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/lit/ - Literature

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3108354 No.3108354 [Reply] [Original]

This is in no particular order, and with no reasons given, although I'll give reasons if asked for certain books.

1. Gone With The Wind - Margaret Mitchell
2. The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao - Junot Diaz
3. Freedom - Jonathan Franzen
4. Foundation - Isaac Asimov
5. Second Foundation - Isaac Asimov
6. Foundation and Empire - Isaac Asimov
7. 2666 - Roberto Bolano
8. Ender's Game - Orson Scott Card
9. The Robber Bride - Margaret Atwood
10. The Wastelands - Stephen King

>> No.3108357

no Franny and Zooey?

>> No.3108359
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toasting in a sunhawk bread

>> No.3108363
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I think that's the first first honourable mention. Oh God. Why is making these stoopid lists so hard?

>> No.3108383

1. 100 years of solitude - Gabo
2. His Dark Materials - Phillip Pullman
3. ermm-fuck why is this so hard

>> No.3108388

1. The Brothers Karamazov
2. Infinite Jest
3. Mason & Dixon
4. Moby-Dick
5. Crime and Punishment
6. Under the Volcano
7. Dubliners
8. White Noise
9. Confessions of a Mask
10. The Catcher in the Rye

>> No.3108399


not that's there is anything wrong with that

>> No.3108397

1. Ulysses
2. Gravity's Rainbow
3. A Storm of Swords
4. Lolita
5. A Dance with Dragons
6. Infinite Jest
7. A Game of Thrones
8. A Clash of Kings
9. Fear and Loathing
10. A Feast for Crows

>> No.3108403

Maybe I've been on this board too long, but I can't tell if that's a joke or serious list. I just can't tell anymore.

>> No.3108408


Who's posting old books? Almost all new and very new books.

>> No.3108420
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>> No.3108481

So, who else? Doesn't matter if it's all one genre, or all one time period. Don't post if it's all one author though, otherwise people will be sad. Real sad.

>> No.3108484

The Master and Margarita
The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman
The Sun Also Rises
The Plague
The Tale of Genji
The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea
100 Years of Solitude
Mason and Dixon

Deliberately avoided poetry for the sake of making the list easier

>> No.3108497

American Psycho - Bet Easton Ellis

>> No.3108502

I don't want to make them 1, 2, 3 so ill write them all in a line.
cat's cradle; green mile; black bible - la vey; name of the rose; prince - macchiaveli; divine comedy; to kill a mocking bird; the godfather; the hobbit, harry potter first 4 books.

>> No.3108510

Absalom, Absalom!
Winesburg, Ohio
A Streetcar Named Desire
The Sound and the FUry
Waiting for Godot
Mother Night
Franny and Zooey
The Brothers Karamazov

>inb4 boring /lit/core list
i know, i haven't read anything obscure so the best of the 'classics' i've read are my favorite

>> No.3108518

1. Infinite Jest
2. The Brothers Karamazov
3. Sophie's Choice
4. Gravity's Rainbow
5. Slaughterhouse-5
6. Pride and Prejudice
7. The Pale King
8. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
9. The Picture of Dorian Gray
10. The Castle

>> No.3108519

i want to make a notice about harrypotter.
I've read the first 4 book's a few times each, it was a great adventure for my mind by that time. Then everybody had to wait for the fifth book. Time passed, before the book got released i had a chance to read some leaked version of it. I've read the first 40-60 pages and i was like wtf he dodged again. I think after 5th book i kind of grew up out of this and just saw all that dodged there dodged where. Sad for me i couldnt enjoy it anymore like in the old day's. It's like reading the news headline and already knowing what it all can be about.

>> No.3108521

the classics are classics for a reason. no need to apologise for your taste.

>> No.3108527

>those top twos

bestfriends 4 ever?

>> No.3108538

The 5th onward were generally worse books, you can tell Rowling got given a lot more freedom by the editor and it shows

>> No.3108541

Hello homosexual/woman.

>> No.3108558

What tipped you off? It was Sophie's Choice, wasn't it?

>> No.3108560

>Master and Margarita

I love you, man.

>> No.3108561


The former. I guess you're basing your assumption off of the Styron, Austen, and Wilde.

>> No.3108571

The Master and Margarita
A Farewell to Arms
The Picture of Dorian Gray
The Song of Solomon
The Bluest Eye
As You Like It
The Lost World
The Hound of The Baskervilles

>> No.3108573

Bulgakov's my favourite author by some way, I would have included Black Snow as well but I wanted 10 different authors.

>> No.3108587

He's great. I'm about half-way through The Master and Margarita, it's my first Bulgakov, and I fucking love it.

>> No.3108613

yall niggas need to develop taste. until then... dont post lists.
if you are still catching up with the classics, picking stuff from famous GOAT-lists. it's necessary, but dont pretend that it had such an impact on you.

>> No.3108627

>implying anyone outside of the most well read literary critics has read every literary classic

>> No.3108635

1.White noise-Delillo
2.Mosquito coast-Theroux
3.Homo Faber- Frisch
4.The Gambler- Dostoyevsku
5.Catcher in the Rye- Salinger
6.Arch of Triumph- Remarque
7.Never let me go- Ishiguro
8.To have and have not- Hemingwey
9.How to be good- Hornby
10.Veronika Decides to Die- Coelho

I am not that big of a reader. I started reading seriously about two years ago (seriously means at least 1 book a month). So I guess most of the books I've read are plebeian and "entry level" as fuck.So judge me if you will.I also enjoy my native literature and some books deserved to be on the top, but none of you have probably heard of those books because it is Latvian.

>> No.3108778

It won't be enough for him until the entire first page is all Sunhawk threads.

>> No.3108820


>> No.3108835

what is sunhawk?

>> No.3108840

You're claiming that classics are not impactful? Wat?

>> No.3108851

It's all he has, man. No job, no gf. Let him have this.

>> No.3108854

1. Les Miserables
2. War and Peace
3. The Decameron
4. Paradise Lost
5. Othello
6. A Tale of Two Cities
7. The Divine Comedy
8. The Canzoni (Giacomo Leopardi)
9. Thus Spake Zarathustra
10. Vanity Fair

>> No.3108863

Then don't do them.

Oh but then you'd have nothing to post, listening only to those thoughts that keep telling you what a failure you are.

>> No.3108871

yes. it's the same in every artform.

>> No.3108872

1. The Bible
2. The Iliad
3. The Odyssey
4. Hamlet
5. The Canterbury Tales
6. The Republic
7. The Koran
8. Beowulf
9. The Aeneid
10. Oedipus Rex

>> No.3108876


Pretty solid list there, I'm liking the feel of it.

>> No.3108923

The Plague - Camus
The Great Gatsby - F. Scott Fitzgerald
Catch-22 - Heller
Petersburg - Andrei Bely
The Crying of Lot 49 - Pynchon
Confederacy of Dunes - John Kennedy Toole
The Master and Margarita - Bulgakov
If on A Winter's Night a Traveler - Calvino
Cannery Row - Steinbeck
Rabbit, Run - Updike

In that order

>> No.3108969

The Bible
The Koran
Complete Works of Shakespeare
The Iliad
The Odyssey
The Divine Comedy
A Tale of Two Cities
Black beauty
Atlas shrugged

captcha: dedcosi ironical

>> No.3108980

Why is everyone putting the Bible and the Qur'an? They're trash in both content and literary quality.

Perhaps the King James version has some English literary merit, but the source material is repetitive Semitic nonsense. The Qur'an is painful to read.

>> No.3108984
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Your post is painful to read.

>> No.3108992

gentlemen, /lit/ has gained sentience

>> No.3109004


Les Miserables - guess
The Metamorphosis - Franz Kafka
Foucault's Pendulum - Umberto Eco
The Counterfeiters - Andre Gide
Cryptonomicon - Neal Stephenson
Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka - Nikolai Gogol
Europe Central - William Vollmann
Our Lady of the Flowers - Jean Genet
Ham on Rye - Charles Bukowski (i can feel the asspain growing inside you)
Cities of the Red Night - William S. Burroughs

>> No.3109014

Nice reasoned argument there.

I'm honestly interested why people think they are 'good' books; both are books which people - of a sane mind - never choose to read, but are very often forced to read.

If we leave alone the cultural devastation which the books have brought upon us, as stand-alone literary works, they are

1. repetitive; Semitic languages have a hard time with subordinate sentences, so the writing is disjointed and perplexingly repetitive.

2. inconsistent; although the repetitiveness should given the writing plenty of time to 'get it right', everyone knows how contradictory both works are.

3. boring; they have the opportunity to turn perhaps the most interesting subjects into a tortuous bore. Indeed, the apocryphal Gospel of Mary is much more interesting, but the Fathers left this out.

I will recommend the King James version to anyone, but it cannot be a 'great book', it's a 'great translation' only.

>> No.3109050
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you are now aware that you are mentioning a short story in a favorite books list

>> No.3109062

The Wind-Up Bird Chronicles
Cannery Row
Savage Detectives
Infinite Jest
Music for Chameleons
Flyboy Action Figure comes with Gasmask
Moby Dick
The Great Gatsby
Life: A Users Manual
The Remains of the Day

Not in order, no repeated authors.

>> No.3109065
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The Metamorphosis has been published as a book many times.
Your move, motherfucker.

>> No.3109082

if you can finish it within an hour
it's not a book

>> No.3109100
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I believe you're thinking of what's called a "novel"

>> No.3109104

are you trying to go full derrida on me?

>> No.3109108

Hey. How do you post emoticons?

>> No.3109120
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I don't even know who that is, aside from being a French writer that philosophy undergraduates like.

All I'm doing is letting you know how you're irrevocably and embarrassingly WRONG

>> No.3109126

Short stories count too right?
1:Night Watch (Trilogy & First book)
2:On War by Carl Von Clausewitz
3:The Dreams in the Witch House by H.P. Lovecraft
4:Pickman's Model by H.P Lovecraft
5:The Colour out of Space by H.P Lovecraft
6: The Communist Manifesto by Marx & Engels.
7:All the Devils are Here by B. McLean
8. Dexter Series.
9. The Time Machine by H.G Wells
10. ??? by ????
Rate me /lit/

>> No.3109131

The Name of the Rose - Umberto Eco
Blood Meridian - Cormac McCarthy
The Short Stories - Ernest Hemingway
The Iceman Cometh - Eugene O'Neill
Endgame - Samuel Beckett
Hunger - Knut Hamsun
Crime and Punsihment - Fyodor Dostoevsky
Black Spring - Henry Miller
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man - James Joyce
Billy Phelan's Greatest Game - William Kennedy
Jesus' Son - Denis Johnson

>> No.3109134

let me change that,
10: Roadside pick-nick.

>> No.3109160

by books i'm assuming you don't mean simply novels, so i'm including anything that can be considered a "book".

Beckett - Murphy
Hemingway - The Old Man and the Sea
Beckett - Waiting for Godot
Steinbeck - Of Mice and Men
Foer - Everything is Illuminated
Huxley - The Perennial Philosophy
Debord - Society of The Spectacle
Lao Tzu - Tao Te Ching
Joyce - A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
Pynchon - The Crying of Lot 49

>> No.3109162

>language games

>> No.3109173

Bitch, the word 'book' and the word 'novel' have two entirely different meanings.
This isn't a motherfucking game, son. Get that greentext shit outta here.

>> No.3109204

Haynes Manual BMW 3 series and Z4
The Golfer's Mind
I Love You But I'm Not in Love with You
High Fidelity
Geoff Hamilton's Practical Gardening
Reader's Digest Repair Manual
The Knack
A Shed of One's Own
Midlife Manual
The Eat-Clean Diet for Men

>> No.3109208

>Bitch, the word 'book' and the word 'novel' have two entirely different meanings.
In one language game, yes, in another no.
>This isn't a motherfucking game
It can be, it also couldn't be depending on ho we choose to use "game".

>> No.3109510

Steppenwolf - Hesse
Thus spoke zarathustra - Nietzsche
Calicalabozo - Andres caicedo
Lolita - Nabokov
Getting even - Woody Allen
Sobre Heroes y Tumbas - Sabato
Don Quixote - Cervantes
El otoño del patriarca - Gabo
The unbeareable lightness of being - Kundera
Cien años de soledad - Gabo
El arbol de la ciencia - Baroja
The catcher in the rye
Demon haunted world-sagan

>> No.3109632

Absalom, Absalom!
Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?
The Picture of Dorian Gray
The Crying of Lot 49
Heart of Darkness
The Count of Monte Cristo
The Great Gatsby

>> No.3109800


I'm not apologizing. I just get sick of the 'boring list' response

>> No.3109805

lol'd at this one

>> No.3109811

Waiting for Godot by Samuel Beckett
The Stranger by Albert Camus
Crime & Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky
An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers by G. H. Hardy and E. M. Wright
Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man by James Joyce
The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka
The Razor's Edge by W. Somerset Maugham
The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde
The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde

>> No.3109815

So who's working on the /lit/core top 10 popularity chart?

>> No.3110491

1. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
2. American Psycho
3. I Am Legend
4. Naked Lunch
5. Dracula
6. 1984
7. A Clockwork Orange
8. Crooked Little Vein
9. The Road
10. The Shining

>> No.3110513

Waiting for Godot by Samuel Beckett
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man by James Joyce
Hamlet by Willy Shakes
The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
Breakfast of Champions by Kurt Vonnegut
1984 by George Orwell
Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller
The Andromeda Strain by Michael Crichton

That's all I got

Not a book, but my favorite short story is by far Asimov's "The Last Question".

>> No.3110519

1. Le rouge et le noir
2. War and Peace
3. Dostoevski's "White Nights
4. Flaubert's trois contes
5. Rousseau's Confessions
6. Hesse's Steppenwolf
7. La Rochefoucauld's Maximes
8. Rabelais' Gargantua & Pantagruel
9. Moliere's Misanthrope
10. Chekhov's An Artist's Story.

>> No.3110745

The Lost Symbol

>> No.3110754


>Breakfast of Champions

Glad someone else can see that this is his best.

>> No.3111312

H-here I go guys
1. Madame Bovary
2. Swann's Way
3. The Sun Also Rises
4. The Great Gatsby
5. The Sound and the Fury
6. Crime & Punishment
7. Paradise Lost
8. Heart of Darkness
9. Catcher in the Rye
10. The Bridge on the Drina

>> No.3111336

1- Brothers Karamazov - Dostoïevski
2- Candide - Voltaire
3- Splendeurs et Misères des Courtisanes- Balzac
4- The Catcher in the Rye - Salinger
5- Short stories - Richard Matheson
6- King Lear - Shakespeare
7- The Alchemist- Paulo Coelho
8- Arabian Nights - Anonymous
9- Gulliver's Travels- Jonathan Swift
10- Dracula - Bram Stoker

>> No.3111364

House of the Seven Gables- Hawthorne
All the Pretty Horses- McCarthy
On the Road- Kerouac
Dharma Bums- Kerouac
Oliver Twist- Dickens
Leaving Tangier- Tahar Ben Jelloun
Heart of Darkness- Conrad
The Sound and the Fury & Light in August -Faulkner
Huck Finn- Twain

>> No.3111371
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1. Lolita- Vladimir Nabokov
all the rest.

>> No.3111380


1. Lie Down in Darkness [William Styron]
2. The Brothers Karamazov [Fyodor Dostoevsky]
3. Anna Karenina [Leo Tolstoy]
4. Demons [Fyodor Dostoevsky]
5. Absalom, Absalom! [William Faulkner]
6. War and Peace [Leo Tolstoy]
7. The Leopard [Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa]
8. Mrs. Dalloway [Virginia Woolf]
9. Lolita [Vladimir Nabokov]
10. Blood Meridian [Cormac McCarthy]

pretty mainstream but whatever

also OP Freedom is one of my least favorite books of all time, would be interested in what made you like it so much

>> No.3111385


I still don't get why people around here are so into Nabokov - I was never all that impressed with him

>> No.3111393



>> No.3111403
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oh wow look how hard this was to find

>> No.3111409

The Dream Songs - John Berryman
Poems - W.B. Yeats
To the Lighthouse - Virginia Woolf
A Scanner Darkly - Philip K Dick
Collected Poems - John Ashbery
Molloy - Samuel Beckett
Woodcutters - Thomas Bernhard
Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency - Douglas Adams (haters gonna hate)
Hunger - Knut Hamsun
Selected Poems - Dylan Thomas

>> No.3111507

Only Lolita was good, because it felt like it was literature, for the sake of literature, while also having a plot. The other books are less anal-retentive. Less "perfected" and beautiful.

>> No.3111533

Infinite jest - David Foster wallace
Joyfull Science - Nietzsche
Human condition - Arendt
Republic - plato
Valis - PK Dick
Mistakes were made - Carol Tavris
Brave new world - Huxley
The Pillars of the Earth - Ken Follett
weaveworld - clive barker