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/lit/ - Literature

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3149557 No.3149557 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you can feel your brain rotting from the years of constant internet exposure and lack of critical thinking/problem solving

>> No.3149562

Go play Layton, then, smartass.

>> No.3149570

stop being a fucking layabout instead of thinking that the world needs to spoonfeed you motivation

>> No.3149579

Not OP, but now that I think of it,
my own faculties started to decline not long after I played the fuck out of that Dr.Tao Lin's Brain Training game for the DS.

>> No.3149592

>tfw when you're going grey in your early twenties from constant cognitive dissonance

>> No.3149596

And, here we go. Another completely unrelated brain rotting-based thread. This is a literature board, not some board where idiots can brag about indulging to their whims.

>> No.3149597

Don't know this feel bro

>> No.3149599

I'm not bragging I'm begging for help

>> No.3149621

/mu/ is the place for feel threads.

>> No.3149628

but /lit/ is the place for thinkiners, and who better ot help me?

>> No.3149635


You obviously are not a critical thinker.

>> No.3149654

I can't feel it.

lmao wrekt

>> No.3149670
File: 3 KB, 203x215, distressed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I have a presentation on a few chapters of Being and Time next week and I can't get myself to read. I've been doing so well in the last few weeks but right now I'm all out of motivation.

>captcha: discord

>> No.3149678

I'm going to put this in my child's first birthday card so they can read it later in life when I've drunk myself to death.