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/lit/ - Literature

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3133042 No.3133042 [Reply] [Original]

hey /lit, i just read swann's way by marcel proust and then a couple of gabriel garcia marquez's books. i also really liked the unbearable lightness of being by milan kundera. what should i read next? thanks.

pic unrelated, it's from when i went to italy.

>> No.3133044

Oh Italy, ye discreetly withering flower of olde

>> No.3133063

The rest of In Search of Lost Time..? You've already started...

>> No.3133070
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tfw those flowers are dead now

>> No.3133079

yeah dude

nah i don't want to read that much proust at once. i do plan on reading them eventually though.

>> No.3133085
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>tfw you too will die

>> No.3133087
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>Kees Popinga is an average man, a solid citizen who might enjoy a game of chess in the evening. But one night, this model husband and devoted father discovers his boss is bankrupt and that his own carefully tended life is in ruins. Before, he had watched impassively as the trains swept by; now he catches the first one out of town and soon, commits murder before the night is out. How reliable is even the most reliable man's identity?

>Georges Simenon (1903-1989) was born in Liege, Belgium. He went to work as a reporter at the age of fifteen and in 1923 moved to Paris, where under various pseudonyms he became a highly successful and prolific author of pulp fiction while leading a dazzling social life. In the early 1930s, Simenon emerged as a writer under his own name, gaining renown for his detective stories featuring Inspector Maigret. He also began to write his psychological novels, or romans durs - books in which he displays a sympathetic awareness of the emotional and spiritual pain underlying the routines of daily life. Having written nearly two hundred books under his own name and become the best-selling author in the world, Simenon retired as a novelist in 1973, devoting himself instead to dictating memoirs that filled thousands of pages.

>> No.3133091

have you read all of Dostoyevsky? That might be a good place to go next. Or Gogol

>> No.3133096

>tfw when my thread is turning into a feel thread

thank you, i'll check it out

i haven't read any actually. i've been meaning to, maybe i'll start now. thank you

>> No.3133101
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go now and devour his works