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/lit/ - Literature

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3162898 No.3162898 [Reply] [Original]

What is the best book to read before I kill myself?

>> No.3162932

A very short one.

>> No.3162937

But, like, what book

>> No.3162944

None. If you want to kill yourself, do it now.

>> No.3162948

the Bible.

>> No.3162949

I'd like to have some decent philosophy or state of mind as I die. The place where I'm at right now I doubt that'll happen but I'd like to at least try that before I end it.

>> No.3162952

Schopenhauer "On Suicide"

>> No.3162953

please gtfo back to whatever anime board you came from.

if you want to kill yourself, do it now. it's not like it's going to matter which book you've read once you are dead.

>> No.3162957

Read Alan Watts then or whatever.

>> No.3162962
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I've been coming to /lit/ since it was first added.

>> No.3162963

In Search of Lost Time.

>> No.3162966

Ulysses maybe or Joseph Campbell

>> No.3162969

i would highly recommend when red is black

>> No.3162970

Then you should be well-informed enough to decide what to read yourself.

>> No.3162972

But /lit/ is shit

>> No.3162974

But I don't know what to read.

>> No.3162978

Then you should know that we don't post with avatars here.

>> No.3162981

The Undiscovered Self by Carl Jung

>> No.3162987
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I'll post with whatever the fuck I want. And learn what avatarfagging is.

>> No.3162988
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>> No.3163000
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Dante's Inferno.

Or you could read Portrait of the Artist as a Young man (look up the really cool part on hell).

>> No.3163003

I had a reply for OP but then I reflected on what a faggot he is and I decided I should just call him an idiot and not try reasoning with him.

OP You're an idiot

>> No.3163008


>> No.3163015


Well what do ya know

>> No.3163020

But countries with the highest IQs have the highest suicide rates.

>> No.3163024

Yes, OP, and being the genius that you clearly are you should stop stalling and just go ahead and do it.

>> No.3163028


>> No.3163031

Countries with the highest IQ are generally filled with people whose lives are secure from need.

This should explain for you

>> No.3163038

>In the study, which was published on the website of the British Medical Journal, researchers followed 1.1 million male military recruits in Sweden for an average of 24 years. All of the men took a standardized IQ test between the ages of 16 and 25.

>military recruit

>> No.3163040


>> No.3163041

Why do you think I should do it?

>> No.3163043

>Countries with the highest IQ are generally filled with people whose lives are secure from need.
Of industrialized countries, the highest IQs are Japan and SK and they have the highest suicide rate.

Same goes for cities in murrika

>> No.3163051


Not sure about murrika.

>> No.3163057

So only stupid people commit suicide? What about all those writers and philosophers?

Were they really just stupid?

>> No.3163066
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It's about how life's not worth it.

>> No.3163075

Remember Who You Are: Remember 'Where' You Are and Where You 'Come' From. by David Icke

>> No.3163079
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It's pretty mindblowing once you get over the long ass sentences.

>> No.3163083

>David Icke

>> No.3163095

Spiteful paranoia is a good a reason to live as any. Until they come for you, at least.

>> No.3163125


That sounds like the kind of shit I need to read. Anyone else read this and what did you think?

>> No.3163258

So people who commit suicide have low IQs???? I

>> No.3163313

yes. eg. ernesto hemmingway.

>> No.3163314

The Pale King

>> No.3163317

Meditations - Marcus Aurelius

>> No.3163320
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Isn't this what exit-level /lit/core was specifically created for?

>> No.3163331

This is actually a good and practical suggestion; it also isn't a cumbersome or lengthy read, I hope OP gives it a look.

>> No.3163352

How I Stayed Alive When My Brain Was Trying to Kill Me: One Person's Guide to Suicide Prevention

>> No.3163390

Don't do it OP.

Read Calming Your Anxious Mind: How Mindfulness and Compassion Can Free You from Anxiety, Fear, and Panic by Jeffrey Brantley

>> No.3163439


if anything mindfulness has shown me the fleeting nature of life and has made death less scary

>> No.3163451

John dies at the end
If you're called John, if not change you're name

>> No.3163482

>If you're called John, if not change you're name
>you're name
Well, 1 of 2, isn't that bad.
I guess.

>> No.3163487

Read the chapter Rebellion in The Brothers Karamazov.

>> No.3163515

No Longer Human, it will convince you to actually do it.

>> No.3163534

is there any specific reason as to why these are listed?

>> No.3163557



>> No.3163574


>> No.3163576

Read this op:


>> No.3163580

I second this.

>> No.3163600

Hamlet. Before you actually die cut off your lower jaw and carve "Yorick" into your chest

>> No.3163616

this will never, ever be possible, because consciousness isn't local. relax your anus, kid.

>> No.3163617

>because consciousness isn't local
The Black Gates swing wide.

>> No.3163621

>because consciousness isn't local.

>> No.3163625

Not even him, but if there is anything /x/ is to think the contrary.

>> No.3163632

u mad? prove me otherwise. oh wait, neuroscientists know jack shit at the moment.
cute baby isn't capable of an abstract thought

>> No.3163633

like conciousness isnt in or from the body?
do you mean like spiritual stuff?

>> No.3163637

read more, kiddo

>> No.3163638

He thinks that, like, we are all one consciousnes, man. Like, we have chakras and all tap in to one true universal God, man.

>> No.3163639

A la Recherche du Temps Perdu

>> No.3163640

>u mad? prove me otherwise. oh wait, neuroscientists know jack shit at the moment.

No, child. You are the one making outrageous claims. You need to reinforce your statements.

>> No.3163646

also could you clarify what you mean by
>consciousness isn't local ?

>> No.3163651

Local means limited to one body. That consciousness is a by-product of a collection of regular atoms. Obviously this is wrong and consciousness is something we don't understand yet.

>> No.3163704

>I don't like it so it's wrong

>> No.3163734

We don't understand consciousness yet. That is obvious, you fucking retard. Go back to /sci/ with your shitty uni undergrad knowledge of neuroscience.

>> No.3163742

Conciousness hasn't been completely explained, yes. That's not an excuse for you to go full hippy about it though.

>hey guys we don't know how this deep sea squid expels light it yet so for now we might as well assume that it's ALIENS

>> No.3163748

>We don't understand consciousness yet

Sure, there might be a few missing pieces from the puzzle, but it doesn't give you permission to fill in the gap with whatever wacky theory you want.

>> No.3163752
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>> No.3163760

>but it doesn't give you permission to fill in the gap with whatever wacky theory you want.
strong retard up in here.

>> No.3163770

So we just ignore it? Don't theorize about it because we can't explain it?

>> No.3163773

>Obviously this is wrong and consciousness is something we don't understand yet.
Your consciousness comes from your brain. That's all you'll ever need to know about this subject now kindly shut the hell up.

>> No.3163789

please go to bed, Sam Harris.

>> No.3163810

OP, I would read The Temple of the Golden Pavilion by Yukio Mishima.

>> No.3163850

>Your consciousness comes from your brain.
This. Never has there been anything remotely compelling even hinting to the opposite.

>> No.3164136

Consciousness can't be physically proven to exist. So technically consciousness itself is just a pseudoscience

>> No.3164151

OP are you still here?
I have literally the perfect thing for you.

>> No.3164155

Wait obviously he's not. ;_;

>> No.3164166
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>> No.3164501

Hesse: Steppenwolf

>> No.3164517

who here would rather have a gf with a beautiful, strong penis than one with a nasty, stinky vagina? anyone who genuinely enjoys having anything to do with that revolting, stagnant little hole is probably mentally ill.

Day after day I keep seeing you mongoloid virgins in here going "tfw no gf" and asking questions like 'What does a pussy feel like?' or 'What does a pussy taste like' and I am fucking sick of your shit.

A vagina is like a new running shoe, OK? At first, it looks good, smells ok and fits rather snugly. As time goes by, it stops being all of those things though, especially after being used repeatedly. It starts to look beat up, smells worse and worse, and things get kinda sloppy. A vagina is basically a tepid reservoir of bacterial filth, with new bacteria and viruses being added every time a new strange cock goes in (which is usually fairly often, because all women are whores. Even Mom.). It tastes like it smells too, sour with a peculiar strongness. They all smell and taste like that. All of them. Wanna know why? It is also a drain for bodily refuse like dead cells, dead bacteria, and dead spermatozoa. It smells the way it does, because it is full of decaying things all closed up in a moist, heated pocket.

So go ahead, stick your face in it and lick up that stinking, rotting slime.

>> No.3164536

This. Absolutely.

>rchoesn himself

>> No.3164537

Read some Epicurus, then welcome some sweet painless death

>> No.3164722

Dude, be aware of what you're doing.
Why the fuck are you defending yourself if you're going to kill yourself? Why would you care?
You're just a fucking joke.

>> No.3164731

/v/ or /mu/. No seriously, play a violent game or listen to a rap album. People will get so fucking upset.

>> No.3164836

The purpose of you reading a book is unclear. Are you hoping the book will deter you from committing suicide, or do you just want pretty words?

>> No.3164842

How should any of us know? You haven't told us anything. You seem to want to do it, and your decision has nothing to do with us. I'm not usually in favour of suicide, but I don't see why you would value my opinion.

>> No.3164850

But he's asking about books, not suicide. Suicide is just a relevant context.
Also, "Liberation Through Hearing During the Intermediate State" aka "Tibetan Book of the Dead".

>> No.3164864
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>tfw OP's ego is trying it's best to keep him alive by putting the Id's desire to end the pain and the super-ego's desire to better himself against each other by subconsciously putting another task to complete before he kills himself

>> No.3164877

If you're going to kill yourself anyway, why does it matter? Read The Cat in the Hat. It'll take you less than five minutes to read.

>> No.3164878

Well, the closer we are to death, the more the remaining time matters, right?

>> No.3164885

This is a great answer for this: (>>3164722)

Great job.

>> No.3164887

No? What's that time going to matter if when you die, you just return to the memory-less, sterile, void of nothing?

>> No.3164888

Not trying to give anyone an existential crisis by the way.

>> No.3164890

But that holds true of all life, all the time.

>> No.3164891

Not really. If you've decided to kill yourself, you've decided that life isn't worth living. That means, if you truly believe life isn't worth living, you shouldn't care what the last part is like, as long as it comes as quickly as possible.

>> No.3164893

>implying the concept of fleeting isn't a human abstraction
>he thinks time exists or is linear

>> No.3164894


>> No.3164898

That sounds a bit presumptuous. Why wouldn't someone avoid stepping on a piece of glass or put on some good music before they off themself?

>> No.3164917

because they are faggots who cant think for themselves

>> No.3164928

Please elaborate.

>> No.3164942

ASoIaF so you have to wait 20 years before going

>> No.3164955
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>> No.3164989
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At least make an informed decision before you pop off OP.

The will help. This is the one you want.

>> No.3165013
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The entire Tipitaka
it's long as hell so you'll have alot of time to think
and it might help you deal with your suffering

here is an introduction

In the Buddha's words, an anthology from the Pali canon by Bhikkhu Bodhi

>> No.3165044

In Search of Lost Time, op. in french.

>> No.3165057

>Schopenhauer "On Suicide"
Dear god, you should all read this now. Really excellent piece, and it's short.


>> No.3165058

Are you pushing OP to try drugs?

>> No.3165065

Drugs is and good alternative to Death <=|

>> No.3165069

>1,000 feel face'd teens lurking /lit/ see this post
>interest is dully piqued when they see Schopenhauer
>they mouse over the spoiler tag
>they all rush for the link at the same time, a la three stooges trying to get through a door in order to satiate their need to fit in with /lit/ while exerting the least amount of effort

>> No.3165072

Dude(s) - it was one of the most anti-drug pieces I've ever read. The thing is, it's a view from the inside. Have you read it? He comes out and says it. He attacks the prime mover of the LSD movement.

Even so, he's part of it and will remain so and that's that. His story is still on the anti-side while pricking the war-on-drug squares of his own time.

And his take on Journalism .. have you read it? The move's good to, but it's just not all there.

>> No.3165074

what book are you talking about? or author?

>> No.3165084


Oh, sorry for the disjointed posting. "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas."

I was replying to:

>> No.3165110

Just kill yourself. You're a waste of bandwidth.

>> No.3165122

Go talk to a religious leader of your choosing.

>> No.3165134

>the book of disquiet

my nigga

>> No.3165684

I cut myself from the edginess

>> No.3165686

War and Peace.

Seriously, if you still want to kill yourself at the end of that novel you're trying too hard.

>> No.3167397

Azumanga Daioh

>> No.3167595

But that's a comic book, anon

>> No.3168802


>> No.3168871
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Atlas Shrugged. Its clearly the best book for the kind of person you are OP. Im sure all of /lit/ will agree with me here.

>> No.3168902

Krishnamurti's The First and Last Freedom.
Make sure to get the copy with Huxley's Forward.

>> No.3168921

candide i'd say
it might change your mind at least for some time

>> No.3169581

This is a really good observation

>> No.3169770

Before you kill yourself? If you're really committed to the idea, then read the Holy Koran, that way you can take some people out with you.

>> No.3169812

beyond good and evil - Nietzsche
Not only do you need to, but you will be inspired to kill yourself

>> No.3169905


>> No.3169941
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Hey, OP.

My older brother killed himself last February. It was a bummer. Can't say I recommend it. If you want to talk about it you can hit me up on goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/user/show/3710749-andrew

I've met some pretty cool people from /lit/ and 420chan /lit/ on there. Some of us are planning to read As I Lay Dying by Faulkner soon and talk about it. Maybe you could join our group?