainment for the peasants

>> No.3170776

The funny thing is, I bet a ton of people voted for books they've never read, especially the classics. People probably just scroll and upvote books they've heard of. Hell, I'm guilty of the same thing... When someone says they like a book that's favorably regarded on /lit/, I'm thinking "my nigga" before I even realize that I haven't actually read the book in question.

/lit/ has led me to some of my favorite books, and to some books I might not have heard of otherwise, but it's mainly allowed me to act more well-read than I am (thus far).

>> No.3170781
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>When someone says they like a book that's favorably regarded on /lit/, I'm thinking "my nigga" before I even realize that I haven't actually read the book in question.

>> No.3170784
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>not a single book by Faulkner

>> No.3170840


>> No.3170889


oh, boy...

>> No.3170962


I think part of the reason I do this is because so few people read literature these days. If I wait for someone to mention books that I particularly enjoy, I might be waiting a long time. But if I know what books are considered high quality, or highly difficult, then when someone mentions one of them I know that they're a reader, even if I haven't read that book in particular. Then we can talk and likely find books that we enjoy in common.

The other part of it is that I've been indoctrinated by uni / this board to regard certain books positively and others negatively, irrespective of my own tastes or aesthetic ideals.

I love reading, I always have, but when so few people do it, it's hard NOT to subconsciously uplift it to some kind of status symbol.

>> No.3170994

Fucking ridiculous, this is a popularity contest rather than a qualitative one

>And why the fuck is THGTTG number 1; is it that popular?

>> No.3170998

because /r/atheism loves it and the author.

>> No.3171004

I mean the first one is by far the best of the series and it's decently funny but nowhere near as funny as people credit it for.

>> No.3171007

The threads used to gather the polling data are terrible and are attractive to plebeians.

"Have you ever had a book 'change your life'?"

"what's the best book you've ever read?"

"Ask Reddit: What are some good books that offer a mindfuck?"

"What is your absolute favorite science fiction novel?"

>> No.3171023

what's up with older teens still reading harry potter? I like the inclusion of Calvin and Hobbes though, I learned as much from that comic strip as I have from the most advanced literature.

>> No.3171029
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She has no actual skill as an author which is extremely noticeable if you've tried to read any of The Casual Vacancy however she's done something at least, maybe by accident. I liked reading them when they were coming out as a child - preteen but I think so much of that was basically just wish-fulfillment in terms of a magical world hidden beneath the mundane in a setting fairly similar to my own.

Two things she did right was introduce concepts of mythology and the concept of word roots (from the spells) to me.

So, I don't know, she deserves some kind of recognition for making reading popular for a little while but you can't really rank books like people do with movies or anything else (Not saying that it works particularly well in those cases, either, just that it works better)

>> No.3171031


the books are fine, but I lost interest in them before I was even a teenager

>> No.3171039

Deathly hallows came out when I was 12 I think - the ending was such bullshit and Harry is a horcrux was something I'd figured out by the end of the sixth book. So blunt. My dad agreed with me in thinking that the first two books were miles better than the others because they didn't take themselves so seriously and the setting wasn't tired yet. Plus she mystified certain things like how the ministry knew what magic was being done then went all midichlorian and explained it in length near the end.

>> No.3171066


one thing that was cool was that the books sort of grew up with me. Death Hallows was pretty goddamn dark compared to the first one, and at the time I was sort of transitioning from being a little kid to a teenager. I didn't figure out the horcrux thing before it was revealed, as I was still pretty young at the time, what clues are there?

>> No.3171079
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It's difficult after-the-fact to be sure why I was sure but I'll try

The impending final confrontation (I mean there has to be one, right?), Harry's connection to voldemort is outside all the typical rules lined out in the magic in the series (It was fantastical however there really were pretty strict concepts)

In the sixth book they explained how a horcrux was made, specifically that it required one to do some evil shit first (slaughter his parents), to me it provided the best explanation as to why he survived the death curse.

The biggest clue to me was for sure that harry seemed to have an incredible connection to voldemort

>> No.3171084


yeah, I guess that is pretty obvious when you think about it.

>> No.3171094

>22. Godel, Escher, Bach: An eternal golden braid by Douglas Hofstadter.
>Implying anyone on Reddit has made it through the entire book.
Pictures dont count.

>> No.3171106


>> No.3171113

Top 3 you mean, well at least on /b/ and /pol/.

>> No.3171130
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>no dante

>no sophocles
>no aeschylus
>no seneca
>no xenophon
>The Prince but no Discourses on Livy (i dont even)
>no livy
>no thucydides
>no cicero
>no herodotus

>no dinisen
>no chekhov
>no beckett
>no tocqueville
>no rilke
>no rimbaud
>no oneil
>no molière
>no lawrence (t.e. or d.h.)
>no ondaatje
>no eggers
>no ishiguro

>etc etc etc etc


>> No.3171136

>making sense

>> No.3171176


>>22. Godel, Escher, Bach: An eternal golden braid

I find it VERY hard to believe that this was uniformly understood by those who voted for it.

>> No.3171185

Why isn't there a /lit/ top 200 books? I bet it'd be worse

>> No.3171186

Are You From Reddit?

>> No.3171191

Because this is still 4chan, people would kill each other before agreeing on something.

>> No.3171212

nobody has to agree on shit, it would just be a survey

>> No.3171213

It would probably be a similar list if you ask all of 4chan. /lit/ is a different case of course

>> No.3171241

What is it with kids and Nietzsche?

>> No.3171244

I thought that would have been obvious

>> No.3171246

1. Ulysses
2. The Stranger
3. Infinite Jest
4. Gravity's Rainbow

It wouldn't be a very good list.

>> No.3171260


>It wouldn't be a very good list.

Reddit has Vonnegut in top 5 remember.

>> No.3171262

lol reddit

>> No.3171264


Vonnegut's not top-5 material, but he's always worth going back to

>> No.3171266

Oh god Ishmael by Daniel Quinn in the top 30. That was probably the worst book I've read this year.

>> No.3171270

its list based on a collection of upvotes from random threads posted on reddit, a community of millions of people. This might come as a newflash if your life revolves around /lit/, but most people in the world don't read literature.

Why does this thread even have >10 posts.
oh because "hurr durr reddit sucks" i guess.

>> No.3171303


How come?

>> No.3171452

>no eggers

Whole post invalidated.

>> No.3171454

Reddit is the living embodiment of middlebrow, I thought we all knew this by now?

>> No.3171635

This, I'm not even mad at this list.

>> No.3171712

He doesn't think there is anything wrong with Hamlet.

Did I just get "Trolled"?

>> No.3171727
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Aside from Harry Potter and Richard Hawkins, I don't get why everyone is so mad. Most of those are decent to great books.

>> No.3171728

is that the liberal hipster garbage about how humans are the worst thing to happen to the universe?

>> No.3171733

gb2 reddit

>> No.3171740

You are trying way too hard.

>> No.3171754

It's like they listed all the pleb books first and then threw in some classics that they've heard of to fill out the list

>58. Game of Thrones

>> No.3171758

>93. Don Quixote

>> No.3171763

Someone with a lot of time on his hands should make one for /lit/.

>> No.3171765


1. Ulysses
2. Infinite Jest
3. Gravity's Rainbow
4. Richard Yates

>> No.3171766
File: 139 KB, 905x762, abotion pills.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Declaration of Independence, The US Constitution, and The Bill of Rights.
The Declaration of Independence and The Constitution are completely different works, and The Bill of Rights is a part of the constitution.
Not to mention that none of these are books.

>> No.3171767

we've done this several times

>> No.3171768
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I wonder what reddit would make of /lit/core.

>> No.3171770

5. Finnegans Wake
6. Lolita

>> No.3171777

Well, post it there.

>> No.3171779

Reddit is already here.
They're the people who say Joyce is for pretentious hipsters, George RRRR Martin is a great storyteller and writes awesome fight scenes, and Tao Lin is only read by his immediate circle of friends.

>> No.3171787

this is true

>> No.3171789

I wouldn't even know how, and I don't really want to alert any more of them to this place's existence, anyway.

>> No.3171792

Post that image it on their book board.
"Hi Reddit! Just a visitor from your sister site fourchan's lit board!"

>> No.3171796

>sister site fourchan's lit board
I lol'd in spite of myself.
I'd post it, but fuck making an account.

>> No.3171798

I'm sure reddit is fully aware of 4chan's existence. We are just weirdos to them though, and that pic will be another proof of that.

>> No.3171799

4chan, yeah, but not necessarily /lit/. Hell, most 4channers aren't even fully aware of /lit/'s existence.

>> No.3171800

What's /lit/?

>> No.3171802

i've been there

they know about us in the same way the romans knew about the chinese

>> No.3171806

I just loved the ending of the fith book, it was just a big "Fuck you" to the reader. I loved it.

>> No.3171809

More like the Native Australians know about the Chinese.

>> No.3171811

This thread makes me feel inadequate for having read so little of what is (likely rightfully) considered classic on here. I read some Fitzgerald and Hemingway (among other stuff) and loved the former and at least liked the later. I'm currently reading Infinite Jest and I'm absolutely indulging in it and DFW's work in general. I'm looking to read Camus next but I'm not sure if I should read the German or English translation and I'm generally uneasy with translated literature. Also: Is there anything wrong with really liking Vonnegut and McCarthy and do you have any advice on what else to look into?

>> No.3171813

Wait, reddit has an athiesm board featured on their home page? What do they discuss on there?

>> No.3171814
File: 90 KB, 651x721, every fucking reddit comic about atheism ever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How much Christianity sucks

>> No.3171816

>Is there anything wrong with really liking Vonnegut and McCarthy

Not at all.

>do you have any advice on what else to look into?

If you like Wallace, check out DeLillo ASAP. Particularly 'White Noise' and 'Underworld'. You seem like you are at a good point in your literary life to enjoy the works of J.D. Salinger, too.

>> No.3171817

How superior they are. How stupid everyone else is.

>> No.3171820
File: 83 KB, 500x750, Lil+B+RARE+PIC+OF+THE+BASED+GOD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Song of Fire and Ice
>No Kafka
>No Wilde
>No Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
>Brave New World not Island

>> No.3171821

Everyone has to start sometime, you are in for a treat.
Read the Russian giants, Dostoyevsky(Start with Crime and Punishment) and Tolstoy(Anna Karenina). Read Shakespeare(Othello), Cervantes(Don Quixote), and Dante.
If you liked Infinite Jest, you'll love Pynchon(start with Crying of Lot 49) and Delillo(White Noise).
>Is there anything wrong with really liking Vonnegut and McCarthy
No. You'll love Faulkner if you liked McCarthy, and Philip k. Dick if you liked Vonnegut.

>> No.3171822

They're funny. That's about it.

>> No.3171824

>Threads like this are why Reddit is my favorite website and the BEST interactive community on the net. Thank you. You sir are a good person.
There's a certain endearing innocence to that place, you have to admit.

>> No.3171827

> Hitchhiker's Guide, Harry Potter on any 'best of' list
> Calvin and Hobbes as a book

>> No.3171831

Most of them watched the show and voted for the show not realizing its a series of books.
The ones who did both voted for the book.

>> No.3171832

Thanks, I read Catcher In The Rye a while ago and was impressed. It sounds cliche but it helped me to get over some of my own cynical and hateful coping mechanism.
An excerpt from White Noise was featured in my Introduction To American Literature class and it's been on my list ever since.
Thank you. I'm considering getting Hamlet since it features in IJ so much. I already read Romeo and Juliet and Much Ado About Nothing(Which I found pleasant but not much else, to be honest).

>> No.3171835

Its a mediocre book.
Its probably George Orwell's worst book.

>> No.3171836
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You're right though.

>> No.3171843

If you want to get into more Shakespeare, check out Othello, The Tempest, and King Lear. I never particularly enjoyed Romeo and Juliet, probably just because I can't dissociate Shakespeare's from all the shitty popular culture renditions. The comedies are much funnier when you see them performed.

>> No.3171845
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>Is there anything wrong with really liking Vonnegut and McCarthy
There's nothing wrong with liking anything. Develop your literary taste without any regard for what a bunch of elitist neckbeards on the internet think about it.

>> No.3171846

'Franny and Zooey' is great, too. Definitely check it out if you like 'Catcher'.

>> No.3171850

Redditors detected

>> No.3171851

Add Macbeth too. Seriously, buy the Arden Complete Shakespeare, it's something like 10 dollars.

>> No.3171853

>It wouldn't be a very good list.

But those four books are great...

>> No.3171854

Does Reddit have a dedicated Lit board?

>> No.3171857


>> No.3171858


>> No.3171860

Thanks again, guys. Best board on 4chan by far. I know have books worth 400€ on my list but Christmas is coming up so I guess I will manage.

I concur.

>> No.3171861

RSC Shakespeare (Hardback) all day err' day, nigga. Costs more, though.

>> No.3171864
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Only on 4chan will you find people discussing their favorite ways to read Shakespeare calling each other niggas.

>> No.3171871

You're from reddit, aren't you.

>> No.3171875

No, I sometimes visit some niche subreddits, though. I come from /mu/ but that place is getting more dire each day. Also, while we are at it: I found Reddit to be more racist than 4chan in general.(Apart from /b/ probably)

>> No.3171877

Not that guy, but >>3171864
really is kind of funny when you take a step back and think about it. I'm just acclimated to it now.

>> No.3171878

Here's one of their rec comments:
>The Elegance of the Hedgehog...A nearly good book
>The Girl in the Flammable Skirt...A good collection of shorts
>Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close...A good book made into a good movie
>Crooked Little Vein...A good book...
>Her Fearful Symmetry....A good book
>Anything by Tom Robbins...Varies from nearly good to better than good
>Imprimatur buy Monaldi and Sorti....A good book for a particular mind set
>Blue Ant Trilogy...All good books
Aside from the list, apparently good is the only positive adjective that exists. Then this reply almost tops it
>A perfect list of titles. I've never even heard of any, except for Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close- which, of course, I haven't read/seen and I don't know anything about it. Much obliged, friend!
What a perfect set of titles I know nothing about and thus cannot comment on said perfection

Also, in that rec thread for contemporary authors/recent books, by far the most disturbing thing No Tao Lin

>> No.3171883

Which translations of the Russian books should I get?

>> No.3171885

Didn't you know that Tao Lin is merely a /lit/ meme?
He doesn't actually exist.

Haven't you noticed that there are no downloads of his books?

>> No.3171889
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>10. Harry Potter
>64. Heart of Darkness
>79. War and Peace

>> No.3171894

Pevear and Volokhonsky seem to be the standard now, so get those.

>> No.3171896

Man, there are so many downloads of his books now shit is ridiculous. Still waiting for that guy to upload some Hekotormos though, that shit is actually hard to come by.

>> No.3171898

Garnett for nice Victorian prose.
P&V for faithfulness to a fault.
McDuff or Avsey for a happy medium.

>> No.3171906

Agreed. But it makes sense seeing as reddit is some sort of bastion for butthurt crybabies fresh out of their first relationship and MRA activists. What's the difference?

>> No.3171910

Do you have anything besides Eeeee, Bed, Apparel and Yates?

If yes, then share.

>> No.3171912

You know, Tao Lin's work might be lazy, vacuous and devoid of any insights, but his other "alt-lit" buttbuddies are even worse. Read this and shudder-

This is Tao's former wife.

>> No.3171914

Wait what?

>> No.3171916

Oh, I just assumed they'd be divorced by now.

>> No.3171922

No, I don't have any of his poetry books. I'm sure someone uploaded one though.

>> No.3171923

alt-lit isn't so bad you guys

no one here likes guillaume morissette?

>> No.3171924

She was jealous of my fame

>> No.3171925

They're separated at least, and she slept with Sam Spade or whatever that hack's name is.

>> No.3171930

She was just mad you never went to bed


>> No.3171931
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>> No.3171934

>guillaume morissette
No the only Guillaume's we mention here are Appolinaire and occassionally Musso. I enjoy all three.

>> No.3171937

Sam Pink.
The worst part about the likes of Tao Lin is that no criticism will have any effect on them whatsoever because of the ironic bubble they've built around themselves.

>> No.3171950

Even if the list would exist entirely of good books, it still wouldn't be a good list because quite nearly nobody would get anything out of it but the feeling of
>damn now that's a mighty fine looking list we put together
Nobody would find a new book to read because everyone has already read them OR has them on their 'to-read list'.

A list could maybe be interesting if we'd only add books to the list with like less than 3000 adds on 'goodreads', that might bring up some lesser known titles. On the other hand, if you're well read enough you don't need a list to find out about books you'd be interested in reading.

What I'm saying is that lists generally suck, unless maybe if it's filling a certain niche.
Like when someone says
>(I want to read books on squirrels)
And you have a nice list of books on squirrels.

>> No.3171955

Please share.

>> No.3171960

>needing a list to tell you what to read

>> No.3171968

I know I avoid those threads on /lit/ like they're a transexual.

>> No.3171976
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>avoiding trannies

le shiggy gender dysphoratello

>> No.3171977

I'd like to read books on squirrels!

>> No.3171978

Every board on 4chan does this as well.

>> No.3171982

Not /lit/, we're too good for that.

>> No.3171997
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le plebian reddit face

>> No.3172013

Lost the link, so here's a new updated upload (including mobi/epub versions of his four books):

Still looking for his poetry books, besides this:

>> No.3172027

You know what's funny?

I bet everyone on this board pronounces plebeian wrong. Look it up

>> No.3172031

>I bet everyone on this board pronounces plebeian wrong.
Incorrectly, my dear fellow ( ͡O ͜ʖ ͡°)

>> No.3172040

It's getting more and more infuriating for me to come to this board these days. Ever since that /mu/ mix-tape thing, this board has been overrun by the worst kinds of /mu/tards.

>> No.3172047

Why do you feel the need to try and assert your dominance over anonymous people?

>> No.3172058

i get off on it actually

>> No.3172060

What /mu/ mix tape?

>> No.3172104

I have read 21 books in my life and they are better than this list.

>> No.3172110

The only thing I like about Bukowski are some poems and quotes.

>> No.3172121


What are you 16 years old or a pleb?

>> No.3172128

Just someone who doesn't walk around and yells "hurr durr I have read 1000 books duel me".

>> No.3172135

no, you go around yelling "i'm basically illiterate but still self-righteous!"

>> No.3172147

>Defined by number of books read

>> No.3172154

To make a judgement of the list, you have to have read the works in it. If the case is that the books you read were on the list, then you can't say they're better.

If the case is that the books you've read are not on the list, you can't validly make a judgement of the list.

>> No.3172158

I'm fluent in 3 languages.
Where is the problem with this?

>> No.3172160

Don't make me quote Schoppy.

>> No.3172165

I know nothing of him, so have at it.

>> No.3172167

>I'm fluent in 3 languages.

lol is that supposed to impress me?

>> No.3172174

>54. A Song of Ice and Fire by George RR Martin.
>58. A Game of Thrones by George RR Martin.

Wait what

>> No.3172183


One is le book other is le TV series, le lololol, y u so stupid.

>> No.3172203

Thanks Tao

>> No.3172204

Only wanted to make some things clear, are you Autistic?

>> No.3172214

Which 3? Just curious.

>> No.3172225

English, Esperanto and Elvish

>> No.3172232 [DELETED] 
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Oh noooooooes! someone has different taste in books than I do!! How will I survive?

I must post on 4chan about it!

>> No.3172238

Go back to /mlp/.

>> No.3172248 [DELETED] 

I reserve the right to post whatever reaction I want on whatever board I want, be it pony or not. As far as I am not shitposting ponies for no good reason, I feel that this should be acceptable to all involved.

>> No.3172249

Says the horsefucker.

Get out.


>> No.3172251

Actually technically you're not allowed to post ponies anywhere but /mlp/ but since it's just a one time reaction image it's ok.

Not that your posts aren't retarded, they are.

>> No.3172252

autistic ponyfucks are worse than redditors

>> No.3172269




>> No.3172284 [DELETED] 

Duly noted.

>> No.3172289

They're the same.

>> No.3172437

y u mad bro

>> No.3172446

im waiting bro

>> No.3172447

It should be higher

>> No.3172512
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>> No.3172537
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>> No.3172575


Op is picking up on some random recommendation-list no one actually cares about whilst he does not know Feynman.
I won't argue whether he is worth reading or not: anyone with the slightest interest in this cosmos, inhabiting a planet which originated live including humans, organizing themselves in societies, giving birth to science, abstract ideas and literature should at least stumble across the name RICHARD FUCKING FEYNMAN

>> No.3172577

>Tolstoy not in at least God Tier
>Tolstoy not even in the pantheon
I guess not even /lit/'s judgments are accurate all the time.

>> No.3172587

Russian golden age goes without saying. It's pretty much high school lit.

>> No.3172598

He doesn't really have a big presence on /lit/. People namedrop Anna Karenina occasionally, but not with any particular enthusiasm.

>> No.3172604

/lit/ is definitely more inclined towards Dostoevsky and, as Camus says, one can't possibly like both.

>> No.3172608

Well Camus is goofball if he believes that

silly Albert

>> No.3172610

That list is not a glossary of every writer who ever lived.
That list is not a list of popular writers.
That list is not a list of the writers who are popular on /lit/.

That list is a list of writers who are UNUSUALLY popular here.

>> No.3172614

i think it's more that one can't possibly _agree_ with both. you could still appreciate both's literary merits.

>> No.3172719

I don't understand why feynman is on there, to sound smart maybe? plus it's his biography not qed or one of his other books. I don't get it

>> No.3172733 [DELETED] 

yeah i hate beta liberal arts ppl that think they have to name drop some physics crap to seem smart, like david foster wallace talking about calculus and tennis and then when an interviewer actually asked him what he meant he was just like "well, i mean, uh, the angles, the angles man" it's like i thought u said calculus not trigonometry u try hard faggot

>> No.3172745

I guarantee if you poll the other boards on 4chan you'll get more than a few Feynman mentions

>> No.3172750


>> No.3172751

Depends on the board, i doubt most people on lit even know who Feynman is.

>> No.3172757

Hence 'other boards'. Believe it or not, /lit/ is populated by many people quite unlike the average 4chan user.
Most people on /lit/ know who Feynman is, they just know his books aren't anything special.

>> No.3172758

I actually bought Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy, it was okay. 'This emotion was a little e-book' was considerably better. Thanks for the link!

>> No.3172761


this prove the list is just troll bait
>would not reddit rage again

>> No.3172762

Did you buy it in paper? Then you should scan it.

If you bought the digital edition, you should upload it.

>> No.3172769

I bought the paperback. But I don't have a scanner and I don't think there's a way to scan a book without cutting/ripping out all individual pages.

>> No.3172782

Then you should photograph it. It's just 50 pictures or something. Do it, you won't be forgotten.

>> No.3172802

>ayn rand
>on the top 200

this is either troll material or they're just more retarded than we thought

>> No.3172827
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>79. War and Peace