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3129169 No.3129169 [Reply] [Original]

I don't know if is the right place to ask, but I'll give it a shot anyway.

Is there a place on the internet where I can read interviews with serial killers, or even better download .PDF files of the interviews?

>Any recommendations for decent books on serial killers would also be appreciated, the majority of what I come across while searching is fluffy ''true crime'' nonsense.

>> No.3129183

The Stranger Beside Me by Ann Rule is absolutely incredible. I don't think true crime could possibly be written any better.

There are plenty of lengthy interviews and documentaries available on Hulu regarding Ted Bundy, Ottis Toole, Henry Lee Lucas, Jeffrey Dahmer, John Wayne Gacey, Albert Fish, Richard Kuklinski, Joel Rifkin, David Berkowitz, and others.

>> No.3129188

Thanks i'll check out The Stranger Beside Me.

Unfortunately I'm in the UK, so I have no access to Hulu, access is blocked from here.

>> No.3129663

There's some interesting stuff on feastofhateandfear.com, OP. A Richard Ramirez interview, I think.

>> No.3129745

You might be really interested in a couple of books in particular, which I have in my own library. (Physical copies; none of this gay pussy shit that floats around on the Internet, but actual, awesome books.) Allow me to provide you a list. It'll take a minute because I have a number of suggestions and want to and give you links and descriptions to everything, because I'm pretty baked and don't have much else to do, and I like hooking people up with fascinating books about/by serial killers.

Also, in b4 accusations of edgy teen. I'm well out of that phase, I collected them for research for a pair of novels I'm working on. I find their psychology to be something of a morbid fascination for me, and firsthand accounts from them are always really interesting.

>> No.3129759
File: 18 KB, 224x299, ian brady.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gates of Janus, by Ian Brady
A serial killer's perspective on serial killers; a masturbatory work that explores serial killing from a philosophical side courtesy of the pompous Ian Brady, who devotes chapter after chapter to profiling the psychology of various killers and types of killers. Really, really fascinating, fucked up, and completely pompous as one would expect.

Face to Face with Evil, by Dr. Chris Cowley
More of the child-killer, this time as he exchanges letters with Dr. Cowley; an excellent companion/contrast piece to Brady's Janus book.

Lustmord: The Writings and Artifacts of Murderers
Serial killers, spree killers, sadists, cannibals, this book has writing from a massive amount of killers. Letters, journals, drawings, photographs, all sorts of really interesting shit is in this one, it's right up your alley.

>> No.3129763
File: 189 KB, 424x500, bundy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Panzram: A Journal of Murder by Carl Panzram
Though I admit I've not had the opportunity to properly sit down and read it in its entirety, it is the absolutely fascinating memoir of the brutish Carl Panzram. Fascinating, fucked up. I found myself feeling pity for him after reading half of it, a testament to how good the most truly frightening monsters are at inciting sympathy from the compassionate.

Ted Bundy: Conversations With A Killer by Hugh Aynesworth
Ah, Bundy. Bundy, Bundy. He's an absolute gem. Mai husbando. And this book is nothing but interview after interview with him, as he tapdances, justifies, talks about himself without talking about himself. He is the absolute, textbook psychopath. I recently read the book Without Conscience, as well as Serial Murderers and their Victims (http://amzn.com/0495600814)) and a few other books on psychology and it's amazing to read the ways Bundy exemplifies every single one of the traits of a psychopath, right down to his speech patterns and facial mannerisms. Relatedly...

Ted Bundy: The Last Interview
Watch as everybody's favorite lady killer blames pornography for all of societies ills and is general a complete and total weasel down to his very last breath.

>> No.3129765

Gee, Youtube link, thanks for disappearing.

>> No.3129768

Life and Death of a Serial Killer was interesting. It's about Aileen Wuornos. It's on netflix if you have that.

this thread is relevant to my interests. no edgy teen here either. I don't agree with them or idolize or put them on a pedestal. I just think it's somewhat interesting is all.

>> No.3129769

>mai husbando

Edgy teen detected

>> No.3129773


There's a link to where you can watch the aileen one if you don't have netflix.

>> No.3129776
File: 13 KB, 292x201, tedbundy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah. Once upon a time, yeah. But not these days. I just have a crush on him, he was handsome as fuck and I have a tendency toward very, very violent sexual fantasies, anyway. No harm in fantasies, my dear friend.

>> No.3129791

When the man in your "fantasy" would literally kill you and is a real person, there's something wrong there. It also implies that you possibly view him as a "character" as opposed to a real person. Fantasies can be fine when you can draw a line.. but anyway

captcha: beating biofit

>> No.3129804

i hope you aren't a female

>> No.3130412

Sorry for no response, I went to bed. Also, nah. Just because I have a crush on Ted Bundy and have fucked up sex fantasies doesn't mean I lack the capacity to 'draw a line'. I'm not saying he was less than alive, or anything other than evil. I haven't fantasized about him (I very seldom find myself fantasizing about real people), but instead 'characters', as it were. Fantasies about all manner of things are perfectly fine, so long as one does not inflict these on others uninvited, and so long as they are capable of drawing the line between reality and fantasy. I am more than capable of drawing a line, my dear. I also would advise not attempting to psychoanalyze a stranger on the Internet based on a couple of posts in an anonymous image board.

Out of curiosity, why would it matter? Wouldn't it be just as troubling to you if it were a man fantasizing about it? I am a female, yes, but why should it matter?

>> No.3130428

we already know gay men are mentally deranged, so it doesn't really come as a surprise when they are sexually attracted to psychopaths.

>> No.3130525


>> No.3130534

"What's one less person on the face of the earth anyway? When war, started and controlled by supposedly sane men took the lives of billions. Who is madder, the solitary individual who kills a dozen for is own justifiable reasons, or the soldier, trained to kill thousands in the name of a cause he could not even understand?"

-Ted Bundy

>> No.3130818

I highly doubt he actually said that and even then he's manipulating you.

>> No.3130848

Yeah, Ted Bundy did say that, and loads of other cool shit too:

-“Murder is not about lust and it's not about violence. It's about possession. When you feel the last breath of life coming out of the woman, you look into her eyes. At the point, it's being God.”

-“I don't feel guilty for anything. I feel sorry for people who feel guilt.”

-“You take the individual we are talking about and then you subject him to stress. Stress happens to come randomly, but its effect on the personality is not random; it's specific. That results in a certain amount of chaos, confusion, and frustration. That person begins to seek out a target for his frustrations. The continued nature of this stress this person was under -- the nature of the flaw or weakness in his personality, together with other elements in the environment that offer him a logical target for his frustrations or escapes from reality -- yields the situation we're discussing. There is no trigger, it is truly more sophisticated than that.”

-“I'm as cold a motherfucker as you've ever put your fucking eyes on. I don't give a shit about those people.”

-“… I deserve, certainly, the most extreme punishment society has and society deserves to be protected from me and from others like me, that's for sure.”

>> No.3130876

>and loads of other cool shit too:

he manipulated you good

>> No.3131107

Not OP but thread also relevant to interests..
Quite interested in Bundy now. Just checked reviews on amazon and first one said, "If you are interested in Bundy there are other books out there that fit the bill better: The Stranger Beside Me, The Deliberate Stranger, and The Only Living Witness."

Have you read any of these, would you agree they are better? I wouldn't wanna miss anything

>> No.3131111

>guys im a sociopath look how rational i am

>> No.3131115

>he manipulated you good

How did he manipulate me?

>> No.3131127


"Sociopath. Noun
One who can see past social structures to an objective viewpoint often hidden by subjective bias. The sociopath places himself above others on the grounds that life is meaningless and as only subjective pleasure can be experienced, it's attainment is paramount. The sociopath also has a life-long struggle against his own to social conditioning, and can occasionally succeed in liberated himself from the shackles of arbitrary social values."

-Oxford English Dictionary

>> No.3131284

pls rspnd

>> No.3131296

>can occasionally succeed in liberated himself

>succeed in liberated himself

You just made that shit up, didn't you? OED don't contain no grammatical errors.

>> No.3131303

This is what retards actually believe.


noun Psychiatry .
a person with a psychopathic personality whose behavior is antisocial, often criminal, and who lacks a sense of moral responsibility or social conscience.

You couldn't kill a person and you know it, your nihilist beliefs mean nothing.

>> No.3131351

>You couldn't kill a person and you know it, your nihilist beliefs mean nothing.

You mean kill for pleasure, or on a tour of a middle east country? For pleasure, I don't know. I don't have a real urge to kill anybody for pleasure, it's not my kind of high. If I thought I would enjoy it then I probably would do it. It would be a question of weighing up the legal consequences against the pleasure derived from killing.

>> No.3131370

Which is a better read:

The Stranger Beside Me: Ted Bundy The Shocking Inside Story - by Ann Rule
The Only Living Witness: The True Story of Serial Sex Killer Ted Bundy - by Stephen G. Michaud, Hugh Aynesworth, Ted Bundy

inb4 both

>> No.3131407

fucking idiot

>> No.3131421

Mensa disagrees with you.

>> No.3131432

AHHAHA thanks for proving my point

Funny, for someone who uses "science" to support his beliefs you implicate that somehow a moral nihilist can disregard all feelings of guilt and shame and make themselves into a sociopath even though that is totally wrong and all true sociopaths either went through an incredible amount of abuse when young or were born that way genetically.

Every moral nihilist that I've seen on /lit/ has always talked like they are sociopaths.

grow up

>> No.3131467

>grow up

By subscribing to your particular brand of perspective? No thanks.

>> No.3131491

>muh subjectivity