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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 71 KB, 396x385, Sadschopenhauer2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3120476 No.3120476 [Reply] [Original]

>be lit. major
>always read more than I should and I excited to go to class to discuss it
>realize no one knows what I'm talking about aside from the professor
>realize they just want to pass instead pursuing knowledge for it's own sake
>realize my own vanity and stop discussing irrelevant shit
>they probably just all hated me
>realize that when I'm dead, the knowledge I have acquired won't matter anyways

and I just wanted to post the sad schopy I created, do you like it /lit/?

>> No.3120479

the pic is cool

story not so cool


>> No.3120483
File: 8 KB, 225x225, feels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is the feel of true supremacy, don't hate yourself for it, just read more and rest easy in the knowledge that you know what you are talking about and are an overachiever. I know this feel

>> No.3120487

Hit me with it, my man.

>> No.3120492

>realize that when I'm dead, the knowledge I have acquired won't matter anyways

How do you know?

>> No.3120515
File: 10 KB, 256x256, fddsfgsdgsgsg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Major in mediterranean studies
>Arabic class
>Teacher is a true history buff
>Discuss various topics and historical figures during breaks and after class
>One day he comes to class and announces that he's resigning
>Turns out he has lung cancer.

>> No.3120516

It will in those last few moments.

>> No.3120519
File: 61 KB, 280x426, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you're the only one who has obviously done the reading.
>the professor relies on you to move the discussion on.

It's like that everywhere, even in top universities.

>> No.3120522

Because his brain will no longer work.

>> No.3120524

>claim to be a lit major
>can't use the correct form of "its"

Your future is damned.

>> No.3120525

>lit major
>still can't into it's and its

I seriously hope you're not an English native speaker.

>> No.3120530

Why do people even invest in expensive education if they don't give two shits about it anyway? And it's not like it's an engineering degree which will net you a good job even if you only want to pass in college. Having a lit degree just for the sake of it won't get you anywhere.

>> No.3120532

Marry me.

>> No.3120557


stay plebeian

>> No.3120563

>Banal Baby-Boomer Bourgeois Boy only cares about profits and expects everyone to feel the same.

Not everyone was so poorly raised that they see capital as the ends in itself. Some of us choose to live a life of substance instead of representation.

>> No.3120570


>life of substance

no such thing

>> No.3120571
File: 318 KB, 686x851, immanuel-kant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Some of us choose to live a life of substance instead of representation

b-but the thing in itself cannot be known!

>> No.3120572

You need to check your reading comprehension son.

>> No.3120575

Please refer to >>3120572
I said it was meaningless to take a lit degree for the sake of it if you're not taking it seriously.

>> No.3120578

>>realize that when I'm dead, the knowledge I have acquired won't matter anyways

thats the same for any kind of knowledge.

>> No.3120581

Edgy and misinformed.

What the hell are you going on about? I never said anything about noumenon or phenomenon. Representation can be phenomenal and substance can be noumeneal.

I didn't actually read the post he was responding to. Now that I did it makes more sense. I apologize.

>> No.3120582


Not him, but what is a 'life of substance'?

Blind hedonism?

>> No.3120585

>what is a 'life of substance'?

That's been so debated and discussed by so many that I don't even feel like going into it.

>Blind hedonism
I never even implied that.

>> No.3120590


If you believe in anything other than extreme skepticism/nihilism/pragmatism, I'd like to hear why, in a very serious way.

>> No.3120598

I'd say what I personally believe within the bounds of what you gave as examples would be a sort of "skepticism", but more strictly could be called "general apathy towards claimed truths and metanarratives".

But apathy does not, to me, lead to inactivity, quietism, or anything of that ilk.

>> No.3120603


>But apathy does not, to me, lead to inactivity, quietism, or anything of that ilk.

So you choose to ignore the hard questions in favor of adopting a worldview that 'works'.

This is the only answer I ever get to this question.

Is the end of philosophy an ignorance of said?

>> No.3120610

>So you choose to ignore the hard questions in favor of adopting a worldview that 'works'.

Apathy does not mean inherent ignorance, it only can lead to ignorance if you let it. It's more of a personal attitude you take towards it. All I mean by apathy is an absence of a total passion or dogmatic acceptance of any creed or worldview. It doesn't mean ignorance; it could mean the opposite if you let it.

>> No.3120611


>absence of acceptance of any creed

In what fashion can you said to believe in life as having 'substance'?

>> No.3120641

In a non-dogmatic sense. One man's folly is another man's wife. What I find as something that has "substance" or meaning doesn't always mean the same to another man (though the fake lives of representation currently being espoused by postindustrial Capitalism are all false).To try and find one ultimate truth that dictates how every human should live is foolish, that's why I take a path of apathy concerning the search for an ultimate truth that is inherent in every man's lusts or needs. I don't believe in any sense of universality. Meaning, accomplishment, and substance can all be obtained, I believe, but it's not the same for everyone. I'm apathetic towards the search for absolute truth, not apathetic towards the search for personal meaning.

>> No.3120646

dat feel when all my peers r fukken stupid ass sheeple and my prof is the only 1 who gets me

like this post if ur a true intellectual

>> No.3120647


So you straddle an intersubjective line with some back and forth here and there. I can dig it.

>> No.3120648

>tfw your peers and your professor thinks you're an idiot
I'm probably just an idiot. but I try ;_;

>> No.3120649

i'm gettin some mad waves of passive aggression from you, b

>> No.3120652


The internet does that. My tone right now is pretty agreeable, though it was tinged with hostility a few posts ago.

>> No.3120655

>>be lit. major
>>always read more than I should and I excited to go to class to discuss it
>>realize no one knows what I'm talking about aside from the professor
>>realize they just want to pass instead pursuing knowledge for it's own sake

omg, those feels, THOSE FEELS. I hate feeling like the only one in the class that actually wants to be there.

>> No.3120658

Why be hostile though? I never get the chance to discuss things like this in real life (high school). I like being able to talk like this. : - )

>> No.3120691

This may be the best thing I have ever seen on /lit/

>> No.3120699

I know that feel op, I'm a math major tho

>> No.3120706
File: 39 KB, 338x450, Soren-Kierkegaard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You should know better You should know better

We will make you JUMP JUMP
Jesus Christ will make you JUMP JUMP
Ontology requires you JUMP JUMP
Kierkegaard will make you JUMP JUMP


>> No.3120713

*cries a single glistening tear*

>> No.3120733
File: 346 KB, 439x500, 1351437361453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you know exactly the feel described by the OP
>tfw you stop talking in class because everyone just wants to go home after copying down the main points outlined by the professor
>tfw nobody wants to discuss the works, they just want to create an outline to write an exam with

>> No.3120736

So join the fucking Honours programme

>> No.3120739

>>tfw you stop talking in class because everyone just wants to go home after copying down the main points outlined by the professor
>>tfw nobody wants to discuss the works, they just want to create an outline to write an exam with


>> No.3120848

know that feel, I do it strictly for myself though. fuck the lazy people

>> No.3120871

There is a clear distinction between a legitimate desire to discuss a work and public ego masturbation.

Remember that, OP.

>> No.3120924

>implying one of those is worse than being in the English department and not giving a shit about any of the material

>> No.3120929

I know all of those feels bro. We all do. Although I wouldn't be so categoric about death.

>> No.3120932

Oh by the way, I saved your pic, it's a great one.

>> No.3120942

>when im dead - wont matter blah blah

OP, the shit you read and hopefully understand is supposed to lead to self improvement and an opening of your eyes. If you read this shit but never apply it into your life then yes; it was a waste of fucking time.

>> No.3121085
File: 36 KB, 264x400, 1351623187820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact that life as no meaning makes me sort of happy in a bittersweet way. I'll be walking and suddenly break out in laughter when thinking about how pointless everything is. I probably look kind of crazy.

>> No.3121110

>nothing lasts forever
>act as if you come from a place where things did

>> No.3121938
File: 47 KB, 680x684, 594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you're too much of a pussy to go in lit. or history, and chose law instead

>> No.3121945

>be a lit major
>rarely read the novels for class
>read for pleasure instead

Do this instead

>> No.3121952

>get top marks
>seemingly make best points, teacher reacts strongly/refers back to them throughout discussions
>"smart guy" status among classmates, friends, family
>go on /lit/
>barely read anything, barely know anything
>just another doofus

>> No.3121955

>mfw you are smart

>> No.3121958

Yes, I do.

>> No.3121990
File: 116 KB, 398x337, le upset kermit face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw noone have read any philosophy before in philosophy class
>a single bro mentions he read Dostoevsky, in relation to our moral/existentialism course
>he shuts up fast though because his pleb friends looks at him
>i dont know any in the class and i can reference all i like when we're discussing the texts we read
>tfw it's still weird that i'm the only one who dares admit that i read, and i end up trying to discuss without using common terms in epistemology or referencing obvious and important works in that field

>> No.3121997
File: 14 KB, 357x315, 1343239792192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>are you me?

>> No.3122009

If there's one single thing that unites all of 4chan, one thing we all have in common, it's that YOU GOTTA HIDE YOUR POWERLEVEL

>> No.3122014
File: 16 KB, 480x360, 1352958822796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'll read Lolita when i'm done with midterms

>> No.3122031

I'm a lit major too.
>love listening to what the professor has to say about a work
>love reading the texts closer than needed in order to get the most out of it
>not in it solely for the grade
>but I don't unhinge my jaw like an undead nutcracker, spewing putrid candy-cane vomit throughout class either.

Just because the other students don't take up class time trying to suck the professor's dick doesn't mean they are in it only for the grade. You're right about your vanity and the rest of the class hating you; unfortunately, they hate you because they're lit majors and didn't sign up to hear the greasy sucking sounds your face makes throughout the entire class.

Yes, we're going to die. What is it with most OP's complaining about death? Are they all 11 and just found out, or what?

>> No.3122045


There's a saying that goes something like "If your class doesn't have one of those annoying know-it-all loud mouth kids in it...then YOU are that kid!" I first heard that in a computer science context since you know every cs class has to have some know-it-all nerd telling the professor how everything in class relates to linux as if someone with a phd in cs would be impressed with such shit...and it seems to apply to lit, history, art, etc. too. Hell, even the peanut gallery guys in the back row making joke comments are better than the know-it-all nerd in the front who won't shut up...

>> No.3122056

>tfw actually smart and knowledgeable but can't say anything due to social anxiety
>tfw you only exceed in the writing

>> No.3122065

go to grad school

in the meantime make friends

>> No.3122084

i like it op.

also, you are as idiot as those who you despise.

getting knowledge "for its own sake" is no better than getting it for a note.

>> No.3122133


>> No.3122145
File: 56 KB, 400x400, 27492074_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Guess we are on the same boat. Was too much of a pussy to do fine arts and went for law instead.

Sigh... The only interesting readings there are on the philosphy and sociology classes.

>> No.3122152

I wish I could be like OP. I'm a lazy fuck who can't be motivated to do shit except barely pass his subjects. I loathe myself for being mostly ignorant to the classics of literature, yet when I pick up a book, I don't feel like reading past the first 10 pages, so I drop it and read more manga instead.

>> No.3122159 [DELETED] 
File: 37 KB, 460x276, soc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw studying philosophy
>maintain a position of militant scepticism
>everyone hates me since every discussion short-circuits
>one day someone in my class gets me a cup of coffee during the break
>i'm surprised and grateful
>my legs start going numb
>vision gets blurry
>they all gather around me
>"you're dying, anon"
>"y-you can't know that"
>"we put poison in your coffee"
>"h-how are you sure it was poison?"
>I continue to refuse the factuality of their statements
>seem to do what is often conventionally described as "dying in agony"

>> No.3122162
File: 37 KB, 460x276, soc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw studying philosophy
>maintain a position of militant scepticism
>everyone hates me since every discussion short-circuits
>one day someone in my class gets me a cup of coffee during the break
>i'm surprised and grateful
>my legs start going numb
>vision gets blurry
>they all gather around me
>"you're dying, anon"
>"y-you can't know that"
>"we put poison in your coffee"
>"h-how are you sure it was poison?"
>I continue to refute the factuality of their statements
>seem to do what is often conventionally described as "dying in agony"

>> No.3122165

This is a nice thing to do to skeptics.

>> No.3122166


>> No.3122174

>accepting things from others

>> No.3122363

One day, when I have enough money, I will go to all the lit. classes I can.

I swear it to that intelligent designer out there!

>> No.3122377
File: 21 KB, 367x451, 1270233109225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be humanities major
>get laughed at by 99% of the class who just want to teach high school or get their mandatory outside-the-major credits
>get slapped down by whoever grades your papers because they have a phd and your pissant attempts to impress them by having greater than average knowledge of kant just annoy them

>> No.3122381

>be English major
>women always bring up feminist interpretations
>suggest out loud that the module should be called Restoration Drama and Male Guilt
>dumbfounded looks
>girl carries on talking about how women are seen as meat and how the patriarchy are oppressing them to this day

>> No.3122390

>get slapped down by whoever grades your papers because they have a phd and your pissant attempts to impress them by having greater than average knowledge of kant just annoy them

your university is absolutely fucking shit tier. transfer or drop out and go to a real school

>> No.3122391

>be insufferable and snippy enough to criticize people for participating in class

Yeah I think you got the wrong thread.

>> No.3122394

>be English major
>entire major is pointless free association and empty, sophistic "analyzing" of texts
>be upset when one of the other losers in a sea of losers has a different interpretation than your equally meaningless one


>> No.3122396
File: 35 KB, 432x455, nerd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be /lit/ major
>assume no one knows what i'm talking about except the professor
>assume assume assume
>go on /lit/ to generalize ideas of ignorance or laziness while indirectly showing example of naivety and narcissism
>if you were satisfied with education alone you'd be satisfied and not post this bullshit here
>wonder why no friends and kissless virgin

>> No.3122398



>> No.3122426

> major in english
> mad that women are in it

if u wanted a sausagefest u could majored in cs

>> No.3122436


Or anything that's a real thing

>> No.3122443

pretty sure cs falls under stem bro

>> No.3122480
File: 59 KB, 445x445, 134447662767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw intelligent but socially retarded and so don't speak up in class because you don't want your insight to come over as arrogant

>> No.3122497

>take a couple of English classes

>mfw I read more than the English majors

>mfw most of them are just trying to pass the course and use cliffnotes to get through

English major is shit-tier.

>> No.3122498


nice pic OP

>> No.3122503

Fuck there's this kid in my class and every time he says something his tone makes it sound like he's making the most important point possible and trying to get everyone to understand it, when he's saying the most obvious thing. I thought it was just for the class but he talks like that outside of class too. Just relax and say what you thought of it, if you're relatively calm and not arrogant you won't appear like you're trying to be superior.

>> No.3122505

>English Masters student
>in writing workshop, only half of my peers, at best, bother to give me notes on my stories
>I fucking do this for every piece of shit submitted to class.
>Girl next to me, latches onto me in two classes, talks to me all the time, even to interrupt lecture
>She never shares in class discussion, reads the internet or some trite novel on her netbook all fucking class long instead of doing anything assigned. Has submitted like 2 pages of fiction all semester and never takes notes or has materials.

This is just getting under my skin because I see her sitting there doing jack shit and I'm actually participating in discussion because this is fucking grad school, you should have some initiative and interest at this point. If she gets higher than a C, there is no justice.

>> No.3122509
File: 74 KB, 300x396, Osaka_san_i_love_you_by_MicZe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be whatever you would call my " literary " class in your country
>all the other students (we are ~15) consider me to be a genius
>I'm also seen by them as a nerd
>I speak to all of them in school and even sympathized with some of them.
>I never hang out with them nor anybody outside of school.
>Pretend (which is half true) that it is a choice.
>Decline their invitations to parties and act as if I'm to deep for them
>Somehow feel proud of it

I'm ok with this.

>> No.3122517

lmao there's a good in my class who sounds fucking pissed everytime he says something i was like god get a load of this kid he's flipping out over everything but it turns out he just talks this weird way that he puts extra volume on the first syllable of every word

>> No.3122520

a "good" lul ment to say guy how did that happen, he's not good either his projects all suck oh well

>> No.3122529
File: 484 KB, 160x217, 1351050380549.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be high school droppout
>pass community college entrance exam
>get perfect scores for nearly every assignment
>realizeeveryone just wants to go to school to get a job
>realize everyone in my school has shit for for brains
>realize my achievements are meaningless
>realize no matter how much I read or do maths or write, I'll never be brilliant
>i'll only be good enough to get a job

>> No.3122537
File: 352 KB, 400x490, 1351139352973.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or, you could
>maintain 4.0 gpa
>have all of your professors write you recommendations
>reach out to other colleges, get involved in societies, try to get published in something
>attend great school on scholarship

>tfw everyone thinks I'm a high school drop-out
>tfw I just decided to behome-schooled
>I have reasonably good extra-curriculars/standardized test scores
>I try to explain at sat test center that I am home-schooled
>they just ask what I'm doing what I do and if I'm getting a ged

>> No.3122548

I challenge your assumption of self-education

>> No.3122550

which assumption?

>> No.3122553

Language student here (French and Russian).
Those of use who sign up for a language are usually forced to study its literature as well - something few of us appreciate. As a result, we end up in literature classes with people like OP, who are studying literature on its own.
I know exactly what his situation is like because I've spent a couple of years on the other end: the clueless fucks who couldn't give a shit about literary criticism.
This is a thank-you, OP, for taking attention away from those of us who didn't do the work because literature bores us.

>> No.3122556


Every intelligent person who goes to college realizes this eventually. The truly sad thing is when the realization makes *you* stop caring, and become just another "passer"...

>> No.3122564


Homeschoolfag here, just get the GED, attend a shitty school for one year, get a 4.0, transfer to a good school. Once you prove yourself the fact that you got in on a GED becomes utterly irrelevant.

I took the SAT, got a non-accredited high school diploma (didn't know any better) then just had to get a GED anyway. Got into a middle of the road state university, transferred up to one of the best public universities in the region, arguably the country. Good times

>> No.3122577

>Enter university
>English Major, was reading Being and Nothingness
>Go to first /lit/ class
>Get assigned "The Hunger Games"
>Never heard of it. Prose is awful
>Realize most people there are over-privileged white kids with parents that pay their tuition so they don't have to hire a babysitter.
>Make friends with some seniors and Alumni
>Meet former English majors forced into Grad school to hold off debt
>Forever Starbucks
>Drop out

Thank God I only accrued 11,000 in debt and left that shit hole before my soul was sucked out of me. I recommend OP does the same. The state of academia is intellectual death for otherwise bright people - and it all starts with poor public education. Save yourself and drop out. Don't waste any more of your life behind a desk. The real world does wonders for aspiring writers.

>> No.3122609

If literature bores you then why are you posting in /lit/?

>> No.3122617

Happened to see this on the front page and was somewhat interested.
I'm not a regular contributor, don't worry,

>> No.3122623

Ok was just curious. Undergrad lit is one thing, but shit it's sad when I see disinterest in graduate lit classes.

>> No.3122654

>Hunger Games

And I thought my uni was bad

>> No.3122658

Feeling proud for being a loner?
That's pretty stupid.

>> No.3122660

Was meant to quote

>> No.3122719

Not for being a loner in itself, for being invited to parties and answering " Neh, I don't like parties, besides I have books to read. " But there is no logic in that either.

>> No.3122923

Don't expect much different in grad school. Universities have become dominated by those who want degrees for job-related prospects (not surprisingly because of how damn expensive it is to go to school in North America) and often that supersedes any passion for the subject matter.
I've learned to basically provide as much input as I can to keep classes less painful and not be bitter if those people who don't participate end up with B's or B+'s (even though in seminar classes participation is often 25% of a grade).

>> No.3122992


big fish, small bowl

>> No.3123032

>You don't have to read every little thing mentioned in the course


>> No.3123374

>If you believe in anything other than extreme skepticism/nihilism/pragmatism, I'd like to hear why, in a very serious way.

Very good.

>> No.3123413

I don't know what goes through these peoples head. In both of my seminars last term there were at least 4 people (out of a class of 8-10) who NEVER TALKED. How fucking dumb do you have to be to not say anything in seminars when that's 30% of your grade?

>> No.3123451

I haven't been in any seminars yet. Are the participation requirements that stringent? Damn.

>> No.3123455


>> No.3123468

You'd do well to STEM your posting, thanks.

I don't believe you when you say you believe in skepticism.

>> No.3123504

>don't be a retard and actually do the readings
>talk about shit that you found interesting in class
>free %30

how is that 'stringent', or are you just used to slacking off?

>> No.3123524

Do you know how hard it is to get the kids to do the fucking readings? Not ever pop quizzes work.

>> No.3123536

I don't mind participating, personally, but I figured such a high proportion of your grade implies it'll be a little more labour intensive than just chatting about shit you found interesting.

Also I've had some TAs who took participation marking waaay too seriously. Like, they'd give you 20% of that 30% if you only talked normally each class, 25% if you were a charismatic !!CONVERSATION LEADER!! and 30% if you convinced them to join your cult. I don't mind so much when 10% of my grade is potentially subject to that, but 30%..

I'm a history major and it's mindboggling how little of the readings people do. They talk about it casually. If I had to guess, a tenth of the class does all the readings, and of the rest, half does some, and half does none.

>> No.3123605

TA's don't teach seminars. They teach tutorials/labs/discussions.

If your seminar class is being taught by a masters or PhD STUDENT, seek help.

>> No.3123614

You do realise that the world isn't organised in the same way outside of clapistan?

>> No.3123615

I know what you mean. Last term my professor told the class at the end of a lecture "you may want to study up on these pages over the weekend. They have a lot to do with what we'll be looking at next class."
Next class, pop quiz. And when I'm grading them, it's like 60% of them didn't even open the textbook.

>> No.3123616

That's all I meant, TAs in tutorials having unrealistic interpretations of class participation. Some of them were actually professors though.

>> No.3123623

Never heard of any universities that let people without PhD's teach courses. At least, in the US.

>> No.3123669

It is fairly common with upper level seminars on restricted topics in the humanities with Final Year PhDs, submitteds and Graduands. If you don't know what a Graduand is then you should probably not be bitching at all.

>> No.3123679


Doesn't know about PhD ABDs...we can and do teach.

>> No.3123687


Doesn't change the fact that it reflects on the caliber of the institution that they let you sort teach. God, and I thought adjunct professors were bad

>> No.3123691


I teach a course at a top 20 major research university and am a PhD ABD. Why do you think that defending a dissertation equals pedagogic skill? Any substantive amount of time spent in higher education should have educated you otherwise.

>> No.3123712

I'm sorry, I'm only familiar with 4 institutions in the top 50 and 10 in the top 100 who conduct teaching in HASS fields like this.

>> No.3123727

Adjunct "Wahh im a real professor i should have tenure"
candidates "wahh im a real professor i dont need a degree to be certified to teach"


>> No.3123733



If you just told them in advance that there would be a quiz, and these quizzes occurred regularly, do you think it would raise the % of students who do the reading?

Would there be some reason(s) against doing this? Class time comes to mind, I suppose ... 5 min per day devoted to pop quiz can add up.

>> No.3123734

"Marking time" is a fucking monster, and we want you (generally) to write long form essays because this is what we do.

>> No.3123736

if you tell them in advance, it isn't a 'pop quiz' anymore.

The moral of the story was that the professor was trying to be nice and strongly hinting at it but the students didn't listen/care anyways.

>> No.3123737

a: no
b1: no
b2: yes

Universities certify the capacity of their workers to work at an appropriate level, not the possession of particular degrees. We all know that ABDs, MA by Research and people with poor research tracks will never get tenure; but, we also know that many people are capable of running a fucking undergraduate seminar.

You cunts can't even detect the difference between dichotomy and dialectic.

>> No.3123753


I agree with you with the caveat that those currently with ABD status can get tenure track positions after defense. Teaching before defense does not prevent one from having an academic career that doesn't involve hitting the job market every few years.

>> No.3123874

>tfw denied tenure

All I can say is, don't get married or play MMOs.

>> No.3124792

>be philosophy major
>have a shitty job as a cleaner
>clean houses with a young woman
>"what do you study?"
>"what's that?"

>> No.3124821

>be lit. major
>always read more than I should and I excited to go to class to discuss it
>crushing anxiety means I can't formulate a decent though on the topic, let alone a coherent sentence
>stay quiet

>> No.3124828

>tfw you just got into honours programme

>> No.3124832

>be philosophy major
>make $100 a week
>no job prospects
>it's ok because my mind is at ease knowing that all philosophical problems are just the result of language

>> No.3124857
File: 22 KB, 316x360, are-u-a-WIZARD0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's ok because my mind is at ease knowing that all philosophical problems are just the result of language
>yfw you realise you were wrong about that

>> No.3124869

>mfw I'm these dubs

>> No.3124877

>>all philosophical problems are just the result of language

Much in the same fashion that all automechanical problems are 'just' the result of cars...

>> No.3124879

>Much in the same fashion that all automechanical problems are 'just' the result of cars...
>implying that's not true

>> No.3125129


language is sufficient for philosophical problems to occur but is not necessary. Similarities in philosophical thought occurring in distant regions of the world (unexplained by diffusion) supports this claim.

>> No.3125147

lol, because the different regions don't all have languages... right.

>> No.3125154


They don't have similar languages. The upshot is that strong sapir-whorfism towards philosophical problems is a falsified claim.

>> No.3125167


Mommy and daddy are doing the investing.

Because every mommy and daddy send Jill off to school with carte blanche, every moronic middle class spawn has some useless degree. Because every middle class moron has a degree, every job above service and retail requires one to get past the HR computer.

>> No.3125183

that's not anxiety, you're just stupid

>> No.3125197

>and I excited to
>instead pursuing

That is the best you can do as a literature major? Greentexting and writing like a 16 year old?

I hope you die soon.

>> No.3125519

Just because they don't have the same cars doesn't mean that car problems aren't fundamentally car problems no matter what kind of car you have.

There are no philosophical problems without language because there's no cognitive dissonance when you leave shitty broken logic out of the equation.