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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 59 KB, 460x368, Ignatius-J-Reilly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3138515 No.3138515[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

"When my brain begins to reel from my literary labors, I make an occasional cheese dip."

What are /lit/'s thoughts on this book?
Personally, it's my favorite. It was one of the greatest pieces of literature I've ever been exposed to.

>> No.3138547

Ok,I'm a pleb. Please tell me what book your talking about?

>> No.3138549

It's up there with Don Quixote as my favorite, op.

A Confederacy of Dunces

>> No.3138552

how did you get here? Back you go >>>/mu/

>> No.3138551

I effectively agree.

>> No.3138559


"A Confederacy of Dunces" By John Kennedy Toole. If only he had lived to write the rest of the novels in the series... My heard pines for what glorious work he might have wrought...

>> No.3138561

why man why are you doing this

>> No.3138576
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Honestly, I fucking hated it. Quite possibly the worst book I have ever read. Ignatius as a character had such potential, but Toole ruins him, in the most disgusting anti-intellectual way he could think of. I know he was trying for Irony, but it was just dumb, humorless, and plain boring. Nothing was funny about it at all, just ridiculing a fat man with a contempt for social values in a manor that's intellectually on par with reality TV. It doesn't help that everyone else that I've met who likes it has been a humorless moron too.

>> No.3138585


His house is akin to those on reality television? So it's quite large and full of money and superficial 20 year olds?

>> No.3138589


How uncouth.

>> No.3138602

Without a doubt, the worst collection of individual letters, sentences, paragraphs, and chapters ever assembled in the English language. OP's a faggot and this book is shit. Pure, steaming freshman-workshop shit. The worst book I've ever read. The worst book I'll ever read. The worst protagonist ever. The worst plot ever. The. Worst. Book Ever.

>> No.3138612

I'm about half way through but it's not as great as I've heard it to be. I'm kind of bummed. Does it get better?

>> No.3138608


And what, might I ask, is your favorite work?

>> No.3138624

I'd probably have to pick Lolita.

>> No.3138631

It all comes together at the end, just stick with it Anon.

This thread sends my pyloric valve into a spasm.

>> No.3138638

>Does it get better?
No. The characters just get slightly more over-caricatured and annoying.

>> No.3138643


>> No.3138657

As soon as i saw the image, I recognized it, even though i read That Book over 3 years ago.
It kind of washed over me when i was reading it, but thinking about it later made me realize how brilliant it is.

I found myself relating to the protagonist. Since i like medieval studies, and think the modern world is basically a travesty. I'm just skinnier and with slightly better fashion sense.


and i fucking loved Lolita too. The ultimate story of ill-fated love, forget Romeo and Juliet.

>> No.3138662


No, I meant the word 'wrought' and if I were to change it to 'wrote', grammatically it would have to be replaced with 'written' to be correct and valid.
Fall silent, mongoloid, you are causing my pyloric valve to also to spasm.

>> No.3138665

I liked it. I should read it over again.

>> No.3138691

>I found myself relating to the protagonist. Since i like medieval studies, and think the modern world is basically a travesty.

Is this a joke?

>> No.3138693

>just ridiculing a fat man
That's not true. I think Toole and most fans of the book have a genuine affection for Ignatius on some level.

It is usually the people who hate Ignatius, or don't understand why he's considered Quixotic instead of contemptible, that dislike CoD.

>> No.3138717

Read some Boethius and get back to us.

>> No.3138737
File: 13 KB, 393x235, cockroach-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3138798

You guys that hate it just need to get a sense of humor.

>> No.3138803
File: 3 KB, 126x121, 1295770641708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I loved it at first, but it got old real quick. I don't know how you had the attention span to do it, OP.

>> No.3138807

is that supposed to be ironic?

>> No.3138811

I did not find it funny in the slightest. It's cool if that's your thing though.

>> No.3138827

Same person.

>> No.3138833

I think this book is one of those American things. I find most Europeans don't find it funny, it's a little below their intellect, but It fits right in with Americanism. It's on the same level as My Name is Earl and Big Bang Theory.

>> No.3138839

Nope. One of those was mine.

>> No.3138846
File: 84 KB, 345x250, 1289889289386.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't accuse samefagging just because you have shit taste in lit.

>> No.3138853

unfunny, painful read

>> No.3138854

>Big Bang Theory

Congrats, you just rustled my jimmies.

>> No.3138857

Same person.

>> No.3138858

It's hilarious if you're a former pretender at culture and can laugh at such a character. If you're a current pretender you might find it nauseating and pointless. The autistic as well may not be inclined to enjoying it.

>> No.3138861

>pretender at culture

>> No.3138862



>> No.3138867

Pretender at culture, what the fuck does that even mean Anon?

>> No.3138868


It's a polite way of saying 'pseudo-intellectual'

>> No.3138875

Someone who uses facebook and watches reality TV to have something to make smalltalk about. people who do things that society tells them to do.

>> No.3138880


No, that's just an average person. A pretender at culture would feel himself above such things without realizing he's far from it

>> No.3138887
File: 172 KB, 649x431, 1346783356886.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3138890


I know, I know, I know.

>> No.3138908

I really liked the book, but after finishing it I could see and sort of agree why editors were so hesitant to publish it. I'd say my final verdict on the book is that while it meanders a little bit too much, it does have many brilliant moments to justify the wandering.

>> No.3138950

I still don't get why they hesitated. Maybe it was different in the 60s but works of fiction don't need a point to it. The journey is more important than the destination, and besides they publishes countless books that had a point to them and were much less successful. The publishers even greatly enjoyed it, they just were missing that whatever they needed.

>> No.3138953

>I still don't get why they hesitated
Because the book is drivel for lowest common denominator minds.

>> No.3138965


How so? I found it enormously rewarding as satire, and the laughs were there on nearly every page. The intertextuality of the piece plays to its characterizations well and the dialogue is fucking brilliant. His prose could use a few more chops but it's eminently readable. What were your qualms, exactly?

>> No.3138968

Must be why it netted its author a posthumous Pulitzer.

>> No.3138982

>and the laughs were there on nearly every page.
Murriclaps confirmed for shit tier humour.

>> No.3138986


Whether or not something is funny has no bearing on whether you or I find it as such.

>> No.3140161

Loved the book. My only complaint is that I loved some characters a lot more than others.

I really cannot understand people who dislike this book. I think they're probably boring people and should be shot.

>> No.3140179

>I think this book is one of those American things
You might be on to something. Yuro here, and I passionately hated the half of the book I was able to drag myself through.

>> No.3142173

My mother loves it and it's one of my sister's favourite books. I didn't care for it.

>> No.3142176

it was scarily reflective of my circumstances.

>> No.3142178

I have about a hundred pages left. I can already tell its going to be one of those books that makes me that im finished.

>> No.3142179


>> No.3142203

my name is earl is a very funny show.
I figured it was fairly popular in the uk because when i was there last year it was on constantly.