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/lit/ - Literature

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3138275 No.3138275 [Reply] [Original]

Why not?

>The Wandering Jew - Heym
>The Go-Between - Hartley
>Nightmare Alley - Gresham
>Selected Poems - Tagore
>Alas, Babylon - Frank
>Austerlitz - Sebald
>Impact - Pound
>The Yeats Reader
>Six Novels of Anatole France
>A Farewell To arms, The Sun Also Rises - Hemingway
>Dubliners, Portrait of The Artist - Joyce

>> No.3138314

rotate the image and try again

>> No.3138321
File: 51 KB, 614x572, 1330493582278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buying books

>> No.3138334

There is nothing more classy than going to a well-stocked bookstore and purchasing books with money like any well-heeled gentlemen are expected to do. Only the homeless use librairies

>> No.3138336 [SPOILER] 
File: 246 KB, 960x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought it rotated back to normal when you clicked on it.


>> No.3138346

I bet that didnt even fix it. ):

I actually buy books AND use the library. So I'm only semi-classy.

>> No.3138356
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>only semi-classy.

Get a load of these snoby plebs. Stay in mediocrity trying to be "classy" and be like THA RICH!!!

>> No.3138359

which are you reading first?

Didn't you say in a thread yesterday that you already have books out from the library that you need to read? You were supposed to be getting to that Grossman.

>> No.3138367
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>I can't afford to buy the books I want so I pretend to be indifferent to it

There's always one in these threads.

>> No.3138369

Like the frightened baby chipmunk, your are scared by anything that is different

>> No.3138379

I've spent way too much on books in the last month... most were used, though.

Revenge of the Lawn, The Abortion, and So The Wind Won't Blow it Away - Richard Brautigan
Troutfishing in America - Richard Brautigan
Falling Man - Don DeLillo
Libra - Don DeLillo
To the Lighthouse - Virginia Woolf
The Trees The Trees - Heather Christle
Eeee Eee Eeeee - Tao Lin
Richard Yates - Tao Lin
Stoner - John Williams
The Plague - Albert Camus

I have the same Hemingway editions as you, except mine included For Whom the Bell Tolls, got all three for $15, fuck yeah. Also OP read A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man soon, it's so goddamn beautiful.

>> No.3138380
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Bitch I can afford living my entire life without doing any kind of work. I some times buy books when not available in the net. Not because I want to be classy.

>> No.3138384

Not reading any of these right now, just took the opportunity to stop by Half-Price Books today on the way home from church.

>> No.3138387

Are you a housewife or something?

>> No.3138389
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I can do library check-outs! (ignore the Abe on top)

Older picture, I've read and turned in a few of these already. I also have out The Wall by Marlen Haushofer, Tubutsch by Albert Ehnrenstein, An Offering for the Dead by Hans Erich Nossack + Motorman by David Ohle and The Complete Works of Urmuz for scanning purposes.

Currently reading The Sorrows of Egret Lake.

>> No.3138392


>I some times buy books



I guess this is your way of admitting to the world that you suck dicks, then? Interesting.

>> No.3138399

A few of these books are actually from a Goodwill last week and the Anatole France one is from a sweet antique store in downtown Louisville I was at a few days ago.

>> No.3138417
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No, just a simple man product of a dysfunctional society.
Yeah sorry, I just wanted to get a few laughs and forgot to type the "THOSE" in that meme arrow. And, no, I don't.

>> No.3138420


The Plague and Stoner are both wonderful books. I've been meaning to read A Portrait for a couple of years now but I've never gotten around to starting it.

they had that copy of For Whom the Bell Tolls but I already had one so I didn't get it.

>> No.3138464


>actually purchasing multiple Tao Lin books

Dude.. I'm not even mad. Just.. disappointed..

>> No.3138466

You actually paid for Tao Lin?

Or am I being trolled by Tao again trying to spam his stuff here?

>> No.3138475

He's selling his blender and shit, figured I'd help him out.

>> No.3138487


Don't fund a literary hemorrhoid.

>> No.3138500

But I actually like him, unironically.

>> No.3138512
File: 330 KB, 1600x1050, Bloom-disapproves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3138520

Go to bed, Tao.

>> No.3138531


Please consider rethinking your opinion.

>> No.3138563
