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File: 51 KB, 500x493, drunk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3145346 No.3145346[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

why "in vino veritas"?
why not "in LSD veritas" or "in meth veritas"?

seems like people actually believe this bullshit and are embarassed that they have shown their "true self" after getting drunk. but it isnt more true than on other drugs.

>> No.3145349

they didn't have meth or LSD in ancient Rome, fucktard

>> No.3145350

If your brain chemistry is altered, that is not your "natural" self.

>> No.3145355

No, it's more like you have less subconscious inhibitions while drunk so it's much easier for you to vent. Which leads to stuff like in your picture. People on average are ready to blow over all the time, but they're concerned with their social image so not much happens, while drunk the pressure valve is knocked off.

>> No.3145358

My granddad had a stroke and the day after he was convinced he was a serial killer and demanded to be put in prison.

Did the stroke reveal his true self?

>> No.3145359

It says nothing about it. You may even be less yourself when you are sober.

>> No.3145361

nature vs. culture. Your 'unaltered' brain is in fact heavily domesticated, some of which can be temporarily lifted with drugs. Of course you also have strong effects which are original to the drug, so it's hard to tell what's what.

>> No.3145364

thats freudian bullshit and i dont believe it

>> No.3145367

That doesn't make it any less true.

>> No.3145368

Most people are racist even if they aren't conscious of it. Studies repeatedly show people associate black people with negative things and white people with positive things

But it's not their fault, it's cultural/environmental conditioning

>> No.3145369

>If your brain chemistry is altered, that is not your "natural" self.
So after a cup of coffee, you are not you natural self?
After the rush and glucose spike from a toffee apple you are not yourself?
After eating a giant steak and having the branched chain's fully stimulate you HTP receptors, you are not your natural self?

Anything you consume alters your brain chemistry, but you want to put the ones with the most noticeable effects in a bag and call them "Drugs," so you can demonize them, and tell cautionary tales about fearing the 'unnatural' colours they bring to a grey world.

>> No.3145371

Nobody has ever lost their shit after eating a steak, unless you count in vomit.

>> No.3145373

leave out the strawman shit plz

>> No.3145375

Even more so on other drugs, especially psychedelics.

>> No.3145376

newsflash, "true self" doesn't actually mean anything

>> No.3145377

If you are normally inhibiting from doing socially unacceptable things then that is you.

If you drink and become uninhibited and do socially unacceptable things that your normal self wouldn't do then that is not your true self.

It's like old people with dementia that deteriorates their prefrontal cortex and it causes them them to take of their clothes in public or shop lift in front of people and other socially unacceptable things. That's not their normal behavior .

>> No.3145379

Coffee, toffee apple steak?
Television is by nature the dominator drug par excellence. Control of content, uniformity of content, repeatability of content make it inevitably a tool of coersion, brainwashing, and manipulation.

>> No.3145381

This question is dumb.

"true self" is dumb. You are your brain and whatever state it is is at the time is your "true self".

If you are delusional and think you are an orange, that's your true self.

>> No.3145383

Psychedelics are illegal not because a loving government is concerned that you may jump out of a third story window. Psychedelics are illegal because they dissolve opinion structures and culturally laid down models of behaviour and information processing. They open you up to the possibility that everything you know is wrong.

>> No.3145384



>> No.3145385

stay sheltered.

>> No.3145387
File: 253 KB, 900x1410, buddha_by_ms_suep-d322d1p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>believing in the self at all
>year of our lord Buddha 2575

>> No.3145388

You can do that without drugs, and it's arguably more safe too.

>> No.3145389


Stay retarded.

The only thing you can learn from psychedelics is an affirmation on how powerful the brain is.

Experience from an another perspective is not useful in the "real" world.

>> No.3145391

Well it depends. If your altered states are dependent on drugs then yes it's not too practical. But fresh perspectives are infact useful in the real world.

>> No.3145396

Psychedelics can dissolve the subjective bias that you have erected to filter reality through. You can see things from a far more neutral perspective and return much more aware of both sides. Often you find that you have been backing a certain horse, or have a vested interest in something and it has been clouding you reason. Psychedelics can force you to realise this. Plus, they are recreationally very fun.

>> No.3145397

How is oooh bright vibrant colors and patterns.

Or oooh why is this mundane thing so interesting.

Or oooh my sense of self is gone and the boundaries between the world and me have disappeared

or any other mental states useful?

They are not.

>> No.3145408

define "useful"

>> No.3145411
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>He thinks the only thing that happens when you take psychedelics is the pretty colors, and a feeling of 'oneness.'

>> No.3145416

Well I myself haven't taken any psychedelics I understand the mechanics behind them. Your perception is altered and you percieve the world in very different ways, you will see something very interesting on a cardboard box or in a garden on that stuff. It was already there but your mental dialer was just now tuned to it.

As far as it's uses go, it all depends on how you apply the knowledge gained. It was and still is common for esoteric practitioners to use psychedelics as a means to knowledge. It's like having tons of information beamed at you in single moments, and not much of it is meant for the rational mind. Which is why many people don't get much from their trips and just do it for 'fun".

>> No.3145417

“Objects and their functions no longer had any significance. All I perceived was perception itself, the hell of forms and figures devoid of human emotion and detached from the reality of my unreal environment. I was an instrument in a virtual world that constantly renewed its own meaningless image in a living world that was itself perceived outside of nature. And since the appearance of things was no longer definitive but limitless, this paradisiacal awareness freed me from the reality external to myself. The fire and the rose, as it were, became one.”
― Federico Fellini

>> No.3145428

Psychedelics are only good for recreational fun.

>> No.3145430


"and other mental states"

>> No.3145431

>Well I myself haven't taken any psychedelics I understand the mechanics behind them.
I don't even know what to say about this. "I haven't had sax but I understand the mechanics behind it"

>> No.3145435

It's only your perspective shifting, people do it all the time everyday. On psychedelics you just turn the dail to high levels, the same principles apply.

>> No.3145436 [DELETED] 

Psychedelics are easy to get, just try it yourself.

You can get DMT from a simple extraction on mimosa hostilis root bark, which is legal to order.

You can order spores and cultivate psilocybin mushrooms in most countries/states legally

You can order san pedro/peruvian torch cacti and extract mescaline from it legally

There are many legal research chemicals that mimic the method of action of traditional psychedelics.

LSD is quite safe to buy on SR and easier to find on the streets than the other psychedelics besides mushrooms

>> No.3145438
File: 25 KB, 500x500, 10 10 would ron again.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw people find actual psychosis to be a form of insanity but chemically induced psychosis to be very deep and profound

>> No.3145439
File: 69 KB, 251x435, Kary_Mullis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Psychedelics are only good for recreational fun.
Hi, My name is Kary Mullis.
"Back in the 1960s and early '70s I took plenty of LSD. A lot of people were doing that in Berkeley back then. And I found it to be a mind-opening experience. It was certainly much more important than any courses I ever took. LSD helped me develop the polymerase chain reaction that helps amplify specific DNA sequences, and I won a Nobel prize for it

What if I had not taken LSD ever; would I have still invented PCR?... I don't know. I doubt it. I seriously doubt it."

>> No.3145444


Psychedelics are nothing like psychosis.

Deliriants like jimson weed/datura are psychosis and are complete hell.

>> No.3145453


You can obtain most of the materials legally but the extraction itself and the end result is ILLEGAL.

>> No.3145454

I find it strange. The experience is foul, yet there are so many kids chugging bottles of DXM, smoking nutmeg, eating datura and diphenhydramine. I could understand someone really depressed wanting dissociatives and deliriants, but not healthy kids looking for recreation. I mean, it's pretty much solvent tier.

>> No.3145459


Dissociatives are nothing like delierants.

K-hole doses of ketamine and large doses of MXE are fun.

DXM is shitty because of side effects and sigma activity because of a certain amount of the population cant properly metabolize dxm into dxo (which is responsible for NDMA activity).

Sigma activity is more delierant like.

>> No.3145461

Man, that sounds like novel material right there. Get on that shit.

>> No.3145476

the vibration of the reed causes the sound, right?

>> No.3145478


thread should've ended here

>> No.3145482

Its got nothing to do with the race, its how they're dressed. If I see a young white guy and he's dressed like a thug I'll probably think he's a thug. If I walk past a black guy in a business suit, I feel safe walking past him.

>> No.3145483

Kids take DXM, nutmeg, DPH and solvents because they are legal, not because they really want that particular high. They want to experiment, but don't have access to safer and better drugs, so walk into a shops and buy over the counter stuff. If mushrooms were legal they would probably experiment with those instead.

>> No.3145493

There is no such thing as being 'enlightened' only shifting between different states of mind. The unleashing of serotonin in your brain may cause you to think about new concepts and have revelations, but its not like you're 'unlocking' new content, its simply a potential route your development of your worldview can go down. Personally, I think all revelations should be had based on study of philosophy and introspection, using substances really is just letting chemicals do that for you causes you to change your worldview on absolutely no intellectual basis.

>> No.3145495

>There is no such thing as being 'enlightened' only shifting between different states of mind.
>there's no such thing as Paris only different cities in France

>> No.3145496


Mushrooms are shitty though. Cloudy and confusing. Other psychedelics are better. (in my subjective experience)

And psychedelics and dissociatives each have unique effects and can not be substituted for each other.

>> No.3145499


>unleashing serotonin

who said anything about mdma?

>> No.3145505

>strawman argument
How are those even comparable?
Paris is certain to exist, the idea of enlightenment is a human created concept that only really exists if you subscribe to it and its based on your perception.
Sorry, I used the wrong name for the chemical in your brain. You know what I mean though.

>> No.3145512


Serotonin is targeted by traditional psychedelics (5-ht2a) but does not release it (which mdma does)

>> No.3145515

Gotcha, but you still get the point of my original post.

>> No.3145517

Psychedelics aren't just realising serotonin, if they were all drugs would be like 6APB. There is a whole soup of different neurotransmitters, precursors, hormones being adjusted for different drugs. If you desire the mindset of a particular drug, and know what you can achieve by doing so, it makes sense to temporarily adjust your neurological makeup for this purpose. Drugs are like tools to utilise for a desired result.

Personally I mainly take them for recreation(occasionally stimulants for extended studying), but heightened musical awareness, introspection, any kind of revelation on an issue are bonus side effects that I welcome.

>> No.3145526

Who cares?

Everyone reading this will be dead within 100 years. Your enlightenment from psychedelics is meaningless.

>> No.3145528

>just letting chemicals do that for you causes you to change your worldview on absolutely no intellectual basis.

I agree. Drug cheats like Jimi Hendrix and Bob Dylan should be stripped of their chart rankings, kicked out of the hall of fame, and all records of their achievements wiped. Not to mention this guy here >>3145439 - A Nobel prize for being high on LSD? That's awful. We need drug testing in all fields. We need to stop the Philip K Dicks and Ken Keseys from writing while high, stop the scientists like Carl Sagan and Kary Mullis, stop the presidents even if they "don't inhale." Drug cheats need to be stamped out like Lance Armstrong.

>> No.3145535

>misreading my post
>projecting that I'm calling them 'drug cheats'
I'm just saying there is no right or wrong state of mind to be in, and drugs don't put you in some arbitrary state of 'enlightenment'.

For every great person you listed who's work was the product of drugs, there are just as many who were sober. Go fuck yourself honestly, your kind are the reason for 90% of 4chan arguments, as in you lack reading comprehension.

>> No.3145551

That's actually a good observation - tongue in cheek or not. People are stripped of medals if any trace of drugs are found in a sporting event. Yet someone like Philip K. Dick, who spent 7 years frantically writing while high on speed so he could have 15 hour writing sessions and increased concentration, not only wins multiple Hugos and Nebula Awards, they create a PKD award in his name.

Why is every single award that people are trying to achieve, from no1 chart hits to Nobel prizes, awarded to people who admit to taking drugs, yet a medal for the Tour de France is taken away?

>> No.3145554


Performance enhancing drugs are illegal not because they give advantages but because everyone would have to take them to remain competitive.

Authors are not competing.

>> No.3145561

Because people gamble on sport.

>> No.3145572

Enlightenment is the label assigned to one of those mental states, just like we have many other labels for many other mental states. Enlightenment isn't necessarily all that mystical and obscure. I see why this is all a bit more fickle with mental states than with cities, but enlightenment isn't more problematic than, say, love or serenity or depression.

>> No.3145578
File: 38 KB, 400x301, girls-smoking-pot-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they didn't have meth or LSD in ancient Rome, fucktard

They used cannabis though:
"The Romans, at least those with money, used to top off their banquets with marijuana-seeds, a confectionery treat which left guests with a warm and pleasurable sensation. If consumed in large amounts, it affects the head by sending to it a warm and toxic vapor."
-Claudius Galen

>tfw the Romans were getting high on cannabis seeds, but never realised they could eat or smoke the plant.

>> No.3145825

OP, Loads of other cultures had things like that for drugs. Obviously not Meth or LSD as those hadn't been synthesized then.

-The early Hindus fucking loved cannabis. In the forth book of Vedas( the Atharvaveda) written around 2000 B.C, they describe Cannabis in depth and even list recipes to cook with it. They called it 'indracanna' meaning 'the food of the gods.'

-Likewise the Sikhs adored it too. They had Ganja, Charas, and Bhang (all different forms or cannabis) and called it 'vijaya' meaning 'the victorious and unconquerable one" believing it a holy sacrament that came from Siva.

-We also have the word 'SOMA', again from Vedic literature. Although we cant be sure what it was exactly, its described as a red fruit that induced 'spontaneous enlightenment.'

There are hundreds of examples of every natural drug being consumed on every continent for thousands of years. From the betel nut in Timor, to Khat in Ethiopia; from Coca leaves in the Andes, to the Aborigines with pituri and Nicotiana. The poppy in Mesopotamia, the peyote cactus in Mexico, and each culture had their own special names for them.

>> No.3145832


You can't get high on seeds, when they say "seeds" they mean seed-bearing flowers.

>> No.3145857


DXM isn't solvent-tier, I like it better than ketamine or MXE.

>> No.3145872

Not that guy, but drinking cough syrup to get high is on the same level as huffing lighter gas or glue. I know the highs are different, but it's hobo tier drug use.

>> No.3145883


No it isn't. Just because it's widely and easily available doesn't mean it's "hobo-tier".

DXM is just a chemical like any other drug and the chemical works the same way ketamine and other dissociative do.

Solvents/huffing glue work by depriving you of oxygen.

>> No.3145884
File: 21 KB, 203x259, screwyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hobo tier drug use

>> No.3145887


I like the experience from DXM itself (which feels very similar to ketamine to me but a bit more chaotic and darker) but the duration, the afterglow and the side effects are just to much for me.

I'd take ketamine/mxe over DXM any day. It feels cleaner.

>> No.3145888
File: 37 KB, 402x302, dxm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trying to justify drinking bottles of pic related to get high.
Don't worry, you'll grow out of it.

>> No.3145891

Grow up faggots

>> No.3145903


>not knowing how to extract dxm and take it in its purest form

its almost fucking 2013

>> No.3145906

DXM is okay for a one time high, but it rapes your stomach and can leave you mentally fucked if you do it too often. The occasional line of K is much better, if that's you kind of high.

>hobo tier
Some OTC's are okay. Codeine CWE's and morphine tinctures are god tier

>> No.3145908


>> No.3145918 [DELETED] 

>tfw they pure dxm in pills no longer available since you've moved

>> No.3145925 [DELETED] 
File: 24 KB, 450x369, cacti_preparation5_21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lol, this is even more pathetic, I used to drink cactus snot tea before I learned how to do alkaloid extractions

>> No.3145926


Because Romans only had liquor.

Read "In vino veritas" as within in mind-altering substance there is truth.

Caffeine, nicotine, HTC, LSD, amphetamines, MDMA, benzos all fall under this.

>> No.3145979

>Because Romans only had liquor.

>> No.3146003

Still, folk sayings usually relate to everyday life. Wine was a greater part of that.

>> No.3146005


>> No.3146037

What the hell is a "true self"?

>> No.3146072

>Well I myself haven't taken any psychedelics

Then you should "save your breath to cool your porridge," so to speak.

>> No.3146082

As did your ability to think beyond literal terms?

>> No.3146239
File: 25 KB, 500x375, 1254405385637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"In dank kush, veritas" - me

>> No.3146252

i echo that brother

>> No.3146256

>The early Hindus fucking loved cannabis. In the forth book of Vedas( the Atharvaveda) written around 2000 B.C, they describe Cannabis in depth and even list recipes to cook with it. They called it 'indracanna' meaning 'the food of the gods.'

How do hindus act towards it now? Do they still follow the same book?

>> No.3146272

If you spill the bong water, you gotta take a sip.

>> No.3146280
File: 51 KB, 520x270, poppers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bong water
Real men fill their bong with poppers.

>> No.3146283

Man has always had access to psychedelics (mushrooms), but it's obviously very region and society type dependent. Some believe that mushrooms are responsible for a lot of things in the evolution of modern man. I read a book about it once i think it was called "Food of the Gods" or something like that. Lots of interesting theories in there.

>> No.3146286

Food of the Gods by Terrence McKenna

>> No.3146294

I made a joke about this to a woman when she said that the girl next to her had proffessed her love when on ketomin. Sadly she didn't speak latin.

>> No.3146298

the thought of that actually made me gag


>> No.3146301

That's no excuse really, this is like #yolo for ye olde folkes.

>> No.3146304

Wine is the first antibiotic discovered in the west.
Wine is the only way they had to store vitamin C until freeze drying came along.

>> No.3146305

Existential dread masked as bordom in suburbia?

>> No.3146309

>hurr they didn't have LSD in Rome faggit1!

No, but they had ergot in ancient Greece. We've had ergot derivatives since we first started farming corns.

>> No.3146313

Poppers in a bong would be so foul that I think I might have to give it to an unsuspecting mate. I have had beer for bong water before and that was pretty nasty.

>> No.3146318

Wasn't it ergot in crops that made villages have mass hallucinations, directly causing the witch hunts and trials?

>> No.3146325

That's what I've heard, but it's not an era I've ever studied.
The essays I linked to provide a rather convincing rationale for some sort of unusual strain of ergot or potion made from it being used in (some of) the Ancient Greek Mysteries. I found The Food of the Gods completely unconvincing but was quite persuaded by this.

>> No.3146386
File: 125 KB, 800x600, 800px-Bhangshop-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do hindus act towards it now? Do they still follow the same book?

Yes, Hindus and Sufis still get blazed and follow the Vedas, believing cannabis provides them spiritual ecstasy from Lord Shiva. They use Bhang -a preparation from the leaves and buds of the female cannabis plant, smoked or consumed as a beverage.

Not only is it legal, but the government has set up 'dispensaries'(Pic related; indian dispensary) everywhere so people have easy access. They have multiple festivals a year like "Mahashivratri" and the "Holi" where being stoned is expected.

Interestingly Sikhs frequently have Bhang too, but only for 'medical ailments' and not for pleasure.

>> No.3146432
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>> No.3146437

Bangalore? More like Bhangalore!
hehehehe quality comedy

>> No.3146443
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>> No.3147655

That sounds incredible, I only thought it was rastafarians.

>> No.3147676

And, here we go. Another completely unrelated drug-based thread. This is a literature board, not some board where idiots can brag about indulging to their whims.

>> No.3147707

>And, here we go
What? Nearly 100 posts in.

>brag about indulging to their whims.
Who's bragging about things? Read the thread, son. There's some quality posts here.

>> No.3147825
File: 293 KB, 1036x816, tachikoma drawing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are taking this proverb to literally.
It's referring to the fact that when people are drunk they are more likely to reveal something because of their impaired judgment.