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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 2.91 MB, 310x174, Water Lilies.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3125407 No.3125407 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw I thought I had a writer's block around 41k words into my novel, but somehow got the best possible idea for the next scene, and now I have outlined the rest 20k in my mind, and should have the first draft finished in a month or so.

How's your writing going /lit/?

Also, gif is oc I made for you.

>> No.3125412

As a rule you should never post a picture that is more interesting than your post.

So where's it from?

>> No.3125417

Water Lilies, as the file name says...

>> No.3125428

It's going similarly OP.

Same situation, but about 80k words in. Still stuck on one bit of plot, but otherwise I'm on track for stardom.

>> No.3125437

Awesome. Good job.

>> No.3125439
File: 1.54 MB, 320x240, 1345569794986.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that gif

>> No.3125446

Awesome, I know what I'm doing tonight
watching a movie about 15 year old lesbians while wearing no pants

>> No.3125462

There should be more literature about young lesbians. Can you recommend any /lit/?

>> No.3125492

Haven't read it but this one looks good: http://www.amazon.com/Annie-My-Mind-Nancy-Garden/dp/0374400113

>> No.3125724


>> No.3125853

Ohhhhh my

>> No.3125901

Writing slower than I'd like. Reached 10,173 words for my first chapter. It's an adventure novel, so I really needed to make a strong base for the rest of it.

Problem is, I spent so much of my mind on the base I only have a slight idea of what's to follow from here. It's going to be quite a struggle, studying various locations and terms and bringing them together, not to mention the ones I create myself.

>> No.3125910


Anon is a pretty cool guy.

>> No.3125922

>It's an adventure novel
That sounds like a fairly difficult genre, as the story has to be fast-paced and imaginative. Good luck.

>> No.3125928

starting today, how should I go about it?

>> No.3125941

yeah. I have a really in depth background to my planned story. Similar to a lot of the "edgy" fantasies. Lots of mythical creatures at war with each other behind the scenes of a modern earth. Alchemy and magic are also slowly becoming as prevalent as electric technology.

A recent breakthrough has caused a cult of anti-humans to come and pursue the main character for the prototype of his father's work. So there's a lot of traveling as he flees throughout the world from them, as he learns the true potential of this device as well as the motives of his stalkers.

A lot of the story takes place away from human society just as much of it takes place within it. It'll require a lot of studying of proper pacing as well as the various cultures, geography, regions... I might as well be writing a non-fiction novel perverted by faeries.

>> No.3126001

they look kinda young, op

>> No.3126037

You a faggot or somethin'?

>> No.3126042

not young enough

>> No.3126058


Christ...You just ruined my No-Fap November challenge you FILS DE PUTE!

>> No.3126907

Because /lit/ loves lesbians: http://www.mediafire.com/?6jah66y8pjbi635

>> No.3126935

Haven't written anything in about a week.
>"Current" novel stalled because I stopped months ago to hone my skills on some short stories and never got back to it even though my writing's greatly improved.
>Haven't written a short story in weeks.
>Last night looked at one of my abandoned novels thinking I might be able to salvage it.
>Couldn't write a word.

I think a good word to describe how my writing's going is "bad."

>> No.3126936



>> No.3126941

Fuck you OP. TPB only has Hard Coded Swedish Subs.

Well done on being a good writer though. Have written only 1k words because I am too lazy to think up the next part or extend the part I am writing. I am sure I will get round to it when I am working away and only have my laptop to keep me entertained

>> No.3126944

Well I've kind of stalled at nearly 50k. This novel started out as the greatest idea ever, and I still like it, it's just that I have something much better in mind for the plot.

I'm torn between finishing this (book one of two) or starting on the other work. I'd be writing something similar, but I would be putting 50k words to waste to do so. At the same time I'm much more in love with the new idea than the current one.

>> No.3126945

tfw wrote 2,000 words one day, edited it the next day, wrote 1,000 more the next day, feel like a real writer

>> No.3126952

Manuscript is being read by an agent at the moment, and I'm currently puttering around working on a few short stories for various anthologies here and there. I'd like to get started on another novel, but I'm waiting until I've heard back from this agency. I don't think they'll say yes, but I think there's a good chance they'll give feedback, so I don't want to get 20k into something else and then have to haul myself out and get back to work on my first MS.

>> No.3126970


That graphic nudity... Thank you frenchies.

>> No.3127013

I'm writing a sequel to the Divine Comedy. Virgil and the demons are unemployed because they closed hell because everyone decided "its all relative."

Don't steal this idea.

>> No.3127014

Once you have the concept down, you could start by mind-mapping / planning the story, including the characters, thinking what parts they play in it etc., then outline it a bit (while maybe keeping the 3 or 5-fold dramatic structure in mind), and then just start writing... I like to write in a chronological order, but if you outline well, you can basically start wherever you want. Just be ready to change things around a bit, since the story probably shifts along the way, as the characters themselves help to write it.

You might also want to choose a number of daily words to aim for, e.g. 500 / 750 / 1000, and try to write at least that much. If you are as OCD as I am, then you will probably feel like shit if you haven't attained your daily quota.

Sounds pretty good.

Sucks, mang.

I think Isohunt should have it.

Can't you use the current text in any way?

Good job! May the force be with you.

>> No.3127019
File: 318 KB, 1600x1200, 1352367938846 .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3 or 5-act*, sorry

>> No.3127021

I would read that.

>> No.3127065

>making gifs instead of writing
No wonder it's taking you so long.

>> No.3127070

I haven't been writing much at all lately, or reading. Fucking schoolwork keeps getting in the way. I've got a few pages of what I thought was going to be a sci-fi short story but now I have no idea where to go with it.

>> No.3127078

Not really. The only thing in common is the overall plot which includes destroying the world to save it and a few similar characters who are willing to sacrifice their souls in the process. I might also salvage a few of my more inspired quotes, but nothing substantial.

Otherwise they're very much their own works. I don't particularly want to write both, however, since I'd feel like I had no sense of imagination whatsoever.