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/lit/ - Literature

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3131931 No.3131931 [Reply] [Original]

What is lit's opinion on this?

>> No.3131961

Well, you see OP...

Hyperions are...a lot like rocks, in that they're hard and dirty.

>> No.3132240

It's kind of like a sci-fi Canterbury Tales. Dan Simmons is a great author.

>> No.3132285

I'm ordering this, thanks OP =-)

>> No.3132383

>>3131931 See ya later, Alligator

>> No.3132398

I'd say on the same level of Sci-Fi as Dune, if not higher.

> a sci-fi Canterbury Tales
That's because the complete structure is taken from the Canterbury Tales - multiple interleaving stories of pilgrims travelling to a shrine (shrike), where each pilgrim gets to tell part of the story

>> No.3132449

Currently on Rise of Endymion.

I love the series, sci-fi canterbury tales is dead on and definitely intentional by Simmons. The last two books pick up about 250 years later with only one or two similar characters but it does continue the story nicely.

The classic literature and poetry can be a little forced sometimes but it's cool to see a sci-fi book blend it as well as it does.

I would recommend it and the following three books in the cantos.

>> No.3132542

Love it. Dan Simmons' ideas are crazy enough to be fascinating. I hope they never ruin it by making it into a film.

>> No.3132577

Apparently, Warner Bros. is working on it.

>> No.3133047
File: 14 KB, 299x475, Solaris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meh SciFi. Not too shitty as it has a pretty interesting atmosphere. But it finally fails to deliver. Can not even remotely be compared to giants like Lem or Strugatzkij Brothers.

>> No.3133062

It's very much like Lost. You wait and wait for explanations and an ending and it's all for nothing.

>> No.3133363

There's still hope (at least for me) for it to fall apart :(

>> No.3133410

I wish there were a book that offered well-written, concise precises of the best science fiction novels. Something similar to what Bolano did in "Fascist Literature in the Americas" or Borges' reviews of fictional books.

I read science fiction almost entirely for the ideas and worlds they offer, not plot or characters.

(Ex. I'd never read Hyperion, but I loved reading the plot summary on Wikipedia. It'd be nice if it were better written and compiled with other works.)

Does something like this exist?

>> No.3135401
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Andymon and Pulaster from Steinmüller. 80s commie SciFi, not much action, lot's of description and society analysis. First is about the first generation of a seedship arriving at the target planet, the second one about relations of a human colony with stone-age alien natives.
But it may be hard to get it in any language than German.

>> No.3135428

You could try more "non-fiction" books on SF like " The Secret History of Science Fiction" or "The Hard SF Renaissance", or short-story collections - the SF short story is more based on the exploration of an idea than on the exploration of humans.

>> No.3135454

Not precisely, but you will probably get a lot out of some time spent digging around http://www.sf-encyclopedia.com/ (especially the concept section).

> the SF short story is more based on the exploration of an idea than on the exploration of humans.

Ehhhhhh, I would say that's a false dichotomy (although I see where you're coming from).

>> No.3135550

it's worth reading. although the hoops he makes his characters jump through, in order to get to the destination that they don't reach until the fourth book... hoo boy. i'd like to know if he planned the bad guys - and i won't spoiler by saying which ones - from the start. bad guys seemed to change from the first book to the fourth.

also, Fuck Cardinal Lourdusamy, the fat sadistic bastard.

>> No.3135587

I liked the world, and thought the first two books were really good. Third was Ok, but I didn't really go for the space jeebus stuff, and was a bit disappointed when aliens were introduced.