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3108612 No.3108612 [Reply] [Original]

Far away to the northward I percieved a thin, white, and exceedingly brilliant line, or streak, on the edge of the horizon, and I had no hesitation in supposing itto be the sourthen disc of the ices of the Polar sea

>> No.3108616

'O no!' She eagerly returned. 'They know everything.'

>> No.3108617

Unscrew the locks from the doors!

>> No.3108619

>Suddenly she breaks off, we have just time enough to see her open her bag, raise her skirt revealing a beautiful leg and there, a little above the black garter. . . .

It's pretty late in the year for my 2012 sex life

>> No.3108625

"An important concept when discussing data flow criteria is that a def of a variable may or may not reach a particular use."
Sounds about right

>> No.3108629
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An apple, halved, is divided into sections, but an apple is composed of seeds, flesh, and skin.
--The Elements of Style

Well, well... Not to bad at all, eh?

>> No.3108636

"And so they came to the rolling lands of Lacedaemon, deep in the hills, and drove up to the palace of the illustrious Menelaus."

Fuck yeah, swingers!

>> No.3108637

"Now Mozart was impressed by Haydn's manner of starting to develop even in the early stages of the exposition, but in his E flat quartet, k428, his manner is entirely different from Haydn's."

>> No.3108643

His leg irons clanked and his wrist chains jingled as they led him into the room.

>> No.3108644

In respect to the employment of troops, ground may be classified as dispersive, frontier, key, open, focal, serious, encircled or desperate.


>> No.3108645

The nearest book to me starts at page 404

>> No.3108646

It's blank.

>> No.3108647

This will be, I think, the shortest chapter.

Very apt so far

>> No.3108648

Their interpretation is now straight forward.

>> No.3108655

"We had an assembly first thing"

"it had all sorts of little blie dots dancing in sort of whorla inside it."

"Recall that genes at the same locus on a pair of homologous chromosomes are alleles."

>> No.3108668

No-nonsense Police Sergeant Howie arrives at the isolated community of Summerisle to investigate the anonymous report of a missing child.


>> No.3108672

>Here, though, he did not know what answer to give to such a simple question and looked round at the others as if they were under some obligation to help him, and as if no-one could expect any answer from him without this help.

Sounds about right.

>> No.3108674

"By the beginning of the year 2000, Yahoo shares were trading at $240 each."

--The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics.

Kapcha: This Figers

>> No.3108677

Aga miks ka mitte?

>> No.3108678

Aloud, she said, "The axe. That was him, wasn't it? Trying to kill us?"

>> No.3108684

>Augustinus: "Our heart is restless
until it rests in you."


>> No.3108689

"Bits of her clothing were flying in all directions."

-L'Assommoir by Emile Zola

I like this prediction. I like it a lot.

>> No.3108690

Dudley stared at Harry.
I-- I'm not sure about this.

>> No.3108691
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"Using a wooden spoon, press this fragrant mass into the prepared tin."

>> No.3108693

"She sat herself down in Peter's room and considered doing a series of very straightforward posters about Lenin."
Europe Central

>> No.3108694

..And it was subsequently analysed in detail, in relation to reference groups, by the US sociologist Robert K Merton (1910-2003) in his book 'social theory and social structure' (1957).


>> No.3108709

"And Father, how can I love you"


>> No.3108711

"You need to rest." He pats her belly carefully but with a certain force, as if it were the shell of a soft-boiled egg.

>> No.3108713

"I helped as best as I could."

>> No.3108716

The liability of any act must be markedly increased if a populace is to be obedient.

>> No.3108717

"We have shown a single denial is contradictorily opposite to a single affirmation and we have explained which these are;....."

I'm not writing the rest but it seems that according to Aristotle I will be denied sex this year and that is opposite of being granted sex.

>> No.3108722

"It worked- me- on my own."

lol. Can't believe this actually happened.

>> No.3108737

"I smashed my head agains the side of the door"

thx Tookie

>> No.3108741

"The South also proved adept at improvising munition production."

So I'll never have a shortage of cum. Good to know.

>> No.3108745

"It burned right through him." He paused beside a pillar, before the tomb of a long dead Stark. "I loved that old man."

Yeah, okay.

>> No.3108749

Adjectives denoting nationality or color always follow the noun

>> No.3108751

Next day, by dint of a persistence which many thought ill-advised, Rieux persuaded the authorities to convene a 'health committee' at the Prefect's office.

I was actually checked for chlamydia this summer, and I was clean. So I think an entire committee would be excessive.

>> No.3108756

effectively they help to collapse some of the old distinctions and symbolic hierarchies that revolve around the popular culture/higher culture axis.

>> No.3108758
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"Daddy told me to pull up on the reins while he gave a listen"

Well, shit. It's a good thing I'm bi.

>> No.3108754

Juden svarade, att han icke höll någon annan tro än den judiska för helig och sann, att han var född i den och ville leva och dö i den, och att intet någonsin skulle kunna förmå honom att lämna den.

In English: The Jew answered, that he had no other faith but the Jewish faith as holy and true, that he was born in it and wanted to live and die in it, and that nothing could possibly make him leave it.

>> No.3108762


>> No.3108764

We played hardball/
in a triangle of glass by the highway ramp.

>> No.3108767

"John (uneasy) Och no - no. Maggie disnae take the huff hardly ever."

Uhhh. Not sure what to make of that.

>> No.3108775

Because the men who had composed the mob, the traders and drovers and teamsters, returned, vanished back into the region from which they had emerged for this occasion like rats; scattered, departed about the country--faces which even Ellen was not to remember, seen for the night or the meal or just the drink at other taverns twenty and fifty and a hundred miles further on along nameless roads and then gone from here too; and those who had come in the carriages and buggies to see a Roman holiday, driving out to Sutpen's Hundred to call and (the men) to hunt his game and eat his food again and on occasion gathering at night in his stable while he matched two of his negroes against one another as men match game cocks or perhaps even entered the ring himself.

fucking faulkner

>> No.3108785

"But the first point to make is that what he chose to do philosophically was the choice not of an amateur in the field but of a remarkably well-versed student of stoicism"

So I get a years worth of sex without emotion?

>flawless victory

>> No.3108800
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"He arrived ten minutes after me and he brought his own company, a big blonde Swede with a Chinese broad in tow."

>> No.3108804
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"The Spartans alleged that Athens was polluted by the existence there of families under an old curse."

>> No.3108808

Stately, plump Buck Mulligan came from the stairhead, bearing a bowl of lather on which a mirror and a razor lay crossed.

sounds quiet interesting

>> No.3108813
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"I don't want to go to college, and your whole life revolves around money."

>> No.3108816
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For Big Business, this pause between the wars was not just a time of frustration; it was an era of severest trauma.

>> No.3108817

>The fury of the beast, who no doubt bore still in mind the dreaded whip, was instantly converted into fear.


>> No.3108829

Exhibit number two is a pocket diary bound in black imitation leather, with a golden year, 1947, en escalier, in its upper left-hand corner.

>> No.3108834

>Stately, plump Buck Mulligan came from the stairhead, bearing a bowl of lather on which a mirror and a razor lay crossed.
That's not on page 45! You must be fooling!

>> No.3108839

"If he died or was killed, would you revert to your old ways?"

>> No.3108842

Since it pleases you to come to me as if drawn by a magnet, I shall not hinder you.

>> No.3108843 [SPOILER] 
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My father and mother were left alone and sat down for a moment; then my father said: 'Well, shall we go up to bed?'

>> No.3108844

Maybe there's a long introduction before the story breh and there's no i, ii, iii, iv, v, vi,vii,viii, ix, x pages

>> No.3108845

Olga sprach mit K. leise und wie vertraut, es war angenehm mit ihr zu gehn, fast so wie mit dem Bruder, K. wehrte sich gegen das Wohlgefühl, aber es bestand.

>> No.3108853
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"Physical Assault."

>> No.3108875

"It was long and shiny and especially round at the tip"..... Ahahahahaghh That's amazing!!!

>> No.3108884

"Miss Alan was always thus being charitable against her better judgement."

>> No.3108886

"Uexkull's books sometimes contain illustrations that try to suggest how a segment of the human world would appear from the point of view of a hedgehog, a bee, a fly, or a dog."

I have no words

>> No.3108889

'I would do it for charity's sake,' she said 'rxcept that I never could abide men who wear vests.'

>> No.3108890

"Three fruit flan."

>> No.3108903

>I was drenched in sweat.

Yes, fapping in bed tends to do this to me.

>> No.3108917

"Nor is it a world we can happily ignore."

I'm alright with this.

>> No.3108918

"This point of view also spoke to Wallace, with its invitation to unleash his sense of humour and verbal playfulness."

>> No.3108926

>...research in the area had yet to come into its own), examined the vulnerabilities of the adversary and the likely results of available measures

Strategic intelligence literature, joy.

>> No.3108927
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>Now I am eighty-six years old; I am about to die.

>> No.3108930

>However, I think I have shown quite clearly (Pr. 16) that from God's supreme power or infinite nature an infinity of things in infinite ways--that is, everything--have necessarily flowed or are always following from that same necessity, just as from the nature of a triangle it follows from eternity to eternity that its three angles are equal to two right angles.

I have a healthy active sex life right now, because I could never not have a healthy active sex life right now. Thanks, Spinoza, that shit's pretty uplifting.

>> No.3108932

"There must be a language that doesn't depend on words, the boy thought"
(The Alchemist)

>> No.3108934

"Hit aint begrudgin the money," he says.

>> No.3108936

>"(i) If m_eq denotes the equivalent mass placed at point A, with x_dot_eq=x_dot, the kinetic energy of the equivalent mass system T_eq is geven by ..."

Fifth Edition Mechanical Vibrations, by Singiresu S. Rao.

Suddenly, I understand...

>> No.3108941

>During the two-year waiting period there were surprise home visitations.
Am I going to be raped?

>> No.3108944

"A bright, solemn day"

>> No.3108948



>> No.3108961

They had tied him behind a horse and dragged him up and down the hillside until little remained but a pitiable mound of rags.

>> No.3108971

> "Ah, child," said Carlo.

Fuck, party van incoming.

>> No.3108974

>"We have a union.

Oh wow. I celebrated my first wedding anniversary this year.

>> No.3108977

The consistency of the genre relied on the settings, devices, and events.

>> No.3108983

Na, und die Frau?

Well, and the woman?

>> No.3108989

"Not only does he enjoys seeing her, but also recalls at the same time, the beautiful days spent treating her, the lovely morning that he planted her, the pleasant afternoons where he watered it, and finally, the pleasure felt to see it grow and thicken!"
Such a great description of masturbation.

>> No.3109009

"Richard III is both an independent play and the conclusion of a tetralogy."

Cryptic, to say the least.

>> No.3109017

I know I could have counted four and wait for the fifth, because there were one, two, three, and somehow I knew it.

>> No.3109032

This region is threatened by chaos unless Europe and the US define the common goal and appear on the stage as potential rivals.

>> No.3109036
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Jupiter knew this as he smiled and he slipped a little gold box into her hands.

>> No.3109148

>The official sank back in his chair, he sat blinking for half a minute, gasping.
I guess I'll be fucking corpate guys/girls

>> No.3109164

Deinonychyus was only about 2m long, but it was a fierce hunter.

>> No.3109197

"Multiple Discounts may be offered to generate sales or encourage prompt payment."

Uh oh.

>> No.3109205

"In Catalonia, the bourgeois government headed by Companys retained nominal authority, but real power was in the hands of the anarchist-dominated committees."

>> No.3109207

>Oh, he’s affected all right – and my very small inner goddess sways in a gentle victorious samba.

>> No.3109217
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>> No.3109232

"I feared losing the respect of my parents."

>> No.3109243


"But look here," said the young man; "what has this got to do with my paying Jack a visit?"

Uncollected Writings of Stephen Crane

>> No.3109244

>For finer-grained control over arguments, you can use the double bang with the :N modifier to select the Nth argument.

>double bang

>> No.3109245

Nothing with me, he thought. Not as long as he keeps this up.

>mfw i have erectile disfunction irl

>> No.3109247

The situation of the Greeks was very different from that of the Barbarians.

>> No.3109276

"Glotka frowned."

>> No.3109282

>"Harold took Redwald through an annexe to the door of another room where men sat drinking from wooden cups along both sides of an oak table"

I think i'm in for a treat.

>> No.3109284

"Not since the 1280s and 1290s, when the guild commune was first established, had so many of these gente nuova moved in to the city's economic and political elite."
-Florence: The Golden Age

Uhh...cool. I'm going to have the sex life of a Florentine wool merchant?

>> No.3109290

The crack on the back of the ukulele had been neatly mended with sticking plaster and the round hole in the middle was covered by a piece of wood.

>> No.3109287

>" 'Lissa!" Kirstie cried in tones of real agony. "He forgot 'Lissa!"
According to Stephen King, I'm going to have three-ways, but I'm going to forget that I'm having a three-way and the girl I'm fucking will be sad about it.

>> No.3109288

>"On the other hand it is gratifying to see that "gradualism" does not necessarily exclude the crucial importance of "gifted individuals" (93) and hence that "gradualism" may make allowance for sudden changes."

Leo Strauss is a prophet.

>> No.3109298

"Ah, so it's not a monad at all, but a composite."

Yeah, doesn't work unfortunately.

>> No.3109299

It's an Art History book and page 45 is just a picture of a roman mosaic representing The Last Supper.

I still think it applies somehow

>> No.3109310

Are you even reading this, did you even skim over the thread before rushing to post something?

>> No.3109312

>À L'automne de 1938, sans autre forme de procès, Le Reich de allemand d'Adolf Hitler demande à la pologne la restitution de la "ville libre" de Gdansk, l'accès à l'est de la Prusse par une autoroute traversant "le corridor polonais" et le réalignement de la politique étrangère polonaise sur celle du IIIe Reich, par la signature du pact anti-Komintern.

So my sex life is someone fucking me over?

>> No.3109316

>We cannot succeed in making things identical simply by dint of operations with concepts.

I'm going to attempt to fuck my own clone but fail miserably. Just like every year.

>> No.3109317

Nikolka's heart moaned, thoroughly undone.

>> No.3109323


Yes, i find it respectful to read other peoples posts in threads like these.

>> No.3109333

I read half, yes.

>> No.3109334

That's half the fun really. Seeing what others are reading, recognizing books by a single line or being left in the dark as to what the book could be. It's really fascinating.

>> No.3109337

Then of their sesson ended their bid cry
With trumpets´ regal sound the great result:
Toward the four winds four speedy cherubim
Put to their mouths the sounding alchemy
By herald´s voice explained: the hollow abyss
Heard far and wide, and all the host of hell
With deafening shout returned them loud acclaim.

>> No.3109343

Then of their session ended their bid cry
With trumpets´ regal sound the great result:
Toward the four winds four speedy cherubim
Put to their mouths the sounding alchemy
By herald´s voice explained: the hollow abyss
Heard far and wide, and all the host of hell
With deafening shout returned them loud acclaim.

>> No.3109347

Just south of Morrison, Colorado, lies a mountain ridge that is home to an intriguing series of stones.
My balls will become a national landmark.

>> No.3109348

Aí o Leco resolveu matar o Papai Noel.
Then leco decided to kill Santa Claus.

>> No.3109351

гусеница- caterpillar; (caterpillar) track
Thanks, Russian-English dictionary

>> No.3109357

"Maybe she thinks you'll marry her, said Lenehan" James Joyce - Dubliners

>> No.3109361

"...she's in worse trouble than I thought!"

>> No.3109362

Every psychical objectification, and thus every comprehension of acts as something psychical, is identical with depersonalization.

>> No.3109363

"The sailor drifted down into the plaza."

>> No.3109371

haha this fuckin guy buy mood! my moooood!

One can apply to Hegel what Le Senne said of the Philosophy of Hamelin: "Each of the lower terms depends on the higher term, as the abstract on the concrete which is necessary for it to realize itself."

>> No.3109374

"For the reason for things must be sought in metaphysical necessities or in eternal truths, since (as I showed above) it cannot be found in the actual series of things."


>> No.3109398

"Poor old darling," she stroked my head.

-The Sun Also Rises

Good stuff

>> No.3109402

"Did it catch thee?"

>> No.3109405

Hobbes depicts men, therefore, as making a social covenant by which each man agrees to hand over to a sovereign his right of governing himself provided that every other member of the prospective society does the same.

>> No.3109407
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CANADIAN TIME SIGNALS - Station CHU, Ottawa, Ontario, operates continuously on the following frequencies: 3330kHz, 7335 kHz, and 14670kHz, and the bilingual voice announcement which is heard each minute takes the form: "CHU CANADA - COORDINATED UNIVERSAL TIME - TEMPS UNIVERSEL COORDONNE - HOURS - MINUTES - HEURES - MINUTES" (English on even minutes, French on odd) and on the hour "CHU CANADA - COORDINATED UNIVERSAL TIME - TEMPS UNIVERSEL COORDONNE - HOURS EXACTLY - HEURES PRECISES".

>> No.3109410

> A chapter having been read through twice, the books were closed and the girls examined.

So far this is wildly inaccurate, but I suppose there's still time.

>> No.3109415

>In a series of lectures delivered at Chapel Hill, Rose referred to "God's Grand Utterance" as "The Biggest Bang of Them All."


>> No.3109418

>The camp looked as though it had suffered an epidemic: empty and dead.

Yes, of course I have to be reading a Holocaust memoir...

>> No.3109423


>> No.3109429

>Between 1560 and 1660 war and revolution broke out throughout Europe.
I don't even

>> No.3109433

The shock, the heat and the leaden charge of Adams’s palm spirit Daquiri were all puddling together into a bad headache, when the SUV pulled into the Mimosa’s parking lot.

Sounds hot.

>> No.3109440

>So she found herself latching into the story of that morning's incident, hardly believing it was herself she was listening to.

At least it's a girl.

>> No.3109455

"That Nick's fear of intimacy is not limited to his relationship with Jordan is suggested by his two previous romances."

Um... okay?

>> No.3109467

A round infant with a fist in his mouth.

>> No.3109471

"My sudden awareness of my foolishness made me calm."

Uh-huh? Sooo... still no sex? But I'm okay with it?

>> No.3109477

There must be another knife somewhere; if he sets his mind to it, goes foraging, scrapes around in the leftovers, he'd be sure to find one.


>> No.3109484


Best of thread, actually made me burst out laughing.

>> No.3109505

>thirty minutes of 'clock time' each day, the results can have an impact on the entire spectrum of your life
Nouh my god

>> No.3109506

"At length he came to a steamy little dell in the mountains, where he discovered a nice bubbling set of lime hot springs, which had a smart taste like small beer."

Oh shit.

My harsh barren sex life confirmed for changing.

>> No.3109517

the sick-sweet stink of death seeped into everything.

>> No.3109561

Page 45 of the nearest book starts in the middle of section 33 of Walt Whitman's Song of Myself. There are no sentences for two pages, just a bunch of subordinate clauses.

>> No.3109565
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>I had an insistent and unaccountable craving for a sleep whose dreams I should not remember.

- Beyond the Wall of Sleep by H.P. Lovecraft


>> No.3109567

Rex caeli Domine, a sequence-like hymn probably dating from the ninth century.

>> No.3109574

"...Cobdenite, and trade would automatically expand. The business career would be open to the talents. The good workman would command the full money's worth of his work, and his money would buy him food and clothing at the lowest rate in the world's market. Only so would he get the full value of his work, paying toll to none. Taxes there must be to carry on government, but if we looked into the cost of government we found that it depended mostly on armaments. Why did we need armaments? First, because of the national antagonisms aroused and maintained by a protective system. Free commercial intercourse between nations would engender mutual knowledge, and knit the severed peoples by countless ties of business interests. Free Trade meant peace, and once taught by the example of Great Britain's prosperity, other nations would follow suit, and Free Trade would be universal. The other root of national danger was the principle of intervention. We took it on ourselves to set other nations right. How could we judge for other nations? Force was no remedy..."

>> No.3109576

"...Let every people be free to work out its own salvation. Things were not so perfect with us that we need go about setting the houses of other people in order. To complete personal freedom, there must be national freedom. There must also be colonial freedom. The colonies could no longer be governed in the interests of the mother country, nor ought they to require standing garrisons maintained by the mother country. They were distant lands, each, if we gave it freedom, with a great future of its own, capable of protecting itself, and developing with freedom into true nationhood. Personal freedom, colonial freedom, international freedom, were parts of one whole. Non-intervention, peace, restriction of armaments, retrenchment of expenditure, reduction of taxation, were the connected series of practical consequences. The money retrenched from wasteful military expenditure need not all be remitted to the taxpayer. A fraction of it devoted to education--free, secular, and universal--would do as much good as when spent on guns and ships it did harm. For education was necessary to raise the standard of intelligence, and provide the substantial equality of opportunity at the start without which the mass of men could not make use of the freedom given by the removal of legislative restrictions. There were here elements of a more constructive view for which Cobden and his friends have not always received sufficient credit."

>> No.3109583
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"He learned a little about close-order drill, but not enough to master the more complicated demands."

Lincoln by David Herbert Donald

>> No.3109594

'He was watching her, without knowing her, only aware underneath of her presence'


>> No.3109591

Great accomplishment seems imperfect, yet it does not outlive its usefulness

>> No.3109635

The Luftwaffe failed, however, to sufficiently erode the strength of the Royal Airforce.

>> No.3109654

It made me so nervous I nearly went crazy.

>> No.3109660

"This is your doing Harry," said the painter bitterly.

>> No.3109663

"As noted earlier, this measure requires that most state and local law enforcement officers receive specific training on human trafficking."

>> No.3109671

It was my kanji dictionary. The first kanji on page 45 is 病, which means "to suffer, to become ill".

>> No.3109676

By the time psychoanalysis as a process had been given a name, Freud had already given up hypnosis altogether, but was still sitting beside his patient and, usually, placing his hand on the patient's forehead to reinforce his powerful exhortations that the patient could and must trace associations and uncover links between buried thoughts and repressed memories.
-What Freud Really Said

God dammit

>> No.3109685

'Where he was, there was the frontier of knowledge.'

>> No.3109682
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"Not even a rat had been killed."


>> No.3109714
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>In much the same way as scalar values may be assigned to variables, list values may also be assigned to variables.

Aw yeah, gonna get assigned.

>> No.3109719


I bought that book when I visited Gettysburg as a lad but never it. Any good? Better | worse than other Lincoln biographies? It seems to be popular genre.

>> No.3109727
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>I twice denied him to you, even though he was sitting in my room at the time.

>> No.3109728

"Once before, it is true, I crossed though Hell conjured by cruel Erichtho who recalled the spirits to their bodies."

>> No.3109730

Oh, spare his heartache!


>> No.3109735

It is not enough in fact to draw up a list of behavior patterns, of tedencies and inclinations, it is necessary also to decipher them; that is, it is necessary to know how to question them.


>> No.3109738

"There's still material from that one time in the tile-grouting."

Oh yessssssssssssssssssssssss....

>> No.3109747

"...all of them things which could never have occurred in any other Christian country"

Fuck yeaaaaah

>> No.3109762

>to my disappointment, it had not come.


>> No.3109764

In order to form the negative of the verb-form "would like to (do)," change the last letter -i in the affirmative -tai into -ku and add arimasen.

>> No.3109769

"Over the next two decades, they suggested, $20,000 invested in The Foolish Four should flower into $1,791,000."

>> No.3109785

"parts of this work came from Sumerian city-states, but the whole epic, as known today, was the work of compilers who lives after 2000 VCE during the days of the Babylonian Empire." Well that sucks...

>> No.3109794
File: 34 KB, 420x638, The Myth of the Rational Voter by Bryan Caplan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"A staple of pessimistic rhetoric is to idealize conditions in the more distant past in order to put recent conditions in a negative light."

>> No.3109808

'I am,' was my reply; for I saw it was our only resource if we wished to advance, and as for retreating, all thoughts of that sort had long been abandoned.

>> No.3109812

"He stared straight ahead and spoke forcefully, as if he had not noticed that he was talking to a man with a wooden nose."

>> No.3109818

Vitamins can be classified into two groups- fat-soluble vitamins and water-soluble vitamins.

>> No.3109830
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This is humiliating, but I haven't read it yet either. It's borrowed.

>> No.3109839

"It's not that he has lost the world, but that he has had to leave the *world's savor* behind."
- Theory of Bloom, Tiqqun.


>> No.3109840

"He wished his two helpers, now driven to near-twitchiness by uncertainty, an earnest good day."

>> No.3109847
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white noise, don delillo (imo a shit book)

"Insistent pressuring voices."

>> No.3109848

"All he'd be wearing would be a little infantry button in his navel"

Nine Stories by J. D. Salinger (Uncle Wiggily in Connecticut)

>> No.3109852

"But I did something uncool, let my desperation show, and they ditched me outside a fancy casino."


>> No.3109857


>> No.3109859

>"Do you give wine to your children, MMe Sandeau?
- Modern Complete French Grammar

>> No.3109861

It means youre gay.

>> No.3109870

"Not far enough," the dwarf told it, politely using its own tongue, and his words were proven true as the goblin's guts spilled out.

>> No.3109872
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He is entertained by an eminent Dutch jurist in Amesterdam—and upon the pages of the chronicle it appears that the gentleman is "waxy" and "a little pedantic," and that he is probably the sort of "thin, delicate, well barbered" professor that Ibsen had in mind when he cast about for a husband for the daughter of General Gabler"

~The Vintage Mencken

>> No.3109904

The closest he ever comes to that is one too many scotches after dinner.


>> No.3109909
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"Comrade of raftsmen and coalmen - comrade of all who shake hands and welcome to drink and meat"

>> No.3109926

meanwhile the cops were working over the boys pretty good

damnit bukowski

captcha: menDate for

>> No.3109974

"Once one is familiar with the basic principle of manometry, it is straightforward to write a single equation rather than separate equations as was done in Example 3.6. The single equation for evaluation of pressure in a pipe is: "

>> No.3109981

>You'll soon have everyone in Vermillion Sands out here.

Well ok then.

>> No.3110140
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"She's in worse trouble than I thought"

>> No.3110152

"These little things make all the great difference."

God damn it.

>> No.3110158

>"I know he is a Gascon," reflected he, but he may be one for the Cardinal was well as for me."

Either I'm a Frenchman, which I'm not, or I'm a braggart, not that there's been much to brag about this past year, or possibly I'm gay.

>> No.3110167

"Yesterday I wanted to fuck about twenty different strangers."

>> No.3110180

En dag skall dessa flyga ut.
One day these shall fly out.

(Referring to bats in a cave)

>> No.3110214

"Ralph glanced over at her, but the computer-synthesized image of her face gave nothing away."

God damn it.

>> No.3110215

"What do I care about his reputation?"

>> No.3110224

"Vengée d'elle-même, elle sourit, redevint belle, remisa le béret écossais, s'étendit sur le lit, ferma les yeux, rêvassa."
sounds good

>> No.3110229

"You know, crying is useless."

Yay, I'll finally get laid and rape people!

>> No.3110232
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"eventually, she trails the hand further down, under her jeans."

>mfw it's my own novel

>> No.3110243

Sometimes he stood in the center of the quad,
looking at the five huge columns in front of Jesse
Hall that thrust upward into the night out of the
cool grass; he had learned that these columns
were the remains of the original main building of
the University, destroyed many years ago by fire.

>> No.3110280

‘So it is,’ says I, ‘one way; but this does not reach my case
at all, nor is this the chief thing that troubles me, though I
have been concerned about that too.’

>> No.3110287

this page is intentionally left blank...o_O

>> No.3110315

a strong murmur rose now near the door, and people pressed forward against a flabby young man who had come in with a record bag of leather over the shoulder.

Sounds kinky. Had to google translate it from Swedish, so it might be off. It's the crying of Lot 49 though.

>> No.3110370
File: 20 KB, 250x300, feels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>...once who spent all his whole life doing nothing but hunting for a ghost, and it was just a waste of time. So go to sleep."

>> No.3110374

...a kidnaper who rapes a child. You see, chéri. If you decided to stay, if I found you at home (which I know I won’t — and that’s why I am able to go on like this), the fact of your remaining would only mean one thing: that you want me as much as I do you: as a lifelong mate; and that you are ready to link up your life with mine forever and ever and be a father to my little girl.

>> No.3110376

Dat some Lolita?

Ive read that book so many times.

>> No.3110378

Experience of the aura rests on the transposition of a response common in human relationships to the relationship between the inanimate or natural object and man.

>> No.3110397

>.once who spent all his whole life doing nothing but hunting for a ghost, and it was just a waste of time. So go to sleep."

What book is that bro?

>> No.3110399

"You're awake," he said.

>> No.3110400


google. learn to use it.

>> No.3110403

>once who spent all his whole life doing nothing but hunting for a ghost, and it was just a waste of time. So go to sleep."

i'm sorry. i didn't mean to annoy you.

>> No.3110405


i'm not annoyed, it's just - you've never googled a quote before? (I'm not even the guy who posted that quote)

>> No.3110406
File: 2 KB, 342x29, Сниgghj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3110413

Nope! I'm not very good with computers. That's also why i messed up my last post.

>> No.3110418


"I really am sorry -he said"

>> No.3110421


>not very good with computers.

Are you 95? Why are you on 4chan?

>> No.3110422

Person who posted the quote here.

It is from Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance.

>> No.3110432

The argument put forward by neo-classical free market economists is that markets do tend to clear.
>That feel when economics textbook

>> No.3110438

"Please Come."

I'm serious.

>> No.3110481

"she moves, she means, she masters"

Paris Review 155, pg 45

>> No.3110566

It was a most extraordinary sight and while I was wondering a man came up and said: "Mr Kipling, are you interested in whales?"

>> No.3110605

>Observe the equation x^2+1=0.

It's a textbook on mathematical analysis.

>> No.3110613

>are you interested in whales?

Depends. Is it a sexual kind of interest?

>> No.3110619

"'So you adore her, out of perversity?'"


>> No.3110647

'Everybody started throwing stuff, having fights,' recalled Mothersbaugh.

In reality there's less commotion and more sitting alone in the dark.

>> No.3110662

The river's tent is broken;

>> No.3110703

"All right."


>> No.3110741

The venetians sold timber and salt to the capital, in exchange for manufacturing products.

>> No.3110753

"If I had only been able to meet her, if just once."

Silly book, I'm not into girls.

>> No.3110786
File: 40 KB, 630x418, 1345821477597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The heat of the sun, with a thousand sucking mouths, was drawing out my body's sweat, the desert bushes had turned the color of turmeric under the blazing sun.

>> No.3110812

"Would you care for some more tea?" Fenechka inquired, sticking her head in the door; she'd decided not to enter the living room as long as she heard voices arguing there.

>> No.3110813

"A chapter having been read through twice, the books were closed and the girls examined."

thank u bronte

>> No.3110825

the sum of five thousand dollars for its recovery."

>> No.3110867

''My father died when I was a baby''

No wincest for me

>> No.3110892

Jane says, "Look, are people going to make fun of it? Absuh-freakin'-lutely"


>> No.3110889

I proceed rather as if I had had the dreams myself and were therefore in a position to supply the context.

>> No.3110987

"We never got a good nights sleep."

Thank you, Heller.

>> No.3111023

"Still, I don't think the wolves will eat me. I must be far to dry and tough. That's one comfort."

What does this even mean

>> No.3111037
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"Is Debbie okay?Is she? Please! Tell me,is she all right?"

>> No.3111041


You don't have to worry about hambeasts chasing you, they don't even want to. That's one comfort.

>> No.3111042

Similarly, migrating pastoral nomads use the same principle over much longer distances.

>> No.3111052

>But savages are strange beings; at times you do not know exactly how to take them.


>> No.3111092

Thus in the case of each homogenous commodity, for which the Or= Y!r(Nr), has a definite maning, we can evaluate Zr=o!r(Nr) in the ordinary way; but we can then aggregate the Nr's in a way in which we cannpot aggregate the Or's, singce DeltaOr is not a numerical quantity.
Damn Keynes is a "Keynky" motherfucker

>> No.3111126

From Émile Nelligan`s ''Poésies Complètes'':

"Par les jardins anciens foulant la paix des cistes/"

>> No.3111138

"And if he noticed that Chet was unimpressed, he certainly didn't show it."

...when did I get a Chris Ryan book?

>> No.3111139

The Speckled Band
"And there were no towels at all in the bedroom here."

Looks like it's going to be a messy year...

>> No.3111141

>For the most part, the cytoplasm of dendrites resembles that of axons.

>> No.3111175

>Aye. I'll help you get away from these with your chap, if I can. And...

>> No.3111186

my presynaptic neuron generated an action potential all over her postsynaptic neuron

>> No.3111270

And the so-called innate releasing mechanisms by which they are determined are for the most part stereotyped.

I wot m8?

>> No.3111280

And put your head, good woman, under the covers

-the works of william wordsworth

>> No.3111414
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The defendants diverted the flow of a stream, the natural course of which was through the plaintiff's property.

>> No.3111588

"Fuck you batman! Get the hell out of my ass!"
I like it.

>> No.3111605

"We kept it so secret, only eighty people turned up"

>> No.3111610

"Notice that the nodes are aligned approximately the same way throughout the year (diagonally in Figure 2.20), which means they lie along a nearly straight line with the Sun and Earth about twice each year."

uhhh wut

>> No.3111627

Johansen's address, I discovered, lay in the Old Town of King Harold Haardrada, which kept alive the name of Oslo during all the centuries that the greater city masqueraded as "Christiana."

>> No.3111632

Every function can be differentiated analytically, i.e., the process can be carried out algebraically, and leads to a definite function.

What does this mean?

>> No.3111634

"To the poor ignorant crowd I have the face of the damned, and hating no man myself I accept the isolation of hatred."

Wow, it really works!

>> No.3111648

he tapped with his knuckles on his stiff shirtfront... 'I feel it hot and like choking me here...'

>> No.3111669
File: 14 KB, 185x160, 1350173066284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"729 - In this year two comets appeared; and the same year Osric passed away, who had been king eleven years; and St Egbert passed away in Iona, the Ceolwulf succeeded to the kingdom and ruled eight years."

The Anglo-Saxon chronicle is not exactly ripe with innuendo.

>> No.3111682

That Nick's fear of intimacy is not limited to is relationship with Jordan is suggested by his two previous romances.

>> No.3111696
File: 40 KB, 264x464, Captain-murphy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"They are our most intimate tools, the ones we use for self expression, for shaping personal and public identity, and cultivating relationships with others."

Remarkably apt.

>> No.3111728

"We've been clearing it away, and doing some rebuilding."

Sounds kinky...

>> No.3111767
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Bustopher Jones is not skin and bones–In fact, he's rather fat.

>> No.3111823
File: 42 KB, 353x427, 1337580232436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"When he found that he was alone and there was none besides him, he was so desolate that he created one in his mind and called him Allah, thus making a sardar for himself."

>> No.3111850

"It must be the essence of peace, having no name, no memory. . ."

Pfooh. I don't know.

>> No.3111864

Suppose that the position of the intermediate trace t in (42) is filled, as in (44), so that the chain must be formed by a single link, skipping the blocked position (occupied by it, whether, whether, respectively).

So horny.

>> No.3111869

"no parking" wtf am i supposed to think know?

>> No.3111929

"'Yes,' she says, without any hesitation."

Well, that was easy.

>> No.3111933

''Remove yourself from the area with the other walkie-talkie and wait. As soon as a visitor or family member gets close to the pet, be ready!''
What the fuck?

>> No.3111949

Asunder, and above his head he views
The clear moon and the glory of the heavens.

>> No.3112011

+p be divisible by (x-3).(x+1).(x-1) Use Briot's device.

I wonder what's a Briot's Device.

>> No.3112038


"5. therefore, young children cannot be taught to use a language"

>> No.3112167

Objects are not compared by value: two objects are not equal even if they have the same properties and values.

>> No.3112174

But the point was the cafe was now crowded, as it should have been when we'd been there!


>> No.3112217

"Then came Venera 9 and 10, both equipped with cameras in addition to their other instruments, so that iamges of the surface could be beamed back."

>> No.3112348

>The next day I was increasingly apprehensive about the police, for a patient brought rumors of a suspected fight and death.

oh boy.

>> No.3112422

And shall I not, by passion's power, draw
Back into life that unique form I saw?

>> No.3112464

> When I had done breakfasting, the squire gave me a note addressed to John Silver, at the sign of the Spyglass, and told me I should easily find the place by following the line of the docks and keeping a bright look-out for a little tavern with a large brass telescope for sign.

Baroque, dry, overlong, and devoid of anything suggesting sexual content in any way?

Yup, sure sums up my sex life.

>> No.3112471

>someone jerked him forward by the collar in time to keep the door from slamming on his foot.

Some serious shit is gonna go down in November and December, apparently

>> No.3112483

"There will be no rushtraffic if we all choose to stay at home, instead of going to work"
>tfw staying at home instead of getting a GF. No rushtraffic in my life. Could be considered a metaphor for refraining from commitment. God damn you intro to statistics book, for making me more depressed.

>> No.3112490

>Slave to my mortal enemy, no higher than a contemptible, a menial squire!
Oh no.

>> No.3112495

You should carefully distinguish the bitwise operators & and | from the logical connectives && and ||, which imply left-to-right evaluation of a truth value.


>> No.3112498

He and Piper were being pelted with plates and stones.

>> No.3112698

"He was seeing the last stage of the transformation, her embrace of age, the studied attitude that weaves easily through the fact itself."

>> No.3112761

>A character is converted to an integer, either by sign extension or not, as described above.

...sounds about right.

>> No.3112850

"But once we assume the existence of credit in our explanation, we can attack the problem by seeing how far the objections raised earlier against the valid- ity of the various theories under a barter economy are invali- dated when the new assumption is made."

Woo! Fuck barter! i'm gonna get my sex via credit now, bitches!

>> No.3112852

"These people who are born with a certain cluster of traits that is often described as a sixth sense."

Oh my~ My sex life is my sixth sense~
Not to bad, huh?

>> No.3112877

"Ha-ha-ha-ha" The circus erupted in laughter, chilling the blood with happiness and longing as trapezes and cobwebs floated beneath the ancient dome. (Bulgakov's The Fatal Eggs)

Well I'm not sure what to think of this...

>> No.3112882

They entered the room almost at the same moment that the Elder came in from his bedroom.

>> No.3112887

great expectations

"Joe tapped the top bar with the poker after every word following (a-fine-figure-of-a-woman!)"

>> No.3112897
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"Artillery monsters excel at ranged combat."

>> No.3112898

His head and beard wagged this way and that as he looked for the stones, and they followed his lead, but they seemed no nearer to the end of the search when the day began to fail.

>> No.3112900
File: 249 KB, 904x573, 1399416-bueno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"All he managed to do was abase himself and thereby divest himself of his last remnant of dignity".

>> No.3112902

He paused before a pillar, before the tomb of a long-dead Stark. "I loved the old man".

>> No.3112907

Kara Swole shut her eyes.

>> No.3112912

They now became a bit annoyed, but it was not clear whether the father's behavior was to blame or whether the realization was dawning on them that they had unwittingly had a neighbor like Gregor.

>> No.3112915


>> No.3112921

It has been said that people who pet are playing with fire.

-SEX AND MARRIAGE, by Richard J, Lambert, 1932

>> No.3112967

A few bones, some buttons, the buckle from her shorts.

>> No.3112974

It would be Hardman, who said he was too old to learn to drive a car, bringing the visitors in the trap.

>> No.3112976

Also, the "her" refers to a corpse so yeah. Gonna be rough.

>> No.3112994

"He was unbuttoning his shirt."
But I like Women :(

>> No.3113185

Calling it a third party narrative can make it about you and ease your homophobia.

>> No.3114229

"Ten thousand Covenant deaths."

This is going to be fun,

>> No.3115030

>"Why have you bought this?" - she said with a tired voice.

Sheesh. Glad 2012 is ending.