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3123579 No.3123579 [Reply] [Original]

Fiction must be logical
Real life mustn't

>> No.3123587

The first is false.
The second is true.

>> No.3123593

okay then

good fiction must be logical

>> No.3123599

Still false.

>> No.3123606

How about example of good illogical fiction

>> No.3123617

Alice Through the Looking Glass

>> No.3123624

The Crying of Lot 49

>> No.3123626

Finnegans Wake

>> No.3123634

I knew someone is going to post this. But you don't get it. If there's magic, talking rabbits, elixirs that can make you small etc doesn't mean it's illogical. It's very logical. You people are simpletons... really.

>> No.3123642

It's not illogical because there's magic, bro. The story is closer to a dream, with sequences of events that have little relation or, uh, logical structure to them. You'll notice no one is suggesting LotR was illogical because of magical rings and Balrogs.

>> No.3123644


Neither are. Logic is logical. It is an ideal language with no baring outside of its own domain.

Logic 101.

>> No.3123881

I think a better word is "rational" rather than "logical".

The actions of characters and therefore the plot of a story must be rational, because otherwise the whole house of cards the author has been building page by page collapses. The actions of real people are not always rational, because real people.

What I find interesting, though, is that the way in which characters are established is actually sort of contrary to this. When you're introduced to a character, the way the human brain works is that it sticks a stereotype on the character, whether they're the protagonist or an extra. "The angry racist cop", "the nice old lady", "the angsty teenager", etc. But the way that characters distinguish themselves is by breaking these stereotypes - acting in a way that, according to their given stereotype, appears irrational.