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/lit/ - Literature

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3130376 No.3130376 [Reply] [Original]

How can one man be so pleb?

>> No.3130382

You're on the wrong board, dilettante. >>>/mu/

>> No.3130394

Jesus Christ, what a fucking retard?

>> No.3130396


I guess i'm the only retard here.

>> No.3130400

every movie he named is bad except possible 'the kid with a bike'.

>> No.3130404

Moonrise Kingdom is excellent, and Looper is enjoyable at the very least.

>> No.3130409

wes anderson is fucking terrible.

>> No.3130416

>A bloo bloo my favourite films are Transformers and American Psycho and my hobbies include burning ants and wearing black because I am so edgy

>> No.3130417

I wouldn't say Moonrise Kingdom is excellent, but it is very enjoyable. I like the style and the story is cute, but I didn't feel as if I had learned a great deal from the film. Then again I was a Stanley Kubrick fanboy in my teen years and not a lot of films live up to his work.

>> No.3130418
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beasts of the southern wild
I almost had a psychotic episode when my girlfriend made me see it with her. We were surrounded by fat old couples and this one black lady kept crying, Holy fucking fuck, it was the worst movie I've ever seen, it had no fucking direction, no meaning, bad music, okay acting, but ohhh myyy goodddddd it was glorifying this fucking nigger from louisiana making his child live in poverty, fuck it so much, holy fuck

>> No.3130422

>entry-level wannabe hipster trying to condescend me

oh man i am furious

>> No.3130425
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>The Dark Knight Rises

>> No.3130429

>Entry-level wannabe teenager trying to pretend he's hit puberty yet

>> No.3130426

Sorry but I just can't take this guy serious.
He was a one hit wonder with American Psycho, most of his other books (or all of them) are crap.
He takes it up himself to flame DFW and call him an untalented retard.

And BEE said he is very interested in writing the screenplay for the 50 Shades of Grey movie adaption. Well why have dignity if there is money to make. Fuck I hate that guy.

>> No.3130433
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>> No.3130432
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>> No.3130443

In relativity to other superhero films it could be considered as such. Then again that would be like saying Atlas Shrugged is good in comparison to other female literature.

>> No.3130446

Atlas shrugged isn't even that. Have you ever read Orlando?

>> No.3130447



>that plot synopsis

>> No.3130449


Moonrise is style over substance.

Just like every film Wes Anderson ever made

>> No.3130448

>The Master

nothing to see here. whoever agrees with that guy is a cinematographic baby pleb

>> No.3130453

It certainly has more substance than most of the bullshit COD generation films these days.

>> No.3130455
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>> No.3130456

W-what is that supposed to mean?

>> No.3130459
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He's right about Moonrise Kingdom and Looper.
He's wrong about Prometheus.

>> No.3130465

>but I didn't feel as if I had learned a great deal
What makes you think a film owes you a lesson in the first place?
You can enjoy Kubrick as well as entertainment cinema, you know...

>> No.3130468

I really really liked Prometheus.

>> No.3130473


That's like saying one turd smells better than the other turd.

>> No.3130469

I do think he is some kind of troll mastermind. I have trouble believing that someone who wrote as novel as... 'coherent' as American Psycho could be this much a retard.

>> No.3130471

I really liked Prometheus as well. I wish every movie didnt get me excited and then get reviewed at like 40-60 at rottentomatoes.

>> No.3130476

The style IS the substance, dude. You can't judge film by literary standards... well, you CAN, but you shouldn't. It's a visual medium first and foremost.

>> No.3130480

Exactly. It's like saying "The Mona Lisa didn't teach me anything, it is a piece of shit."

>> No.3130489

The Mona Lisa taught me that woman are cunts.

>> No.3130520


So if I painted the Mona Lisa on a dried up dog turd, would that mean the turd is a thing of art and has substance?

>> No.3130522

The turd, in this case, would take the place of the canvas, you turd.

>> No.3130524

No, it's just the medium for the art itself.

>> No.3130531


Guys, he's trolling. It's all he does.

>> No.3130539

Fuck off back to /mu/

>> No.3130547

As a relentless storm is approaching a bayou community called as the "Bathtub" (a community cut off from the rest of the world by a levee), six-year old Hushpuppy (Quvenzhané Wallis) appears optimistic along with her unhealthy hot-tempered father, Wink (Dwight Henry). Hushpuppy believes that her community has more holiday than the rest of the society. Hushpuppy listens to animal heartbeats and states that all living things have a heartbeat, and they all speak in a language she cannot understand, but she believes they’re just hungry. The children in school are being taught by Miss Bathsheba (Gina Montana) on how to survive and the release of a ruthless prehistoric creatures called "Aurochs" from the melting ice caps.