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/lit/ - Literature

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3148609 No.3148609[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Ok /lit/ give me a good movie.
first post that isn't suss ill watch.
Something that will make me think and all that.

>> No.3148617

The Prestige is pretty ok.

>> No.3148619

why not, cheers!

>> No.3148622

nolanfag detected

watch the turin horse instead

>> No.3148625


>> No.3148626

Watch Cronenberg's ExistenZ. Watch 13th floor.

ExistenZ || 13th floor || The Matrix


>> No.3148629

yeah, this.

Detachment is to American Beauty as Requiem for a Dream is to Trainspotting.

>> No.3148637

Is that the Hofbräuhaus? I was in that building last month during the octoberfest.

>> No.3148646

Sounds good, I'll try to find it.

>> No.3148657

I think he's trying to say it's shit.

>> No.3148659

wow /b/ mindfuck thread much?

what happened /lit/? you weren't so plebbish about film before...

>> No.3148661

Pretty sure it might be, but it's a painting by Hitler.
well shit, gullible me.

>> No.3148669

fight club

>> No.3148677

Le Samouraï by Jean-Pierre Melville.

It's a fucking masterpiece of French cinema. Don't be put off by the fact that it's old and French, you will thoroughly enjoy it.

"Hitman Jef Costello is a perfectionist who always carefully plans his murders and who never gets caught. One night however, after killing a night-club owner, he's seen by witnesses. His efforts to provide himself with an alibi fail and more and more he gets driven into a corner."

>> No.3148682

Diary of a country priest

>> No.3148683

Can Dialectics Break Bricks?

>> No.3148685


think? so, philosophy? watch le regle du jeu, if you like social criticism. if not, let's see, how about theology? la voie lactee, ma nuit chez maud or la passion de jeanne d'arc. epistemology? 12 angry men or blade runner. ethics? the big combo. existentialism? detour, the postman always rings twice. politics? la chinoise, numero deux.


>> No.3148689

'Carnage' by Polanski is funny and sophisticated,

Lars von Tier made some good movies to handle his depression (if this sounds interesting to you: watch the third no this list):
'Antichrist' (most disturbing/least thoughtfull)
'Melancholia' (least disturbing/most thoughtfull)

but the most best movie ever (for now)
'Stalker' by Tarkowski
it is equal to ''2001: A Space Odyssee' by Kubrick but not that... fluffy

have fun

>> No.3148692

Dead man

>> No.3148694

you're not going to get much out of antichrist if you're not familiar with the bible, really.

dogville has a sequel in a slave farm, but dogville is better. if you liked dogville, you should watch vanya on 42nd street.

>> No.3148716


it will truly help to understand antichrist if you are familiar with the bible, talking morality

>> No.3148714

that's one of my favourite films too. brofist

watch this OP, Jef is one cool motherfucker.
atmosphere is intense. You feel Jef's loneliness. elevated sound, film-noiresque character...
8/10 would watch again.

this is a little boring in my opinion.
and fucking stalker. That passage from the city to zone is just amazing.

>> No.3148718

yeah most people just think of it as shock porn but it's more than that

on the other hand it's not that interesting either

>> No.3148731

Not Jarmusch's best, but still great.

>> No.3148756
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>Something that will make me think and all that.

Nostalgia for the Light
Time Indefinite
Into Eternity

>> No.3148760

stalker appeals to mind
country priest to heart

I understand too well what you mean by it being boring, on the other hand it could be said that Stalker tries too hard to do what Country Priest does naturally.

>> No.3148761

Mike Leigh's Naked

>> No.3148771
File: 164 KB, 450x600, Meirion Ginsberg - Closed Eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Double bill this with 'Frownland' by Ronald Bronstein and get ready for the most depressing night of your life.

>> No.3148786
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>"Ok /lit/"
>"give me a good movie."

>> No.3148809

Thanks for the tip, anon soulmate.

>> No.3148813

Clint Eastwood's Unforgiven

>> No.3148830

Stalker by Andrei Tarkovsky. It's a /lit/ film.

>> No.3148831
File: 136 KB, 853x1280, shame-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. I keep wondering why this movie hasn't been further discussed/praised.

>> No.3148860

Andrei Rublev
Winter Light
Mulholland Dr.

>> No.3148864

if i had fassbender's body i'd be a nympho (satyr?) too

>> No.3148865

Fucking roaches, man. Fucking roaches...

>> No.3148871


>naked lunch

>> No.3148877
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>> No.3148881

As well, I wouldn't like to have his character's background though. He was a fucking god but that which drove him to excellence must have been painful as hell.

>> No.3148892

i think they were diddled when they were kids. and their parents died.

that odd sexual tension between fassbender and his character's sister was, weird, to say the least.

good movie.

>> No.3149034

Yes, definitely, something like that, the movie hints to other possibilities as well, that's what I love about it. Do you know of any other books/films dealing with that kind of character ambiguity? I'm deeply interested in this, this characterization through black space.

>> No.3149044
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This is a film about another kind of shame that I recommend as well.