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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 559 KB, 2000x4000, Masculine Lit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3158452 No.3158452 [Reply] [Original]

I started it, now let's finish it.

>> No.3158459
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>> No.3158458

>no wuthering heights

sage for reasons

>> No.3158492

>> No.3158498

>The Game
Picked it up, put it down after a chapter or two. Once and only once. Also:
>essential literature for one gender
>not essential literature for everyone

>> No.3158502

Wuthering Heights is one of the most effeminate books you could possibly read, maybe second only to Pride and Prejudice


>no lolita

>> No.3158508

We have essential female authors and essential feminist /lit/, why can't we have an essential masculine /lit/? I don't even understand why everyone is saging this, there are threads asking for "manly" books recommendations at least once a day

>> No.3158510

The Epic of Gilgamesh, would've thought that was obvious.

>> No.3158515

The Coming of Conan the Cimmerian

>> No.3158512


>> No.3158513


fuck off OP you pathetic piece of shit

>> No.3158519

>The Road

Masculine literature: eat bacon, chop wood, and then read [insert any classic book] while sitting next to a fire (preferably fueled by the wood you just chopped).

>> No.3158524
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What about something by this guy?

>> No.3158525

>being sad enough that you need masculine literature
fucking hell
>the game

>> No.3158530

Why is The Road on here?

>> No.3158536

it's about father/son relationships. actually pretty much the only actually proper book that deals in masculinity there.

inb4 hemmingway fanboy

>> No.3158540

how does it deal with masculinity at all? They seriously just bitch around and be depressed. Shitty idea op

>> No.3158544


So /lit/ really is a bunch of white-knighting twinks

>> No.3158545

>The Game

Kill yourself you flaming faggot.

>> No.3158547

Putting The Game on there completely invalidates the already shitty idea for this list.

>> No.3158550

>being beta enough to need a guide

>> No.3158551
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Opie, Get some HST on there.

>> No.3158560
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Oh god, your tears are delicious. None of you faggots have even read the damn book, and yet you're condemning it based entirely on ideology. Like it or not, Neil Strauss is a god-tier writer, and though not a true intellectual he's fairly well read (allusions to Shakespeare, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, and Joyce litter the pages). What real tops it all off is the fact that you'll condemn him for writing a book ABOUT pickup (read: not a pickup manual), call him a faggot, and then litter the board with

>tfw when no qt hipster gf

>> No.3158568

>no Cassanova

Not a bad list so far OP, but why the fuck is Othello on there?

>> No.3158569

I called you a faggot. And judging by the amount of butthurt, analpain, and posterior frustration you are exhibiting, I'd say someone made faggot love to your anus about 5 minutes ago.

Get the fuck out.

>> No.3158575

the most incredibly pathetic thing in your post isn't even the defense of pua, but that you think that having read shakespeare, dostoevsky, tolstoy and joyce make you well read.


>> No.3158574
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Put Tao Lin on there. Tao Lin is very Masculine. He went shooting once. He shot something. Tao Lin shaves in the morning. Tao Lin is a Man. Tao Lin goes to a bar to drink beer. Tao Lin delicately radiates Masculinity.

>> No.3158573

>get mad at someone for reading a book on how to fuck girls
>proceed to call him a homosexual

dude wut

>> No.3158578

anyone this deeply interested in masculinity is clearly a flaming homo.

>> No.3158579

You reek of insecurity and closeted homosexuality dude.

Protip: this is why you needed to read a PUA book in the first place.

>> No.3158581

/fit/ here

real men don't read you panzies

>> No.3158582

Dat woman logic.

>> No.3158585

Those accusations say far more about the accuser. Is there something you want to share with the rest of the class?

>> No.3158586
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>y-you t-t-too!

>> No.3158591

>get called gay

how does it feel being a stereotype brosenberg

>> No.3158600

OP here, ignoring all the butthurt, here's what remains:

-Potentially consider removing Othello
-Add something by Yukio Mishima (no one specified what and thus I'm a bit lost)
-Add Cassanova's autobigoraphy
-Add Lolita
-Potentially add The Epic of Gilgmesh, though I'm not really sure why
-Potentially add something by HST, not sure what, Fear and Loathing doesn't really fit the bill

>> No.3158607

Frederick Exley (!!!).

>> No.3158610
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It appears you gents are in the wrong thread, allow me to point you in the right direction.


>> No.3158611

Shut up, we don't care, we just came for the butthurt.
Put an end to the butthurt and you put an end to the thread.

>> No.3158616

Have you even read Lolita?


>> No.3158617

HAHAHAHAA OP, do you even read?

>> No.3158623

Sperm Wars, it's the antidote to third wave feminist bullshit

>> No.3158624
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>> No.3158633

I don't get it, OP makes a list about books with Hemingway heroes and everyone gets butthurt. Explain yourselves

>> No.3158637

So obviously OP it hurts.

>> No.3158635

We are equal rights here, so take your gender privilege somewhere else.

>> No.3158640

hemingway heroes? are you retarded?

othello? don juan? bukowski? moby dick? you think these people reflect the typical hemingway protagonist?

gtfo please

>> No.3158642

lol am i posting on tumblr

>> No.3158646


>> No.3158650

Not OP but you guys are acting like a bunch of moronic teenagers.

Seconding the adding of HST though.

>> No.3158648

Fuck you, patriachy. You have oppressed us for too long. now fuck off with your male privalege list. and stop wanging your phallus. It's things like this that cause rap culture.

>> No.3158662
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>> No.3158663

>women authors

>> No.3158666
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>The Game

Fuck your gender expectations OP.

I hang drywall, shoot guns, lift weights and read female authors that make me cry.

>> No.3158668
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>It's things like this that cause rap culture.

>> No.3158671
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>> No.3158674

you don't need to read any of their works to allude to them

>> No.3158677

Dear god this
I don't think OP has actually read any of these

>> No.3158680
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>> No.3158682

The funniest thing is I don't think there are even any women in this thread, just a bunch of white knights

>> No.3158686


>Potentially add The Epic of Gilgmesh, though I'm not really sure why
Manly men who love each other and kill tons of shit. After Enkidu dies Gilgamesh kills a bunch of lions barehanded just because he's pissed

>> No.3158691


Tell me there are more of these, My fucking sides!

>> No.3158695

my qualm isn't the women shit but that the nature of the list defeats the purpose of the list. Also the fact that The Game is on there is just sad and pathetic. There's already a list on some manly website somewhere btw.

>> No.3158697
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>> No.3158696

OP won as soon as he made the thread...

>> No.3158701

Why is Streetcar Named Desire on there? Doesn't it look at masculinity with a more critical eye (or maybe that's what you're going for)?

Also, I know people on this board hate Palahniuk, but maybe Fight Club? Then again, I guess this being a "essential" list means the books should all be of very high quality.

>> No.3158705

If it was a list of books about masculinity that would be cool. That's something worth exploring in fictions.

Can we just jack this thread and make it into that?

>> No.3158708

add stone-butch blues

>> No.3158712


this one?


>> No.3158714

Ok so far we have Streetcar Named Desire and maybe Gilgamesh for books that actually deal with masculinity. What else? Doesn't have to be strictly hetero-normative IMO.

>> No.3158717
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>> No.3158719
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>> No.3158723

The Iliad

>> No.3158725


keep 'em coming /lit/

>> No.3158732

Surely Post Office was more manly than Ham on Rye? Although Ham on Rye is the better book.

>> No.3158740

The Aeneid perhaps?
The Sun Also Rises, absolutely.

>> No.3158742

One Flew Over the Cuckoos nest

>> No.3158771

Why do women hate rap music?

>> No.3158809

Probably just feminists, and rap culture does not even come close to acknowledging women as intellectual equals worthy of anything other than sex. Most normalfag women like rap.

I'd posit that it is truly the most embarrassingly childish type of poetry possible, almost always ignorant of literary devices that aren't rhyming. Not to mention an ignorance of vast swathes of western art history. It's not inherently bad, just the lowest of the lowbrow. I'll stick with Lyrical Ballads when I want pandering.

Casanova's autobiography is definitely the manliest thing I've ever read. Hiring an island's poor inhabitants as a militia to prevent your imprisonment? Yes please.

>> No.3158838

They're just forgetting to add the letter E in rape

>> No.3158851

>I'd posit that it is truly the most embarrassingly childish type of poetry possible, almost always ignorant of literary devices that aren't rhyming. Not to mention an ignorance of vast swathes of western art history. It's not inherently bad, just the lowest of the lowbrow. I'll stick with Lyrical Ballads when I want pandering.

You're a dumbass. If you actually go and listen to some rap albums, you'll be struck by the straightforward intelligence of the best work. Nas' Illmatic leaves me in no doubt that when it comes to poetry, he's a bit of a genius. They're fascinating, realist stories told with a great deal of verve and style.

>> No.3158876

I went through my rap phase 10 years ago m8, no need to get hostile. Rap culture is explicitly anti-erudite, but does have fun wordplay.

>> No.3158889

Anything by Kathy Acker. Seriously. Sex-positive feminism is as manly as you get.

>> No.3158915

Put some Norse sagas up there. Full of manly men fighting mythical beasts and shit.

>> No.3158935
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OP, forgot Mishima Yukio? Straight pleb status.

>> No.3158992

>the game

stop degrading masculinity you stupid fucking loser

anyone who goes to clubs are scum

>> No.3158995

Masculinity is a social construct.

>> No.3158997


>heteronormative white kids claiming Mishima Yukio and Tennessee Williams as 'butch' literature

>> No.3159001

>anyone who goes to clubs are scum

>implying there's only one reason to go to clubs

Loser detected.

>> No.3159009

this guy went to gay clubs....

>> No.3159010


What reasons could you possibly have to go to a club? (not him)

>> No.3159005
File: 587 KB, 873x1224, Conan%20the%20BarbarianLG[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why isn't that list filled with S&S macho literature instead of that pseudo intellectual bullshit for homosexuals who can't lift 50 pounds with both legs?

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

>> No.3159011

>implying everyone on here is straight
>implying everyone is white
>implying you arent a cock sucking faggot nigger jew spic cunt chink
>implying yukio mishima wouldn't spit on how you and modern day gay people act like victims with made up labels and persecution complexes

>> No.3159013


Well, everyone in this thread is a pretty brainless sack, in any case. So you may have a point. Conan'll do them as much good as Melville

>> No.3159016

>( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Why do I keep seeing this all over 4chan?

>> No.3159018


>you and modern day gay people act like victims with made up labels and persecution complexes

Which gay people? Or are you, in fact, referring to all of them?

Both ways are swung, btw.

>> No.3159030

music, drinking, social activity, the strong possibility of interacting with the opposite sex

>> No.3159034

PUAs are incredibly creepy faggots. All the Game is is a manual on being a manipulative narcissist.

These low tier "men" bring shame even to the so-called "alpha males" they try to emulate.

>> No.3159040


You enjoy the kind of music they play in clubs?

You like spending way too much on alcohol?

You can stand to socialize with people who go to clubs?

You willingly spend your time with club trash?

Good on ya, man. Different strokes.

>> No.3159077

You need to leave your bedroom more.