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3160231 No.3160231 [Reply] [Original]

I don't know what to read. Most everything disgusts me these days (I feel very depressed)

Recommend me the best books/things to read

>> No.3160236

gravitation by wheeler

>> No.3160241

read Tao Lin

not even kidding

>> No.3160244

Second this, and Erland Loe

>> No.3160247

reading Bed now
I think you recommended it, then used a spoiler, which read - 'not even kidding' - I must say that I'm glad you did.
Consequently, Tao - go to bed.

>> No.3160251

ha ha them crazy dashes... fuck i'm tired

>> No.3160254

I cannot into books like this because too stupid...


Tao lin and Erland Loe look like faggots and they disgust me...cannot read them

>> No.3160255

I guess it I find it hard to read any living writer. They all seem like faggots to me

recommend me books by dead writers

>> No.3160258

The Stranger by Albert Camus
No Longer Human by Osamu Dazai
Demian by Hermann Hessse
Buddenbrooks by Thomas Mann
The Razor's Edge by W. Somerset Maugham

>> No.3160260


looks like a god tier list, thanks

>> No.3160268
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Give Charles Yu a try. Pic related is actually fairly good.

>> No.3160267
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Cheers, mate. I'm no stranger to stormy moods. Sometimes it's nice to see other people who feel similarly (Camus, Dazai), and sometimes it's nice to see people get through it somehow (Hesse, Maugham).

So I hope you find something satisfying and get through it. Best of luck to you, OP!

>> No.3160270

Sure, good list if you want to stay an edgy depressed faggot

>> No.3160271

Read Stoner by John Williams. Or Augustus by John Williams. Or Butcher's Crossing by John Williams.

>> No.3160279

Is that Shining Force? Loved the fuck out of that game.

Read some Mishima

>> No.3160324

i love shining force! the second is still one of my favorite games of all time.

try haruki murakami. he's easy to read and his stuff has a detective/suspense element that can get your hooked.

>> No.3160344
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>charles yu

I'm in an MFA program and all those snooty fucks refuse to read him. Goddamn do I love that book.

When I'm depressed I usually read philosophy. The store near me sells lots of semiotext(e) shit so I'm reading this one right now.

>inb4 pretentious ass

>> No.3160388

Shining Force, OP? Awesome taste.

Well then, why not some Lord of the Rings, or Song of Ice and Fire, in the fantasy-medieval genre?

>> No.3160389

Steppenwolf by Herman Hesse.
This book will cure you.

>> No.3160439

Sea of Ink - Richard Weihe

>> No.3161682

Semiotext(e)s are the apex of nonsense, but they are a cool read.