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/lit/ - Literature

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3127707 No.3127707 [Reply] [Original]

I'm scared to write endings.

I want to write a good ending that everyone acknowledges as good. And I've consumed dozens of media and heard their criticisms and tried to apply those criticisms to my work.

But, I'm scared people will make fun of me. What if I write something 'I' like but no one else does? What do I do? Do I cater to the masses or stick by my guns?

I imagine Casey Hudson said to himself, "Oh, I like how this ends." But, everyone got upset with him. Is there no way to win?

>> No.3127760
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Sometimes the endings people never wanted are considered best. Do what suits you, don't undermine your work at the last moment in doubt.

>> No.3127790

endings are so passé, these days novels finish abruptly in the middle of the rising action.

>> No.3128552

If you aren't into what you're doing, nobody else will be either.

>> No.3128559

I wrote a novel that finished abruptly in the initial exposition.

>> No.3128583


>> No.3128650

Get over trying to be good. Just accept that you are shit, and write your shit ending. Don't let that stop you, though.

>> No.3128663
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I hate it when people say shit like this. It shows a very capitalist mentality which (imo) has no place in literature, and probably all art as a whole. If you want to write because you feel you have something to say, then do it, but get YOUR point across. If you want to just make a living by writing, go into journalism and quit whining. Don't try to find a middle ground between the two by 'catering to the masses' and writing something you think others will enjoy, it shows you really don't care about your work.

All in all, if you're writing for acknowledgement and recognition, you should seriously reevaluate your decisions because unless you're extremely good at it, you probably wont 'make it' as a writer (whatever delusion you might have about 'making it').

>> No.3128681


Apart from the elitism inherent to this poster, I do agree with one thing: your ending should get your point across. Hence, if you believe the protagonist has failed he fails, if you believe he has found balance or deserves to survive play with such an ending.

Is your story about misunderstanding or tragedy? Your ending should reflect this.

>> No.3128803

I tend to make my endings something that my reader, as they read my piece for the first time, would not insert if it were just a blank. This is more or less a natural part of my process rather than a conscious decision

>> No.3128876