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File: 268 KB, 618x800, MishimaYukioSamurai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3106067 No.3106067[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

i was crying in my car in front of the mcdonalds near my house eating french fries and listening to my sad playlist in the car and a black guy tapped on my window and just gave me life changing advice "its going to be ok lil nigga you can do it"

>> No.3106071

This one time a restaurant cook on his smoke break taught me the phrase "Same shit different pile."

>> No.3106118
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if that's a true story then that was one awesome black guy

>> No.3106122

Assuming that's true...

>> No.3106131

>yfw he unintentionally created the next Caesar/Ghengis/Stalin/Shaka/Alexander

>> No.3106147
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Once in the morning I went outside and it was a bit cold. While I was walking I saw a cat roll on the grass and enjoying the sun. I have never seen a happier being in my life than that stupid cat at that stupid moment.

>> No.3106150

One time a bum told me 'shit don't stink if spray it with febreze'

>> No.3106151

I'd like to know what's in your sad playlist.

>> No.3106157

I always eat food in my car too. I can't eat in public.

>> No.3106158

My uncle once told me: "People are crap, don't forget that".

>> No.3106163

This was copied from a post that was on the front page of reddit recently. "lil nigga" has become a minor meme on reddit as a result.
The more you know...

Remember to sage, report, and hide.

>> No.3106166
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>3 years ago
>gf left me
>about to lose job
>cant go to uni
>left all my friends
>moved to strange country
>buying 1$ hamburger at this latino deli in NY
>guys asks me where Im from
>tells me
>"It'll be good. You know why? Because you won't give up and as long as you don't give up, failure doesn't exist."
>gf, uni, certificates, plan on moving out, lots of shit done
Hell man, thanks.

>> No.3106180

some crazy hobo once stopped me in the street and told me "its all cool jack/cat? aint nothing but piss in the wind" while violently snapping his fingers along to some beat only audible in the frequency of insanity.

>> No.3106193

>Going to redddit

Fuck moff

>> No.3106197

One time I was riding my bike and I passed an Indian man eating a pear and he yelled at me as I passed that I should enjoy.

And you know, he was right. And I did.

>> No.3106204

One time my next door neighbor molested me. He told me there exist bad times so we can appreciate good times. RIP you wise, sick, bastard.

>> No.3106227
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>feeling sad
>someone tells me it gets better
>feel good
>gets worse
>feel even sadder

>> No.3106266

one time a big hairless bald man asked me if i wanted to dance and i said yea but instead he raped me and ran off shouting how he never sleeps and he will never die and then i understood the depravity of war.

>> No.3106282

One time I was crying after getting mercilessly bullied in high school. The janitor came on my face then licked it off saying "Death is before me today
Like the recovery of a sick man,
Like going forth into a garden after sickness.
Death is before me today
Like the odor of myrrh,
Like sitting under the sail on a windy day.
Death is before me today
Like the odor of lotus flowers,
Like sitting on the shore of drunkenness.
Death is before me today
Like the course of the freshet,
Like the return of a man from the war-galley to
his house.
Death is before me today
Like the clearing of the sky,
Like a man fowhng therein toward that which
he knew not.
Death is before me today
As a man longs to see his house
When he has spent years in captivity."

And that's how I learned to believe in myself.

>> No.3106285
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>Pump myself with sugar via candy, kool-aid and soda
>Take over-the-counter painkillers
>The tears stop flowing
>But I'm still crying.

>> No.3106294

>Slept in
>going to miss uni
>put on clothes as fast as can
>pour a jug of water down my throat
>out the door in 2 minutes from waking up
>run the kilometre to the bus-stop
>as I reach the stop the bus roars past
>fuck that shit
>run after it to the next stop
>make it
>the bus driver opens the door
>he's an old Japanese man
>"You did well"

That was the best moment of my life.

>> No.3106314

One time I was on the subway and a crazy drunk Newfie with his wife got on and they offered me a basket of strawberries. I politely refused them.

>> No.3106326


that's fucking awesome

>> No.3106354
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That's beautiful.

>> No.3106361

>delivering papers at 3 am
>stop off at wal mart to refill newspaper machine
>hairy black guy comes staggering up
>"It's an honor to meet you Mr. President."
>He shakes my hand graciously
>"God bless you President Roosevelt."
>he walks off and I later see him sleeping in a ditch down the road

>> No.3106376


Oh man.
That's just perfect.

>> No.3106392
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>Had a dissociative psychotic breakdown while writing a book.
>Hallucinations, time/space/self/world meshed into some bizarre videogame lucid dream world
>Under 2 hours sleep for 2 weeks.
>Admitted to psyche ward after trying to give birth to my Adam's Apple.
>Cannot even refer to myself as I/me/myself, only say 'this one'.
>Guy knocks on my room door.
>Mid 20s Egyptian with deep azure eyes.
>"are the dark shadows still bothering you?"
>I say "how can this one even ask what is talking?"
>He says "you want to know my name?" Writes on a piece of paper and hands it to me.
>I read it.

I will always be...that's me, that is all. Know yourself

>Cry tears of joy all night and get better in 7 days instead of 6-8 months as prescribed.
>Changed my life forever.

>> No.3106389


>> No.3106411


That would make a good Lovecraft story. The Egyptian guy could be Nyarlathotep.

>> No.3106433

i understand the ethics and liability shit, but being admitted to ward, having a psychotic break myself, getting to know the people there, the way we are/were treated is far too clinical. there is no attempt to understand or get into one's psychotic world. just a few leading questions could have pulled me out of my shit back into the real world. but i just got pills and tranquilizers. i still have flashbacks, it's all quite traumatic and embarassing.

>> No.3106437
File: 45 KB, 500x804, normal_its_raining.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this feel

every time

>> No.3106440

I would really like to hear more about this.

>> No.3106445

>OTC painkillers

Please tell me that you live in some eastern european country and you haven't just been taking tylenol

>> No.3106447
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My grandpa told me I was a smart-ass

and the he died

>> No.3106457

Fucking this. Shit hasn't changed at all since One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest

>> No.3106458

I feel for you. Many of us are having legitimate emotional distress experiences and spiritual awakenings which are in-turn clinicalized or criminalized, which just causes further alienation.

They said I had bipolar. Turns out I was just waking up.

>> No.3106461

It's a long story, what would you like to know?

The break came on slowly, it was as they say a "slow descent into madness." Pulling all-nighters around mid-terms, I also neglected eating. You know when people who fast tell you about how they suddenly get "so much energy"? That was the first departure. Instead of working on mid-terms over the night, I would actually stay up reading wikipedia, this was about the time NATO began its engagement with Libya, so that was an object of relentless research, and I was quite chatty with friends about it. I am embarrassed thinking about it now, really. I have a strong perspective, but generally withold discussion unless someone is interested. But I now I initiated the topic, and became insistent about how Qadaffi's "direct democracy", socialism, etc, were all the target of US/Western EU corporations. OK, that's a getting a bit out there in political interpretation, but still has a hook in some reality. But my interpretation drifted from informationclearinghouse.info style remarks into psychological delusions.

I became convinced I was uncovering dangerous knowledge, and was being monitored. The paranoia only increased, I thought people around me were actually watching me, not simply some kind of internet surveillance. My ability to make sense of life in terms of narrative broke down. I was just grabbing information from anywhere and interpreting it into some really far-out schema. I began having auditory hallucinations, then visual.

Sorry, I'll be back in a few mins I have to go run an errand.

>> No.3106464

Why was Mishima so sexual? Nigga couldn't have been gayer if he'd been trying to prove that fascism is all about being as attractive as possible.

>> No.3106467

>Why was Mishima so sexual?
Are you saying he's full homo?

>> No.3106470


I'm saying he gives me wood. Just look at the vaginabones on that man.

>> No.3106496

Blood Meridian?

>> No.3106509

Where I was there were two techs who cared and would feel feels with us and gave us some pretty motivational talks.
But they were definitely the exception.