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3156510 No.3156510 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Girls who are interesting/intelligent/read. Goes without saying, but particularly girls that read

Where to find them, how to get them, success stories, stories of woe.

>> No.3156512

Start by getting off the internet and having something to offer.

>> No.3156520

Im not on the internet all the time, and I have something to offer

>> No.3156522


>something to offer

You're posting a thread on 4CHAN asking advice on how to pick up intelligent, well-read girls. It's doubtful you've got much.

>> No.3156526

I have no problem getting girls, I just get girls that dont read/are intelligent/are interesting, and it depresses the fuck out of me.

You having a bad day or something?

>> No.3156531

College Libraries. Even if you don't go to college, hang out at them anyways.

>> No.3156532

I have never understood this. What the hell are you supposed to do anyway?

Girl is sitting at a table/booth by herself studying, how do you approach that?

>> No.3156534


I'm just pointing out the likelihood of you being an interesting individual

>> No.3156552

Nah that anon is right. If you're not getting girls who are interesting and intelligent, you're probably not interesting or intelligent either.

>> No.3156557

I highly doubt it. Its more likely that a minority of a general population is intelligent so it is more difficult to find them. Ive been able to find a group of friends who are intelligent and interesting but theyre all guys.

I mean in all of my philosophy classes the far majority are guys, and in lit classes most of the girls arent that bright

>> No.3156558

Actually it sounds like you guys might have better luck than me. Whats so interesting about you guys, have you been able to find these girls?

>> No.3156563

Societal pressures seem to form girls personalities in different ways, often the genuinely clever and interesting women are the most 'masculine' ones.

Hell, cleverest woman I ever knew was a butch Lesbian, I had such a bro-crush on her.

>> No.3156569


Hey, nigger.

You're a nigger.

Go be a nigger on >>>/mu/ with your other argumentum ad hominem friends!

>> No.3156570

I dont know about that. The most masculine and confident girl I know eventually let me and her then boyfriend find out that she had an eating disorder and that she only acted the way she did to keep people fooled and never guess she had a problem. She said a lot of girls with eating disorders do this.

>> No.3156572


There's nothing interesting about interest in 'interesting'. Do what suits you, be genuine, authentic, and girls who are the same will hopefully recognize your lack of vapidity.

Good luck with that

>> No.3156576


Then along came Polly

>> No.3156582

Judging by her physique I don't think the bird I'm thinking of did that, she was frankly, pretty bloody burly for a girl.

But well, are you equating eating disorders with unintelligence or what?

Might sound a bit harsh, but if you are I might even agree with you a little, though it makes me feel guilty to say so.

>> No.3156587

Jesus Christ youre an insufferable bastard. Why are you here, arent you supposed to be revealing to children that santa isnt real and their faggots for not reading through the lines?

>> No.3156590


I'm here for useless arguments like these. Why else?

You've got a qualm with what I've said? You'd rather we all go about being as unoriginal as possible? Novelty's a sin, or what?

>> No.3156592

Oh no, I was just saying im not so sure about the "genuine" aspect. Girls with eating disorders can be interesting and intelligent, but I would bet they arent who they appear to be.

>> No.3156597

9/10 before post
0/10 after

>> No.3156600


Sorry, I don't do well with irony.

>> No.3156608

So my best shot is going to a library and sitting next to a girl who happens to be reading a book I find interesting?

>> No.3156609


What makes you think girls in college libraries will be interesting or well-read?

A girl like that very likely doesn't feel the need to show off what she's reading in public.

>> No.3156610

I'm an intelligent girl who loves to read, but nobody wants me because I'm fat and have the emotional stability of an enraged shark.

I'm just saying. You know, you can find them pretty much anywhere. If you're interested is another thing entirely.

>> No.3156611


Why not lose some weight?

Crazy's not necessarily a turn-off

>> No.3156621

In my experience all the smart and / or interesting girls aren't the attractive ones.

The pretty ones can coast on their looks, alas.

>> No.3156624


>fat and emotionally retarded

A lethal combination.

>> No.3156625


I used to talk to a girl who was incredibly intelligent/interesting and beautiful. I smoke way too much weed and she wouldn't have me

>> No.3156626

>Why not lose some weight?
I'm working on it.
Which involves a lot of frowning.

>> No.3156627

This rings true with men also, but to an admittedly much lesser extent.

It's a shame that it seems more acceptable that women not be "book-learned" as long as they look nice.

It's an ugly chauvinistic cultural trait, albeit one enforced most often by women upon themselves nowadays, at least in the west.

>> No.3156628

I dont, thats why it was a question.


I hear what youre saying but I dont want it to be true. Why is it I can find bros who are good looking, interesting and intelligent, but I cant find one girl like this.

I should just become gay.

>> No.3156629

How did you meet her?

>> No.3156630


What do if can't into attractive, vapid girls?

>> No.3156631

Dont give up, and dont make excuses. itll be worth it in the end.

>> No.3156632

Was that a clever joke about frowning requiring more muscular exertion? If so, you'll be a perfect qt one day. I was chubby and insufferable once and losing weight made me pretty attractive and an improvement all around. Good on you.

Still miserable though, of course.

>> No.3156633



>> No.3156634

As per usual, the Greeks were onto a good thing which we only now realise.

(well, besides the whole icky pederasty part)

>> No.3156635

Then we can form a club and play boardgames or something 'til our balls wither off.

Do you like Risk?

>> No.3156637

This is true. Adding to that is the idea that while men should look nice, women have to look nice.
People actually get angry at women who aren't pretty enough, including other women.

>> No.3156639


More of a chess/gammon guy, but we can alternate tuesdays.

>> No.3156644

I think libaries are shit for picking up girls. I mean most girls are there to study or work on their shit, they are not there to get hit on by some guy who tells her how amazing the book is she has to work with. Seriously.
Just think about it. You have a class that is about contemporary fiction and therefore you have to read Twillight or parts of it. So you sit in the library, reading this shit and you just want to finish work. And now there comes a girl, sits next to you and starts telling you how amazing Twillight is, that she loves the book and that it is totally amazing that you read it too. Yep, that is exactly the same.
(you can change Twillight to something else)

>> No.3156646


>> No.3156647

Agreeing with you here, I read a report once that true eating disorders (not tumblr eating disorders) actually have a tendency to affect highly intelligent women the most. It tends to get diagnosed as misplaced anxiety, and any intelligent men here can probably back me up when I say a certain amount of anxiety is a side effect of intelligence no matter what gender you are. You know when they say stupid and happy...

OP, a lot of the intelligent girls I know are generally really busy at working their way up the career ladder- try getting a challenging job? If you live in a university town, try going to lectures that aren't about "obvious" subjects, or if you have a Picturehouse cinema in your area, go to a series of art films or something. The problem is, real intelligence means you don't feel the need to posture at being intelligent by doing overly obvious intellectual things all the time (unless you're truly interested in them, that is), but at least you're raising your chances at meeting someone a tiny bit.

And you could always join a debating society or something similar. It's really easy to weed out the mentally uninspiring at one of those.

>> No.3156649

See I was thinking that as well.

Then what, the fuck, do?

>> No.3156650


The thought of going to pick up where people value silence is kind of absurd when you think about it. People have work to do and they want to get it done.

Do what I do and secretly flash your cock to prospective honies on the bus. It hasn't worked out for me yet, but dedication will see me through this dry patch.

>> No.3156654

I am in a uni town, and I will try these things out. I understand what you mean about intelligent people not needing to posture it. Problem is how the fuck do I find them if they are at home doing what makes me attracted to them?

I made a philosophy club, no girls showed up, currently re-looking at the list of clubs at our school. Theres no lit club.

Why cant I just have my spunky girlfriend who reads Heidegger and watches Tatami Galaxy with me?

>> No.3156655

Ok, that made me chuckle. Good on you.

>> No.3156659

Frankly the idea of "picking up chicks" is alien to me, like something out of an American movie. But then, we Brits tend to be more reserved about talkiing to strangers.

We pretty much just tend to just drunkenly copulate with friends of friends, and then when you wake up on top of each other you get to introduce yourselves properly.

So much less awkward that way.

Though forgive me if my assumption that you are an American is false.

>> No.3156661

That's why I was saying you have to look for social events that aren't obvious. For instance, say you want a girl who genuinely loves physics. Stephen Hawking comes to town to lecture, the intelligent girl will probably go, but you'll also get tons of people who read the title of a Brief History of Time and want to tell people they went to go see Stephen Hawking talk- believe me, I used to work with a girl like this. However, if someone less well known is giving that same talk, you'll probably mainly get those who really just like the subject. Same with literature, history, art, film, whatever.

>> No.3156667

From what I can see in southern California, there are two ways that guys go about getting girls.

1. You go to parties, clubs, raves, bars, basically where are 20+ people and alcohol, and let the alcohol do the talking.

2. You meet through friend of a friend, usually through "kickbacks", where there are less than 20 people.

>> No.3156669



So much normal itt

>> No.3156670

your such a dick if you do this, and when I am trying to do fucking work I have to listen to you awkwardly flirt with someone who is clearly isn't interested. Its painful please stop.

>> No.3156671

I get you. I doubt lectures on philosophy will do well, but I have been going to french film screenings for my french class, not much luck.

>> No.3156674

OP here. When me and my friends are discussing philosophy or a good book weve read, we always wonder if there are a group of girls somewhere else doing the same thing.

Then we remember. Then we drink.

>> No.3156676

don't be a dick. Don't do this

>> No.3156677

The innate issue with this is that both of these events tend to involve a lot of sitting still and listening.

Trying to start a conversation midway through Slavoj Zizek's best Sylvester The Cat impression is probably going to get you shushed.

>> No.3156680


>Then we remember

You think there aren't women out there who think? No wonder you're having trouble.

>> No.3156684

Girl here. I wouldn't say my friends talk about philosophy beyond how it applies to historiography, but we're well into 20th century history, literature and art. You need to go to a World Top 20 school, dude.

>> No.3156688

Try going to ones where they have cocktail receptions afterwards. All my professors did this when introducing a book they'd published. She stands up after the lecture, you ask her what she thought of it, and if she's coming to the reception. Voila, you can now have a discussion with her about what you've just heard.

>> No.3156689

Gosh, you sound like you must be super-upper-crust, or at least go to uni somewhere dead nice.

>> No.3156706

Not that upper crust, just an old uni that's stuck in its ways from back when university in general was only for the rich and connected. I also think my particular school had to burn some of its departmental funding so it wouldn't lose money next time funding was re-evaluated.

>> No.3156708

Why do you have to go to a Top 20 school?
I think if you major in literature or art or whatever you are interested with, you will find people who are really interested. You just have to give it some time and you will find out who is there because they are really interested.
And seriously, if you are in the same classes it is not hard to get to know people.

>> No.3156715

Good point, so then what event are you hinting at here?

Its not that, we just havent met them, is what we remember.

Where do you guys hang out usually? I mean, if I were to go out and try and find a girl such as yourself, where would be a good place to catch you and have a conversation?

And the top 20 school is crap. Im in a top 20 school (actually top 50? cant remember), and my friends who arent are far beyond any of the fuckers ive met here. And I really hope that the only place to find girls that I find interesting isnt limited to the top 20 schools of the world

>> No.3156716

I just wonder where people are going if they say they're never able to find intellectual people. A party school? A school mostly known for business? My school was known for its history and literature departments, so I never had any problems running into women who knew their stuff in that area.

>> No.3156717

Another good point, I actually saw one a few weeks ago and it looked nice. A guy was playing flamenco guitar, quite well, during the intermission. Looked like a bunch of 50+ year olds though

>> No.3156718

No idea mate, as I'm the poor British sod who advocated getting inroduced to people you wake up on/in.

Tell me if you get clued up aye?

>> No.3156720

You know, sticking your dick into a pussy is not a necessary thing to be a human being, right?

Seriously. You all are talking about "picking up chicks that are like this and like that" like you already have the NEED to. How about going on with your life and maybe, I don't know, not act like an hormone-driven teenager who totally needs some pussy, man? You really don't, and seriously, you will not do anything with this mindset. Really? "What do I have to do to pick up girls"? You sound like the worst pseudointellectual hipster that ever lived. You are not valuing your life, or your interests, or people's interests. This is more creepy than anything.

>> No.3156721

I go to UCI, and I heard the creative writing program is pretty good. I havent given much effort to find english majors since its my first semester, ive mainly been looking for other philosophy majors. Fuck pre-law majors is all I have to say.

>> No.3156723

Some people want affection, a boon that having a romantic companion can confer, I've read.

>> No.3156726

Bro, Im fucking lonely and want to talk to people with similar interests, especially girls. Forgive me for such an inauthentic want.

>> No.3156729

I went to a top Uni, and there was a lot of arrogance and conceit and clique-y-ness from people that probably should have had a good look in the mirror. That's not to say there weren't awesome guys and gals about. To be fair, that kind of environment can drive you absolutely nuts, but I did also get the impression that many were just garden-variety dickheads that were more interested in feeling superior than having an original thought.

>> No.3156730

Bumping squidgy parts with other people is fun and natural, people who get hung up over it are probably unhealthy, yeah, but there's a pretty damn big reason that most of the art people put out not about murderin' is about fuckin'.

And that's because the urge to screw is jammed right down in your lizard brain beside things like the urges to eat and breathe.

>> No.3156733


>> No.3156735

My friend reads Game of Thrones , loves history enough to major in it, plays Minecraft, D&D, and challenged me to a Pokemon battle when she acquires White 2. I imagine she would make quite the gf for some nerdy guy.

Too bad I'm gay and haven't found the male version of all that.

>> No.3156736

I've been monitoring this thread but haven't posted yet.

>tfw UCI didn't accept you and you are a philosophy major at CPP...
I keep telling myself that I want to leave this place, but I'm not putting forward the effort to take the steps toward that goal and that tells me that I probably don't want it that badly...which annoys me.

>> No.3156738

Back at school... in class and seminars usually. We mostly spent time writing our essays and reading, but we also watched a lot of movies, or went to lectures or book signings. Sometimes an interesting exhibit or two if they were on. I used to go to language classes too, before my job ate up all my time. Hopefully that'll change soon.

When I was in postgrad, I went to a few postgrad mixers and conferences, mainly because my classmates were great. Conferences were pretty good fun, though unfortunately the one they held on my particular area of interest mainly only attracted old professors. Still, you might get lucky, or meet someone who could introduce you to someone.

>> No.3156739

At my local university, there are classes that you can take part in as a 'guest listener' (we have that in Germany, you basically pay a fee at the university and can take part in certain classes). There are some that are about literature, writing and art and I will have a look at them and might join one or two in the next semester and will see if I can meet some people.

>> No.3156740

UCL were the only university that didn't accept me, and they weren't the top Uni I'd applied to, so don't sweat it. They just have strange entry criteria.

>> No.3156741
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You mother fucker. If my friends were gay, and Id say we should switch friends and make everyone happy.

You know what sucks worse? Being accepted to Rutgers, NYU, and Berkeley, and having to deny all three because your parents wont give you shit for money.

Everyone goes through a rut. There are a lot of opportunities here that you may not realize until you get here, and if you did it may help inspire you to get out of the rut. Just do the work man, its worth it.

Btw, what are some of your favorite topics in philosophy?

>> No.3156742

Another girl here. Let me know where I have to go to meet guys I can have decent conversations with. I'm not having much luck at work, and I don't know where to go to meet like-minded people.

>> No.3156749

True, but those people tend to stick together, I've found, making it easier to find the genuinely interesting people. It's also fun as hell to bait the dickheads in seminars. Since most of them are coasting along on Daddy's money and connections, you can run them around in circles until they get frustrated and yell at you.

>> No.3156752

Thanks for the tips. I really need to bookmark all the events posted in the departments bulletin board bulletin boards is now how I find girls..

>> No.3156755


It's the notion of "picking up girls" that I'm having a problem with. You are all intelligent, capable people (or so I think). This thread is talking about a desperate need to score with a girl, not about "wanting a boon" with someone. Like that one guy suggesting you go to "lectures that aren't about obvious subjects" to find "interesting girls" (that in itself is a concept that could be endlessly discussed) without once mentioning your own interest in those subjects. Why is that? Because the subject is not of interest to you, personally. You are there for the pussy. And that I cannot respect.


>especially girls

You want to fuck, that's all there is to it. Not bad in itself, but the way you approach the subject is, like the rest of this thread, inauthentic indeed.


But it is not about fucking. And you can masturbate if you are feeling that urge to screw sometime, you know.

>> No.3156760

The lecture would have to be of interest to him. I thought that was implied. Why would you want a girl interested in physics if you yourself weren't interested in physics? It would get boring after a while.

>> No.3156761

>You know what sucks worse? Being accepted to Rutgers, NYU, and Berkeley, and having to deny all three because your parents wont give you shit for money.
You hit me right in the fucking feels. I'm sure we both know that Philosophy Gourmet lists all three in the top 10 for graduate programs...

>favorite topics
Mostly ethics, the last two things I wrote about were irrational self-harm and the esotericism of utilitarianism.

>> No.3156762

Well if my friends and I met the criteria, we usually went to each others houses to drink, usual places in the woods to drink, usual restaurants to eat, uni, and bookstores.

Best bet would be uni and bookstores, uni being the best. Try walking into a class where you think you might find this person, listen in, if someone says something interesting, after class tell them you found what they said interesting and would like to talk about it more.

>> No.3156764


>not being a sex-positive feminist

For shame.

>> No.3156775

>You want to fuck, that's all there is to it
Wow, you know what you are so right I was totally lying to myself all along


>> No.3156776

I'd say a good part of /lit/ would meet the criteria, based on the threads I take part in here.

Will do when I go back to school next September. Until then, bookstores it is.

>> No.3156777

You cherry pick like a mother fucker.

If I wanted to get a fuck, I could go get a fuck. I dont want that, I want a girl to form a relationship with. I show interest in these events because these are events where I will find girls with similar interests! What the fuck man.

And if you mean, why arent you already going to these events, its because Id rather read at home, but if I can meet people also at this event that ill enjoy, then its worth going.

Youre damn right I know..youre damn right.
Same, my favorite branch is ethics. Currently trying to get into meta ethics, and doing research on Heidegger and The Book of Tea. You have any interest in "existentialism"

>> No.3156779

The problem is: we're all introverts, guys and girls.

>> No.3156780


Extroverts are boring.

>> No.3156783

i thought i found one but she turned out to be one of those chicks (or people, to be fair) who constantly gets books but rarely ever actually reads them, let alone finish them.

>> No.3156785

If youre going bookstore, youre going to face the problem im facing then with the library.

However, I cant help but feel that most guys would really like a girl to make the first move. I for one like spunk, and would love it if a girl showed enthusiasm and confidence.

Sad to say, guys also care quite a bit about appearance, so youre taking a gamble.

>> No.3156790

Fuck. I am this but male. I am a horrid person and am well read for the first hundred pages of many books.

>> No.3156787


I used to be one of those people. It led to having a kickass collection to go through now that I do read often

>> No.3156792

What was her criteria for buying them? Even that can be a topic of conversation over someone who isn't interested in books at all.

>> No.3156795


that's good at least, but not while pretending to have read the books.

she also just to get books ways beyond her, big and often difficult stuff, just to say that she has it, you know? not to read it. she's the kind of person who gets War and Peace, never to read it, but claims to have read it several times.

>> No.3156803


i don't really know her criteria. she just seemed to buy books randomly. she bought hard and difficult books in order to feel good about herself i think. she turned out to be a terribly fake person and i think the book buying was one aspect of it.

>> No.3156804


Maybe you are all right. I'm overreacting and taking things out of context and yes, I'm cherrypicking the posts that I find to be more about that "need". I'm sorry. Nothing wrong with meeting people you share interests with, and meeting girls has that extra edge of sexual deliciousness. I guess some posts gave me the idea of a "need" to do it, rather than naturally happening, you know? Meeting people should come with the package of pursuing your vital interests, and this thread gave me the impression that those things were inversed here. Jesus does it cost to apologize.

>> No.3156811

Yeah, but they probably spend more time outside of the house and are more willing to talk to strangers. Meanwhile, we're all here analyzing why you should or should not interrupt someones studies in the library.

>> No.3156814

> Meanwhile, we're all here analyzing why you should or should not interrupt someones studies in the library
We're hopeless.

>> No.3156816


This makes me giddy for some reason.

>> No.3156818


Which approach to life is fundamentally more interesting?

>> No.3156825
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OP here, who is also

I respect you like a mother fucker right now. It takes a lot to make good arguments and to be right, it takes more to accept that you arent.

What do you mean though on, "need" vs. naturally happening?

>> No.3156830

I'm an introvert, but I still go out to stuff that interests me. The dislike of crowds is outweighed by the excitement of going to something that interests me.

Also, even introverted people understand the importance of networking.

>> No.3156836

Doubtless the extrovert. The problem is the extroverts seldom have the reading to really appreciate it from outside themselves, in a sort of narrative way; it's just life to them. But they're getting the human experience all the better.

>> No.3156845

This might be the first time I've seen an apology on 4chan. You, sir, are so much more intelligent and reasonable than so many people who post on this site.

I definitely understand what you're saying but the way I see it: I'm very interested in certain subjects, but if I had my own way, I'd just sit around the house reading. However, knowing I might meet people who share my interests if I go out to a talk on what I'm interested in? Definitely means I'm going to make the effort to leave the house.

>> No.3156850

It kinda irks me when people are externalists.
>An act's rightness is not sufficient reason to perform that act.
but on the flipside, internalism can sound like begging question because you've hit rock bottom with a value thesis. I sometimes think about how impossible it is to truly convince someone to care about some value that they do not already care about, which leads me to think of sociopaths and more problems that I don't know enough about.

One of the many philosophers I don't know enough about.

I like it though I'm not sure how to reconcile it with my other beliefs and it constantly nags me with "struck on a street corner" stuff, which brings me to where I am now, for the second or third time.

>> No.3156853

Care to share what views you have that conflict with existentialism?

>> No.3156854


Which human experience is better? I think thought can breed sensation as well as experience in some cases, as can reflection on art and philosophy. Aimlessly seeking pleasure is less valuable, in my opinion.

>> No.3156855

I'm not worried about my appearance. I have guys at work who hit on me, but I'm not interested because I can't have conversations with them and I don't want to deal with the kind of talk there'd be about me if I went sex only with one of them.

>> No.3156867


I guess it all comes down to the concept of "pickin up girls" that's been thrown around, and a little bit of personal horrible experience. Some years ago I truly got tired of being absolutely lonely, awkward and unfuckable as hell, and resolved that I did not have the adequate approach and personality to do it. I created a romantized avatar of myself, wanted to learn languages with the sole intention of travelling the world and changing people's lifes everywhere I went because I was so awesome. I began going to cons and places and tried to pick up girls, and ended up in two fucked-up pseudo relationships with people I did not know. They didn't learn a single thing about me in those times. I did not learn about them either, some kind of barrier existed there because I wasn't offering myself to them, we really didn't do much, we didn't know each other at all. The last girl broke with me in the most humiliating manner imaginable and left me with a sour taste on my mouth not because of her leaving, but because I felt like she was disrespecting my new me. How could she come to despise someone like the new me? I didn't understand what went wrong, and couldn't, until two years after. I met a girl thanks to your typical circle of friends stuff (first time happening to me), and I just found her cute in a way, but didn't even THINK of trying something with her. How could I? Not even my made-up new personality got me the ability to mantain contact with girls, so why try?

Christ, fucking bible right there.

>> No.3156869



And then, I discovered that she liked me. Like that. And I gained enough confidence to be closer to her, and things went swell without me knowing what I had to offer. I didn't know much about her, and we tried, and are still discovering things of one another. Every day we learn something new that we thought it wasn't there. We've been dating for two years now, and I'm truly happy about it. And she's definitely NOT the kind of girl I was imagining I would find "interesting". Because I had a truly short view of the scope of a person's depth. I think that's what made me react like that, and what I was trying to convey.

Bible part two, fuck.

>> No.3156873

You're right, I mean human experience in the cliched way. Personally, I think the best path is to be well-read enough to maximize your pleasure frm experience (most extroverts barely read this sort of thing) but to be an extrovert. At least that's the ideal I hope to follow. Here's a cute quote because I have a hard-on for aestheticism.

The service of philosophy, of speculative culture, towards the human spirit, is to rouse, to startle it to a life of constant and eager observation. Every moment some form grows perfect in hand or face; some tone on the hills or the sea is choicer than the rest; some mood of passion or insight or intellectual excitement is irresistibly real and attractive to us,–for that moment only. Not the fruit of experience, but experience itself, is the end. A counted number of pulses only is given to us of a variegated, dramatic life. How may we see in them all that is to seen in them by the finest senses? How shall we pass most swiftly from point to point, and be present always at the focus where the greatest number of vital forces unite in their purest energy?

To burn always with this hard, gemlike flame, to maintain this ecstasy, is success in life.

>> No.3156887


>thinks the gemlike flame isn't waiting in the pages of his books
>hasn't made himself kindred with the kneebuckle terror of forming something provocative and new

You're doing life wrong, I'd like to think.

>> No.3156897

Did you read the first sentence? I think Pater means that philosophy and books enrich, mimic (or, more likely, life mimics books), and inform life, but are not the sole purpose of life.

I don't think it's really contestable. Without human experience and knowledge of our society, our art would be confusing and unrelatable.

>> No.3156903


I agree with you, though I think an emphasis on keeping an informed life is an important one to have

>> No.3156904

No, don't really feel like it because, sadly, my memory fails me. Also, it's late/early; gonna go to bed soon. I also find justification interesting though. Like in my comment here.
>memory fails me
>it's late/early
I sometimes don't see the relevant differences amongst explanations, excuses, and reasons. I know their dictionary definitions, but to me from my first-person subjective view, I can't truly know which category either of those falls into. Even with the way I phrase the former, I make myself and object of the failing and that seems to remove some of the responsibility from me. I don't know if my tiredness and forgetting justify my not explaining my view or if they are just excuses, which leads back to Sartre's existentialist ethics.

>> No.3156908

Pun-Pun, stop making me feel these feels.

Have confidence.

I think introverted. It seems easier to be skilled with your mind, and then work on being less awkward, rather than being a social butterfly and trying to sharpen your mind.

>> No.3156910 [DELETED] 

I know that I am an extrovert, and I still reflect on philosophy and on my art quite often - most of my time, in fact - and find that my 'pleasure-seeking' is not so much a repeated action as it is the simple framework of my existence. When I speak with people, I become exhilarated, and I only become more exhilarated with each additional person. Over time, I've collected people who connect with my interests and can talk about philosophy with them, even if I do, now and then, end up at the head of the table having them stare agog (most often when I'm discussing morality).
In this condition, though, I find I'm given the chance to verify the reality of people's claims - about what the 'fast life' contains, or about how persuasion works - and I own the capacity to, very immediately, judge the verity of people's, and authors, descriptions of themselves, of events, of the nature of other people, et c.
The major downfall of extroversion is that you associate the erudite, academic, and intellectual with the boring, painful, and tiresome - that is, as you are made exhausted by doing anything on your own.

>> No.3156913

I think we're assuming too much/little of extroverts. They're not necessarily dumb.

>> No.3156918


Not dumb, but certainly as a rule less inclined toward nurturing the intellect - a task that often involves sitting alone in quiet rooms for long periods of time with one's thoughts.

>> No.3156921

That, is a god damn fine quote.

I understand you, I think people call that, paralysis from an existential crisis. Or what I like to call it, the last 5 years of my life.

>> No.3156928
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>> No.3156936

Thanks bro.

But you know, I like it better this way. For me, the paralysis comes from having too many opportunities, too much freedom, either negative or positive, and me going back and forth between them. Id rather be in an excited comatose, than a bored one.

>> No.3156970

I have to say, that I myself have more or less given up on 'picking up' girls. Not that I am saying that I want to be forever alone. I just think, that I would be wasting way too much time going around, trying to meet girls, talking with them and all this stuff.
I have better things to do. I will spent my time reading and working on my writing and acquiringknowledge.
I think I will just see what happens. If I meet a cute and intelligent girl who would be willing to start a relationship, sure I would do so, if not, then not. Simple as that.

>> No.3156994

I go back and forth between what youre saying, and just wanting a girlfriend.

It really just depends on how lonely I feel

>> No.3157000

Groundwork on the metaphysics of morals - Kant
On liberty - Mill

However, if I was to pick one:
Win we must - Bertrand Russell

>> No.3157005 [DELETED] 

Girls ITT, how big a downside is it for a guy in his early 20's to have arthritis?

>> No.3157013 [DELETED] 

I hear that, man. Not caring is great and all, but there's little denying that having some would be a plus.

>> No.3157017 [DELETED] 

I hear that, man. Not caring is great and all, but there's little denying that having someone would be a plus.

>> No.3157030

I have arthritis too. We could read books in front of a warm fire together.

Seriously though, I'd imagine it would only be much of a downside if they were one of those super active types.

>> No.3157041


Of course, having someone would be very nice, but I have been single for some years now and I kinda accepted it. Never really was the type to go around and hit on girls all the time anyways.
So I will just see what happens.

>> No.3157052 [DELETED] 

>We could read books in front of a warm fire together.
God damn you, I'm going to be stuck musing on that idea for at least an hour.

>> No.3157095

Take any philosophy or literature/art class, and talk with the exchange students. They're all looking for new adventures and fun while they're in a new country. If you're not a too dumb they'll be happy to spend some time with you. Plus, she'll probably introduce you to other exange students she knows.
I met a wonderful German girl like this, and she introduced me to other gorgeous European young women. Almost all of them gave me this crazy sexual look.

So OP: exange students. You'll meet interesting, intelligent and fun girls with unsatisfied sexual cravings. Even if they have boyfriends back home (believe me).

>> No.3157120


I don't think that will amount to more than some sexual encounters. Worth it if your dick is crying tears of solitude, but nothing more. Also

>Even if they have boyfriends back home (believe me)

Should have put on a sign about hos at the entrance of this thread.

>> No.3157160

ITT: a whole lot of advice that's no good for non-students with a literary inclination

>> No.3157167

OP, I am a student so I get a lucky break.

I have thought about situations coming up like these and not being a student.

"hey this class is pretty interesting, my names chris"
"mhm, my names arianna, what major are you"
"oh I dont go to school here"

dreams are nice

>> No.3157193

Why don't you just find a naive yet smart normal girl and gradually influence her tastes?

Take her to art galleries and let her borrow books if you have charisma she'll probably be into it.

>> No.3157200


The idea is not to want to change someone. The idea is to enjoy someone for who or what they are

>> No.3157237

I would hate this. I am not the kind of person who wants to change someone.
I personally want a relationship with someone who is 'my equal' if you know what I mean. Someone I can talk to on the same level. This is the most important thing. Someone who is as much into literature as I am. Someone I can have a critical discussion with. A naive girl would probably just nod, read the books and ask me what I think about them and then be like 'Wow you are totally right, I didn't even get this! Tell me more about it.'.
The girl I imagine would probably tell me that my ideas are wrong, why they are wrong and tell me her idea about it.

>> No.3157241

It's not necessarily changing a person, just allowing them to access things that they may not have tried on their own.

>> No.3157269

Someone tell me where I can find guys like that

>> No.3157294
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>The idea is to enjoy someone for who or what they are

>> No.3157297


As opposed to?

>> No.3157301

Enjoying someone for what you know they will become.

>> No.3157304

Seeing their potential.

>> No.3157305


The two are inextricable

>> No.3157311

Wait, I want to find out, where do I find you interesting/intelligent/read/able-to-appreciate-art /lit/ people?

>> No.3157314


That's the same thing.

>> No.3157349

I have no problem meeting pretty girls who are very well read and have vast cultural knowledge, the only problem is that they're prudes. Even the sight of a bare breast will cause some girls I've met to blush and look to the floor.

>> No.3157361

My experience is somewhat the opposite: the more cultured they are the less vanilla their taste.

>> No.3157368


I've found the opposite is true. Educated, intelligent women are often far looser in the sack, in my experience

>> No.3157369

You show unsheathed breasts to girls you like? What were you expecting them to do? Giggle and laugh?

>> No.3157371

I work in a place that contains many statues and paintings featuring half naked women in classical poses.

>> No.3157373
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Same. Dumb girls are quite happy drink a bottle of vodka, smoke a bowl and make out with another girl in the centre of the party. Girls with a really high IQ are much more reserved.

Smart girls are great to discuss things with, but dumb girls are fun to party with.

>> No.3157374

And the girls you chat up are the ones staring at their feet all the time?

>> No.3157389

Not literature related. Get the fuck out you cockroaches

>> No.3157487

I'm a girl with a deep-seated interest in literature and other related intellectual pursuits

Too bad I'm not very attractive and look like a 12 year old

>> No.3157490

There's always that dating show with Chris Hansen.

>> No.3157496

>look like a 12 year old

sounds hot, I'll be your Humbert Humbert bbe

>> No.3157500

The real question here is, are you willing to dress up like a boy?

>> No.3157512 [DELETED] 


>> No.3157519


>> No.3157527

guys its so clearly a troll

>> No.3157555

Actually, no. I'm just making the point that girls that are "intelligent and well-read" are certainly out there, we just get overlooked because we don't look like either of those things. Ugly people are most often considered uninteresting and unintelligent.

>> No.3157565

>Where to find them, how to get them, success stories, stories of woe.
I don't care if she's intelligent or not. I have met plenty of intelligent girls who could bore me to tears, and plenty of girls, with a less than abundant intellect, who could have me howling on the floor with laughter. I don't grade a girl by how many books she's read, but how much I enjoy her company.

>> No.3157577
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>apologies on 4chan

>> No.3157624

I find that ugly people only want beautiful mates too, but still complain about being overlooked.

>> No.3157639

Sometimes, when you reflect back on your post, you realize how much of an idiot you are by writing it and posting it.
Makes you feel that some people are redeemable and are just having a bad time.

>> No.3157641
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>be fit, look like an upper-class douchebag
>be socially awkward, unable to seduce women unless very drunk
>conform with dumb girls attracted to me

>> No.3157668

>you will never know the feel of 8ree's flesh against yours

>> No.3157833

I am one of these girls, but can I find a guy whos shares my interests? Very rarely.
Nevertheless the guys who I have been involved with who were smart, thought they were way smarter than they were, had no emotional intelligence, and were completely insufferable.
When I have been involved with more average guys however, I've had a great time. So yeah, consider the fact a relationship that is founded on a mutual love of Hegel may not actually be a healthy one, and try and find somebody you have chemistry with instead.

>> No.3157886

In high school I knew a girl a grade above me who was very well-read. We would often trade books with each other and discuss them. Her all-time favorite was Steinbeck's East of Eden but she had very diverse taste. I had kind of a crush on her but unfortunately she graduated and got a full-paid scholarship to Columbia University in New York. I'm at Brown right now, so we still visit each other now and then, as well as when we're home for holidays, but we're far too distant now to really have a relationship. Sometimes I dream of what could have been but I've met plenty of other intelligent girls in college since then.

>> No.3157907

>So yeah, consider the fact a relationship that is founded on a mutual love of Hegel may not actually be a healthy one
It's quite a shallow criteria, when you think about it. Same level as going for tits and arse.

>> No.3157919

Well what wouldn't be a shallow criteria?
Everyone has criteria about someone they want to be in a relationship with.

It just happens that I am more interested in the character and the mind of a person than others. Given that, I still wouldn't date a fat or ugly chick. So, yes I am still shallow.

>> No.3157926

Anything that isn't a simple check list like:
>Reads/interested in Hegel
>Able to deconstruct patriarchy
>Would introduce to parents
All that jazz. You have to be able to make a leap beyond that. Throw the lists away, love easily, many important things in life can't be quantified or described.

>> No.3157930

I think the point is that being interested in "the character and mind of a person" is not the same thing as being interested in someone just because they have read the same books as you or share a niche interest.

>> No.3157943

9 out of 10 females are shallow, vapid morons. Occasionally you'll find an artsy 10th one who appears to be less superficial, but spend 5 minutes talking with her and you'll see that all of her opinions are surface-level and/or uninteresting [ie politics, photography] and that she's really not that much better than the rest of them.

i'm generalizing hardcore of course, but i'm still right and you cant deny facts

>> No.3157945

Being interested in someone's character and mind as a whole is different in being interested in particulars. Still, ideas like "character" and "mind" can be ways to make things like love seem rational when they're not.

>> No.3157962

Try smaller book stores or around a college campus. They're hard to find, but when you do it's gold.

>> No.3157964

I'm one of those girls, but the problem is that I've reached 21 and a half without dating anyone longer than a month. I'm in good shape but there are certain flaws which make me too self-conscious for sex, and the idea of intimacy repulses me. I've finally come to terms with the fact that I'll probably not be emotionally ready for a relationship for at least ten years, if that; instead I pour my energy into my writing.

However, the advice I can give is that, once you find this girl, she may be a little timid. And the first thing you could do is rush her into a super-emotionally-intimate relationship straight out of the gate. I hate being mooned over. Also, please don't focus solely on the discussion of the subjects which make me "smart" just so you can show off/test me/prove you're smart/whatever. Especially if this is at work. Sometimes, I just want to shut off my brain, please. Loosen up and discuss fun things.

>> No.3157965

>Be female and well read.
>Contribute something insightful to an intellectual conversation
>Get derided for having no idea what I was talking about
>People go out of their way to prove me wrong and are completely tactless about it
Yeah, no thanks. I prefer idiotic men to ones who always have to be intellectually superior.

>> No.3157966

Either it's true and you just need to stop hanging around dicks, or you're wrong and you are the zombies.

>> No.3157971

I find females never know that they're wrong either, and will argue back constantly even when they have no real idea what they are saying.

>> No.3157974

Though it's for different reasons, I've come to similar conclusions. I'm usually far more charmed by stupid boys than smart ones. I can relax around them, and they're usually better able to unwind and have a sense of humor about themselves.

>> No.3157977

I'm like this too. I solved this by finding a similarly asexual female friend. We're there for each other emotionally, and most importantly without the sexual strings attached.

>> No.3157980

This is true, alot of men are determined to never be outsmarted by women, and will take flippant comments incrediably seriously.

>> No.3157987

>and most importantly without the sexual strings attached.
But sex is mad crazy fun.

>> No.3157986

The women I know are at better universities and have better job prospects than the men. Maybe you live in a backwards town?

>> No.3157989

What is it with people not enjoying sex? Just a very low libido, or some traumatic experiences?

>> No.3157998

I had pretty traumatic experiences growing up, but that only really messed me up to my late teens or so. Then very healthy sex life, though I am tired of sex right now.

>> No.3157999



>> No.3158000

Let me rebut dat with my point.

>> No.3158007

I suspect it's hormonal. I've tried out sex before with both men and women, but I didn't feel much of anything. And it just gets really boring when you don't feel much of anything. The relationship usually breaks down when the other person realizes you'd rather be cuddling. I'm still attracted to people, it just tends to be more aesthetic or intellectual than sexual. People are differently, I guess.

>> No.3158013

Bad sex. People go on about how natural it is, but it's really quite difficult to get right as it were.

>> No.3158020

Have you ever tried drugs? Not saying you need curing, but I have had some monster ten-hour sex sessions on certain stimulants. Or maybe hardcore bondage? I get a lot hornier when handcuffed and spanked, with candle wax being dripped on my nipples... But, yeah. Snuggling is good too, but you might never find a partner who is content with just that.

>> No.3158021

Could be that. I have a tendency to take control to hide how bored I am. Once you get a person to orgasm a few times, their ego stops caring if you got off. It's good for who I'm with, not so good for me.

Or maybe it's just something in the water over here. One of my guy friends has been a bit of a manwhore since he hit puberty, but recently told me he's starting to get bored of it all.

>> No.3158023

>but it's really quite difficult to get right as it were.
Two thirteen year old virgins might have a bad first time, but it's really not hard once you know what foreplay your partner likes.

>> No.3158030

Yeah, it sounds like a kind of fetishization of sex (ah ha ha ha) that a lot of people have. People tend to realise you're just doing variations on sticking a penis in a vagina and girating your hips (or variations thereof). But good sex is something that you have to be "in", it's like being in the right frame of mind I guess. It's a bit like when people say makng love is different to just having sex or whatever.

>> No.3158033

Tried bondage, the theatricality and costumes are fun, but other than that, nothing. I figure having equally damaged life companions will at least work emotionally for now, and who knows, I might find a guy to marry one day whose ego isn't damaged by me not getting off.

>> No.3158037

Jesus, this thread is getting fucking weird. Just because you put the word 'read' in the OP doesn't mean it's /lit/-related.

>> No.3158039

You've yet to experience the visceral delights of truly great fucking I see. Just being receptive to foreplay isn't it.

>> No.3158046

Think of it as a Dionysian or Byronic branch of /lit/ related.

>> No.3158054

Yeah, but I don't even want someone there emotionally. That intimacy is too much for me.

>But sex is mad crazy fun.
I keep hearing that, but it's just like...eh. I've fooled around with one of each sex and although I do regularly have extremely detailed sexual fantasies, usually about men, the idea of having all that in real life is just...I don't know.

I have intimacy/trust issues left over from my childhood, so that could be it in my case.

>> No.3158056

Fantasies shouldn't necessarily become reality. Jouissance is where it's at.

>> No.3158063

I'm not saying I want my fantasies to become reality, I'm just saying the idea of having any kind of sexual interaction in real life leaves me feeling lukewarm at best.

>> No.3158065

I was saying that the awkward, fumbling "Is it in yet" stage, that the other poster seemed to be suffering from, doesn't last long. As for 'experiencing the visceral delights,' I suffer from a different problem to the other posters. My tastes are a little too refined for most normal people. I have to delve to some rather dark and seedy corners of the internet to find 'people of negotiable affection' willing to let me play.

>> No.3158070

>My tastes are a little too refined
I hate this OCD voodoo style sex. "I cannot orgasm unless drenched in the blood of a virgin goat in the light of a slightly waning moon on a month with an R in it".

>> No.3158073

Do you never feel a kind of electrifying touch from people sometimes?

>> No.3158076

>I hate this OCD voodoo style sex. "I cannot orgasm unless drenched in the blood of a virgin goat in the light of a slightly waning moon on a month with an R in it".

Normalfag detected.

>> No.3158081

I enjoy many of the things on offer in life's rich sexual tapestry. I would just rather not do it in such an ultra controlled and prescribed way.

>> No.3158083

Same. I only really get turned on by traps.

>> No.3158094

>I would just rather not do it in such an ultra controlled and prescribed way.

When you see the look on your girlfriends face after asking her to wear a strap-on and choke you while performing certain things that could possibly be illegal, the tendency is to keep to regular sex with her, and let lose in weekly paid for sessions.

>> No.3158113

>while performing certain things that could possibly be illegal
Unless you're asking someone to barbeque you or using animals or kids or something, it's probably not illegal. Choking and pegging aren't really out there either.

>> No.3158117

No, not really. But then again, I've never really been touched. I've never dated or anything, so I don't know. Generally I find touching kind of unpleasant, though it depends on whether or not I know I'm about to be touched.

>> No.3158119

"I've never really been touched. I've never dated."

-/lit/ 2012

>> No.3158121

Yeah, and worst it makes me /r9k/'s dreamgirl. I'm not feminine enough, though, so hopefully I'm safe from a full Miranda-ing.

>> No.3158124

Have you ever been in love? I get the feeling you never loved anyone enough to allow yourself to trust them enough to depend on them, or even toutch them for that matter.

Yours truly, grow up

>> No.3158127

I was like that in my mid teens or so. Becoming more comfortable with yourself goes a long way to letting go and enjoying yourself.

Whatever grandad.

>> No.3158129

Writers are all liars, and you've fallen for it OP.

Love can happen between any two people, but the restrictions we place on ourselves restrict our selection. You're only making your potential pool of mates smaller, for no reason at all, since the experience is the same.

>> No.3158131

The solution I found to this predicament is to put up with a stupid bimbo, only to douse her in egg yolk and flour then attach pages of your favorite literary work to her body. Last week I effectively fucked Don Quixote, which is far more stimulating than merely talking to a smart girl about the book.

>> No.3158132

To be fair, poking your eyes out with needles is more enjoyable than a discussion with a girl about Don Quixote.

>> No.3158134

I'm in love with the act of writing, does that count? I don't know, I'm picky, I guess. I was "in love" in that teenaged way with a boy in high school, and desperately "in love" with a girl from late high school until 2011 or so, when I recognized my feelings were really more because I admired her so. I've never met somebody I could see myself being in love with.

Yeah, I really should relax a little. I'm very comfortable with myself, but I'm also pretty harshly judgmental of myself.

>> No.3158137
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>> No.3158140

Unbearable Lightness of Being is a really great book at that point in life. Then Proust.

>> No.3158175

i got one like that as a close friend. kinda blew my chance, because i never wanted to realize i actually had a chance (which i did)

>> No.3158192
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>be fat social retard
>decide to turn life around
>get in really good shape
>still social retard
>too neurotic to talk with people like a normal human being
>remain mostly asocial virgin despite people trying to talk to me now

>> No.3158196

I sure know that feel, man. There's nothing you can do when you're fucked in the head.

>> No.3158197

you'd be in love with me so people out there exist
besides the typical cliche thing about love is that "that special person comes out of nowhere" or whatever so stop worrying about it

>> No.3158207

>literature related thread
>maybe 3 or 4 replies before dropping from front page forever

>/r9k/ bullshit
>225 posts and 8 image replies omitted. Click here to view.

>> No.3158247

name of the painting/author, please?
thank you

>> No.3158279


You don't you dumb fuck. Unless you want an uphill battle. If she's minding her own business for real (as opposed to pretending to be interesting, but that's not what you're looking for), they'll tell you to fuck off.

How well to you receive people when they interrupt you from something you're interested in?

>> No.3158379

seriously /lit/ what the fuck are you doing

>> No.3158561

Oh I just remembered something. It was at the time when I first got into classics.
So I met that one girl. And so you know, I was pretty much depressed at the time, so don't call me a retard. So back then I thought that girl was pretty damn intelligent and amazing and what not. She read classic literature, was into philosphy and was overall damn interesting. I basically fell madly in love with her, but well fast forward two or three month and she cut contact with me, cause I was kinda pestering her after she told me, that she wants me as just a friend.

Looking back, I really think it is funny. The stuff she had read was basically just highschool literature like Great Gatsby, Catcher in the Rye and such stuff. When it came to philosophy she had read Nietzsche, but I think that was it. I remember that she started majoring in philosphy though. But I really just think that she was a hipster or just being pretentious and had no idea about any of the stuff she talked about. At least that is what I think now, when I have read more than just 5 classical novels. And have a rough understanding of some philosphy.

What I am saying is basically, that even if you think, you have found an intelligent girl, give it some time and brighten your horizon. Just because a girl reads stuff and says she is into philosphy doesn't mean anything.

>> No.3158606

I hope that is supposed to be the before picture.

>> No.3158612

Report submitted, I have no idea why this thread is here

>> No.3158660

OP, I don't even have any friends to discuss literature with, why do you think I'm on here?

I met one girl who was quite intelligent and she was dating a guy who doesn't even read books. She said "if I didn't have a bf, I'd be on top of him (referring to me) right now.

She was fat though.

>> No.3158749

I've joined a few writing groups and there are intelligent girls in them. However, the intelligent ones are androgynous and have some other physical defect that causes them to hone their intelligence.
The ones that are attractive are caught up on aesthetics and drama. They could very-well be into Theatre. They haven't read anything, but pretend that they have until you get into the dirt.

I'm currently dating a very attractive and sweet girl, who, at first, was captivated by me and my lust for knowledge, but, since we've become more acquainted, she wont read a book or engage conversation that hops the barriers of social interaction.
I feel lost, and don't have anyone to talk to. All my friends are interested in other things and don't have time to discuss literature.

Wow, this feels like an introduction speech to a self-loathing group.. I just wish I had someone to share ideas with. Someone to read a book with me and become engrossed in the majesty of language.

>> No.3158767

Painting is by John Atkinson Grimshaw. I think it's "Shipping on the Clyde"

>> No.3158847

Seriously, I rather have a loving, condescending girl as a formal partner, and have a platonic relationship with a smart one.

>> No.3158853

what do you mean about condescending?

>> No.3158870

that's not me, it's zach

>> No.3158879

>Thread about women with a tenuous link to literature
>238 replies omitted.

Good job /lit/ you've done it again.

>> No.3158964
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Thats what I am going for. Problem is, I havent found it, and I have noticed that I have yet to date a girl that is intelligent, well read, or interesting. Im not sure how you go about finding an interesting girl, so im looking for intelligence or well read. If I found a girl I liked that wasnt this, I would date her, but experience says thats complete bullshit.

I do other things besides just read and study philosophy, and I wouldnt want a girl who only did this, and this was solely her only positive characteristic

Ive seen this come up quite a bit. Boys are more used to "tactless" debates and conversations and find no hostility from it, and if a girl joins in they feel like they are being attacked or ganged up on, when really theyre being self-absorbent/just not used to how guys talk on "topics of substance"

thats not to say a guy could not completely be an asshole, but ive never seen a conversation where a guy straight up hated a girl because she was a girl and wanted to prove her wrong but because she existed (not including bickering lovers who were both dumb as shit)
I havent experienced being in a relationship with an intelligent girl, and ive been unhappy with my relationships so far. Maybe youre right, but ill have to experience that to find out. Again, im not restricting myself, but im trying something different

so then what do

yeah I know, thanks for the heads up

sorry to hear that, im glad I have friends to get into serious philosophy with. Id probably have killed myself if it wasnt for them, honestly

>> No.3159037
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Try and date your TA if you're in uni, worked for me

>> No.3159121

Graduate humanities courses. Duh.

>> No.3159212

A traditional approach to follow, often with particularly great success, would be to find your own petite girl. The child should not be too young and be able to bear a child, yet it should also be young enough to be educated. The girl would then be wed, then educated by the groom in such a way that she would make the epitome of intellectualism. The girl would be taught various ways in the fields of music/literature & languages/history etc. When the girl was developed in such a way that she would be able to stand on her own feet - in mental rather than physical terms - she would then be enjoyed in matrimony in the truest meaning of the word. She would be the companion of the man, she would engage in hardships with him, help him, support him and could be trusted with your child. This way, you essentially get to oversee the development of your woman and raise her into what you'd like her to become with certain characteristics decided from earlier already established to add some flavour to it, and best of all, you'll get to have sex with a 10 year old.

>> No.3159290

Ay yo OP. If you're a decently sociable person, you could always try joining an honors fraternity or society. Most are co-ed, despite what is normally implied by the word fraternity

The girls in mine are pretty cool and while they aren't all bombshells, they're mostly pretty intelligent. Also, these groups tend to me a hell of a lot cheaper than other ones if you're against the whole "paying for friends" thing.

>> No.3159593

I get the same impression from living in socal.

but what if I don't have any friends and never hear about parties? ;_;

>> No.3159601

Seriously though, any tips for non-students? Is everyone on this board in university or high-school?

>> No.3159602


You walk up and down Hollywood Boulevard thinking about your novel like me.

>> No.3159622

guy you replied to here

you need to do things that involve people, work, school, clubs, whatever.

you meet people from that and become "friends", you throw a party at your place, inviting them, and telling them to bring their friends. repeat until you meet someone who you actually enjoy hanging out with. repeat, slowly build up a strong bro tier group of bros. despise the world together. four players. 5 stock. no items. final destination. no metaknight

>> No.3159627

>248 posts and 11 image replies omitted. Click here to view.
fuck you. fuck you all.

>> No.3159700

Nope, nope, and nope. These "where are all the intelligent girls" threads are getting too frequent on this board, and seem more to be bemoaning the supposed absence of any such girls and wanting people to commiserate with rather than being genuine questions.

To be honest, this also seems like a disingenuous question, and one that begs to be answered in a misogynistic way, which I'm impressed to say I found little of in this particular thread.

Cut the crap, /lit/, and face up to what you are doing.