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/lit/ - Literature

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3127359 No.3127359 [Reply] [Original]

Why do you guys hate plot-based stories so much?

>> No.3127365

I hate shitty plot-based stories like asoiaf.

>> No.3127369

Because a /mu/ level intellect is capable of reading for plot, a /lit/ level will read for prose.

>> No.3127376

Don't hate the, there's just usually not much to discuss.

>> No.3127378


We don't. We hate books that have nothing going for them except the story.

>> No.3127382

Because books are solely meant for linguistic and mental masturbation, naturally; if you read books for "plot" or a "story" you are a heretic and a witch and should be burnt at the stake (or watch the TV or film adaptation, those are totally ok).

>> No.3127390

that's funny because asoiaf threads generally consist of more actual discussion (ie. discussion related to the actual content of the book rather than its value as a status symbol) than virtually anything else on /lit/ (or /tv/ for that matter).

>> No.3127412

>implying plot-based stories can't be considered literature
>implying literature can't have masterfully told stories

>> No.3127440
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nice try OP but slipping shit (ASoIaF) under the radar under the guise of an untrue statement is not convincing in the least.

GRRM is bad. Dickens is not bad. Dickens writes plot-based stories with very simple overarching themes.

>> No.3127486

Not everybody hates plot based books, Some of us don't like reading strange obscure books like "Shminirnikovs ideas on living organisms" or "Pavlovskis price for Global Thermonuclear War" or other boring books i didn't just make up as i was writing. Honestly one reason they hate mainstream books is because they are mainstream.

I can see people reading the boring stuff and hating mainstream because everyone is some aspiring writer trying to be the next Ludwig van Beethoven of the literary scene.

>> No.3127495
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r u trolin us?

>> No.3127494

Plot is important. Having a good one is more so.
ASOIF fails at number 2.
On top of that his prose and his characters suck

>> No.3127498

>plot-based stories

In contrast to what? Prose based? Character driven?

Jesus fuck, can't we just get rid of this shitty dichotomy once and for all.