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/lit/ - Literature

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3156536 No.3156536[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>protagonist is a writer

>> No.3156549

>thread is devoid of content

>> No.3156548
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>> No.3156551

Oh God I hate literary works centred around authors, painters, or musicians.

>> No.3156553
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>> No.3156556
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>> No.3156559


I hate it even more when they are supposed to be famous as fuck

>> No.3156564

I really liked the Hyperion Cantos.

>> No.3156577
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>> No.3156583
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>> No.3156613
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>protagonist is at university/college and has trouble connecting with people.

>> No.3156672
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>protagonist is a doctor/lawyer, or a student of either

>> No.3156701
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>protagonists surname is an allusion to a theme of the novel

>> No.3156705

>protagonist is in a book that I am reading
>why am I even on /lit/ again?

>> No.3156851
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>Dr. Hilarious

>> No.3156862


>thinks 'Fallopian' has anything to do with the experience of artistic madness

>> No.3156874


>> No.3156881

> protagonist is the author

>> No.3156882

> Protagonist is bookwise idealistic scholar who gets in trouble with more ruthless, pragmatic men

>> No.3156883

>having a protagonist at all
>not using phil collins as every character

>> No.3156884


>hasn't seen the meaning of Lot 49 as revealed by anon on /lit/ several years ago

>> No.3156901

/r/ing the image, i remember seeing it before i'd read lot 49 and thus ignored it

>> No.3156907



Pretty interesting thread.

>> No.3156968
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this was a glorious thread

>> No.3157047

Only thread that ever happened here worth something.

>> No.3157069
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>protagonist is a failed literary novelist who takes hack work writing genre fiction

>> No.3157089

I wrote this, by the way

>> No.3157206

>First person story with a wisecracking protagonist who makes pop culture refererences

>> No.3157219

>Science fiction book
>Protagonist says, "like something that would happen in a science fiction book."

>> No.3157240

oh god I hate that shit.

>> No.3157247
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>the first sentence is an obvious attention grabber

>> No.3157256
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>Writer obviously writing under a filthy jew thumb.

>> No.3157261

I like it when the first sentence is an attention grabber.

I hate it when the first sentence is an attention grabber, followed by several LONG AND BORING PARAGRAPHS OF DESCRIPTION.

It's like "Hey, something exciting is happening - lol, I lied. Watch me talk about the wallpaper and the protagonist's eye color for the next three pages."

>> No.3157286

>fantasy novel
>this is just like one of the old stories Aged Grandma used to tell us!
>hey, did you hear that grimlygrumkins have been sighted in the area?
>that's impossible, grimlygrumkins are just an old wives tale!

>> No.3157355

would read

>> No.3157359
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>fantasy novel
>proganonist can use magic
>no said limit to magic
>magic acts as deus ex machina at all times

I really cannot stand fantasy where people use magic without clear limitations.

>> No.3157360 [DELETED] 

Are you complaining? Just taking note that it happends? Are you spies for tvtropes?

>> No.3157375
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>Fantasy novel
>Must stop evil force, usually describe as a creeping darkness
>Nobody has a fucking personality.
>All of them communicate with a dull, monotone robotic dialog.
>The only one who's interesting is the lizard man, and that's only because he only communicates by biting people

I dropped the entire genre because of shit like this.

>> No.3157378

They're just being cockroaches

>> No.3157385

But that never happens. What actually happens is that the protagonist can't use magic, but he has some sort of helper who has access to an infinite amount of magic...which can never be used.

>oh no, a cliff!
>I could levitate us all down but then the Dark One would detect our location and we would be done for

>Oh no, we're being attacked!
>I could kill everyone in a billion mile radius but that would upset the Balance so we're helpless

>Oh no, my tea's gone cold!
>You do not understand the cosmic powers I hold in my hands. I must use my powers wisely, so you can't have that warmed for you.

>> No.3157431


i laughed aloud.

>> No.3157435



'No Reply 2: Electric Boogaloo: The Novel'

>> No.3157436

oh not again

>> No.3157446

>protagonist is a teacher

>> No.3157445


this doesn't annoy me when i read.

>> No.3157443
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>protagonist has a "weird" job (ie a musician that plays in a jazz band for cows owned by rich farmer who wants his cows to be happy)

>> No.3157469

>protagonist meets Stephen King

>> No.3157471

>plot has conflict

>> No.3157476
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I want to read this.

>> No.3157488

It's one of Dark Tower series, don't know which one.

>> No.3157494 [DELETED] 

that sounds fucking great

>> No.3157517

Fucking Koalas! Seriosly! I fucking hate this stupid fuckers!

>> No.3157548

more like,
>protagonist is a devout fanatic of Stephen King
>Captures Stephen and ties him up.
>The captor and Stephen King both die from lack of water

Now, truly that is MISERY.

inb4 "lol using all caps"

>> No.3157570

That too is annoying as fuck.
The more i read fantasy the more i get pissed at the mention of magic.

>> No.3157576


>> No.3157587

>posters in a thread summarily dismiss an entire genre based on stereotypes found within subgenre(s) they dislike.

>> No.3157589

my manifesto

>> No.3157594

>author wrote the book as a propaganda piece to advance their own personal beliefs/agenda.

>> No.3157615

>protagonist is 59 years old
>gets 20 year old pussy thrown at him
>He settles down with his new cat, ending the story half way

>> No.3157954

Post it already

>> No.3157969

Google "Campus Novel". One way or another most books in that genre fit.

>> No.3158022

But Death in Venice is really good

>> No.3158047
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>protagonist is a good artist or some other poor faggot
>protagonist is an evil businesman or scientist

>> No.3158058

>protagonist learns magic/writing/kung fu far faster than anyone ever has
>protagonist doesn't have to work hard for his success in general

>> No.3158060

>protagonist is immensely powerful, but can only use his powers in emergencies

>> No.3158340

Joyce Carol Oates?

>> No.3158346

>Protagonist loudly expresses his/her sexuality/ gender politics stance in every chapter

>> No.3158351

>protagonist isn't sure he's comfortable with all this

>> No.3158389

>protagonist is a woman

>> No.3158402

What about a protagonist who has a lot going for him and then fucks it all up leaving him with nothing?

>> No.3158415
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>protagonist is not a sage whose teaching by example is recorded in the form of anecdotes

>> No.3158433
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>> No.3158449

What are you trying to say?

>> No.3158460

>protagonist is just like you, dear reader.

>> No.3158463

wait, what the fuck, someone explain what's going on here

>> No.3158465

Oh god.

>> No.3158469
File: 35 KB, 460x276, grrrrrr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> takes place on the fictional continents Westeros and Essos, with a history of thousands of years. The series is told in the third person by point of view characters, whose number reaches 31 by the fifth novel. Three stories become interwoven: the chronicling of a dynastic war for control of Westeros by several families; the rising threat of the dormant cold supernatural Others dwelling beyond an immense wall of ice on Westeros' northern border; and the ambition of Daenerys Targaryen, the exiled daughter of a king murdered in a civil war shortly before her birth, to return to Westeros with her fire-breathing dragons and claim her rightful throne.

>> No.3158480

I like wallpaper.


>> No.3158528

In Also Sprach Zarathustra (why am I telling you this? shouldn't you know this?), Zarathustra's teachings are told in the form of anecdotes and speeches.

>> No.3158672

So you were recommending it then? Thank you, but I've already read it.

>> No.3158681

>Westeros and Essos,

I always read this as a continent named "Estrous"

>> No.3158741


/ thread

>> No.3158754

> main conflict: adultery

>> No.3158757

> protagonist who's recklessly obsessed with sex

yunior pls

>> No.3158858


i laughed aloud.

>> No.3158881

>original poster is a faggot

>> No.3158882


Somebody that possibly knows Pynchon or is very well read revealed the 'meaning' of Lot 49, as has gone entirely unnoticed by academia. It is /lit/'s defining thread

>> No.3158888

>novel is only 25% bookread