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File: 61 KB, 467x605, mishima-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3165900 No.3165900 [Reply] [Original]

>Creating something beautiful and becoming beautiful oneself are indistinguishable.

-Yukio Mishima

So, why don't you even lift?

>> No.3165913

I do lift.

>> No.3165929

But he's wrong.

>> No.3165932

I'm sure that you are speaking from the experience of creating very many beautiful things of art.

>> No.3165939

Too bad he still had a tiny dick. Poor japs, I'd become gay and kill myself, too.

>> No.3165946

I don't you think you understand what he was talking about.

>> No.3165966

He was talking about buggery, I'm sure.

>> No.3165967

>implying misunderstanding his point to a degree isn't the idea of this thread.

and he did practice bodybuilding because he wanted to attain physical beauty

>> No.3165973

Where should I start with him? Will not being a fascist pig prevent me from getting anything out of his work?

>> No.3165985

>implying having unnaturally large muscles is beautiful
I want a man who works, not a man who works out.

>> No.3165988

The Sound Of The Waves is the "easiest" of his books. And he certainly was not a facist. Maybe a "traditionalist", although like all good writers he defies a simple description containing an -ism or two.

>> No.3165994

>Will not being a fascist pig prevent me from getting anything out of his work?

only if you're a smallminded idiot who cannot into art.

>> No.3165995
File: 224 KB, 640x480, Training Styles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

without steroids no one gets "too big" muscles

but pls lets keep this thread from becoming a /fit/ thread

>> No.3166002

So you can stay home and sit around on your lazy ass all day?

>> No.3166003

Mishima is such a goddamn boss. Here's how I rank the works of his that I've read so far:

1. Runaway Horses
2. Patriotism
3. Spring Snow
4. Confessions of a Mask
5. The Temple of the Golden Pavilion
6. The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea

Going to finish the Sea of Fertility tetralogy next, then hoping to get my hands on Sun and Steel somehow (it seems to be out of print everywhere here).

>> No.3166017

I only read The Sailor, but it was awful.

>> No.3166024

It was my least favourite (as you can see), but I would hardly call it awful. What were your qualms with it?

>> No.3166048

Runaway horses is my favourite too. I wanted to read the whole tetralogy but I can't make myself to read the 4th book because the second half of the third book really killed all the pleasure and aesthetic and intellectual stimulation the first two books definitely provoked. I don't know why I'm writing this as a reply to you though. Hope you will enjoy the last two books of Sea of Fertility.

>> No.3166055

Yeah, I have heard that the teralogy doesn't finish as strongly as it begins, but I'm sure I will be able to find some redeeming qualities in the last two books. Not reading them isn't an option for me, anyway, since I hope to someday read everything he ever wrote.

Anyone read Sun and Steel, btw? It really intrigues me.

>> No.3166086

You mean starting from the "suddenly, a long essay on esoteric buddhist teachings"-part?

>> No.3166092
File: 163 KB, 699x593, 1353310639598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"No citizen has a right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training...what a disgrace it is for a man to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable."

I started barbell training promptly after reading that at 15. Its amazing how different you feel, and how you are perceived by other when walking around with 40+ more pounds of muscle than the average person. All vanity and philosophizing aside it improved the quality of my life 10fold. Aside from the obvious benefits lifting has become a sort of meditation for me. Hard day, fucked up week, feeling depressed, it doesnt matter because 200 lbs of iron is always 200 lbs.

>> No.3166097

I can never find a source for that fucking quote.

>> No.3166100

Lifting heavy shit up and down is as natural as it gets... Its what men (and women) have been doing for thousands of years.

>> No.3166104

yeah, but they used to do it for some reason other than vanity. instead of just working out for working out's sake, you people should take up a sport. preferably a combat sport.

>> No.3166121

Sure theres vanity involved... were only human. Why dont you ask women to stop wearing makeup? But youre acting as if there isnt immense health benefits to doing what comes natural to a man. Not only that as someone up there said, it really is a great outlet to release stress and anger. It gives you clear goals to set and accomplish.

>> No.3166140

because competition isnt more vain?
whats the difference between counting points in a competition and measuring the size of your biceps?