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3124829 No.3124829 [Reply] [Original]

How does /lit/ like to take their coffee? or tea, for that matter?

>god tier dark roast / french press / dab of cream reporting in

Used to enjoy filter coffee but a press is just so invigorating to use!

>> No.3124838
File: 12 KB, 180x216, 180px-Moka2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>french press

Ishiggydiggy. It's called a cafetiere.

Anyway, I use one of these.

>> No.3124840

Who the fuck cares

>> No.3124854

Instant, black, three teaspoons to a cup. Tea cheap, bagged and black.

When I'm not depressed I make good coffee and tea instead.

>> No.3124855

That's the most unhealthy way to drink coffee. Look it up.

>> No.3124858

Generally dark french press black, but I'll drink whatever and not bitch about it. Always black though.

>> No.3124861

coffe always black and tea always green

>> No.3124864

>cream in or on anything

Are you fat, a child or a woman?

>> No.3124865

I only ever used a filter.
Please explain how to use a press. Thanks.

>> No.3124866

Coffee - usually black, but I rarely drink coffee.

Tea - iced and sweetened. If I'm drinking it hot, I may or may not sweeten it depending on what sort of tea it is.

>> No.3124867

It's basically a pot that you put coarse-ground coffee in and let it steep; it has a wire-mesh filter attached to the lid of the French press and you just press it down after about 4 minutes of steeping/brewing. The pressing separates the grounds from the coffee itself to prevent over-brewing along with getting grounds in your cup.

>> No.3124876

Thanks. I've only seen my dad use it when I was small but since then we have a machine

Is 4 minutes enough for strong flavour?

>> No.3124882

Is this the thread for "classy" individuals on 4chan who drink coffee and wear fedoras?
If yes, get out.

>> No.3124883

I like the iced coffee from McDonalds. It's surprisingly good.

>> No.3124889

coffee -->black in moka
tea->assam with milk or some irish stuff with brandy(calvados)

>> No.3124891

ah, i see. it's widely called a french or coffee press where i live. How are those?


fascinating, i wouldn't have guessed no paper filter would raise LDL. thanks for the info!

>implying you don't drink coffee

anyway, just thought /lit/ would enjoy the discussion. At the moment i'm taking a break from a Frank O'Hara paper. He's wonderful- i highly recommend "Lunch Poems"

>> No.3124894

>french press

is there any other way?

>> No.3124895

I've always been pleasantly surprised by McDonald's tea and coffee. I was glad when they did that renovation a few years ago as it makes it look like a cool hang spot a la starbucks instead of a child's pay area with burger van attached.

>> No.3124896
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Hell yeah, these are great. I've broken up with Mr. Coffee forever. Pain in the ass when you're trying to serve for company, but they like to stand around in the kitchen and watch.
And I take cream and sugar in my coffee, because that's how I like it, white and sweet. I prefer bitter food and sweet drinks, now that I think about it.

>> No.3124901

How do use one of them? is it like a french press?

>> No.3124910

The water goes in the bottom, and a filter sits inside it with the coffee. Up top is empty. Put on heat. Heat expands the water and pushes it up through the coffee into the pot. They come in different sizes but mine makes about two mugs, which is just right for my use.

>> No.3124911

http://blogs.nature.com/nfanget/2010/11/why_i_was_late_for_work_the_other_day.html explains with a diagram and story I skimmed.

>> No.3124917

full beans, cut them, then with a french press, add just a little milk

>> No.3124982
File: 319 KB, 800x800, BOW DOWN COLONIAL SCUM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fortnum and Mason Earl Grey master race reporting in

>> No.3124985

For my tea, I never use sugar. For black tea (and some other kinds of chais), I add almond mik. When I have a cold, I like to add honey.

I'm not a coffee drinker. I drink coffee very rarely, but when I do I take two creams and two sugars.

>> No.3124991

You people disgust me. Why drink that when there is tea available?

>> No.3125017

>god tier
>dab of cream

you're just being edgy, you either drink good coffee straight black or you are demolishing the flavors

i can understand putting cream/sugar in gas-station coffee tho

>> No.3125027

French press coffee is the only sort of coffee that has been linked to bad long-term side effects. Namely, carcinogens =3 death. Then of course, this is /lit/ and you guys have a Jonah Lehrer-esque connection to science.

>> No.3125034

Black, hot and ugly.

>> No.3125040

>French Press
Buy a machine you poor faggots

sage for not remotely related to /lit/

>> No.3125043

(just visiting, actually.)
coffee - drip-brewed, black.
tea - w/no additives, but tastes best when as strong as possible so impatiently use a spoon to press the teabag to the side of the cup, when not loose-leaf.

>> No.3125046

Coffee, black. I'm not a habitual coffee drinker and taking it black is how I determine whether it's worth drinking again for anything but caffeine. Greenwell Farms' Kona peaberry coffee tops my list, which isn't long.

Tea, I prefer mint with honey.

>> No.3125063

Good coffee is a lot easier to get hold of than good tea

>> No.3125071
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I ground my coffee earlier using the bottom of a metal tablespoon and placed three heaps in the bottom of a pot containing a proportional level of water, which was then transported to the fireplace for 30 minutes, reaching only a slight simmer, because I live in New Jersey and my power was taken by a storm.

Die in a fucking hole, krout.

Assam is a wonderful variety.

>> No.3125228
File: 38 KB, 300x300, bailin gongfu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For tea, I rarely take it with anything (except in the case of masala chai and dessert teas). I use loose leaf, and gravitate towards oolong and black. I like to sample all sorts though - I have some ripened pu-erh tuocha I'll be trying soon.

>> No.3125234

ITT: pretentious fags who think that because they read Nietzsche they are more civilized than the rest of the horde

Seriously, you do not have true friends if you talk about the multifaceted ways of making ground up beans into a brew

>> No.3125238

protip: it's a honeypot to keep them from posting in other threads

>> No.3125239

I've never even read Nietzsche. I just like making good tea and drinking it. Mainly for health reasons.

why does that have to be a pretentious thing

>> No.3125245

why are you posting about tea on a literature board?

>> No.3125246

Tea is acceptable.

Tea is soothing and relaxing and tastes good.

COFFEE is what I drink when I need to take a shit after 3 days of being clogged up or when I need to be up RIGHT THEN to get work done.

It is black and it is shitty and it gets the job done. It is none of the things tea is and the ones who put dabs of moca and pumpkin spice and french vanilla creamer in it to make a nice warm hot coco to sip on while they nuzzle in their scarves even though they're inside are the ones i have a problem with

>> No.3125251

dark roasted, 3 spoons a cup, splash of normal cold milk and no sugar

>> No.3125258

Because I often like to pair my tea and literature together. Sometimes in a way that makes sense, like a Bai Mudan alongside classic Chinese lit. So they go together for me.

It's not like I'm not posting about lit in other threads too.

>> No.3125282

Ahmad tea and milk.

When I'm not lazy I brew some of my blends, because I'm a pretentious arsehole and I enjoy tea.

>> No.3125305

dirty american here,

what types of tea do you suggest i start with /lit/friends? Where do i go in the US? Do i just get a teapot and go? any advice?

or specific teas with lit like the Bai Mudan example?

>> No.3125307

Start with English or Irish breakfast or Earl Gray or Lady Gray.

>> No.3125314

Coffee moka pot black. In the mornings for "breakfast" with milk

>> No.3125393

Why not both?

>> No.3125404

Because my mouth is full of cocks.

>> No.3125408

second poster here, i can confirm this.

the creamer is non-dairy too

>> No.3125429
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>medium roast
>freshly ground
>2 cups in french press
>pinch of salt
>croissant-based pastry, or quiche
>sliced Bosc pear
> Sparkling water
>followed closely by a strong V-cut cigar and JW Black

>> No.3125471

Dark roast. Black.

Or green tea, occasionally with two slices of lemon for increased vitamin C absorption.

>> No.3125488 [DELETED] 

God tier, reporting in.

>coffee when outside
Unsweetened espresso
>tea when at home
Unweetened loose leaf green tea / earl grey with milk

>> No.3125496
File: 45 KB, 338x362, FreeCoffee[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they have good coffee and free refills. lately i've preferred pic related over starbucks. i usually go and sit down and read a book and drink a few cups. i take it with a pack a creme. as an out of work foreveralone the first sip is the highlight of my day.

>> No.3125516

i like shitty burnt coffee with lots of sugar. no creme though. i got a large coffee from mcdonalds this morning and they tricked me good and loaded it with creme and got all the way home before i went to taste it and had to pour the shit out in the parking lot and go to dunkin doughnuts down the road.

>> No.3125517

I'm not a bourgeoisie faggot like all of you, I get my kettle, stick in the teabags, two sugars and milk and have a nice cuppa'.

It must be fun forcing yourself to drink coffee to look cool.

>> No.3125522

can only drink tea at home that I make myself (milk with two sugars) and can only have coffee that I drink from someone else (preferably double double Tim Hortons). It's weird.

>> No.3125525

Black as fuck!

>> No.3125532


oi have a cuppa mate? enjoy your leaf water faggot.

>> No.3125565

you put your teabags in your kettle? Your grandmum'll spew fruit loops.

>> No.3125581
File: 138 KB, 350x525, clever coffee dripper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fascinating, i wouldn't have guessed no paper filter would raise LDL. thanks for the info!
I use the Clever Coffee Dripper myself. It allows the coffee to steep, while offering the health benefits (and ease of use) of a filter. Pic related, it's something you might want to look into.

>> No.3125585

I'm sorry, but I'm 100% Moka pot.

>> No.3125589

>hurrr having culinary interests is for faggots

Enjoy being unable to into sophisticated hedonism. Also Nietzsche drank tea and disliked coffee.

>> No.3125594

I used to be all about espresso and it's variants, but drip coffee has it's own specific benefits once you get into the nice stuff. Doesn't hurt to give it a shot, variety being the spice of life and all.

I've always found the Moka pot to be somewhat of an inbetweener though. It's not a proper espresso with the oily creme, and it doesn't have the clear flavours of drip either. I never quite know what to make of it. Not that it's bad, but I like one extreme or the other.

>> No.3125596

Also, you might like this article:


It's about Moka pots and fascism. Makes for nice coffee trivia.

>> No.3125599

My culture and environment don't support drips (heat + humidity factors).

>> No.3125601

Whatever. Enjoy your anxiety attacks and yellow teeth fag

>> No.3125607

take my tea with a little bit of milk, no sugar

>> No.3125608
File: 15 KB, 298x397, atom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use an atomic, black no sugar

>> No.3125609

Interesting. Where are you from?

>> No.3125613

Australia. Mould sucks.

>> No.3125619

That article supports what I said. Why are you mad?

>> No.3125633

>JW Black
>the price of a decent single malt with none of the virtues

Stay amateur.

>> No.3125639

>Possessing taste and discrimination.

I'm sorry, but we can't all afford to volunteer to be the last capitalist hung with the guts of the last bureaucrat.

>> No.3125650

Jeeze. Am I the only one making god-tier pourover?

>> No.3125655

You can get better whisky than that for the same price. Also I'm the last cynic with the gut of a cyrenaic

>> No.3125657



What a fag.
The local bookstore put in a coffee stand with pourover coffee once it got trendy and yet no one buys the shit.

>> No.3125658

Yes, and you can get tolerable whiskey at a fraction of the price.

>> No.3125677

Roasted to the likings of Lucifer, 2%, enough to put down the acidity, and one sugar. and a large enough cup to let everyone know I will be there all day, showin off my table top notebook, pretending to be 3deep5u

>> No.3125729
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Although I own a French press, a moka pot, an espresso machine, and an MSR mug-mate, I usually just make it with my stadard-issue 'merican drip brewer. Not a single fuck given. I think this might be reactionary in some respect to the way that hipsters nowadays turn their noses at those machines, even though the coffee made by slow drip brewing is not worse than by the other methods, just different.

>> No.3125737

Black, regardless of brew style.

Tea I'll take black iced and unsweetened. Hot tea is good as well, but not green. It's like water.

>> No.3125745

Yes, I understand that "drip" is your traditional American culture. But have you tried more traditional american—direct extraction over a fire ala "Turkish" and have you tried "Turkish" itself? Get in touch with the roots. Fuck hipsters, drink good coffee.

>> No.3125748

Damn, that's a really good point. Motherfucking frontiersman/cowboy coffee.

I was interested in trying it one time, and I suppose that I put it off after reading that I needed an ultra-fine grind using a dedicated Turkish coffee grinder (not to mention a brew pot), but I've never tried just doing it anyway with the finest grind I can achieve \ any old saucepan.

>> No.3125750

What kind of green have you been having? More people compare it to drinking green vegetable juice than water.

>> No.3125755

Over here in Australia you can get preground turkish from a store. Also you can just do it with finest grind you can and any milk saucepan. The more vertical the saucepan the better obviously.

Read turkish instructions online, its easy.

Then try coarse ground any old saucepan, that's the cowboy way—lazy as fuck.

>> No.3125757


I couldn't even tell you. I haven't drank it in a long time.