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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 55 KB, 400x364, cd_letters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3105848 No.3105848[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Will someone be my penpal?

I think writing letters is an art which is dying, and nothing quite so cheers me up than a book written in this form. I thought about it and realized I have no one to send letters to.

So, /lit/ would you be my penpal?
I'm young, European, fairly well read and quite accessible for talking. If you'd like to, just send me an email, on this obviously fake e-mail and introduce yourself.

General letters thread

Do you enjoy letters /lit/?

>> No.3105851

whoopsie, forgot email

>> No.3105863

If you're a beautiful young french girl, yes.

>> No.3105864

Why don't you just post your address here and I'll send you 15 pi... I mean a letter!

>> No.3105872

I had a Japanese penpal once.

She wrote me the prettiest letter I've ever seen, and seemed like a really cool and beautiful person.
I was going to reply but kept putting it off so i could write a really awesome letter that would blow her away.
Suddenly, many months had passed and I still hadn't replied, so I just decided I wouldn't, the moment had gone.
This was about 4-5 years ago.
I still have her letter. I look at it every now and then, and cry


>> No.3105874

It's never too late!

>> No.3105877

What is 'fairly well read?'

Can you be more specific

>> No.3105883

It is pretty late

>> No.3105884

Picture of the letter please.

>> No.3105889

>taking months to write a letter

You disgust me.

>> No.3105893

Think what a pleasant surprise it'll be for her, all of a sudden she gets a reply to a letter she had most likely forgotten about completely! You might even make a new friend :)

>> No.3105899

ITT: We help OP write a letter to his penpal in japan

>> No.3105906

What makes you think that OP and the person with a japanese penpal are the same human beings?

>> No.3105908

I have letters that have gone unreplied. When i'm writing my first letter to someone I get a bit nervous and put it off a day or two, I assume thats what other people go through. Just send a response.

>> No.3105990
File: 505 KB, 1362x655, letter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will as soon as I'm not boring.
If I'm a famous author or something she'll be hella impressed even if the letter is a few years late.

>> No.3105996

He said "suddenly many months passed" so obviously he had been in a coma and when he recovered it was too late and too awkward

>> No.3106005

Writing good shit takes time.
I was busy, I had a life back then.

>> No.3106017

I would but I'm afraid of my parents suspecting me of being homosexual

>> No.3106023


>> No.3106024

In high school I knew a wonderful hipster girl who enjoyed James Joyce, DFW, talking to me about everything, wearing tight shirts that showed off her enormous breasts, and most importantly, handwritten letters. We went on to different universities, but, at the time, I had had it in mind that I was going to send a beautiful, rambling letter written in my own hand to her mailing address at college with no warning. Of course, when we parted ways, I realized that my caramel-eyed goddess's eyes were actually hazel-brown, and that half of the things I'd said to her hadn't been said at all. (Isn't that such a banal feeling, the realization of your objectification and idealization of a crush? I think it's the closest thing most men will experience in their lives to a "deep feel.")

>> No.3106028

>my favorite books are a series of Hallmark
Have we gone so low as to treat greetings cards as great literature?

>> No.3106032

>Of course, when we parted ways, I realized that my caramel-eyed goddess's eyes were actually hazel-brown, and that half of the things I'd said to her hadn't been said at all
You sound like you're detached from reality.

>> No.3106036


>not experiencing 'deep feels' daily

stay normative

>> No.3106044

>I think it's the closest thing most men will experience in their lives to a "deep feel."

>> No.3106047

If you think you're any different, have I got news for you...

>> No.3106055

I think he was talking about being ass ravished

>> No.3106094

this is the shit I come to this place for. this guy, at least this guy, gets me. fuck, I'm lonely.

>> No.3106097

read proust

>> No.3106100

I like reality, and don't dwell on nihilistic, life denying tendencies, so far as I can help it.

>> No.3106132

I was talking about that little glimpse of "reality" you get when you come down from the high--or wake from the dream--of thinking you are "in love" or some such shit, when you see that you hadn't been seeing clearly and wonder, for a minute or a day, what else you might not be seeing, before turning the other cheek, Christlike, and staring at your shoes for a while again while you wait, secretly hoping for another chance to get slapped in the face.

>> No.3106371

Epistolary exchanges between famous author is quite badass. Sadly, this form of litterature has become irrelevant in today's communication method and I sure wish people would still take the time to write beautiful and meaningful letters. Instead we exchange those unflavored e-mails that emulate more of an oral communication then a writing one.

>> No.3106421


Dear Anon,

I still write my emails like I used to write letters. So fuck you.

I do, however, miss the days when you'd receive a letter from a lover and you could smell her perfume on it. And I feel a little sorry for those who are younger than me who have never experienced the feeling of opening a long-awaited letter, that is pleasingly thick, and having the option to read a bit and save the rest for later. I miss impromtu sketches, and marginalia. I miss people ending letters with "Well, I ought to end this letter so I can get it into the second post" even though you knew it wasn't true, and they'd just run out of things to write. I miss letters from my mum, and random friends in far-off lands with exotic stamps on the envelope. I miss receiving mail poste restante when you're travelling.

However, this is all irrelevant, and the world has moved on, but there's no reason to throw out all the conventions of letter writing, just because we CAN type "lol seen gran canyun. sux" and send it from our blackberry.

Yours sincerely,


>> No.3106547

I know how you feel. There is a friend of mine that is into reading, likes some of the same geeky t.v shows I do( Firefly, Doctor Who), and likes classic movies with Cary Grant, Humphrey Bogart, and Audrey Hepburn. She is smart and plans to get her PhD in Exercise Science. She is even single. But I know it will never happen because I am THAT guy, the guy when girls talk about, they say "He's a nice guy, but ...". No matter what that "but" is, it seems like nothing will happen in my favor romantically. After closer thought, I think that it wouldn't work out. Right now she isn't looking for a guy, and if she was, it wouldn't be me. I also don't think I could sustain a intimate relationship with someone because we like similar media. And I am fine with being just friends with her.

It is also rather cathartic to type out my feelings about her and my crippling self-esteem issues.

On the topic at hand: I would love a pen pal, but I have sloppy handwriting. I also think that for a pen pal it has to be hand written for that old world charm.

>> No.3106562

This sounds interesting, but how would one start? How to find someone who is ready to reciprocate, and how to fix my (most probably) horrible wording?

>> No.3106611

I will only write if my recipient is aggressive and assiduous and pouring out replies that meet mine word for word and ever go beyond that, until the correspondence takes over my life and I declare bankruptcy naked on the floor of the municipal offices of the Internal Revenue Department.

>> No.3106620

That is the height or rudeness.

Imagine what that Japanese person would have thought? Felt? They would've had to have put a lot of thought and effort into sending your sorry ass a letter.

You really are despicable, and trying to mask your laziness is disgusting.

I suggest that you send a note, posthaste, apologising profusely.

Do it now - just start writing.
Only a few lines will do.

(I've done this before, but even after 7 years I still replied so it's not too late for you - do it now or it will gnaw at you everytime you think of it)

>> No.3106798

did anyone actually get a reply from op?

>> No.3107206

Sorry for not responding earlier. Daylight savings is killing me so I had to turn in.
Though I have responded to all E-mail I received now. Hopefully you won't mind.

>> No.3107225

I would, but I'm still in college and I can't promise something as frequent and regular as an everyday exchange.

The best I could do maybe is once a week.

Also, I'm Asian.

>> No.3107244

>Writing good shit takes time.

Not that much time.

>I was busy, I had a life back then.

It's highly unlikely you couldn't have spared an hour or two over the course of months.

You weren't "busy", you're incompetent.

>> No.3107305

Or shes dead

>> No.3107309

u mad?

>> No.3107336


Jesus Christ. You just described my relationship with my ex perfectly.

>> No.3107395

I never wrote to anyone. Other people tend to be endlessly boring and all conversations are usually painfully superficial and dry.

In all my travelings I have not met a single person that has genuinely sparked interest in me. Not a single person that has shook my worldly views or even challenged them. Not one man that taught me something that wasn't strictly practical. I do not consider myself all-wise, but I have yet to come across a man that was as inconceivably uninterested in fellow human beings, and the insight they have to offer.

The interest and joy that comes with sharing an exciting, deep and insightful conversation with someone will be forever lost on me. I wish I could overcome this.

>> No.3107415

I had one penpal from Sweden, met her on interpals.net (the rest that want to get into contact seem to all be 40 year old males looking for sex), it took me six months to reply, and once I did, she didn't respond again. I tried picking up another penpal from /soc/, but he never responded to my letter, also sent my address to a few people wanting to send a letter, and never received anything.
I think it's just because i'm boring in letters. I give up.
So, for people who do send letters, what's in them?

>> No.3107420

I got a letter from a penpal once. It was incredibly fascinating, especially descriptions of the world that I've never experienced.

I'm afraid I am not a writer at all (can barely construct coherent sentences), but if you would have me /lit/, email is here.

>> No.3107856

I'm not one to initiate these kinds of things, but I'll entertain the possibility that somebody out there is willing to share stories with me.


>> No.3107869

Hey, why don't you give me a shot. You have nothing to lose. Well, maybe a few minutes out of your day, but minutes are a dime a dozen.

>> No.3107936

My girlfriend and I are currently living on different sides of the Atlantic. While we obviously utilise electronic communication. We will occasionally write letters for one another, usually on a special occassion, such as our respective birthdays and christmas.

Her handwriting is much better than mine, however.

>> No.3107942
File: 132 KB, 250x250, 1289809177400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anyone is interested : Wpenpal@hotmail.com

25 years old from Québec city. My primary language is french but I'll do my best not to sound like a complete retard.

>> No.3107960

Would you entertain the possibility of some light teaching of French to a budding writer?

>> No.3107974

French is such a fucking easy language you can almost learn it passively just from living

>> No.3107976

No problem at all. If you're willing to learn some basic french then I'll be more then pleased to help.

>> No.3107983

I've thrown an email your way.

>> No.3108032

Pen pal thread? heres my email, i'm a night guard, i've got nothing better to do than write letters! email in the feild

>> No.3108034

I'm really only interested in being a penpal to a woman.
Are there any ladies in this thread?

>> No.3108039 [DELETED] 

This is 4chan...

But I think there is one...

>> No.3108041

Git dat pussy nigga.

>> No.3108047


I'm not necessarily interested in pussy I would just rather be penpals with a woman.

>> No.3108050
File: 38 KB, 720x480, 1341206062529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How beta can you get.png

>> No.3108188

I can pretend to be one.

>> No.3108197

Nah, beta would be replying immediately, sending her gifts, listening to her describe her sexual encounters that will never include you, etc.

>> No.3109942

bump for shame

>> No.3109976

I'm interested in this.


Talk to me for a bit and once I get a good idea of who you are, I'll start with the penpal-ing.

This is a cool idea, OP.

>> No.3109985

I think /soc/ has penpal threads for you to find someone but the downside of that is that you'd have to talk to people from soc

>> No.3110146

What the hell, write her back. You dick.

Listen to this guy;
it's never too late. Just do it. Jesus Christ.

>> No.3110184

can you post what she said in the letter?

>> No.3110195

I have been wanting a penpal for a long time. I had one when I was 16 and she never wrote back. I am 21 years old, female, and living in the US. My email is above.

>> No.3110237

OP here.
Bumping for glory.

>> No.3110247

What's the difference between a pen pal and a Facebook or whatever friend who lives in another country?

I met a young Swedish man on an internet forum who shares a lot of interests and a common career goal, and we added each other on FB. FB's chat is fucking abyssal for long, drawn out discussions, but we still have them.

>> No.3110253

It's about having correspondence in the loving form of a "letter".

This thread is about resurrecting the dead art of writing letters.

>> No.3111112


I could, but I'd rather not.
Her favourite book was Les Miserables, she plays violin in an orchestra etc.

>> No.3111180


>> No.3112466

It's an entirely different form of communication and offers a great deal more. It's far more personal I feel and you can have a depth of correspondence which is unique to letter writing. There the physical act of writing it and the time spent to compose a letter and go to make sure it is sent.

>> No.3112477

wow op not an offer sorry but you've just reminded me that i had a pen pal when i was 10, he was from germany and i forgot about this for atleast 12 years. so thanks, wow i'm getting all sorts of flashing memories out of no where.

>> No.3112485

it's more personal to begin with. the delivery of the message is much longer so you consider your words far more. and the presentation is something you take into considerations, the tone, because you can't instantly respond back saying ''lol sorry i mean't such and such'' you have to create a feeling throughout the letter and be certain it's worded in a way you're entirely pleased with. much, much more personal. there is something special about it no doubt.

>> No.3112515


>> No.3113813

If anyone's interested, I'm somebody who's interested in speaking to a few people. I don't read that much, but I would say more because I'm tired of reading books I dislike. I do read perhaps a book a month and I'm currently reading Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale and Coetzee's Disgrace. Though, to be honest, literature is not one of my main interests. I do, however, have an interest in letter writing. I am somewhat fearful of what
describes, as I have found this problem a number of times, but I have found a couple of friends who I very much like and I would not like to remove my chances of gaining friendships.

I am often told that my handwriting is rather bad so this, I suppose, is a fore-warning. I shall try and keep my first letter legible and if it's not very readable, tell me and I'll try to improve.

>> No.3113833

OP here
Can't believe the thread is still alive...

>> No.3114258

>u mad

mad that someone took the time out to put some effort into something genuine in a world that is increasingly diminishing in earnest concern, and the piece of shit who received it couldn't manage to spit something out in response to acknowledge that effort? Yes I'm mad.

>> No.3114353

oh /lit/, I've missed you so.

I have a stack of envelopes and some paper, but I'm also up for email penpalship. I'm versed in the typical /lit/core stuff, but my true love are movies. Lately I've been reading history and philosophy, with a play here and there to break up the monotony. I'm in France. Favorite book is Eugene Onegin.

>> No.3114360


Would you consider giving some lessons in French?

>> No.3114388

It is not my native language, I don't feel qualified. If you don't care about learning how to speak I'd recommend just picking up a Camus fiction book, since they're simple and interesting, and just trying your hand at translating it with a dictionary. Assuming you have a functional understanding of the grammar (passé composé and such).

>> No.3114391

Thanks, I threw an email your way anyhow.
You seem interesting.
And you love Eugene Onegin.
I like you already.

>> No.3114444

If anyone would care for another person to have a well-cultured conversation with - you are welcome to shoot me an email. It's a disposable one, in case anyone gets willy.

I still use a fountain pen on a daily basis...

>> No.3114452

I want a penpal :( I am old, fat, and have no boobs, but I'd make a really interesting character in a book. I'm like the character study for everything that is the opposite of soccer moms.

>> No.3114463

yes. But if "hot" and "boobs" are requirements, ignore this. I'm old, fat and am losing all of the hair I have except my unibrow.

>> No.3114467


I would love to be your penpal, op.

>> No.3114473


I am a lady btw..(to the guy who wanted a female penpal) I've had like.. 2 penpals, and would love to have more. I love receiving letters more than writing them, but when I write a letter, I give it my all.

>> No.3114477


I am reachable at my email adress.

>> No.3114488


saved your e mail address onto my phone, I'll send you an email soon.
Where are you from btw, where do you live?

>> No.3114495

I'll explain those in my first email.
If you grace me with yours first, of course.

Anyway, it's midnight here, so I'm off to sleep.

You kids have fun.

>> No.3114507


Are you me?

>> No.3114550
File: 177 KB, 640x480, HNI_0100_MPO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i love letters more than anything. ive even been a text nuisance. thru high school i wrote daily to 5 girls. notes

>> No.3114602


I'm the lady that posted here earlier. I've noted down your e mail address. Expect an e mail.

>> No.3114694

I sympathise OP. I try to write to a girl whom I like quite a lot a few times a month. There's something personal about letters that I like.

>> No.3114727


I'm slow at replying due to a hectic life, but I will.

>> No.3114757

/lit/ always has the threads I'm looking for. 27yo male in united states here. Would love to have a pepal! More than one, even! Email me your address and i will mail as soon as i can!

>> No.3114795


are you the one who wanted a female penpal? If so, I'll write down your address too and send you an e mail.

>mfw I realise I'm a penpal whore

>> No.3114810
File: 242 KB, 692x600, 692px-VISTA_Finds_Star_Clusters_Galore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd very much like a penpal. I'm 19 and I live in Norway, and I am male if that matters. If you want to then you can mail me at vandamme507@hotmail.com.

(I made it in third grade; cut me some slack.)

>> No.3114827

I'm >>3114757, but would definitely like a female as well as a male penpal.

>> No.3114833

I love the idea of pen pals.

I'm a faggot. No really.

I'm highly literate and very humorous.

Loads of fun!

>> No.3114855

>tfw I want a penpal too but I know I have nothing interesting to say
"Today I had ice-cream for breakfast.
I browsed /lit/ all afternoon and told Tao Lin to go to bed, multiple times.
When it got dark I went to the store to buy beer.
When the beer was gone I went to bed and managed to read approximately four pages of a book before falling asleep.
Tomorrow I will have ice-cream for breakfast."

>> No.3114857

I love the idea -- I'd be very willing. I'm an American high school senior. Tell me if anyone is interested.

>> No.3114870

You seem interesting. My email is in the field. Send me an email wth your address. I'm actually in the mood to write up a letter tonight. I have a freshly inked fountain pen that is dying to be used. Married to a nosy woman, btw, so anyone that sends letters can expect the letters to possibly be intercepted. No harm, no foul.

>> No.3114883

I actually started learning Norwegian last week. It would probably help me out to have a panpal from Norway.

>> No.3114885

Interested. Specifically to pry at the perspective of a younger mind.

>> No.3114895
File: 473 KB, 499x315, sagan6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What's stopping you? :)

I could probably offer whatever help is needed, and for pronouncations I could use vocaroo.

>> No.3115024

Ok, you send the first letter because i would have no idea how to start it. Give me an email or something i can give you my address on?

>> No.3115064

Your life is probably more interesting than mine. I feel an imbalance.

>> No.3115088

Never mind, I got it. I will be sending you an email

>> No.3115095


Rivers Cuomo is that you?

>> No.3115117
File: 22 KB, 456x342, brides3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It'd be a real pleasure to have a reliable pen pal, "Letter writing is the only device for combining solitude with good company," and all that.

For my part - I'm British, twenty years old, at (what feels like) a very significant point in my intellectual and personal development: often seeking a 'mentor' figure for guidance. Having said that, I'd be just as happy to correspond with someone my own age or younger.

>> No.3115126

i love you, anon

>> No.3115150

i lol'd, let's be penpals

>> No.3115296

>never fuck and scared to write to her

I feel sorry for your mother.

>> No.3115346
File: 190 KB, 500x500, derridad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw correspondence only leads to guilt because of a lack of writing
>tfw you have nothing to say, not necessarily because you have less to say than other people, but because there is nothing to say.

>> No.3115354

No, you're just boring and not interesting.

>> No.3115359
File: 42 KB, 713x613, dirtydad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, I write awesome letters and people love them but there's nothing in there and it's all futile oh god the abyss is staring into me

>> No.3115374

the word you were looking for was lazy

>> No.3115379

There is no hope for you then. With that attitude you will never take an interest in the rest of humanity and will pay dearly for it.

Seriously people have LOADS to teach us. Even if the lesson is simply that you don't want to end up like this or that person. I learn so much simply by listening to what people have to say. Wading through the shit that people spout to get to the good stuff now and again is what makes me want to keep on going.

>> No.3115385

Nah, there's always something to talk about. Just be confident in yourself, anon!

>> No.3115395

I posted up on penpalparty(dahwt)com. Looks like a lot of neat users online. very easy to put in a penpal request and sift through the ones that are there. Come find me!

>> No.3115401

I do believe I have replied to your email, anon.

>> No.3115414

As did I, anon.

>> No.3115422

This thread...

makes me moist...

>> No.3115438

so.. wanna be pen pals? *heavy breathing*

>> No.3115494

This appeals to me, here's a short blurb:

>18 year-old American male in high school.
>Currently reading Kafka's "The Trial", really interested by Kafka's sexual fear that pervades nearly every 'normal' situation in the book...I think I could've had a broiling conversation over tea with someone like Camus, but I could only ever write letters to Kafka, lest he scurry off like I imagine he would if I approached him in public.
>Why I want an anonymous penpal: It's a new experience, and I'm trying to throw myself into more of those. I'm stagnating in many areas of my life at the moment, because I don't leap forward. So this is great.

>> No.3115560

Sure. Email in field. Already completed one letter to an anon in this thread. The more penmanship practice, and nifty anons met, the better!! (email in field)

>> No.3115562

I'm a dude, btw.

>> No.3115594

interests include:
modern classical music (messiaen, bartok, britten, schnittke, ginastera...)
assorted things.

>> No.3115665

I'd be someone's penpal but my writing is atrocious (I haven't read a book in almost two years) and I'm a terrible conversationalist.

>> No.3115669

I just love this board. Reading responses makes my head hurt and realize how uneducated I am.

>> No.3115622

I feel the exact same way.

Of course, I learned a very long time ago that the abyss is staring into everyone. People learn their little tricks to forget or ignore it, or perhaps throw about rhetoric that they are fulfilled, or that they lead a meaningful life. I think these methods only stave off the futility. Much better to embrace and recognize it, to realize the utter void of routine life that is, than to cloak yourself in comfortable self deception. It may be that mine is an overly idealistic standpoint, but I cannot see any other way to ever attempt to rectify the situation until many people have stared into this abyss, learned from the state, and decided something must be done.

Or have I unconsciously lead a boring life? Am I victimizing myself? Eh.

>> No.3115676

So, you see, there are things to say. You could just say this, for instance.

>> No.3115703

Sure, I see. The hard part is finding someone who will converse. Oh- but that's the point of this thread! Wonderful timing indeed.
Hey, nobody is a terrible conversationalist, especially in matters that interest them. Humans are most essentially socially. You've simply fallen out of practice, more likely. What better way to get back into practice than to start slowly through letters?

>> No.3115710

Well, I'm excited! I have already written a nice 4.5 page letter and addressed the sealed envelope. Will postmark it and send it Monday. Going to have to get some more ink for my pen.

>> No.3115744

Femanon here, might be interested...

>> No.3115749

No, you are mostly right. I feel the same way, and this is pretty much the only reason I'm into literature; looking to stare even deeper into the abyss, however idealistic it might be.

>> No.3115773
File: 24 KB, 250x258, Albert Camus with -Stranger-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking for penpals as well. I like the idea of corresponding with strangers.
I'm French but studying in California at the moment.
I like to meditate on the meaning of things, and my favourite author is t.s. eliot, if that helps.
>albert camus pics always related

>> No.3115774

OP here again, responding to all the emails I got during the night.

I love you /lit/, I knew you were the right board for this.

>> No.3115791


Drop me an email.

>> No.3115799

I'd like a penpal, too. I'm not really picky.

I'm 19 and male. Pretty unsure about everything. Malleable to a SERIOUS fault. Recently read and enjoyed The Unbearable Lightness of being, Flowers for Algernon and Tropic of Cancer. I like Woody Allen and Charlie Kaufman's films a lot. Vincent Gallo is pretty cool. I write shitty poetry and music.

If anyone is interested or wants to know anything else, I'll sign up a throwaway email and we'll get goin' (or some other appropriate, less suggestive verb).

>> No.3115813

I suppose I should rent a P.O. box or something as I regularly move between houses.

What's the deal with those things anyway? You pay a monthly fee to rent them right? Is it expensive?

>> No.3115824

It's not expensive as far as I know. Having a P.O. Box is dead useful sometimes, especially when you don't want to give out your home or work address to someone. It's also great for keeping mail secure when you're out of town.

>> No.3115833


I agree. I'll probably look into renting one if anybody responds to me e-mail.

>> No.3115840


This post has inspired me to be somebody's pen pal.

Good work anon.

>> No.3115841

Its about 28 dollars per year. I'm all for supporting the post office since its dying anyway, but it seems a bit silly to get a PO box for this type of thing. Who would send you a meaningful letter if you won't even trust them enough with a legitimate address.

>> No.3115842


I'm yours.

>> No.3115845

>Living in a country where P.O. Boxes are not free

Do you even first world?

>> No.3115846


>I declare bankruptcy naked on the floor of the municipal offices of the Internal Revenue Department.

I imagined you naked on the floor of the municipal offices of the IRS literally declaring bankruptcy.


>> No.3115847

I'd love to have a pen pal. 23, American, living in South Korea. Letters will probably take a while to get to me, but I'll try to reply promptly. My throwaway email's below.


>> No.3115857

OP here
I am being swamped with E-mails, so I will probably have to cut down. Too much North Americans and Asians, so if you have chinky eyes or own several guns, please refrain from filling my inbox with emails. No offense, but I want to collect friends from all over the world and you are the majority of posters here...

>> No.3115936
File: 348 KB, 613x477, 1307876992323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This sounds like fun.
Communicating through letters seems like a fantastic medium for intelligent, thought-provoking conversation.

>> No.3115943

Until someone sends out a bunch of "UR A FAGET"s

>> No.3115948


I doubt anybody on /lit/ would actually spend money to troll people.

>> No.3115955
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>> No.3115958
File: 11 KB, 200x200, 5I15F65J53Fd3N63Hcc9n9700122c0b6b1fd8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This post made me lol

>> No.3115959

>tfw you're too late to the thread and all the enthusiastic, good, and non-troll penpals are taken

>> No.3115963
File: 265 KB, 770x1036, 4b344304531ad2ffa36203758e10f48b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would love to. My email is above if anyone is interested. I basically already have one (a bro from Australia, hey Josh if you are in this thread) but it would be nice to trade a few letters with others. I am so fucking lonely

>> No.3115995
File: 36 KB, 500x494, TuSv6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

16 year old German here. Main interests music, history and literature. Favourite cites: Trier and Liverpool

Just e-mail me and I'll send you my address.

>> No.3116004


Have you already posted your email address? I can't seem to find it in any of your earlier posts.

>> No.3116005



have a blast

>> No.3116006

scratch that
It's actually


>> No.3116009

Can I be penpals with your nosy wife?

>> No.3116011


>> No.3116012

I'd like to join but I don't use my email often..
If you are willing to come down to my pleb level and use Steam, please do.

>> No.3116014


I smiled

>> No.3116044

24 year old literature student here, senior undergrad (I started late), looking to go to grad school and specialize in Victorian lit. I'm awkward and weird and have a difficult time talking about anything that isn't art, but I love to try anyway.

I think I'd rather do email correspondence rather than hard paper, but I could be persuaded otherwise. Though, I don't want to do daily exchanges. These are letters (theoretically), there should be a few days in between them, at least. The anticipation is half the enjoyment, no? Instant gratification is empty and old hat, delusional nostalgia that was never ours to begin with is what we're going for here, no?

Email me if you want. Tell me about yourself, tell me about what you're reading, tell me about your philosophy of literature, tell me what you had for breakfast, I don't really care. I'd love to get a regular correspondence going, sounds like a lot of fun.


>> No.3116058

My writing is also atrocious. I'd be relieved to write someone who also has atrocious handwriting. If you're interested, despite being a terrible conversationalist, I'd be happy to write you.

>> No.3116061

I think people would understand if you don't trust them enough with a legitimate address as people simply might not know one another before writing. I think a PO Box is certainly a good idea and would give you peace of mind when sharing your address. That said, I do believe it would feel quite cold addressing a heartfelt letter to a PO Box.

>> No.3116063

Go ahead and share your e-mail. I wouldn't say this thread is over just yet.

>> No.3116075


>tfw alone

>> No.3116092


I'm the guy looking for a female penpal. Drop me an email.

>> No.3116114


will do

>> No.3116127

Married life is ridiculous, to me.

>> No.3116258

BUMP for glorious writer to writer correspondence

>> No.3116308

No ;_;

>> No.3116422
File: 132 KB, 310x459, 1348214076926.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /lit/,
joining in late here, but hopefully one or two of you might find correspondence with me worth your while.
I'm a danish guy who spends most of my time studying at the local university and trying to figure out just what the hell is going on. I'm interested in most stuff. From anything from the fundamental question of Being to Soccer. Want to write with a Danish pessimist? Heres your chance. Mostly interested in writing actual letters.

>> No.3116450


the autism is strong in his one.

>> No.3116453


.. i hope that's a throw away Marc Alberts.

>> No.3116456


aww, now kiss!

>> No.3116516

I had two Korean penpals about 4 years ago and I never replied when it was my turn. I did write the letters but I never sent them. I found them the other day and felt like shit. I have a French penpal now and another one from Phillipines, I promised myself not to do the same.

Here's an account I just made for this, it'd be nice to write to anyone of you.

>> No.3116828

Hey /lit/!
Gonna be honest here, I haven't been on /lit/ for long, but I like it.
Jumping on the bandwagon late, penpals sounds like a lot of fun though.
I'm an American lady at university, studying nuclear engineering, but I'm also quite the bibliophile.
Made an email just for this, bonus if you know what book it's from! :D

>> No.3116854

I would write to you, but I'm also Danish and go to a local university and I have a feeling it would be incredibly awkward.

>> No.3116857

I believe I sent you an email :)

>> No.3116878

>TFW my thread lasted for five days
These are good feels

>> No.3116946

I stopped visiting the site for weeks because I didn't find anything pleasant at all... But today I can say I was wrong...! I'm a bit late but...
My name is Alfonso.
-22 years old
-Postgraduate History student in Spain
-Languages: Spanish and Catalan. Also English, French and a bit of German
-I would like to practice any of the foreign languages and talk abou anything

BRB, just gonna send some emails...

>> No.3116961

I will only be a penpal with someone who agrees to pretend we are a pair authors from the ~1910's who dislike one another and are critiquing each others' works in progress, citing quotations out of them and everything.

>> No.3116985

Screw awkwardness - write me anyhow, might be fun, might be awkward. Are you at Aarhus University?

>> No.3116992

>tfw you just reminded me I've done nothing for five days

>> No.3117011

Alright, I will then.
No I'm at Copenhagen.

>> No.3117018
File: 133 KB, 1048x756, 1351560995508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm bumping this thread because I love you OP.

>> No.3117034


Is your email address a reference to Frank Zappa?

>> No.3117060

I was in a long distance relationship with a guy. I loved writing him letters and I loved receiving letters from him. Even though we talked every day we still found something to write about. Sometimes we'd go on for 4 or 5 A4 pages worth.Then one day he decided he didn't want to send any letters, said he was too busy or something. Soon after, he left me and I've kept all his letters in a box beside my bed. I pray he's kept all of mine. ;_;

>> No.3117082

Random bamp because this thread is amazing.

Look at op's thread, his thread is amazing, give it a lick..

>> No.3117099

>TFW everyone likes my thread

T-thanks guys...

>> No.3117131


That's so sad. You have my sympathies, anonymous.

>> No.3117137

Dear /lit/,

Send me some of your writing (the address is sherlockholmesguy@gmail.com). Or some book recs. Or ramble to me about a concept that's been on your mind. I just want to see what you're up to. And write it like a letter, of course.


>> No.3117157

Adding to the mix

25yo male bike mechanic retconned to kindergarten teacher.
Distant and aloof, highly intelligent. Lost in own thoughts most of the time makes for somewhat interesting letters.
Topics will mostly include myself, life @ uni, used to be heavy on the ani/manga so there's that, my love life (a study of how two people hating eachother stay together for 3 years for no apparent reason).. also how much I'd like to have a welsh corgi.

Mail in field, all are welcomed.

>> No.3117158

Thank you for this thread.

>> No.3117178
File: 480 KB, 256x300, 1345226370009.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3117185


I wrote you but now I see you've removed your post. I hope this means you received enough replies, and not that you had a change of heart. I didn't wish to disturb you.

>> No.3117240

I doubt it. She's unbearably lazy and pretty much worthless.

>> No.3117249


Oh, I'm very interested still, thank you for writing to me. Don't take the deletion of my post as having any special meaning; it was a combination of self-consciousness and also thinking that perhaps I ought to change my email.

>> No.3117253


Challenge accepted, old fellow!

>> No.3117255

I'm lonely, had a shitty day, and I'm interested. e-mail is where it belongs.

>> No.3117270

Well, I'll give it another go.

Dear /lit/,

Please send me some of your writing, book recommendations, or just ramble on to me about a concept that has been on your mind lately. Anything, really. I just want to see what you're up to. And, of course, write it like a letter.


>> No.3117279



>> No.3117319


This sounds like a really pleasant idea.

>> No.3117339

You sound interesting.

>> No.3117368

English Literature student. Would enjoy a pen-pal to be honest. I remember when I was very young I kept in contact with a girl called Rose. If only I could remember her surname so that I could get back in contact with her. I loved her dearly, we met in Turkey. Wrote to each other over a period of four years. My email is rodden121@hotmail.co.uk

>> No.3117434

Thank you.

>> No.3117453


Let's see where this goes.

>> No.3117487

i came here to find a pen pal but you just put a jackhammer to my fresh wound. i love you in a non-faggot manner, dude; whoever you are, you are a good person in my book.

>> No.3117499

I'm in if anyone wants to contact. Unfortunatly I am leaving for Europe soon and will have no fixed address. Saying this I would love to send postcards, letters etc.

>> No.3117535

Eh, why not. American English Teacher living and working in Mongolia at the moment. Could use someone new to talk to.

>> No.3118029

If anyone is still interested, I'd like to find a pen pal. I'm 21, female, and currently an English Lit/Philosophy student in Canada. I'd love to talk to someone who is studying or has studied in either of these fields and can recommend books and articles. That being said, I have as much fun with normal discussions as I do with pretentious ones.

I'd prefer sending physical letters to corresponding by email, but I'm open to both: unrememberedpleasure@gmail.com

>> No.3118871

Why don't we just make our own Interpal account and share the profiles adressess' here?

>> No.3118875

how's Mongolia. I'm assuming conservative and boring.

You know I was just in the process of applying to teach english overseas too. Would you recommend Mongolia?

(if you're still here...)

>> No.3118947

Browsing this thread has also gotten me excited about the prospects of having a pen pal.

About me:
- Male, US born and based, 19
- 2nd year student majoring in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Electrical Engineering, with minors in Mathematics and Leadership at a senior military college.
- Intent on commissioning in the Air Force upon graduation
- Interests include computers/technology, golf, science, history, art, music, literature (of course), theater, politics, philosophy, outdoor activities, etc.
- Music: I have respect and appreciation for anything; favorites include Classical (The big names, Beethoven, Mozart, Bach, Tchaikovsky, Handel), Jazz, Rock (Mostly 50's to 70's)
- Literature: Ancient Greek and Roman literature, Plays (Specifically Shakespeare and Wilde), English literature from Beowulf to Orwell, American Transcendentalism and Realism, African literature, Popular science books, Most popular titles of classic literature, Self improvement books (specifically dealing with leadership development), textbooks
Currently reading: Turing's Cathedral (Dyson), Candide (Voltaire), Courage and Fear (Col. Fox), Leadership 101 (Maxwell), The Republic (Plato), Mathematics of Classical and Quantum Physics (Byron, Fuller)
Television/Movies: Cartoons, News, Public Broadcasting

I'm sure that seemed pretty Facebook-esque, but those are my interests. If you feel I would be a suitable pen pal, my (throw-away) e-mail is penpal516@yahoo.com.

>> No.3119175
File: 234 KB, 600x1024, SC20120919-174605.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw seeing this thread has yet to 404

>> No.3119188

good stuff

>> No.3119197

This thread is making me feels all warm and fuzzy. :)

>> No.3119196

You sound like an insufferable faggot. Would not write.

>> No.3119201

If you love yourself do not join the bureaucratic morass that is the Air Force.

I've been in for 4 years and they make everything so fucking complicated on an administrative level that it's a fucking miracle that we ever managed to get an air craft off the ground.

>pardon my drunk
>I'm in Korea, drinking Jameson and Ginger Ale, because I'm on 12's for silly war games.
>Really it's not that bad once you realize that every job in a professional organization is full of red tape that serves only to make accomplishing the most simple tasks nearly impossible.

In the spirit of this thread feel free to penpal me up, best of luck in getting that commission (It's rough these day's with all the DOD budget cuts).

>> No.3119208 [DELETED] 

>be a vaguely /lit/erate student
>in search of a friend
> find this thread
>i have no image to show my face

>> No.3119218

Hey. I'm a brit too. 18 though, but only just. We should talk.

>> No.3119226

European? Accessible? I feel like I know you already!
>Australian Uni Student looking for love, over this side.
I go to uni and I read and I sometimes go to parties and I guess I kind of do some interesting stuff, but I'm usually pretending to be lonely because, that way, I get to be like Antoine Roquentin.
>Yo wanna hook up?

>> No.3119639


>Australian Uni student.
Are you from Sydney?

>> No.3119822

>Antoine Roquentin

Have my babies.
It's the OP, throw an email my way.

>> No.3119825

Also, this thread is eternal.

>> No.3119920

I think this is a great idea. I'd love to be a part of it were I not safe in the knowledge that I'd give up immediately and never reply. Fuck.

Have a bump, anyway.

>> No.3119979

Yea, especially if you send her a picture of your dick,
that will be awesome

>> No.3119989

Hey /lit/ friends.

I'd be down for some pen pals also. I'm an american English Lit student in Tennessee. I'll send a few emails to those already listed, but feel free to email me for info, or whatever you'd like.

Preferably writing letters, but email correspondence is good too.

aside: how does international postage even work when going outside US? More stamps? My ignorance of this is sad.

>> No.3120971

What an excellent thread, will be sending some emails if people aren't overloaded. I do letter writing with people in my country (Aus) but not any overseas.

>> No.3121018

Would read.

>> No.3121102

wow that sounds amazing, you never kept any of her letter though?

>> No.3121304
File: 13 KB, 468x386, 182557_10151221893023905_1738074271_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am from America, on the East Coast. I'm 20. I like diving, myth, religion, literature (you know more about it than me I assure you) and making electronic and acoustic music. If we actually end up sending letters to each other I can finally use the family typewriter. Not to be pretentious or anything, it's just I have the handwriting of a five year old and the thing is just collecting dust.

>> No.3121390
File: 1.93 MB, 235x240, 1347611711285.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This fucking thread.

>> No.3121395

If you want a Chilean buddy. I'm 20.

>> No.3121482
File: 630 KB, 1024x428, 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will describe my interactions with people and my daily life to those who want to correspond. I would like the same in return.

>> No.3121561

bump for victory

>> No.3121574

Why would you want to write to someone you'll never meet? Seems strange, anons.

>> No.3121577

Why would you want to meet someone to whom you'll never write?

Seems unpoetic, anon.

>> No.3121650

I've met three of the people I've written to. One of them actually only lives in the next area over now, about 5ks, we still letter write.

>> No.3121672


trolling through the USPS?


>> No.3121673

>"Why would you want to write to someone you'll never meet?"
>Reads books

>> No.3121935

Ahh... would anyone be interested in talking to someone who is new to letter writing?

>> No.3121977
File: 82 KB, 500x667, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is one of the nicest threads I have ever seen here.
This would be impossible on most boards, people would be sending pizza to each other or mailing animal porn or something along those lines.
But we're resurecting a dead art and communicating to each other inna sad, romantic and painfully earnest way. Really makes me appreciate you guys and gals, I love you all. Thanks for making one of the most special corners pn the web.

>> No.3121987

I'm new to this as well. Tell me a little about yourself, anon

>> No.3122003

Scottish literature student here. My email address is right there.

>> No.3122232

Thread alive for 7 days, 230+ posts, and you, faggot, are the first sage.
Leave this board immediately.

>> No.3122253
File: 79 KB, 555x557, 1342400835868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't know what a technical sage is

>> No.3122266

Oh I know what a 'technical' sage is, it's just a retarded idea.
There's enough shitposts and troll threads being bumped to the top that burying the good ones is beyond stupid.

>> No.3122347

EngLit/Ling student, 20-year-old Swedish guy, never even sent a proper letter before. Not giving my address right away, but if you like I'll compromise and email scans of handwriting.

Something like >>3116961 minus the pretending would be fun, correspondence with someone else interested in writing and the related, but I'd quite like to just hear thoughts from a person leading a very different life. So yeah, shoot me an email if you're longwinded and ruminative.

>> No.3122354

Absolutely. I wouldn't worry about being new to letter writing. Just imagine it as a normal conversation, but particularly leisurely, with time to expand your thoughts.

>> No.3122399

im willing to exchange letters with someone using canada post. maybe international if youre cool.

>> No.3122405

I'm good with Canada Post.
E-mail's where it should be.

>> No.3122542

Ew. How boring. Being a depressed, nihilistic fuck is one of the best things you can be, it's often made all the better when you are actually happy. Living in your own world can be a splendid thing, so long as you don't get WEIRD about it.

>> No.3122680

Bump for great thread

>> No.3123658


this anon here.

giving this topic a gentle bump.

feel free to email me guys- i'd love to write to a few others!

>> No.3123825

I suspect my chance for this thread has passed. But who knows

I'm Canadian, and interested in having a mailing penpal to argue with. People have called me an armchair intellectual, and they're probably right. If you feel like discussing consciousness, the development of society, politics, history, or some abstract philosophy, I'm probably your man. If you want to discuss personal things or literary tastes, I'm probably not interested. Ideally, I'd like someone to have someone to discuss and develop ideas with. Maybe this sounds like you?

>> No.3123832

idk about you but my national post website has a price calculator. You could always just go into a post-office and ask, though I always feel awkward at the post-office, it's always so damn busy and I have no idea why.

>> No.3123850


Still harrasing you guys to find penpals. I've changed my mail wepistolaire@gmail.com

>> No.3123891

I'd love this. fatalbert512@yahoo.com

(Fatal Bert, not Fat Albert.)

20 year-old male from Michigan.

>> No.3123901

lmao fat albert

>> No.3124374

I find price calculators are mostly unnecessary for letters if they're calculating in regards to weight. My national post website also lists prices for the size of letters which fall under a certain weight, eg. 5g. I find this more useful. This way, you can also just buy a bunch of stamps of the same price and save on trips to the post office. Our national post website also has an option to download and print stamps.

>> No.3124534

Ahh hope i'm not too late, might email some people. I letter write but only to people I already know, so this should be interesting.

>> No.3124538

>download and print stamps
wait. what?

>> No.3124544

I've never done it so I'm not sure how it works but I assume they have some kind of one use code on them.

>> No.3124566

cats cradle by Vonnegut

>> No.3124606

>everything is futile
>pretty much yeah
Welcome to Earth

>> No.3124635

female from the Netherlands here.

This is quite an Interesting idea/thread, so I want to join you guys!

>> No.3125202

Continuing my advocacy of this magnificent thread!! Email me, 27 male, in KY, United States. Need moar handwriters!

>> No.3125293

I'd write nice handwritten letters, It'd give me a chance to practice my calligraphy. Plus I love the personality of letters, how they reflect the writer in more ways than one.

From england btw.

>> No.3125325
File: 95 KB, 500x617, 1333556496209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twenty year old male, living in Scotland. Looking for handwritten letters and regular correspondence. Particularly interested in finding someone bold, idealistic and honest enough to take their ideas - or art - seriously. If you're interested, respond here with your email and I'll message you my home address.

>> No.3125353

>Send a few
>Start talking to people
>Everything seems to be going nicely
>They don't respond for 3 days


>> No.3125458

Are you sending letters or e-mail?

>> No.3125549

Hello, I would be quite interested in sending you handwritten letters regularly (though I do hope that messy handwriting is not much of an issue).

>> No.3125576
File: 26 KB, 455x464, 1347917047681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have pen-pals, want more
>be 21
>studying undergrad in humanities
>enjoys reading (hurr) and writing (durr)
>interests include travelling and drinking like Ernest Hemingway


>> No.3125612

Is anyone looking for a poetry buddy? I'm mostly into modern/contemporary poetry (favourites include: John Berryman, W.B. Yeats, John Ashbery, Dylan Thomas, Frank O'Hara). I'm currently trying to learn about language poetry. I do like to write as well but not an enormous amount lately (I've barely written for about 2 weeks).

Anyway, I've been wanting someone to talk about poetry and exchange poems/critique with for a while, ideally someone who has similar taste to some extent so that we can be sympathetic with where the other is coming from. Though that's not crucial.

Other areas of interest: electronic music, German language, Scandinavia (especially Norway)

If you're interested, let me know and I'll give you my email.

>> No.3125616

Alright, /lit/, I'll bite.

18year-old law school undergraduate from Greece. I am looking for European pen-pals to share views on art, literature and possibly politics and philosophy. Lately I've been interested in decadent literature and more specifically poetry, but I'm to suggestions. At this period of my life, I am generally interested in widening my horizons, so I am open to pretty much anything worthwhile. Beyond English and Greek, I am also quite fluent in German. I have also recently started French, and can read Latin and Ancient Greek without difficulty.

Through my love for languages, I have also tried some conlanging in the past and I am open to taking up this hobby again, if I find a pen-pal to exchange views on the aesthetics of language with. I have read a great deal of history books, ancient literature, old English poetry and European literature of the more recent centuries.

If anyone here is up for exchanging some feels through hand-written letters, please send me an email!

>> No.3125637
File: 642 KB, 1024x664, 4157596008_ac1b051d21_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, I'd be glad to correspond. I'm partial to people who thrive on critique as much as they are willing to make themselves vulnerable, which sounds compatible with what you're saying.

I'd be writing from outside Scotland but within Europe, by the way.

>> No.3125648


I've sent you an email. Look forward to hearing from you. Great thread, OP.

>> No.3126627
File: 9 KB, 188x159, 1350491090867.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I-i'll talk with you, i-if you'd like

>> No.3126733


>> No.3126779

Everybody in this thread is getting signed up to gay porn

>> No.3126832

T-that's okay.
I-i guess I-i'm just boring.

>> No.3126835

I guess it's fortunate nobody used their regular e-mail in this thread then.


>> No.3126850
File: 40 KB, 580x312, 1351445884445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I did but I don't care.

>> No.3126911

could you post your e-mail in your post because i'm on some shitty laptop and can't open the mail application.
P.S. i'm also from Europe and would love to be your penpal

>> No.3126915

But try to be interesting.
I am already neck deep with people, so the elimination rounds are starting.
Don't say I didn't warn you.

>> No.3127789

bumping delicious thread

>> No.3129931


>> No.3129981

Ohh i've recently gotten into letter writing with people in my country. Finding it a good experience and have had some interesting correspondences. Not sure if I should post though since Ill be traveling for the next few months.

>> No.3132079


>> No.3132103

Going to draw attention to my post. Any poets interested?

>> No.3132125

Forced nostalgia bores me, sorry

>> No.3132133

I am vaguely interested. I like Berryman and I write a bit of poetry. But I have a nervous disposition and the idea of talking to you freaks me out.

>> No.3132190

I totally understand. In fact I'm just starting meds for social anxiety/depression. Anyway, here's an email address you can contact me at if you want to.

>> No.3132195

Does anyone use penpalworld? How has it been?

>> No.3132196

Just a penpal to socialize with a none sexual way.


>> No.3132262

I love writing e-ma-... I mean, letters. Especially to my long distance impossible love, but I've had pen-pals since I had a user in MuggleNet, a Sex Pistols message board and a Simpsons message board, too (yeah, eclectic tastes. I was young, sue me.)
Funnily enough, a couple of pen-pals were from Sweden, and were really cool. I've also mailed people from /b/, after talking in baww threads.
Anyhoo, here's my mail.

>> No.3132324
File: 33 KB, 276x316, kxd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MuggleNet, a Sex Pistols message board and a Simpsons message board, too (yeah, eclectic tastes.

>> No.3132323

>MuggleNet, a Sex Pistols message board and a Simpsons message board, too (yeah, eclectic tastes. I was young, sue me.)
Is that what passes for eclectic tastes now? Enjoying mainstream things?

>> No.3132475


I do, but penpalworld sucks big time actually

>> No.3132520

>What do I write?

I thought about writing about the last thing I read (Fall of House Usher)... But I don't even know anymore...

>TFW Fearing you won't be interesting.

>> No.3132521

I meant I went to message board that were about completely different topics, as my tastes were changing. I was 13-14, liked Harry Potter and the Simpsons but then found out about punk and was introduced to new music, no more boy bands and silly pop for me. Although tbh I never posted, I lurked.

>> No.3132557

I think I might just make a thread when I come back

>> No.3133033

I like the idea, but I think I honestly prefer emails.

You know, social anxiety/ internet autism. Less personal interaction while still being personal interaction, if that makes sense. Also, going to the mailbox would require leaving my room, and I would be worried about my housemates going through my mail.

And, I honestly think I type more eloquently than I write.

This is not eloquent typing, by the way. This is "posting on 4chan mode". I have an "writing an academic essay" mode that I would like to be able to use in a conversation, but so far, i have not met anybody on the internet who would be receptive.

>> No.3133048

This is the problem with having uncommon interests, or with having common interests, but having an uncommonly academically oriented personality where you insist on going really deep into a subject most people just passively enjoy.

I mean, I like comic books and anime, but it is fairly rare to find someone who talks about it in a way that is more than "i like this because it is funny".

I do have interests in philosophy, physics, and literature, but I think my deepest and most profound interest is criminology. Nobody else really gives a fuck about it. There is the occasional behavioral science forum in a big academic forum, or a criminology-related reddit, but all of those get, at most, one post a week. There is not enough interest to go out and find a lively discussion in place. It seems I have to be the one to start it.

Is there anyone here who gives a fuck about it?

>> No.3133836
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>see thread still up
>realize ive sent two letters and several emails but gotten few email responses and no letters. b
>this whole thread is to troll me.