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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 227 KB, 717x1114, mrdarcy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3104127 No.3104127 [Reply] [Original]

most alpha male in fiction

pic unrelated, mr darcy doesn't count

>> No.3104142

My grandmother always told me Mr. Darcy was her dream man, but he seemed like a moody, indecisive wuss when I read it.

Only a teenage girl would find all that sexy.

>> No.3104178
File: 98 KB, 618x452, hero super alpha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christian Grey

>> No.3104208


Don Juan

>> No.3104234

Tyrone Slothrop. He gets lots of sex.

>> No.3104256

that horrifying deviantart

>> No.3104473


Hank Rearden

gave dat bitch 8 inches of pure rearden steel

>> No.3104478

Adso of Melk

>> No.3104493

Fucking everything that's loose doesn't really make you that super in my eyes. Everyone can get a total number of sex partners easily, since there's always (stop autocorrecting damnit, why should always be with a capital a?) girls who can get less attractive men and you just go for them.

Besides, Grey seems like the best one in that viewpoint. The potential to fuck a billion of middle aged housewives is quite a feat then.

>> No.3104787

Tyler Durden. You all know it to be true.

>> No.3104821

William of Baskerville

>> No.3104867

Thomas Sutpen

>> No.3104869

Most beta? I vote Bloom.

>> No.3104880

Most beta is clearly Josef K or Humbert Humbert.

>> No.3104895

>Humbert Humbert
>Fucks bitches
>Breaks societal norms
>Shoots a motherfucker for revenge

>> No.3104898

>Only wants to fuck kids because he was too beta to fuck his first gf
>uses prostitutes
>breaks down over his wife leaving him
>spends years chasing some young girl over america to beg for her back

Two ways to spin it, I guess.

>> No.3104905 [DELETED] 

Darcy is a clown.

The correct answer is Hemingway's Robert Jordan.

>> No.3104915

Basically any of Stendhal's protagonists, given their remarkable, taciturn resilience.

>> No.3104918

Heathcliff, no contest

>> No.3104926

Vautrin seems like a cool cuy

>> No.3104927

You're just jelly because Darcy got to fuck Elizabeth Bennet.

>> No.3104933


>> No.3104938 [DELETED] 

I'd rather have María. Even Hemingway's description of her and Robert sleeping together blows any scene in P&P out of the water

>> No.3104948

This shit right here his story was so great it convinced quentin compson to kill himself

>> No.3104956
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rayuela -julio cortazar

>> No.3104959

>tfw alpha males only exist in fiction

>> No.3104961
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O'Brien from 1984.

>> No.3104963

that whale hunter, Abraham.

>> No.3104985

Lord Henry of The Picture of Dorian Gray. That eloquent fucker didn't give a shit.

>> No.3104997

Not really. He's all talk and no substance, which is pretty much the opposite of a 'true' alpha male (see: Heathcliff).

>> No.3105006

Heathcliff got his heart broken by a girl when he was a teenager and spent the rest of his life obsessing over her. Lord Henry trolled everyone and probably gave Dorian the dick. That's much more alpha.

>> No.3105011

Nagasawa from Norwegian Wood

>> No.3105013


Not fiction, but that makes him even more interesting.

He was more awesome than Dom Juan. Fucked hundreds of women, great writer, interested in intelligent women and not even misogynistic.

>> No.3105016

He's alpha because he does and says whatever he wants, not what is 'badass' by other people's standards

>> No.3105019
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Duke. Raoul Duke.

>> No.3105024

But he admires Dorian Gray to have had an amazing life. If Dorian is alpha, Lord Henry is beta.

>> No.3105032


I lol'd

>> No.3105057

K. in the Castle is more beta than Josef

>> No.3105080

kurtz from heart of darkness

>> No.3105097

Bernard Marx from Brave New World

>> No.3105100

You won. Even his beta friend is less beta.

>> No.3105153

Dolokhov - War and Peace

>> No.3105205

Hunter S. Thompson, but as the character, not the person.

>> No.3105207


Billy Pilgrim is entirely omega btw

>> No.3105209


This guy. None of these other characters come close in volume of pussy and pure not giving a fuck.

>> No.3105210

Enjolras from Les Miserables.

>> No.3105274

Akaky Akakievich from Gogol's "Overcoat"

"Why do you insult me? I am your brother!"

>> No.3105289

Tyler Durden.

>> No.3106003

Francis Macomber...at least for a bit.

>> No.3106022

The narrator in Notes from the Underground.
Since the people here are obsessed over "not giving a shit".

>> No.3106031


Dorian probably gave him the dick. Henry was clearly uninterested in his wife and coaxing straight men to fuck you in the ass is much easier than trying to fuck them.

>> No.3106075

Where the fuck is Grigory Alexanderovich Pechorin? Come on /lit/ I thought you better...

>> No.3106092

'Most alpha male in fiction' requires a certain consciousness of alphaness in male personality. So I'm thing Staney Kowalski.

>> No.3106114
File: 25 KB, 302x269, TuskenFremen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Choosing anyone other than Paul Atreides

>> No.3106154

Paul Atreides was (literally) the synthesis of male and female traits, which somehow made him the most powerful prescient in a galaxy full of magic super-humans, etc. etc. Sure, he's strong, but he's not exactly an "alpha male." In fact, in his personal life, he was kind of a dweeb. Duncan Idaho (who is canonically a member of an Asian or Mongoloid race, by the way) is probably the "alpha male" of the series. Leto (I, II was a homosexual faggot) could've been pretty alpha, but he was too fucking old.

>> No.3106165

>/lit/ has never read War and Peace
That book is littered with alphas.

>> No.3106187

>most of the plebs on here don't have the time or attention span

>> No.3106192


>thinking time or attention span have anything to do with one's intelligence or level of culture, categories which are themselves bullshit

>> No.3106202 [DELETED] 
File: 30 KB, 536x400, cos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>categories which are themselves bullshit
yeah, sure, it's all just social constructs!!

>> No.3106218
File: 15 KB, 394x447, TlGBv[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3106236
File: 14 KB, 170x192, 170px-Arthur-Pyle_King_Arthur_of_Britain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

King Arthur.

"And Arthur was so bloody, that by his shield there might no man know him, for all was blood and brains on his sword."

"As for death, said King Arthur, welcome be it when it cometh, but to yield me unto thee as recreant I had liefer die than to be so shamed."

>> No.3106238

wasn't he incredibly beta

>> No.3106249

William Wren

>> No.3106251


Are you implying they're not?

>> No.3106253


Still got cuckolded by his best mate though - very beta.

>> No.3106258 [DELETED] 

no, I'm saying that just because something is socially organized doesn't invalidate its validity or worth

>> No.3106269

God from the Tanakh.

>> No.3106270


it invalidates your rubric for said as the exclusive one. another man's idea of what a 'pleb' is concisely equates with yours as far as validity is concerned.

>> No.3106290 [DELETED] 

>for said as the exclusive one
commonality of terms of categorization doesn't determine validity in this case. it does, however, give weight to the grouping being an actuality—whether outliers, afflicted parties, or dissenters agree or not

>> No.3106309
File: 112 KB, 480x600, 1338315928160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Patrick Bateman or Satan in Paradise Lost.

>> No.3106319
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Edmond Dantès

>> No.3106341

Alpha is temporary. All endings are beta, and everyone has an ending.

>> No.3106363 [DELETED] 

Robert Jordan's end is nothing but alpha

>> No.3106378

Mersault, because he did what he wanted, and did not do them out of a sense of duty or preconceived ideas of what is acceptable to do.

>> No.3106388

Fredric Henry.
Had the balls to run away in front of a firing squad.

>> No.3106399

Humbert Humbert

>> No.3106441

Seconded, but it diminished towards the end of the novel.

>> No.3106498

What´s alpha about Satan? I see him as totally controlled by his desires and passions, i.e. not being able to control even himself = beta as fuck.

>> No.3106524

the only thing alpha about Milton's satan is how egocentric he is

>> No.3106538
File: 2 KB, 121x126, 1329033705388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw underage and b&

get the fuck out of here
oliveira is the most beta of them all

>> No.3106542

Yeah, that´s about it.

>> No.3106567

Lord Byron you fags.

>> No.3106571

Yeah, but you don't get to be much more active (and broody) a self than that. i.e., the alpha. My train of thought = interpretation of Satan in The Sickness unto Death + non-total-bullshit feminist theory, esp. Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema. And of course Dante. [in translation: Harvard Classics, always.]
Also, Bloom has gotta be the least alpha.

>> No.3106584

Bob Slocum when he is middle aged. When he was young, he was kinda a pussy but after he went to war he became such a badass and had sex with everything.

>> No.3106710
