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/lit/ - Literature

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3157212 No.3157212[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

what literature would you recommend to an aspiring nurse?

>> No.3157218

Johnny Got His Gun

>> No.3157222

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

>> No.3157225


I just looked it up.
I'll add it to my reading list.

>> No.3157227


I've already read that one!

>> No.3157296

the house of God

>> No.3157317

Farewell to Arms.

>> No.3157556


Writing these down for my reading list.
Thanks guys.

>> No.3157563

Be a paramedic OP, then you can read and relate to depressing books like Black Flies and Bringing Out The Dead.

>> No.3157595


There's an EMT program at the local community college. I was thinking of doing phlebotomy and pharmacy tech certifications before moving on to nursing due to the pre-reqs and waiting list, however, I will also bear the paramedic certification program in mind. Thanks for the reading suggestions too. I need all of the mental preparation I can get for this field.

>> No.3157600

The Plague by Camus

>> No.3157619


Ooo... a French existentialist novel.
This is right up my alley.
Thank you!

>> No.3157629

isn't nursing over saturated? i think 90% of community college students are now on the nursing track, i mean the baby boomers are gonna die off in the next ten years or so and then who are you gonna nurse?

>> No.3157635


>> No.3157637


I actually worry about that. I noticed the same thing with the phlebotomy program. The schools are churning out too many phlebotomists. My plan was to go into nursing or something so I can pay out of pocket for degree in pharmacology. Idk. Regardless, the EMT idea is very good. What would you suggest I go into? I'm not sure which fields are less saturated and competitive.

>> No.3157643

Heres a question.
Are Camus novels better in French or in English?
Je peux lire les deux, mais je voudrais savoir.

>> No.3157646

The Paleo Diet by Loren Cordain

My mom recommended it, and she's a nurse (with an avid interest in nutrition). It's cool. It involves a lot of anthropology and evolutionary biology, and it's extremely insightful.

>> No.3157652


Excellent! Thank you so much.
I will definitely add it to my reading list.

>> No.3157673
File: 48 KB, 650x437, CamusAlbert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


En Français, évidemment.

Je crois que tu devrais toujours esssayer de lire une oeuvre dans la langue qu'elle a été écrite. Camus est facile à lire, de toute façon.

>> No.3157681


>> No.3157710



>> No.3157718
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>> No.3157721

Jesus Christ that is depressing...