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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 37 KB, 457x400, Pyschoactive_Drugs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3145842 No.3145842 [Reply] [Original]

I only come here every so often so I'm sorry if this is a topic that's been way over done but what do you think about psychoactive drugs?

Have you experimented with them? Do you regularly use them? Are you a fan of any writers who regularly used them or wrote about the?

>> No.3145851

shut the fuck up about drugs, you cunts

>> No.3145853

Fucking cockroaches

>> No.3145855

I like them.

>> No.3145856
File: 1.02 MB, 1096x1876, sticky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are you a fan of any writers who regularly used them or wrote about the?
We are split. Quite a few people indulge, but the other half hate it. In a couple of mins this thread will probably drown in "HUUUURRR 420 WEEEDZ".

Anyway, here are some books for you to enjoy.

>> No.3145859

But what else am I going to do between dinner and homework?

>> No.3145860

NO. Go away. Stop it.

>> No.3145862

I wish I knew how to ledgeryllenhall weed, but it is a comforting chemical lurverly. Especially when cold turkey lennons milks me toward the legal ivan ooze cruise, and I kill a hangover through undisciplined puff. babysinmoss shrim_bles.

tl;dr Everytime I quit my constant companion for the legal taxxacco and firearms diversion, a hangover is ONLY cured with sir sensi.

>> No.3145864

Get the fuck out, roach-slayer. Your biased white knighting is the cancer killing this board.

>> No.3145869

I'm no stranger to weed, booze, or even the occasional snort.

I did mushrooms a year ago, though, and it was the single most horrifying experience of my entire fucking life. I wouldn't touch the fucking things again if you offered me all the money in the world.

>> No.3145871

smoke pot several times a week and other drugs when the opportunity arises (mdma, cocaine, ketamine generally and sometimes mushrooms and acid). some people can handle recreational drug use and others can't. i like to think i can.

>> No.3145877

I don't do drugs.

I stick with alcohol on the weekends. I occasionally piss myself and get into fights, but I never drink alone. I don't have problem.

>> No.3145878

Someone posted this in a shitty tfw no gf thread a few days ago, and I thought it was good so I saved it.

"I'm afraid I'm married to heroin for the foreseeable future. I knew I was a degenerate junkie many years before I first tried it. The seductive temptation and longing to experience it was always there. Same with drugs in general, really, but heroin had this special allure to it. A hazy romantisicm shrouded it and captivated the mind of my 13 year old self. Of course, I didn't try till I was 18, but I knew the day was coming. An inevitable course that I couldn't stay away from. What I didn't really anticipate (although on some level I probably suspected, but sat back complacently) was how deep she could sink her teeth. How much I would love chasing and snorting and spiking myself into utopia, teetering in that semi-concious opiate realm with reality cocooned around me. Heaven and Hell in one."

>> No.3145881


I wouldn't call it a poem but this is something I wrote down on a really really scary shroom trip

The thought of being trapped in never ending thoughts is a fucking scary thought.

That's exactly how I felt

>> No.3145921


>> No.3145964

>look at all those books!

>> No.3145974

OP asked about "any writers who regularly used them or wrote about them" and he got a ton of them >>3145856

>> No.3146007

DMT combined with mushrooms will change your life.

>> No.3146024

I am a big fan of Huxley and HST, and McKenna, and PKD, and probably many other writers who use/used drugs but who I cannot immediately think of

>> No.3146047

I like to smoke just a little bit of weed before a write sometimes. Just enough so that it helps me get in an imaginative mood, but not so much that actually makes me feel stoned.

>> No.3146059

>DMT combined with mushrooms will change your life.
I'd love to try that combo. I tried DMT on an LSA trip once. I was suitably high already, when a friend passed me a DMT spliff. I only had a few tokes when a mesh fell over everything. Patterns, shapes, colours I had never seen before. The floor was covered in red LEDs and there was rhythmic tribal music coming from somewhere. We were all sat around, wide eyed in silence, all listening to our own music and seeing our own patterns.

When it wore off that sneaky fucker produced a small glass bottle with a hole in the bottom and sprinkled some DMT inside. I hit that and entered hyperspace. A worm hole appeared in the wall, pulsing and fractaling around to the same rhythmic drumming until it had engulfed the room. I was sucked into another realm and had taken on the form of an animal. I had become some kind wolf or lion; a powerful four legged beast with more strength than I have ever felt before. In front of me were beings, entities of some kind that I couldn't communicate with verbally, but could feel their energy. I could see my entire life as a physical dimension, my birth, present, death al my decisions simultaneously compressed into nothing and stretched for eternity. Every conversation I have ever had in my life had an infinite amount of paths growing from them. I popped straight back into reality, strangely feeling pretty sober and just sat there stunned. Eventually I turned to my grinning friend and said "How the fuck can a human brain produce something like that?" He laughed and handed me the bottle again.

>> No.3146074

When these journeys are combined with the right context, the right reading material, diet, exercise and meditation, you will truly see the world as it is, that we all are one and that we have always been and will always be.

>> No.3146091

I think that they can provide writers (and anyone, I guess) with an interesting way of describing things -- Comparisons between things that might not have otherwise occurred to them or something.
As for myself, yeah I've experimented, who hasn't? I don't go on and on about it like a berk though; mainly because it's incredibly boring hearing people trying to describe things which are almost completely indescribable and I wouldn't want to inflict that torture on people.

>> No.3146124

>it's incredibly boring hearing people trying to describe things which are almost completely indescribable

I find them fascinating. When I'm contemplating trying something new, I'll scour erowid or other sites for hours reading trip reports.

>> No.3146137

lsd changed the way i think.
i went through 'ego death' on my second trip. it deconstructed me, and enabled me to slowly rebuild these fragments of myself, discarding those which hindered me or did not like. i recently read steppenwolf, and some passages of it are supurb description of this feeling, especially the 'magic theater'.
i feel like i am a far more well rounded person, it allows you to approach and see the world as if you are new to it. it allows you to realize your social programming for what it is, and react/change it. you are given a new perspective of yourself, and the ability to see yourself/reality for what it is far more clearly than before.
i will add that i do not relate to the feelings of spirituality that is common amongst psychedelic users, if anything it has made me more nihilistic, but this is definitely not a 'bad' thing.
just understand that context is hugely important when it comes to drugs, especially psychedelics. your state of mind, your anxieties, depression issues, even what you have been thinking about for the previous 2 weeks~ will all play a role.
its a recommended experience to say the least

>> No.3146158
File: 28 KB, 642x428, 8d824b4e59e1fa61a0d0ef44eb4a869a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Dimethyltryptamine is so hot right now. Ever since Enter the Void and DMT: The Spirit Molecule showed up on Netflix Instant, kids have been going gaga over this technology from another dimension.

An extremely effective, naturally occurring psychedelic compound that’s simultaneously spiritual and more fun than bumper boats, DMT is perhaps most famous for its instant and intense visuals. Within a few seconds of inhaling its thick, harsh smoke, one is taken to a place very different from what most contemporary Westerners refer to as reality. While there is a lot of debate regarding where that place exists (or if it exists, or if anything exists for that matter), it can be said with absolute certainty that DMT Town looks very cool. The passenger is immediately overwhelmed with exotic patterns, colors, textures, emotions, and other things that we don’t yet have words for. I recently came across some, shared it with my pals, and talked to them about their trips just as they floated back down to Earth."

>> No.3146170

i've also done dmt, but didn't 'break through'. trying to seek it out again

>> No.3146192

HUUUURRR 420 WEEEDZ us rastas amiright???

>> No.3146235

Does anyone else feel extreme pressure in their ears after drinking too much coffee?

What's happening to me

>> No.3146246

Too much coffee is horrible. I'm fine with an espresso or a few cups, but if I have a heroic caffeine binge I get shakey, sweaty and anxious. Never noticed ear pressure though.

>> No.3146259


Yes. I became an addict from working at a diner since it was always around at freshly brewed. I feel like when my tolerance went up it made it harder to get the alert feeling but the horrible side effects still came just as quick.

>> No.3146262

I hear you can actually suffer from caffeine withdrawal, is there validity to that? What's it like?

>> No.3146265


Headaches. Nothing else that iIve ever noticed.

On my days off I would always say "wow I have the worst headache I wonder why". Then I'd realize I hadn't had a single cup of coffee that day.

>> No.3146296

OP, I tried a handful of drugs and I will try to give succinct summaries of each, at least as far as my personality can relate/frame them.
Marijuana: It's a mixed bag - you can attain some fantastic states of mind and euphoria, but can also instill a dread (i.e. paranoia) so trapping it's daunting. It can also be a bitch who can fuck with you if you let its surreptitious self-advocacy propagate as an addiction/corrupter in your system. As long as you're aware of its affects on your mind, you can have a very meaningful and fulfilling relationship with it.

Ecstasy: My favorite drug barring its long-term after effects. It is quite good for making you believe in a grand empathy that extends beyond physical limitations. The aforementioned after effects include a two day period or so of deep despair, and also potential mental/cognitive impairment.

LSD: Euphoric and exciting beyond words during my first trip. After that, it became repetitive. It's a very conceptual trip.

Mushrooms: Frightening because of an atrocious set and setting (stuck in a tiny apartment in NYC). I can't really comment as to its affects aside from the fact that I experienced an utterly harrowing ego death and was apparently doing really ridiculous things like dressing/undressing, praying, doing hand stands, speaking gibberish. Oddly, in retrospect, I feel glad that I partook in the festivities and experienced a fear so deep and breath taking.

Do them or don't do them. It's your choice. I have a much weirder yet more colorful sense of reality than before. I had a very deep spiritual sense before ever taking any drugs so I can't comment as to their enlightening qualities. I guess I can see it, but I don't know if it's superficial inspiration or what. To each their own.

>> No.3146300

>Mushrooms: Frightening because of an atrocious set and setting (stuck in a tiny apartment in NYC). I can't really comment as to its affects aside from the fact that I experienced an utterly harrowing ego death and was apparently doing really ridiculous things like dressing/undressing, praying, doing hand stands, speaking gibberish. Oddly, in retrospect, I feel glad that I partook in the festivities and experienced a fear so deep and breath taking.
Mushrooms is the most context-dependent drug I've ever done. If you don't feel great (mentally) and aren't in an extremely comfortable environment (if you've had experience with them you can overcome this), particularly for your first time, I would say don't bother doing them.

>> No.3146307

yeah i don't like doing mushrooms around civilization. But walking around in the woods while tripping is pretty fucking amazing.

>> No.3146311

>Oddly, in retrospect, I feel glad that I partook in the festivities and experienced a fear so deep and breath taking.
I'll agree with that. I had absolutely the most terrifying experience of my life on mushrooms (I was told after the fact that I'd taken a pretty heroic dose) and in spite of how terrible it was at the time, in retrospect I wouldn't change it for the world.

I wouldn't attribute it any great spiritual meaning though, but it was a worthwhile experience that, while I probably wouldn't recommend it, I'd do it again any day of the week if I had the time to do it properly.

>> No.3146336

>Mushrooms is the most context-dependent drug I've ever done.
I don't think I've ever had a bad trip on mushrooms, but I've certainly had situations where I realized something like, "Nope, I can't stay here, I'll see you guys later." Every time I take them, I always end up finding the thing I want to do that makes the trip great though.

I wish I could read and write while tripping, but every time I try it doesn't work. When I write, it just becomes long strings of words that I like the sound of, and when I try to read, the words just start moving around the page. I'm not very good at drugs and literature.

>> No.3146375

I rarely smoke pot (I really just don't enjoy the action of smoking)...

But I adore psychedelics. Nothing lets me dig so deep within my self or brightens the world around me as much.

I look forward to trying DMT whenever I'm able to find it.

>> No.3146436


>Oddly, in retrospect, I feel glad that I partook in the festivities and experienced a fear so deep and breath taking.


I had the opposite experience.

A few months after I did them I could only remember the comedown, which indeed felt fantastic, and couldn't wait to do them again.

Once I went back to the place, though, I took a walk on the beach where we had taken them, and the entire experience, in all its gruesome details, came back to me.

Not only was I convinced (and still am) that what I experienced that day a year ago was a 3-4 hour psychotic episode, I was depressed for the rest of the day.

>> No.3146453

Why can't you guys go be edgy teenagers elsewhere? This is a literature board, not a "look what type of stimulant I've abused" board. Fuck off.

>> No.3146471

>he's so ignorant he thinks all drugs are stimulants
>he thinks we're being edgy

>> No.3146480

Looking through the thread, it seems most people seem to be taking psychedelics, not stimulants.

>> No.3146481
File: 219 KB, 1035x772, Mission_HillJim_of_Mission_Hill_by_Skypher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implies drug use is analogous to drug abuse.

>> No.3146486
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>> No.3146491
File: 59 KB, 400x367, philip-k-dick-r-crumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anybody else find it odd that PKD's primary drug use was amphetamines?

>> No.3146499

Not really. He didn't use it for recreation as much as he used it for marathon writing sessions and intense concentration. I'm sure he took other things recreationally.

I know Robert Louis Stevenson took elephant doses of cocaine and pumped out Jekyll and Hyde in under a week.

>> No.3146497

In what way? Because of the stuff he writes about seems more 'psychedelic' in some form or another?

>> No.3146506

Stephen king was a raging coke fiend too. Almost all of his early stuff was pumped out while his teeth were grinding.

>> No.3146508

Psychoactive drugs are anti-intellectual escapism. We do not need that on a literature board. Take it to >>>/b/.

>> No.3146517

I used to use LSD and mushrooms but they don't mix well with my genetic mental illness.

>> No.3146519

Grow up, kid. Our species has been enjoying and utilising psychoactive drugs for thousands of years, and I doubt it will stop because of one butthurt straightedge on 4chan. In case you weren't aware, drugs and literature have shared a long history; from the romantic poets in opium dens, to the Beats and Hippies. You can't censor the relationship between them just because of your personal bias.

>anti-intellectual escapism
Oh, escape from anti-intellectualism? Yeah, I think you may be right.

>> No.3146542

Get out of /lit/ with your infantile ramblings and anti-intellectual content please. Escapism is the cancer killing society. I come to the literature board for intellectual discussion. Literature has nothing to do with anti-intellectual and illegal activities.

>In case you weren't aware, drugs and literature have shared a long history
That's why you don't need drugs. Taking drugs is anti-intellectual escapism. There are plenty of intellectual activities you could engage in instead.

>Oh, escape from anti-intellectualism? Yeah, I think you may be right.
Your reading comprehension is sub-par. Please do something about it.

>> No.3146550

>I come to the literature board for intellectual discussion.
Shucks, sorry to break it to you but I think you might have gotten lost somewhere along the line.

>> No.3146552

literature, in many regards, is a type of escapism

kill yourself

>obeying the law
>not enjoying life as much as you can before it's too late

>> No.3146556
File: 61 KB, 600x600, wtf_am_i_reading.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3146561


>year of our Lord twenty twelve
>reading assignment a former of escapism

also hurrdulawsarebad

>> No.3146563

>obeying the law

Colorado reporting in.

>> No.3146566

>Oddly, in retrospect, I feel glad that I partook in the festivities and experienced a fear so deep and breath taking.

Something similar happened to me when I smoked too much weed. It triggered my AD, which I'm dealing with now, but I'm glad it did, because I've started meditating more 'seriously' and I wonder whether I'd be doing that otherwise.

>> No.3146569


Go to bed, Joyce.

>> No.3146572
File: 22 KB, 300x400, Huxley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read Island. Fucking do it.

>> No.3146575

I'm trying to educate the shitposters. /lit/ has to become more intellectual.

>literature, in many regards, is a type of escapism
Literature is not at all a form of escapism. I don't think you know what the word "literature" means. You should look it up in a dictionary before making these baseless claims.

>kill yourself
I do not intend to commit suicide.

>>not enjoying life as much as you can before it's too late
"Enjoying life" is nothing but anti-intellectual escapism. Idiots who dropped out of school and fail to get a job resort to drugs. By pretending this drivel is a topic of writing they think of themselves being incredibly deep. That's all they have after failing at life. /lit/ is not the board to wallow in compensatory fantasies. Please go back to >>>/b/. We are not interested in anti-intellectual activities.

>> No.3146579

>Taking drugs is anti-intellectual escapism.

You must be boring as fuck. I can just imagine you sat alone re-reading Ulysses for the 18th time, when a group of kids passes outside on their way back home from a club. You open the window and scream at them, sit back down, then coo to yourself at how superior you are for not wasting any of that days 'intellectual time' in a club... actually, what the fuck are you doing on 4chan?

>> No.3146584

Where did I say I was intellectual? You are projecting your own ego-centric attitude on me.

And don't feed your conceptual propaganda to me. Get off the literature board.

>> No.3146587
File: 37 KB, 251x371, 1352895957062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Idiots who dropped out of school and fail to get a job resort to drugs.

Hi, My name is Kary Mullis.
"Back in the 1960s and early '70s I took plenty of LSD. A lot of people were doing that in Berkeley back then. And I found it to be a mind-opening experience. It was certainly much more important than any courses I ever took. LSD helped me develop the polymerase chain reaction that helps amplify specific DNA sequences, and I won a Nobel prize for it

What if I had not taken LSD ever; would I have still invented PCR?... I don't know. I doubt it. I seriously doubt it."

>> No.3146595

Mullis is an anti-intellectual. A crackpot try shitting up literature by giving it a bad reputation does not imply anti-intellectual and edgy content should be allowed on the literature board. Please take that shit to >>>/b/.

>> No.3146597

I wonder what would happen if someone ate/popped/snorted/injected all of that in one sitting.

A human being, not Hunter S. Thompson.

>> No.3146601

They'd probably go nuts for a bit, then die or end up in the mental institution for the rest of their life.

>> No.3146604


Your intellectuality is a meaningless subjective social construct.

>> No.3146606

Intellectualism is one of the worst social constructs out there.

>> No.3146609

I would call you a troll but my brother is exactly like you. If you actually believe what you are saying, I pity you.

>> No.3146611
File: 12 KB, 200x159, Trollface.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Get out of /lit/ with your infantile ramblings and anti-intellectual content"
>"I come to the literature board for intellectual discussion"
>"Literature has nothing to do with anti-intellectual and illegal activities."
>using the word intellectual 19 times


>> No.3146612

It is not at all subjective. It is objective fact. Please put more effort into trolling.

Drugs are an illegal form of anti-intellectualism. All forms of anti-intellectualism should be illegal, for the betterment of our society. Anti-intellectual content is off-topic trolling and does not belong on the literature board.

>> No.3146616

There are boards on 4chan dedicated to the posting of anti-intellectual spam. /lit/ is not one of them.

By continuing to show that lack of reading comprehension you are just confirming that you actually consider your anti-intellectual claims relevant. Please get out of the literature board.

>> No.3146623

who the fuck recommended Banks' Rule of the Bone? that book fucking sucked. at first i thought it would be cool and it sucked me in, then the magical negro showed up and they sell weed in Jamaica. it was a completely hamfisted and poorly written 2nd half and I felt robbed of my time. do not read this book. fuck you, Banks.

>> No.3146628

youre a dickhead dood!

>> No.3146632

The realization of the helical structure of DNA was made on LSD, and many early pioneers of the computer industry were proponents of it's intellectually stimulating effects. Drugs have, throughout history, been a part of the development of new ideas by injected new stimuli into the human psyche. This goes for coffee, beer, tobacco, cannabis, and any number of other substances. To deny the influence of their use is to deny reality. In short, fuck you for buying into the propaganda. Yes, substance abuse is quite real, but so is responsible use.


>> No.3146634

I'll stick with alcohol, tobacco and caffeine. Smoked a lot of weed for a while, but I get severe paranoia and I'm on the verge of insanity when I'm sober anyway so I don't see myself experimenting further. I tend to like druggies as company though, except when they get all righteous about how using drugs is the best thing one can ever do and if everyone would just get high we would burst into rainbow utopia.

>> No.3146640

I like how you separated Hunter S. Thompson and human beings. He did take a ridiculous amount to die on his own terms from.

>> No.3146641

I am not. Please remove anti-intellectual spam from the literature board.

Creative individuals who take anti-intellectual substances does not imply their creativity was rooted in the anti-intellectual substance. Their creativity also does not make them intellectual. Intelligence and success are not the same as intellectualism.

>> No.3146643

>Idiots who dropped out of school and fail to get a job resort to drugs.
You sound angry with the world and if you actually believe this, there is something significantly fucked up with your perception. Plenty of productive members of society use drugs.

>> No.3146649

>I wonder what would happen if someone ate/popped/snorted/injected all of that in one sitting.

I'm still trying to work out what it all is.
The middle looks like tobacco, skunk, hash, and a mushroom. To the left we have either Moroccan black/black tar heroin, amonita muscaria and a pink seconal? The baggie on the left looks like 4 blank blotters. Top left is crack, the blue pill is an oversized E, and I can't identify the others.

You could probably consume all of it in a day; take the stims/psys first then smoke everything else.

>> No.3146655
File: 52 KB, 457x399, mmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is that thing that looks like a potato chip?

>> No.3146657

Non-sequitur. Plenty of productive members of society are anti-intellectual. Plenty of productive members of society actively pursue a hobby that has zero intellectual content. Plently of productive members of society are actively opposing more intellectual endeavors.

>> No.3146680

I forgot "smoke".

>> No.3146686

Definitely potpourri.

>> No.3146691

fuck that annoying nerd here

>> No.3146696

Smokan Ganja Style
smoking ganja style



>> No.3146700


Hello me!

Well, I still smoke a lot. Don't see myself continuing this for life.

Drug-friendly people and experimenters are indeed the greatest company. Even people who just drink or smoke a fuckton are usually pretty chill.

Interesting to see the number of you who had negative mushroom experiences though. Tried them once (by myself) and it was absolutely fantastic. Fucking enjoyable and uplifting and definitely have had a long-term "glow" from it. Didn't experience any negatives except for a slight headache the next day. Wasn't really left any desire to do them again, though - not sure why.

>> No.3146701
File: 31 KB, 448x336, amarita_muscaria_lat3_best_800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dried Amanita Muscaria(fly agaric). A psychoactive mushroom that's totally different to the psilocybin magic mushrooms, and widely considered to be the 'Soma' of many ancient texts. When I tried it I got mild visuals, stimulant effects, and some nausea.

>> No.3146702

Your idea of intellectual endeavors sounds more like pseudo-intellectual onanism.

>> No.3146705

>Smokan Ganja Style

haha, I like that.

>> No.3146707

>Taking drugs is anti-intellectual escapism.

Idiotic generalisation. It depends on the drugs and how they are taken.

Ditto for the "escapism" charge.

For someone who complains about others' anti-intellectualism you come across as narrow minded and inflexible in your own thinking, and that is to put it charitably.

>> No.3146709

It is not. Please see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-intellectualism

>> No.3146711

Does anybody know of any research on the influence of magic mushrooms in the development of Japanese society? Since they were legal to consume before 2002, and they have a very preparation/ritual-oriented culture, I feel like they probably had a fairly significant influence that has been suppressed.

>> No.3146714

That is just wrong. Anti-intellectual escapism is the only reason to take such drugs in the first place. I do not think you understand what escapism means.

Your insults are meaningless. They do not change the fact that off-topic anti-intellectual spam is prohibited on the literature board. Please go shitpost on >>>/b/.

>> No.3146718


Aw I hear you nigger. If you gave me a hundred million pounds on a plate to do a dose of mushrooms again, I'd tell you stuff it up your dirt box.

Fuck that shit.

>> No.3146720

That's interesting. I had no idea.

Off to Google I go.

>> No.3146721

>Anti-intellectual escapism is the only reason to take such drugs in the first place.
According to your very narrow and unforgiving definitions.

>> No.3146724

They're great
Yes and I would like to try some more
Yes, actually there's some really good books that are about drugs or author who did a lot of them (not all of course but still...), you should check out the recommended list here >>3145856

>> No.3146727

That is preposterous, and you are a troll.

>> No.3146730

I drink a lot, but I've always been afraid of psychedelics (I've studied them extensively though, I find all drugs fascinating, as well as the culture that comes with it) since I think I'm one of those people that would have a bad experience with them.

A lot of people are fucked up themselves, and to throw all kinds of chemical distortion into the mix probably isn't helping. Psychedelics are probably nice for well adjusted people who can function as it is.

>> No.3146735

Those of you that had bad shroom trips: how would you characterize your mental state going into it?

>> No.3146748
File: 31 KB, 250x235, 4525640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Does anybody know of any research on the influence of magic mushrooms in the development of Japanese society?

Not Japan related, but there is a great book called the Sacred Mushroom and the Cross, which argues that a lot of society, and early Christianity was heavily influenced by magic mushrooms. There is a lot of compelling evidence too, everything from sample testing to fertility cults and the mushrooms depicted around the heads of the enlightened saints.

>> No.3146756

What the fuck.

The halos are symbolic of the aura, as in a spiritually potent individual.

>> No.3146763


>> No.3146769
File: 250 KB, 773x515, IMG_8111 mushroom underside-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, that's what the book argues. Apparently Christianity isn't too proud of their druggie past.
>aura, as in a spiritually potent individual.
They got the aura and spiritual potency from ingesting mushrooms... Or because gold leaf was the most expensive thing to put on a canvas.

Christmas is allegedly about magic mushrooms too... There is a lot more evidence to support that one.

>> No.3146774

As if I was in a dream, the kind where you don't know your dreaming. I felt like I lost a lot of my critical thinking and that led me to be confused easily. I'm not too good at social interaction in the first place so other people's reactions to this served to make me more confused. It's closest I've come to a bad trip and that was mostly cause I was kicked out of a party and I had to walk home, then I kneed a cactus. It wasn't a wholly unpleasant experience I've seen people have much worse

>> No.3146777

Psychoactive drugs have been shown to be useful in helping to treat psychological disorders, i.e. LSD and alcoholism, MDMA and PTSD

Which is not to say that if you are fucked up you should take drugs to fix yourself, just that they aren't a guaranteed path to fucking yourself up more

>> No.3146799

I don't doubt some early Christian derivatives may have used mushrooms or any other drug, but it sounds inaccurate to me in saying that was a huge part of the general practices. As you can imagine there are other ways of advancing spiritually without the aid of drugs.

Gold and bright colors are used because those are the type of things a clairvoyant would see on a spiritually potent individual. Whereas the average person would have a very dull aura.

>> No.3146854
File: 551 KB, 464x2528, Pihkal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have you experimented with them?
Yup. I have tried roughly 60 -100 different substances and I'm currently trying to work my way through pic related.

>> No.3146867


Research Chemicals (the ones I've tried) are nice, but I definitely prefer mushrooms and acid to any of the 2C's.

>> No.3146879

There is such a varied experience with RC's that i'm sure I'll eventually find some that are amazing.

6aPB, 2C-,C, aMT and MDAi, 25I-NBOMe are some of the really common ones that I quiet liked. TMA-2 is a fairly rare one that was fucking incredible. Most of the others that I've tried I wouldn't bother with again... But I'm not going to stop looking.

>> No.3146881

wish i knew a legit source for them besides silk road

which leads me to the next thing
>pls repsonce in my email field if you r drug dealer

>> No.3146886

Silk Road is legit?

I never looked into it... it terrified me.

>> No.3146888

yeah it's a legit way of obtaining illegal stuff of all sorts, just relatively complicated and time consuming

>> No.3146903
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>silk road
What are you looking for? There are a surprising amount of chems that are legal, and things like LSA, Mescaline, codeine and DMT can all be extracted at home with household items. You should really be able to find a weed dealer though, there's millions of them.

Anyway, if you live somewhere warm you could always guerilla grow cannabis or poppies if you can't grow them at home.

>> No.3146909

codeine, dmt and mescaline are all things i'm interested in
i've read up on mescaline extraction and lsa as well. almost bought some peruvian torch chips as well.

>> No.3146914
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>Silk Road is legit?
Yeah, it is. It can be horrendously expensive though. You need to set up TOR and buy bitcoins, but I wouldn't recommend it. You're paying up to 10x street prices, and risk having your package seized.

>> No.3146927

>bought some peruvian torch chips as well.
How much do you have? I'd recommend taking upwards of 15g if you eat them like that, and more if you're extracting as you'll probably loose quite a bit. If you eat them like they are, ignore online recipes telling you to put them in yoghurt or making tea with lemon juice. Put them in a blender until powder, then put in a bowl with a tiny bit of water. You should have a substance like green bread dough. Roll it into small balls that you can swallow, line them up, then go gown the line and eat them, chasing each with a glass of water. You can do it a few mins. Iv'e tried every method and this ones honestly the best. 40g of cactus and yoghurt is going to make you throw up before you have finished it... Or just google a salt extraction.

LSA and codeine are both simple CWE (cold water extractions), just remember to extract the codeine when it's close to freezing. And DMT is fairly easy after a few hours trying to figure it out.

>> No.3146931

Ignore that. I didn't see your 'almost.'

>> No.3146938

i'm going to be purchasing some soon anyways so your post wasn't pointless!

>> No.3147018

I don't think they are mutually exclusive either, though. I think using drugs or alcohol can have a very neutral effect on one's intellect or intellectual pursuits. They could also certainly be non-conducive to intellect, but certain illegal substances have been shown to improve creative thinking. There have been a large number of studies to explain this, so your claim that all illegal drugs are anti-intellectual in the first place is anti-intellectual, strictly speaking.

Secondly, are you really willing to make the claim that all things that are anti-intellectual ought to be made illegal? Some claim that video games are anti-intellectual. Should they be made illegal? What about really shitty cinema or television that obviously panders to a demographic? TV advertisements? This is a lofty claim.

>> No.3147023


Although I agree with you on literature obviously not being a form of escapism. That was a really stupid statement.

>> No.3147023,1 [INTERNAL] 

Where has this thread gone?