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3137556 No.3137556[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Today I saw all those people waiting in the drive thru of McDonald's. I instantly felt so depressed I couldn't even drive. For no reason... It just made me sad.

Can we share deep, unknown feels in this thread? Literature is all about feels, afterall.

>> No.3137561

>see "missing pet" poster
>day ruined

>> No.3137566

>a solitary red balloon drifts across the horizon

>> No.3137573

Wait. I don't understand. Were you depressed at not having a car, so unable to go through the drive-thru, or depressed at the consumerists buying fast food?

>> No.3137591

I was so depressed, that I could not even keep on driving. I had to stop the car, that is.

>> No.3137599

First ; What's with the gif?
Secondly, and more importantly;
>Being depressed because of stress
>No reason to be stressed, causing more stress
>Grandparents having bloodclots and alzheimer's left and right, making me sad. Not feeling good.

>> No.3137598

Damn, that bird looks just like my ex.

>> No.3137605
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>> No.3137610
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while I was sitting down, I saw something that drove me crazy. Somebody'd written "Fuck you" on the wall. It drove me damn near crazy. I thought how Phoebe and all the other little kids would see it, and how they'd wonder what the hell it meant, and then finally some dirty kid would tell them – all cockeyed, naturally – what it meant, and how they'd all think about it and maybe even worry about it for a couple of days. I kept wanting to kill whoever'd written it. I figured it was some perverty bum that'd sneaked in the school late at night to take a leak or something and then wrote it on the wall. I kept picturing myself catching him at it, and how I'd smash his head on the stone steps till he was good and goddam dead and bloody. But I knew, too, I wouldn't have the guts to do it. I knew that. That made me even more depressed.

>> No.3137611

hey OP in case you didn't already know it you may have clinical depression

>> No.3137612

I feel with you, man. I wonder if there's any recent novel that gives a thorough treatment to all the symptoms of stress in a more lyrical manner. I mean, other than fight club and stuff.

>> No.3137624

Hey OP, I was all set to tear into you for being a dumb classist who thinks people are sad for going to McDonald's

then I realized I could comprehend a similar feel and it wasn't really classist

>> No.3137637

Holy, man. I can't put into words how deep you went now. All so human, so altruistic, so considering of others.

Here, my friends, is a man.

>> No.3137644

Oh, I would kill to find some! I've found some that cover the subject of loneliness and they seemed to help me cope a bit - but none that lyrically manifests how it is to deal with stress.

>> No.3137645

not sure if srs

>> No.3137648

I don't think you guys are doing it right. Those are very clear and understandable feels.

I remember a friend told me in highschool that when he let himself go in math class he'd begin to feel weightless, sad and very aware of the awkward, acne ridden existence of all the students surrounding him.

Seeing the right kind of movie in a theater used to make me feel similar in a more positive way sometimes when I was younger, I'd feel raised up, isolated into the experience and have an extreme
sense of awe.

Hasn't happened for awhile, except when I saw the Master on a huge 65mm screen.

>> No.3137651
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>tfw no gf

>> No.3137676

You guys seriously need to read The Book of Disquiet by Pessoa.

>> No.3137684

Allow me to sound like a young tween girl ; Oh my lord, I very much recall the exact same experiences when I went to the movies when I was younger. And then, once more not too long ago. However, a slight difference. The movie wasn't very good, hardly memorable, But after going out of this intimate little theater where you could get coffee and beer I felt like I was almost hovering. Some part of me was lifted.

>> No.3137687

Who are "you guys"?
Please tell me about it.

>> No.3137692

>staying at a hotel
>looking out the window
>old woman tosses a ball to a dog
>the dog is super energetic and the woman just looks so damn spent and tired
>the dog wants nothing more than to please her but she's too done to be pleased
>stare out the window for three hours

>> No.3137702

Which one was it?

>> No.3137706

>Who are "you guys"?
you feelers
>Please tell me about it.
preexisting online synopses will do a better job than i could, just look it up. it may as well be called "the book of feels".

>> No.3137714

Ah, I feel like a fangirl since I've praised him so many times on the forums ; But Haruki Murakami's novels all deal with loneliness and alienation - and this feel of being caught in everyday action.
Yet he of course spices it up with metaphysical dramas and sex; but at the core it speaks to me and my emotions. I myself read Dance Dance Dance as the first one, and it helps a lot.

>> No.3137719


But you're a boy.

And Murakami is fucking shit.

>> No.3137720

When we got out of the tunnel, Sam screamed this really funny scream, and there it was. Downtown. Lights on buildings and everything makes you wonder. Sam sat down and started laughing. Patrick started laughing. I started laughing.
And in that moment, i swear we were infinite.

>> No.3137730

Let me guess. You decided to take a break from the sofa after your escapist Mad Men episode finished to check the internet for something to jerk off to before the gangster flick begins.

>> No.3137732

I worked at a 7/11 a month ago. One and a half years was how long it took before I broke down and quit. It wasn't the constant disrespect from unintelligent customers, the prospect of making minimum wage in a job that doesn't offer a future, or even the pain of seeing the homeless drug-addicted husks of people waste their money on cigarettes, scratch tickets and junk food. Obese children were what nagged at me everyday.

Going to the gym and preparing traditional meals stopped meaning anything the moment I enabled overweight people to continue abusing themselves, especially those that didn't know any better. It hurt to see the joy of a chubby preschooler who was having sweets purchased for him by an obviously, by the sheer enormity of their form, ignorant and incapable parent. To know that they too would suffer the humiliation of failure in physical activities and the construction of ridiculous rationalizations as to why they are not in shape.

My only solace is that they too may survive the failings of their parents and join me on this path I struggle to stay upon.

>> No.3137733

Alas, I could expect nothing more of you, than that response. Still ; fangirl wasn't literal, and I very much disgree with your points on Murakami's literary proficiency.

>> No.3137739

This is honestly amazing.

>> No.3137754

>see a small family band play in a pub to 5 people
>instantly depressed
>tell friend who i am with
>"what, that isn't depressing, they're having fun!"

>> No.3137760

I think I might have found gold.

>In the midst of painful and confused feelings, we can ask ourselves whether we would be better off without feelings. Does my anxiety serve any purpose? Does my depression have meaning, or is it just biological bad luck? What benefit can there be to obsessive love, unrelenting guilt, repeating seasons of grief? Why do feelings have to be so painful and last so long?

>As we seek answers to the problems posed by our feelings, it may be helpful to appreciate the positive role feelings are meant to play in our life. The more we can align our feelings with a positive understanding of what they can do for us, the more we can try trusting them to carry us forward in our lives.


>> No.3137831

Gold indeed!

>> No.3137933

>In a club with my friend, both incredibly drunk.
>Meet one of the girls from my English criticism seminar.
>Get shots
>Friend leaves the two of us go to the lounge.
>I know she's just using me to get free drink, I know I'm just doing this to get a ride.
>Get more shots (making sure I don't fully pay).
>She asks if we'll get more, instead I go in and start kissing her.
>During it she stops for a second and tells me she has a boyfriend.
>Don't give a fuck and keep at it.
>10 seconds pass before I suddenly awake from my drunken state and see the situation at hand.
>Realise just how shallow we both are and stop the kiss.
>"Anon is everything alright?"
>Disgusted with everyone for being such a slave to drink in order to do/say what they need/want.
>I shake my head, say no and walk away.
>Grabbing my hand she says "Are you angry with me?"
>Take one last look at her, push off her hand and walk away.

>> No.3137950

>reading yuri manga
>confession scene
>they're gonna start dating
>i'm so excited
>seconds later:
>i feel so alone

>> No.3137971

>try to convey thoughts into verbal, written communication.
>over think EVERYTHING
>every small comment or trivial conversation is about negotiating the subtleties of language - making sure to choose words perfectly.
>when will this hell stop?
>tfw I picked this shit up a couple of years ago and can't seem to grow out of it.

>> No.3137972

I can't find meaning in anything because I've analyzed it to an extensive extent. I've traveled through the major philosophical modes of our time- existentialism, determinism- and it's obvious that the whole idea of 'significance' is a human concept. It means nothing. Nothing means anything. It doesn't have to. But we like to think it is. No one shares this nihilism. They can't...see it. But that's good, because then they'd feel as hopeless and wandering as do.

>> No.3137977


>> No.3137991

Once I discovered that my lover was in fact my lover and that I had—in trying to avoid murdering my father—actually murdered my father.

I plunged my mother's dress pin into both my eyes, blinding myself.

>> No.3138001

Oedipus... Classic. Literally... one of the classics.

>> No.3138039

High art has the best feels.

>> No.3138063
File: 135 KB, 609x797, gordonpicasso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christ, when she looks at me with that face at the end of the gif, my insides just sort of melt, and I'm consumed with guilt. It's like "what do you want from me? I'll give you anything, just please don't start to cry!"

>> No.3138067

this is pathetic

>> No.3138077

>please don't start to cry!
I don't get that at all. She is trying to look as sexual as possible. She is filming for a screenshot to post on tumblr, and trying to exert as much feminine appeal as she can to make you want to fuck her.

>> No.3138094
File: 185 KB, 448x338, Picture 35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this is the tumblr shot she wanted.

>> No.3138099

Constipated retarded cat?

So sexy

>> No.3138109

She should have just grabbed her tits then

>> No.3138125

I didn't say I found her sexy, I was just armchair-psychoanalysing her intention.

>> No.3138157

>Halloween night
>My friend and I go to a club for a halloween party
>I dance with a few girls and try to talk to them but they're all so dumb and don't want to talk about anything interesting. It's all "Where are you going later? We should go to (some place) and get fucked up after this party!"

It just made me feel awful, as if the world is littered with sedated happy people and I'm the only guy that values anything more than getting fucked up. (don't get me wrong it's fun but what the fuck?)

>> No.3138158

>Derived from the Yaghan language of Tierra del Fuego
>Refers to "a look shared by two people, each wishing that the other will offer something that they both desire but are unwilling to suggest or offer themselves."

>> No.3138174

>take the bus to school
>have to go through a shit neighborhood
>little kid and his mother get on the bus outside a swap meet (flea market)
>his clothes are dirty but his shoes are clean even if they are cheap
>they sit across the aisle from me
>he looks at me and i smile back
>he points to his shoes and asks me if i like them
>i tell him that they're very nice
>he smiles back, proud of his new shoes

i really felt terrible.

>> No.3138208
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That's capitalism.


>> No.3138217

Gotta love the Floyd.

>> No.3138232

did that mouse died?

>> No.3138241

I feel a little embarrassed about saying this but:

>read 6th Harry Potter book
>get to the point where Harry is breaking up with his girlfriend
>he starts to explain why they can't be together
>she says (paraphrase), "It's because of some stupid honor thing isn't it"
>get really depressed all of the sudden

>> No.3138247

All mice die.

>> No.3138255
File: 150 KB, 592x800, John Keats by Joseph Severn (oil on canvas, 1821-1823, dated 1821).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whenever I go out with a lot of my friends and have a really good time, I feel really empty and depressed afterward for a while.

>> No.3138257

You can't dismiss them as sedated because they were at a club on Halloween and all they wanted to do was party. That's more or less natural. I'm not saying you are a prude, but maybe you should have stayed home that night since you didn't feel like them. That's what I did.

>> No.3138258

I know that feel.

>> No.3138270

Quite frankly, it's a man's job. If you didn't know that, your mother has failed your education.

>> No.3138272
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Same. I then spend like a week worrying that there is something wrong with me. Does not feel Goodman.

>> No.3138273

what do you do if you do not know what to do?

>> No.3138276

How to stop feeling like this whenever there's social interaction?

>> No.3138284

Ok, here's the deal.

You could say you would then have a few options:
1. Pick an option at random
2. Get more information, then, now able to comprehend all ends, choosing an option
3. Not choosing altogether

But there's yet another issue here. How to choose between the three if you do not know what to do?

You'd then have a repetition of the possibilities, except this time the results would be different.

My brain just fried a little, from all the implications.

>> No.3138288

I more or less feel this way whenever I go out to any club though. If I take molly or something the music is amazing, people are fun, and everything is nice at face value and then when I actually start talking to the people surrounding me they're solely obsessed with the most superficial things.

>> No.3138297

ok, supposing i chose option 2, what would then be the option of choice?

>> No.3138365

If you choose two, the first time said situation arises, you "knew" what to do. If you don't know what to do, then you can't choose. I think that's my point.

>> No.3138403

Finally get over my irrational lust for women and start focusing on school and work.
Suddenly women find you more attractive because you no longer a desperate little bitch.
The second I start hanging out with them I will no longer have time for work and end up being a desperate little bitch.
Endless cycle man.

>> No.3138439
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i've been thinking a lot lately about the meaning of life and our perception of reality and the concept of infinite space and how strange daily life is when looked at with fresh eyes and how we get absorbed into our little world.
i can't look at anything the same right now. i'm sure i will get caught back up in reality sometime, but i just feel small.

>> No.3138449

A couple of weeks ago I was taking a shit on my break at work, and I saw someone had written "ICUP" on the wall. And I was just appalled, shocked that people can still say this. How long have we been using it, twenty, thirty years? I was laughing out loud.

>> No.3138456

There is no purpose, we just do shit.

>> No.3138498

I picked up a dead moth on a windowsill once. As I was carrying it over to a garbage can I started to tear up. Just thinking about how it used to be alive and how it had tiny little organs got to me.

>> No.3138514

To make it really short because I don't feel assed to try and pick apart my emotions right now lest I start bawling again this will be done in greentext.

>Mom and I have a really rocky relationship that was surprisingly on the up and up until a few weeks ago
>"I love you, but you're not how I wanted you to turn out..."
>Remember reading Flannery O'Connor's Everything That Rises Must Converge
>Realize with a gut wrenching feeling that the relationship between Julian and his mother is how we both act toward each other
>Feel like a failure and an asshole by proxy
>Wonder if we'll ever mutually realize how much our relationship with each other matters until it's too late

>> No.3138529

this better not be the precursors of some weekly then daily feel thread bullshit like what happened to /fit/.

saged and reported. everyone in this thread needs to be banned.

>> No.3138580

it's ok to feel sometimes, let it all out.

>> No.3138586

Why does it have to be recent?

>> No.3138597
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I have the same feelings, but with historical people. Even fictional historical people. The idea that they worked so hard and their kingdom fell anyway (or anything to that effect), that it's not here anymore actually get's me sobbing when I'm having a bad day.

>> No.3138741

But not all mice truly live.