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/lit/ - Literature

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3134826 No.3134826[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are you currently reading

>pic related

>> No.3134840

The Broom of the System - David Fostr Wallace
'Tis - Frank McCourt
Battle Born - Claire Vaye Watkins

>> No.3134844


>> No.3134847

Haven't decided between The Deerslayer (James Fenimore Cooper), and The Inheritors (William Golding).

>> No.3134849

Fight Club - Chuck Palahniuk
Witchcraft: A Mystery Tradition - Raven Grimassi

I'm ready for the shitstorm.

>> No.3134873
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>> No.3134888
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>> No.3134889

Crime and Punishment (Dostoyevsky) and The Sound and Fury (Faulkner)

>> No.3134915

I'm considering reading BotS or Infinite Jest, how is Broom? Worth checking out or should I just jump in to IJ?

>> No.3134922

I'm enjoying it thus far. It's a fairly quick read, so I figure you may as well check it out.

>> No.3134930
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>> No.3134936

The Song of Roland

>> No.3134953

Slow Learner, a collection of Pynchon's earlier stories. I'm not really into it, though. I might pick up some more Dostoevsky soon.

>> No.3134968

stranger in a strange land

>> No.3135013

David Hume's ethical writings
Kant's Groundwork of the metaphysics of morals
Korsgaard's creating the kingdom of ends

>> No.3135036
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I apologize

>> No.3135065

I'm afraid that if I read these again my childhood memories of them will be shattered

>> No.3135118


embarrassed to admit this is my first read through. I got into the series after it was finished, saw all the movies and am just now reading them. /shame

>> No.3135160

Underworld - Don DeLillo
Native Son - Richard Wright

>> No.3135166

Don DeLillo- Libra (almost done)
Deleuze- Empiricism and Subjectivity

>> No.3135214

I've just started Don Quixote. Surprisingly entertaining

>> No.3135220

thats pretty cute I'm glad yr reading them you like em? pretty great, huh?

>> No.3135246

I had forgotten how much they changed book to book until I re-read them a while back. It never dawned on me just how much they mature. I suppose that is part of the appeal though.

>> No.3135263

Marshall McLuhan

I have made zero progress in the past month however. Too depressed to read.

>> No.3135275

The Broom of the System - David Foster Wallace

Sea of Ink - Richard Weihe

The Story of Philosophy - Will Durant

>> No.3135298
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i finally started.

>> No.3135316
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>tfw I didn't do Classics in high school or college

>> No.3135359

The Moonstone - Wilkie

>> No.3135363

Highly recommend the TTC lecture series by Kenneth Harl as a supplementary, and Donald Kagan's Peloponnesian War

>> No.3135367

Crimen and Punishment
sadly, in my opinion a poorly translated edition, with some mistakes in the order of the pages in chapter 3.
I'm not sure if I should continue reading it.

>> No.3135368

How does that book read?

>> No.3135376

Get the Penguin edition, man. The David McDuff translation is good.

>> No.3135387

The Road by Cormac McCarthy. I'm usually high when I read it.

>> No.3135389

Stop and find a good translation. I couldn't enjoy Demons because of a shitty translation, and now I'll probably have to read it again in the future, just to give it a fair shake.

>> No.3135391

How is BotS?

>> No.3135893

the Unbearable Lightness of Being Milan Kundera

>> No.3135896

by Milan Kundera

>> No.3135900

I was so pissed off when Yossarians plane gets shot down at the end. I still can't believe Milo stole the only working parachute.

>> No.3135923
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>> No.3136427
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>> No.3136429

heh heh

>> No.3136440

Rereading Ulysses, taking notes this time.

>> No.3136442
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>> No.3136444

Not the guy you asked, but it's rather wonderful. It's a really enjoyable read. I think people would benefit reading it before Infinite Jest, but it's certainly good in its own right.

>> No.3136445
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almost finished. : - )

>> No.3136446
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<<<<<<< this.

>> No.3136453

Being and nothingness

Sarte is a shit writer

>> No.3136458
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In direct translation: "Matter and Values: Neolucretianism of Stanislaw Lem"

>> No.3136479
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Someone here recommended it as being eye opening.

It really is.

Herman Hesse

>> No.3136482


I bought this the other day, though I haven't had chance to start it yet. Good to know :P

>> No.3136505

It starts with someone telling you that he found this script, that´s not true, it´s just part of the story.

I felt stupid because I actually believed him.

>> No.3136518
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First time, too.

>> No.3136520
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<<< Diary of a Nobody - Essentially a humorous slice of life of a middle-class family in Victorian Britain. Quite short but also quite interesting, worth the £2 I spent on it due to Wordsworth

>> No.3136526
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I don't understand it.

It just seems like the ramblings of a heroin addict.

>> No.3136540

infinite jest

even tho its pretty autistic, i really enjoy it

>> No.3136570

Books mad good. Finished it in a weekend I was so wrapped up in it.

To answer your question though:
>The Power and The Glory

>> No.3136574

That's actually next on my list. I read No Country for Old Men and was actually shocked at how good it was. How's it so far?

>> No.3136617
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Currently reading this motherfucker right here.

I made it to book 3 the other day and just stopped for a break. After reading The Wind-Up Bird and A Wild Sheep Chase, I figured this would be spectacular. I was half-right.

The more Murakami I read, the more I find myself not liking his character's way of thinking. They assume too much, like, WAY too much, and I think he only does that so his wacky stories can progress. I'm enjoying the book, but I'm just wondering how it's going to end.

>> No.3136623

The White Guard, by Mikhail Bulgakov. Damn good.

>> No.3136624

1Q84 - Haruki Murakami

>> No.3136627

I will start War and Peace in a few days.

>> No.3136630


snap same book

>> No.3136650

300 pages into Brothers Karamazov now. It's a very good Finnish translation, and I've enjoyed the book immensely. Two thirds left.

>> No.3136665

also reading Thucydides

largely because i'm going to try entering the Vellacott History Prize essay competition that cambridge uni does.

>> No.3136666

A Canticle for Leibowitz - Walter M. Miller, Jr
We'll Always Have Paris - Ray Bradbury

>> No.3136687


and I fucking hate it

>> No.3136690

Íslendingabók, once more.

As an aside, I'm always fascinated by these threads. It's interesting to see which books appear regularly (in some cases, nearly every time), and how often things like >>3134936 pop up.

>> No.3136753
File: 25 KB, 306x489, requiem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished Doors of Perception... piece of fkin shit that
Gonna start Requiem for a dream tonight, or tomorrow.

>> No.3136765

I wish I'd read that before watching the film. I've watched the film but I can only imagine that the book will be boring knowing what happens.

I'm currently reading Will Grayson, Will Grayson. I didn't expect it to be so child-like, but I quite like it. It occasionally gets a bit dis-interesting, but it quickly peaks interest again shortly after.

>> No.3136792

American Psycho is one of my favorite films (inb4shitstorm) and watched that 2-3 times before reading the book which I enjoyed even more; so I'm certain I won't get bored reading Requiem for a Dream, since it is also one of my favorite films.

>> No.3136799
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>> No.3136812

I ordered Neuromancer, The Bonfire of the Vanities, and House of Leaves through my library, but it's closed today and tomorrow for Veteran's day.

I'll probably finish Fluke or The Lust Lizard of Melancholy Cove today.

>> No.3136841
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From 1962 and very informative.

>> No.3136932

Andy Warhol Diaries and The state of siege - camus

>> No.3136954

for whom the bell tolls

feels kinda like one of the best books i've ever read, so far.

>> No.3136956

Horrible book.

>> No.3136963

>What are you currently reading

4chan, obviously. Are you fucking retarded or something?

>> No.3136977

oscar wilde's plays

theyre actually pretty funny

>> No.3137228

Endgame. Well, I just finished it about an hour ago. So, nothing at the moment.

>> No.3137280

snow crash

>> No.3137290

a collection of works by Carl Jung on dreams

>> No.3137294

I read like 6 books simultaneously.
Postwar is the centerpiece, then there are other supporting historical books and articles. Love being unemployed student.

>> No.3137298
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>> No.3137363
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>> No.3137377
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Thoroughly enjoying this series so far.

>> No.3137393
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A home at the end of the world.

>> No.3137399

All quiet on the western front

>> No.3137404

Just finished The Rings of Saturn today.

Don Quixote


The Man who was Thursday. I'll probably finish this soon aswell. Maybe tonight.

>> No.3137418

The Sound and the Fury

Catch-22 was the last book I read (for the first time). Pretty goddamn amazing.

>> No.3139078
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Finding it kinda "meh" so far.

>> No.3139083

I found it meh until a few months after I finished it. Also, the fire analogy the guy uses for himself/his son has really stuck with me.

>> No.3139117
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fuck yes, very good!

Pynchon said Warlock is one of America's best novels, so I thought I'd give it a go.

>> No.3139218

Ohh! Please let us know what you think when you're done! I've been wanting to read this for some time but haven't gotten around to it.

>> No.3139221

I read it in an Africa 1870 - 1945 class, so it had a lot of resonance. As a novel, it's okay.

>> No.3139226
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Don't know if I will finish. Problem with many short story collections, some are fantastic and others are shit. Right now the story I am reading falls into the latter category.

>> No.3139254

I really enjoyed this, it's not the greatest piece I've ever read but it did have a large impact on me. Was kind of odd to read about the things people my age and younger had to do. A very humbling read, I think this is something I'd recommend quite a lot to people in the future.

>> No.3139268

For all the not-so-exciting parts it is quite eye-opening. I can vividly remember how I felt when he sat on the stairs and was looking at that flower and that last 1/4 has to be one of my favorite endings ever, I recall having a very intense experience with it. Hope you have fun with it.
and you too

>> No.3139343

Finally somone who is reading the books as well. I'm just a bit into book one, and I do like them ; Although the style is different from eg. Dance Dance Dance and Norwegian Wood. But I do enjoy it so far ; very mysterious stuff tho'.

>> No.3139347

same here, surprised at how engaging it is. It doesn't feel dated despite being written before shakespeare.

>> No.3139349
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>> No.3139352

Whenever someone says they're reading a famous book, all I feel is contempt for them that they feel the need to inform people, and also that they haven't read it sooner.

>> No.3139355

Same here man. Nearly done tough. Found it quite a hard read.

>> No.3139357

It's not a race you cunt.

>> No.3139358

you dick, spoiler your shit

>> No.3139360

There are too many famous novels out there though! Why feel contemptuous, you should feel interested and encourage them, they're not reading trash fic, should make people feel more accepted for reading the good stuff.

>> No.3139361

if your experience is anything like mine, you'll love Neuromancer

>> No.3139363

I know but in real life, if someone say's they're reading or is seen reading famous/'deep' book #3205, people flock to them going 'ooh aren't you smart' etc and strike up conversation and is well liked for it. Meanwhile I who am sat alone, reading something light or something unpopular am left glaring at them thinking 'the only reason I'm not popular right now is because I already read that book fucking ages ago, you complete dicknugget, but I'm going to look like a total shit if I just stroll up and say that, so I'll just continue to sit here and glower while nobody is interested in what I'm reading'.

>> No.3139372

Geez! Stop being so bitter and lonely and just relish in your book.
And TBH; people don't just talk because of the book, they talk because you seem accessable and open; Even if you sit around reading some Dan Brown crap people might come up and ask "Whatcha reading?"

>> No.3139403

The thread was so friendly until this autist came along

>> No.3139406


Stop being concerned about projecting your status through your reading material

>> No.3139410

Besides stuff for class, I'm reading Thelma by Marie Corelli. I'm really grateful to that NotBillMurray guy for bringing her up once. It's weird that she was so popular in her day but completely fell out of favor later on. She's pretty good.

>> No.3139528
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I finished 1Q84 during this 20-hour train ride to NYC and I ended up feeling like it wasn't as good as his other work. I didn't really feel like he was communicating the characters' emotions as eloquently as he did in other books. Aomame just started to feel sort of annoying, especially in Book 3. I guess I might re-read it later to see if my opinions change but I think that it could have been pared down quite a bit without losing much. I usually recommend Wind-Up Bird to people who are considering reading 1Q84.

That said, currently reading Simon Morden's Equations of Life. Dat pulpy sci-fi to distract you from bad MFA-program writing...

>> No.3139604

Voltaire - Candide, Micromegas and Zadig, plus some other collected works. I have to say, he is a rather underwhelming writer, technically-speaking, of course,

>> No.3139607
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>> No.3139610

i've been reading The Stand for maybe a month

>> No.3139613
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>> No.3140091


>> No.3140332
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>> No.3140353

Good man.

>> No.3140357

I never get a chance to read anything that's not course-related.

Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay.

>> No.3140382
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It starts out weak, but builds up very nicely.

>> No.3140386

Blade Runner, i like it

>> No.3140392
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>> No.3140396

so /lit/ doesn't like it?

>> No.3140398

Blade Runner isn't a book. Are you daft?

>> No.3140403

Are you talking about Do Android Drsam of Elctric Sheep? Or this:


>> No.3140405

There and Back Again

>> No.3140407

Look at all the typo

>> No.3140408

well here in germany it is being published as "Blade Runner" Original name is "Do Androids dream of Electric Sheep", but that was impossible to get. And I read it for fun and not because I want to have an awesome cover.

>> No.3140415

Like an actual copy of There and Back again or The Hobbit? Or is it something entirely different?

>> No.3140440


>> No.3140444

A Farewell to Arms.

>> No.3140446
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Picked it up from a thrift store for £1.75
Not read before, enjoying it thus far.

>> No.3140564

The Bobby Fischer biography? Fantastic book.

>> No.3140569

I just got The Red Book. Wow.

>> No.3140638

My favorite series of all time. I found a first edition copy of the Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide for 2 Dollars a few months ago, and I read them all over again.

>> No.3140909

Dostoevsky's Devils. It's really good, but I'm glad I'm reading it after having studied the time period and read a lot of the people he references. Definitely more difficult than the other Dostoevsky I have read (C+P, Notes and Brothers)

>> No.3140969
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this and some emerson, hawthorne, and thoreau for class

>> No.3140979

Looking for Alaska. just finished it last night.. still can't get over it

>> No.3141012

>Will Grayson, Will Grayson


>> No.3141015
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About to start. Any opinions?

>> No.3141027

I found Devils to be a very fun read. Didn't really have any problem with difficulty. I started Raw Youth a while ago, that one I still haven't finished.

>> No.3141049

I loved Greene in highschool. Paper Towns is still one of my favorite books.

>> No.3141060
File: 41 KB, 326x500, DistrustOP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really interesting and informative essays, particularly "Disneyland With the Death Penalty" and "Rocket Radio"
Also, I'm trying to start River of Gods, but I keep on getting off track, which is what I'm doing right now.

>> No.3141077

whoa...You have some serious issues with social envy man.

>> No.3141096
File: 326 KB, 666x1000, 9780374169916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its sick2dope

>> No.3141135

this shit was fucking cash yo

>> No.3141141
File: 37 KB, 330x500, Warm+Bodies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Warm Bodies.

I swear. It is truly amazing. Just... amazing.

>> No.3141156

you sure it's the same book just titled differently? I read somewhere that they made a book from the movie that's different than Dick's. either way, I love do Androids dream.

>> No.3141697

Just finished reading Clive Barker's Books of Blood, about to jump back into the Gaunt's Ghosts series.
Self terminate.

>> No.3141841

Angels & Demons.

>> No.3141856


What didn't you like about The Doors of Perception ? Slow and tedious read ? Dull ? Expected more substance ?

>> No.3141862


Eh, I'm liking Angels & Demons so far.

Why it crap ?

>> No.3141866


What was your favorite story? I'd say mine was Pig Blood Blues. That concept is so unsettling.

>> No.3141868

Taking a break from Ulysses with some Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.

>> No.3141872


Hmm. It's meh. I enjoyed the misogyny, though.

If you want a better read by him, try Brave New World.

Ape and Essence has half the substance that BnW has.

>> No.3141940


>It's meh. I enjoyed the misogyny, though.

lol, oh /lit/...

>> No.3142593

Thats the name of the book here. Probably to boost the sales. It lists the original name of the book as "Do Androids dream of electric Sheep?".

Also finished it and started to read Ubik

>> No.3142620

Good Omens

>> No.3142646

what is wrong with you

>> No.3142973

I just started this yesterday. Surprised at how easy it it to understand, I'm too dense to get more than four chapters into Ulysses.

>> No.3142986

I just finished it yesterday.
I've never had so many damn feels from one little book.
I don't understand why The Sun Also Rises is considered better.

>> No.3142987

Got half way through and just put it down. Shit book is shit.

>> No.3143951

Pig Blood Blues was pretty good, but I'd have to say my favorite is a tie between The Yattering and Jack and Sex, Death and Starshine.

>> No.3143985

Loved it, most of my friend hated it. Admittedly, I was really underwhelmed while reading it. I thought it was going to be a lot better, but boy, after about a week after I finished it, I loved the shit out of it. Love Kurtz so much.

Catch 22
Paradiso (can't stand Dante anymore, will probably just drop it).

>> No.3144010
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Interesting look on the relationship between film, photography, and the fine art.

>> No.3144018
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>inb4 MACFAG!
Posting from a PC running Windows 7 with Fedora on a separate HDD(that I switch between).

It is a good biography so far though, I have to admit. The author doesn't whitewash Steve's life for the most part so it stays fairly objective.

>> No.3144071

Just finished Libra and now reading Zola's La Bete humaine. Almost done Conversations with David Foster Wallace, too.

>> No.3144107

World War Z - Max Brooks
Cloud Atlas - David Mitchell
Demons - Dostoyevski

>> No.3144113

Actual macfags have complained it doesn't portray the technological side accurately. Personally, I think they're retarded

>> No.3144116
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>> No.3144125

i love it, even though what he is doing is reprehensible i cant help but like Humbert and his writing style. it is almost whimsical

>> No.3144141

King Lear.