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3124108 No.3124108 [Reply] [Original]

Is Marxism an outdated pseudoscience?

>> No.3124111

>> No.3124118

a lazy slob's solace

>> No.3124119


>> No.3124130

wir sind scholasten. die question ist an scholasten posiert und nicht an keyboard warriors

>> No.3124131

It is very nearly the right answer.

>> No.3124147

Scholarly questions aren't phrased by widdling on Popper's grave until you can copypaste.

OP shows no sign of having read Kolakowsi, and is engaged in trivial political debate.

>> No.3124150

It is not a ``science``. Only a few Marxist-Leninists types believe that it is.
Among post-war western marxists you`ll find not a single marxist who calls it a science. Not even Badiou.

>> No.3124153

Someone care to explain historical materialism to me? And how we interpret said in a postmodern age?

>> No.3124158
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>> No.3124163

but you will find a plenty of marxists in the social sciences which is reason enough to shut them down.

>> No.3124166


What's your qualm with Marxist thought?

>> No.3124172

Fuck off. Badiou is so divorced from praxis that she's forgiven him and lets him visit the kids.

I'm talking about two key right wing criticisms of Marxism. Someone proposing the OP's suggestion ought to be aware of both.

>> No.3124178

Obviously not an adequate one, as in any thread attacking post-modernism we see the patient and repeated explanation of the failures of post-modernism and the correct way to approach the problem set, with repeated citation of texts.

>> No.3124182


The only answer ever given is a loose pragmatism or a juvenile reliance on temporal social mores.

>> No.3124188

You've missed the German Idealist attacks on epistemology, buttressed by the infusion of eastern ideology.

You've missed intersubjectivity and ad bacculum in the context of class projects. You've also missed praxis.

Your viewing of these as "temporal" obviously, and to restate the German idealists bit, paves a way for Kierkegaard's guarantor of meaning outside of time.

Never mind the more substantive disciplinary complaints regarding poor academic conduct, and failure to produce texts within acceptable social conduct. I once paid good money for dogshit, but that is expected of artists.

>> No.3124195

Yeah, and none of them will tell you its a science.
Chill, I mentioned Badiou in order to ridicule him.

>> No.3124201

>Never mind the more substantive disciplinary complaints regarding poor academic conduct, and failure to produce texts within acceptable social conduct.
Of all things, I`d write this bit down as a non-issue.

>> No.3124203

In the cold war the American Liberals adopted this doctrine as "modernisation theory" formulated by the turncoat socialist Rogoff. In most basic terms it say that all societies follow the same route of developement; that you cannot force the bourgeois law of murrka and france onto a tribal society like Afghanistan until it's Burghers have become more numerous and mods powerful than tribal chiefs.
a pomo dude would prolly say that no society is more progressive than another, that there are multiple paths of deveopment, that Eritrea is just "different" from, say, the Czech Republic rather than more "primitive".

>> No.3124212

>Yeah, and none of them will tell you its a science.
They do claim being scientists and still take him to be the Newton of social science.
The same as with Nazism.

>> No.3124215


>The same as with Nazism.

Go on. I'm in the mood for a solid critique of Marxism

>> No.3124233

Marxist ideas were used to butcher at least as many Chinese and Russians as their worst fascist invaders; they are at least as distasteful as the race war ideas of Arthur de Gobineau; but where is Derrida's ironic essay on niggers? where are all the post-nazis? where are re-nazis and pomo-nazis? how can sociologists use terms of the Gramsci and Althusser without cringing but avoid those of, say, Rosenberg., Blavatsky and Serrano?

>> No.3124235

op is een lul

>> No.3124236

They don`t
Marxists are the least likely to call themselves scientists in this context

>> No.3124240

Marxist will recall Engels' claim to do the science of history while, social scientists will indeed probably never have read it; still they'll quote marx and marxists at face value.

>> No.3124252

You give Marx & Engels a far greater degree of sanctity than most western Marxists. Have you considered joining your local party?

>> No.3124254

That's true, for example in Germany the vast majority simply quote the word of Adorno as their primary prophet now.

>> No.3124257

Is that a problem?

>> No.3124261
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Fascism is the future. I am looking forward to smashing in the heads of all the marxists who oppose us.

>> No.3124264

>Badiou is so divorced from praxis that she's forgiven him and lets him visit the kids.

Haha, this one is golden!

>> No.3124266

Fascism Schmascism
just stalin's catch-all term for the Axis
drop it. Hitler used to have an Alliance with the CPUSSR and he used to have a war against the "fascist" iron guard. All three lead antisemite pogroms.
Do you study in Germany? What?

>> No.3124267

I'm so glad you were ridiculing Badiou; that isn't where innovative academic Marxism is happening (Cleaver's critique not-with-standing).

It is an issue when people claim that Foucault is a "historian".

If you go back to Marx and Engels in the 19th century, the language they're using is relatively un-value-laden for the time. This is worth noting, particularly in relation to "civilised" which is used by them as the technical sense of "city forming." I recommend reading Engel's _Family, Private Property and the State_ in relation to their method here. Keep an eye on 19th century language around anthropology, and Engels appears clear as day. Same with Kropotkin for that matter.

>> No.3124270

Honestly, I'm not sure how anyone can hear Badiou's name without thinking there's an insult somewhere in the statement. I mean, even Zizek has a better rep than this guy.
How does he do it?

>> No.3124272

>just stalin's catch-all term for the Axis

Do you even Mussolini?

>> No.3124274

>> burghers [...] tribal chiefs

Is this really a thing? Has this constellation existed at some time and place?

>> No.3124275
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>mfw when someone calls Marx an economist in my general vicinity

>> No.3124278

>I recommend reading Engel's _Family, Private Property and the State_ in relation to their method here.
gens shmens,, matrilinearity then we have property and the women are slaves and in the end we'll have communism and the state will just wither away... who are you trying to lecture here? and why?
>Keep an eye on 19th century language around anthropology, and Engels appears clear as day.
not any better or worse than Herbert Spencer. They ALL were pompous? Indeed.
>Same with Kropotkin for that matter.
what Kropotkin? Where? Where he'll raving bout the wolfies in witer?

>> No.3124284

There was one real-life fascist party and there was "fascism" as cuss word in the third internationale; much as it was with "bolshevism" as used by Goebbels.

>> No.3124294

Take any place outside of europe with some urban areas; this is what you'll mostly get. Take Libya; Khaddafi's green book as all about having liberalism for the urbans and tribal barbarism for all the chiefs rather than one parliament for all. He quotes lots of Russians who get name-dropped in threads like this.

>> No.3124298

I think analytic and descriptive Marxism will continue to be used for quite a while. Marx's specific conclusions and prescriptive Marxism, however, are mostly dead.

>> No.3124304
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>> No.3124311


What does a faulty implementation of Marxist ideals have to do with the ideology itself?

>> No.3124319

why faulty? Lenin and Stalin knew more about Marx than you. What's next? "Hitlerism was faulty National Socialism - let's try that again" And what would call yourselves? Röhmists? Or would you rather draw on C.G.Jung,? on Savitri Devi? on von Liebenfels ? perhaps a dash of Nietzsche?

>> No.3124331


I'd like to hear your critique of Marxist thought, good sir.

>> No.3124334

Not him, but the marxist labor theory is empirically false.

>> No.3124339

it is morally bancrupt by now. Why don't you take the ideology of some different serial killer for a change, like f.i. that of Charles Manson? What is your criticism of Mansonist thought, good sir? Where are all the neomansonist scholars?

>> No.3124339,1 [INTERNAL] 

Fascism never had the enlightenment project in mind.
If you read my fucking post, you would see that I was pointing to the _METHOD_ and not the _FINDINGS_. Learn reading comprehension. Kropotkin on Mutual Aid in the anthropological chapters.

Yes I am buttmad enough to ghostboard post.