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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 104 KB, 895x896, SUXET.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3125160 No.3125160 [Reply] [Original]

How would you write a story that wouldn't piss off the modern day woman?

>> No.3125161

the male protag has to be very rich and into bondage.

>> No.3125163

have sparkly vampires in it

>> No.3125164


>male protag

Well there's your first problem.

>> No.3125169
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>> No.3125170
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>> No.3125178

>have an interesting idea
>don't be a dick about it
>die penniless

also, I don't think that's how you use "women in refrigerators"

>> No.3125181

i know its a troll but all of those are straw men
just have a fully fleshed out believable female character/s

>> No.3125198

Kill and rape every character equally while understanding and respecting inconsolable differences.

>> No.3125222

Who wants to read about those? If I wanted cock hungry whores, or women whose emotions rule their life and cause them to act like retards I'd just hang with real ones.

>> No.3125227

You can't, but gay porn is on a steep, steep rise.

>> No.3125230


>h a h a im pretending to be a sexist shitbag

>> No.3125232
File: 33 KB, 299x301, 1341320842782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rich naked sparkling head of a famous corporation most powerful vampire ever covered in chocolate infatuated with one average looking lusty girl even though there's an army of hot sexy chicks throwing their bodies at him. Add in an equally sexy dangerous badboy to fight with the vampire confusing the girls emotions until she finally chooses the chocolate covered sparkling vampire.

That should cover most of it.

>> No.3125244
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I like reverse roles. I don't even know what it's called. Like, there's this chick, and she acts like... she's in a biker gang and she smirks a lot and shit and then there's this guy and he's smaller, right, and he basically acts like and angry girl all the time and they fuck and it involves a lot of choking.
And that's just the one with the plot. My plotless ones involve a lot more alien impregnation.
/d/ and my dysfunctional family ruined me for anything else. I'm assuming.

>> No.3125252

I don't. Gotta offend someone.

>> No.3125284


lol'd. You forgot to work in a 50 shades reference, though. Maybe you could throw in that the chocovamp knows when it's okay to rape a girl and when it's not.

>> No.3125299
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Hey, I don't remember the people being that sad. Just straight guy.

>> No.3125300

Are you an idiot?
What do you think "sparkling head of a famous corporation" was referencing?

>> No.3125304

What 50 shades? That sounds like Twilight still. Oh you said "girl" and not "baby."

>> No.3125308


...aaaaand you've admitted that you read it.

/troll complete

>> No.3125318


>> No.3125323


C'mon, man. You gotta at least try. Lie and say you only read the Wiki entry or something.

>> No.3125327

lol epic win 4 le awsum meemee trol

>> No.3125329

bottom right

>> No.3125338


See? Much better.

>> No.3125337

Yes. Because that's not in the FUCKING SYNOPSIS.

>> No.3125334
File: 20 KB, 511x380, meldontgiveafuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Newb! I've done roleplays (sort of like writing stories, only more sad and it will never make me money) in which I played a futanari centaur who raped other futanari centaurs and then was herself raped.

Wait, where was I going with this? Oh right:
I may do hours of roleplay about them, but centaurs are pig disgusting. Imagine the slobbiest person you know and then combine that with the fact that having a horse body gives you additional leeway to be one. Besides being flat out bastards, horses are sweaty as all Hell, feel nothing over letting their gigantic horse cocks dangle in the breeze and they have disgusting Play Dough shits, not to mention fire hose piss.

Would you like a person who did that? Of course not!

Lesson learned: Don't integrate centaurs into our schools!

>> No.3125349

Want to see what men and woman like? It's a very interesting study.


>> No.3125351

are you Liz Lemon?

>> No.3125357

No idea who that is. My favorite literary genre is...."Old As Shit".

>I will never be hip.

>> No.3125384

1. This is the internet, it's highly likely that on any given topic, there's going to be more than one person who takes issue with your opinions/actions.
Stop acting like everyone's a samefag.

2. I too am extremely skeptical that 50 Shades is anything more than garbage, but since I haven't read it I'm not qualified to make an informed judgment (nor are you) and thus am not in the business of ridiculing people who have read and liked it.
There's a place for stuff like that >>>/b/

3. People are different, they like different things.
Reading Game of Thrones doesn't make you superior to someone who reads Twilight, nor does reading Dostoevsky make me superior to someone who reads Game of Thrones.

4. You're a faggot

>> No.3125387

Liz Lemon is a "successful female manager" on a TV show. She writes centaur porn.

>> No.3125415
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That's right you were only pretending to be retarded

>> No.3125497

It's called reversal of roles.

>> No.3125524

I'm getting sick of the placating of feminists in a lot of media lately. I'm not anti-feminist or anything, but it's weird when forms of media that originally pandered to one group start pandering to another group that wasn't even interested in that media to begin with, or when forms of media with actual integrity start pandering at all.

>> No.3125528

Write a story where men and women are equal.

>> No.3125560

I don't give a shit about modern woman, so I'm pretty much free to do whatever the fuck I want on that regard.

>> No.3125567

inb4 The Dispossessed

>> No.3125568

That would be unrealistic since men don't experience women as true people

>> No.3125611

>not The Left Hand of Darkness.

>> No.3125614

women aren't true people.

>> No.3125617
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>implying one can experience another as a true person

>> No.3125621

Yes, because any discussion of LHoD leads inevitably to The Dispossessed. I was always two steps ahead of you Taoist anarchist bro.


>> No.3125628

I woud not give a crap, because pissing people off sells more copies anyway.

>> No.3125660

Piss them off and don't give a single fuck.

That's how you bed them, and that's how you write.

>> No.3125670

I mostly write stories about rich guys bedding girls and generally being assholes.

Ironically enough it's more guys that have problem with their being "sexist" or not having character that are moral or sympathetic.

Most girls find them good. Even if I suspect that's because they want to fuck me. So they like my stories in the same way they would laugh at any of my jokes.

>> No.3125680

Be a woman. It's the ultimate "get out of jail free" card in literature. Feel free to do whatever you want.

>> No.3125785
File: 46 KB, 435x490, Micheal Larsen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Presumably, the bottom right corner of your picture answers your own question OP.

>> No.3125837


>presumably herp derp herp herp derp my autism is destroying my family oh god someone pls kill me

the picture was illustrating the taste of common vapid carnal husk, the generic cumdumpster, ie. thatwasthejoke.jpeg. quietly and calmly drop your trip and commit suicide. thanks in advance

>> No.3125841

Be sensisitive.